Chapter eight leadership pptx

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Transcript of Chapter eight leadership pptx



Chapter Eight LEADERSHIP


Leader someone who can influence others and who has managerial authorityall managers should ideally be leadersnot all leaders have the ability to be an effective managerLeadership process of influencing a group toward the achievement of goalsa heavily researched topic

Early Leadership Theories

Trait Theoriesleader traits - characteristics that might be used to differentiate leaders from non leadersmight be used as a basis for selecting the right people to assume formal leadership positionsproved to be impossible to identify a set of traits that would always differentiate leaders from non leadersexplanations based solely on traits ignored the interactions of leaders, their groups, and situational factors

Early Leadership Theories

Behavioral Theoriesknowing what effective leaders do would provide the basis for training leadersUniversity of Iowa Studies - Kurt Lewinexplored three leadership stylesautocratic - leader dictated work methodsdemocratic - involved employees in decision makingused feedback to coach employeeslaissez-faire - gave the group complete freedomresults were mixed with respect to performancesatisfaction higher with democratic leader

Early Leadership Theories

Behavioral Theories (cont.)Ohio State Studies - identified two dimensions of leadershipinitiating structure - extent to which a leader was likely to define and structure her/his role and the roles of group members to seek goal attainmentconsideration - extent to which a leader had job relationships characterized by mutual trust and respect for group members ideas and feelingsfindings - high-high leaders achieved high group task performance and satisfactionhowever, high-high was not always effective

Early Leadership Theories

Behavioral Theories (cont.)University of Michigan Studies - identified two dimensions of leadershipemployee oriented - emphasized interpersonal relationshipsaccepts individual differences among subordinatesassociated with high group productivityproduction oriented - emphasized the technical or task aspects of the jobconcerned with accomplishing the groups tasksassociated with low group productivity and low job satisfaction

Early Leadership Theories

Behavioral Theories (cont.)Managerial Grid - two-dimensional grid that provides a framework for conceptualizing leadership styledimensions are concern for people and concern for productionfive management styles describedimpoverished (1,1) - minimum effort to reach goals and sustain organization membershiptask (9,1) - arrange operations to be efficient with minimum human involvementmiddle-of-the-road (5,5) - adequate performance by balancing work and human concerns

Early Leadership Theories

Behavioral Theories (cont.)Managerial Grid (cont.)five management styles described (cont.)country club (1,9) - attention to human needs and creation of comfortable work environmentteam (9,9) - committed people motivated by a common purpose, trust, and mutual respectconcluded that managers should use (9,9) stylelittle empirical evidence to support this conclusionno rationale for what made a manager an effective leader

Contingency Theories Of Leadership

Basic Assumptionsleader effectiveness depends on the situation

Contingency Theories Of Leadership

Fiedler Modeleffective group performance depends on matching the leaders style and the degree to which the situation permits the leader to control and influenceLeast-Preferred Coworker (LPC) - measures the leaders style of interacting with subordinateshigh LPC - least preferred coworker described in relatively favorable termsleader is relationship orientedlow LPC - least preferred coworker described in relatively unfavorable termsleader is task oriented

Contingency Theories Of Leadership

Fiedler Model (cont.)model assumes that leaders style was always the same and could not change in different situationsthree contingency factors that identify eight possible leadership situations that vary in favorabilityleader-member relations - degree of confidence, trust, and respect members had for leadertask structure - degree to which job assignments were formalized and procedurizedposition power - degree of influence a leader had over power-based activities

Findings Of The Fiedler Model

Contingency Theories Of Leadership

Fiedler Model (cont.)results indicated that:task-oriented leaders performed better in situations that are very favorable to them and in situations that are very unfavorablerelationship-oriented leaders performed better in situations that are moderately favorableimplications for improving leadershipplace leaders in situations suited to their stylechange the situation to fit the leaderconsiderable empirical support for the modelunrealistic to assume that leader cannot alter her/his style

Contingency Theories Of Leadership

Hersey and Blanchards Situational Leadership Theoryappropriate leadership style is contingent on the followers readinessreadiness - extent to which people have the ability and willingness to accomplish a specific taskreflects the reality that it is followers who accept or reject the leaderbased on two leadership dimensionstask behaviorsrelationship behaviors

Contingency Theories Of Leadership

Situational Leadership Theory (cont.)four leadership styles defined by the two dimensionsTelling - leader defines roles and tells people how to do their jobspeople are neither competent nor confidentSelling - leader is both directive and supportivepeople are unable but willing to do necessary tasksParticipating - leader and follower make decisionspeople are able but unwilling to do the jobDelegating - leader provides little direction or supportpeople are able and willing to do the jobtests of the theory have yielded disappointing results

Hersey and Blanchards Situational Leadership Model

Contingency Theories (cont.)

Leader-Participation ModelVictor Vroom and associates - relate leadership behavior and participation to decision makingprovides a sequential set of rules to follow in determining the form and amount of participation in decision makingrule selection determined by the situationprovides an excellent guide to help managers choose an appropriate leadership style to fit the situation

Contingency Theories (cont.)

Leader Participation Model(cont.)5 Leadership StylesDecide - leader makes decision alone, either announcing or selling to groupConsult Individually - leader makes decision after obtaining feedback from group members individuallyConsult Group - leader makes decision after obtaining feedback from group members in meetingFacilitate - leader, acting as facilitator, defines problem and boundaries for decision-making after presenting it to groupDelegate - leader permits group to make decision within prescribed limits

Time-Driven Model

Leader Participation Model(cont.)5 Leadership StylesDecide - leader makes decision alone, either announcing or selling to groupConsult Individually - leader makes decision after obtaining feedback from group members individuallyConsult Group - leader makes decision after obtaining feedback from group members in meetingFacilitate - leader, acting as facilitator, defines problem and boundaries for decision-making after presenting it to groupDelegate - leader permits group to make decision within prescribed limits

Contingency Theories (cont.)

Path-Goal ModelRobert House - leaders job is to assist followers in attaining their goals that are compatible with the overall objectives of the group or organizationleader behavior is:acceptable to the degree that group views it as a source of immediate or future satisfactionmotivational to the extent that it:makes satisfaction of subordinates needs contingent on effective performanceprovides the coaching, guidance, support, and rewards necessary for effective performance

Contingency Theories (cont.)

Path-Goal Model (cont.)identifies four leadership behaviorsDirective - describes tasks, sets schedules, and offers guidance on task performanceSupportive - shows concern for subordinatesParticipative - relies on subordinates suggestions when making a decisionAchievement oriented - sets challenging goalsassumes that a leader can display any or all of the behaviors depending on the situation

Contingency Theories (cont.)

Path-Goal Model (cont.)two classes of contingency variablesenvironment - outside the control of the followerdetermine the type of leader behavior required if follower outcomes are to be maximizedpersonal - characteristics of the followerdetermine how the environment and leader behavior are interpretedleader behavior will be ineffective when:it is redundant with sources of environmental structure it is incongruent with follower characteristicsmost evidence supports the logic underlying the model

Path-Goal Theory

Cutting-Edge Approaches To LeadershipTransformational-Transactional Leadershiptransactional - leaders who guide or motivate their followers in the direction of established goals by clarifying role and task requirementstransformational - inspire followers to transcend their own self-interests for the good of the organizationcapable of having profound effect on followerspay attention to concerns of followerschange followers awareness of issuesexcite and inspire followers to put forth extra effortbuilt on top of transactional leadershipgood evidence of superiority of this type of leadershipCutting-Edge Approaches (cont.)Charismatic-Visionary Leadershipcharismatic - enthusiastic, self-confident leader whose personality and actions influence peoplecan articulate a vision for which s/he is willing to take riskssensitive to environmental constraints and follower needsexhibit behaviors that are out of the ordinarycharismatic leadership correlated with high job performance and satisfaction among followersindividuals can be trained to exhibit charismatic behaviorsCutting-Edge Approaches (cont.)Charismatic-Visionary Leadership (cont.)visionary - ability to create and articulate a realistic, credible, and attractive vision that improves the present situationpresents a clear and compelling imagery that inspires enthusiasm to pursue the organizations goalspeople must believe that the vision is attainablevisionary leader has the ability to:explain the vision to othersexpress the vision verbally and behaviorallyapply the vision to different leadership contextsCutting-Edge Approaches (cont.)Team Leadershiprole of team leader different from the traditional leadership rolerequires skills such as:patience to share informationability to trust others and give up authorityunderstanding when to interveneteam leaders job focuses on:managing the teams external boundaryfacilitating the team processCutting-Edge Approaches (cont.)Team Leadership (cont.)team leaders serve as:liaisons with external constituencies - clarify others expectations of the team, gather information from the outside, and secure needed resourcestroubleshooters - ask penetrating questions, help team talk through problems, and gather needed resourcesconflict managers - identify source of conflict, who is involved, and find resolution optionscoaches - clarify role expectations, teach, offer support, and whatever else is necessary to keep performance levels highSpecific Team Leadership RolesCoachTroubleshooterConflictmanagerTeamLeadershipRolesLiaison withexternalconstituenciesContemporary Issues In LeadershipLeaders and Powerfive sources of powerlegitimate - authority associated with a positioncoercive - ability to punish or controlfollowers react out of fearreward - ability to give positive benefitsprovide anything that another person valuesexpert - influence based on special skills or knowledgereferent - arises because of a persons desirable resources or personal traitsleads to admiration and desire to be like that personContemporary Issues In Leadership (cont.)Creating a Culture of Trustcredibility - honesty, competence, and ability to inspirehonesty is the number one characteristic of admired leaderstrust - belief in the integrity, character, and ability of the leaderconfident that rights and interests will not be abusedimportant for empowering subordinatesmust trust employees to use their new authoritytrend toward expanding nonauthority relationships within and between organizations widens the need for trustBuilding Trust PracticeopennessTell thetruthMaintainconfidencesShowconsistencyFulfill yourpromisesTrustSpeak yourfeelingsDemonstratecompetenceBe fairContemporary Issues In Leadership (cont.)Leading Through Empowermentmanagers increasingly leading by empowermentneed for quick decisions by people who are most knowledgeable about the issueslarger spans of control resulting from downsizing meant that subordinates had to be empowered to deal with work loadGender and Leadershipgender provides behavioral tendencies in leadershipwomen adopt more democratic style, share power and information, and attempt to enhance followers self-worthmen more directive, command-in-control styleContemporary Issues In Leadership (cont.)Gender and Leadership (cont.)Is different better?when rated by peers, employees, and bosses, women executives score better than male counterpartsexplanations of difference in effectiveness include:flexibility, teamwork, trust, and information sharing are replacing rigid structures, competitive individualism, control, and secrecybest managers listen, motivate, and provide supportwomen do the above better than menthere is still no one best leadership stylecant assume that womens style is always betterWhere Female Managers Do Better

Contemporary Issues In Leadership (cont.)Leadership Styles in Different Countrieseffectiveness of leadership style influenced by national cultureleaders constrained by the cultural conditions their followers have come to expectmost leadership theories developed in the U.S.emphasize follower responsibilities rather than rightsassume self-gratification rather than commitment to dutyassume centrality of work and democratic value orientationstress rationality rather than spiritualityContemporary Issues in Leadership (cont.)Sometimes Leadership is Irrelevant!leader behaviors may be irrelevant in some situationsfactors that reduce leadership importance include:follower characteristics - experience, training, professional orientation, or need for independence replace the need for leader support and ability to reduce ambiguityjob characteristics - unambiguous and routine tasks, or tasks that are intrinsically satisfying, place fewer demands on leadersorganizational characteristics - explicit goals, rigid rules and procedures, and cohesive work groups can substitute for formal leadership