Chapter 7 - No More Children

Post on 29-Jun-2015

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Transcript of Chapter 7 - No More Children

Discworld LegacyChapter 7

No More


Welcome to this chapter of my Discworld Legacy. Hosting this chapter is Bethan, the oldest child of Angua Discworld, and her family.

In the last chapter we finally saw the birth of Angua's 10th child plus a little surprise. In this chapter the last of the generation 2 kids will grow up and I'll announce the heir.

[Author's note - the opinions expressed in this album do not necessarily reflect those of the author]

This is the Journal of Brenda Discworld. I intend to become rich and famous and so am documenting my life so that one day I can sell it for millions.

I guess I should start at the beginning then.

Well, mummy had this insane want to have 10 children, I was the 10th. So that should make me really special right, the youngest of 10 children, the one who mummy really happy, right?

Sure I made mummy happy. and sure I was the youngest.

For about 10 seconds!

Stupid Bon Anna, the unexpected special little 11th born. Why did I have to be a twin, it's just not fair.

From what I've been told my early days were kinda crazy. I mean I have 10 brothers and sisters, 6 that were still living at home when I was born.

Oh yeah, I should probably mention my family. I have 9 big brothers and sisters. When I was born the oldest four (Bethan, Berilia, Boddony and Brutha) had left home and had gone to uni, we get letters and phone calls occasionally. Still at home were Black Aliss, Beryl, Bemery, Bursar and Beldame [order round the table], and of course there's always Bon Anna (but I wish there wasn't).

Then of course there's the parents. Mum's insane, she spent most of her adult life pregnant, I mean who in their right mind would want to do that?

Dad's got the right idea though, he likes money and the comfortable life it brings, I like the fact that cos we've got money dad can spend time playing with toys and with us. I wanna be like that.

And how could I forget Granny and Grandpa. They're not really around much but I see them occasionally.

Oh yeah, I should probably mention that they both died before I was born, weird huh.

What kind of family keeps graves in their back garden anyway?

Like I said things were pretty crazy while I was a baby (it's all Bon Anna's fault, if she wasn't around mummy and daddy would have had so much more time to spend with me), so I don't have any cute baby stories.

Well except one, Mummy says that even as I baby I was determined. She says I didn't want to grow up indoors like everyone else, so I grew up in the garden.

Anyway, I've got to go now and do my homework (stupid homework), bye.

[This is actually the result of a scary glitch where Brenda disappeared from the lot but was still in the row of portraits by the side. Because she was a baby I couldn't select her so had to force errors on the entire lot to get her back.]

I found some pictures today when I was helping dad sort out the study. This is me as a toddler, wasn't I cute. Dad says I was a little terror (I'm sure he was joking) and that he had to work pretty hard to keep me entertained.

[Brenda is a Taurus and has 10 neat, 10 outgoing, 2 active, 10 playful and 1 nice. Whew talk about an extreme personality]

And this is Bon Anna, I'm way cuter than her.

[Bon Anna is a Gemini with 4 neat, 10 outgoing, 8 active, 0 playful and 8 nice.]

One of my earliest memories was Beldame becoming a teen, I remember everyone gathering round her (ignoring me, typical) and watching as she seemed to explode in a shower of sparkles, weird. After that Beldame became one of the people who looked after me and Bon Anna, I heard her mention she was practising or something.

[Beldame is a family sim with the life time want to emulate her mother and become Captain Hero.]

I don't remember much from my toddler years, and good old "We were far to busy keeping everyone happy to remember anything" has struck again, meaning the next important event to tell you about is the day I became a child. Once again Bon Anna had to steal the spot light, it's not enough that I have to share my birthday with someone else, why can't I even have 5 minutes without her butting in, but no we had to blow out the candles at the exact same time.

It's just not fair!!

Mummy's calling me for dinner now so I've got to go, I'll try to find a more recent picture soon.

And so this is me, well the one on the left is, the other one is Bon Anna. Try as I might I couldn't find a single picture with just me. The parents are on a major thing with trying to get us to be friends, that's never going to work.

Anyway, that picture was actually taken a few years ago, we're older than that now.

Not long after my birthday it was time for Beryl and Black Aliss to head off to university.

I'm going to miss them, at least they didn't try to insist that me and the extra one should be friends just because we shared a womb (I've been learning all sorts of words at school recently).

Not long after that Beldame left too, I think she was a bit reluctant though.

Got to hide you now, the extra one is coming and I don't want her reading you.

Got a letter from my big sisters today. They say they've all moved into a house together and are getting on pretty well, although there are continual fights over who's stolen who's nightie.

Black Aliss says she's been meeting a lot of new people and loves university life.

Beryl loves the studying and learning new stuff.

But Beldame has dropped out, mum and dad don't know yet, but they'll find out sooner or later.

Anyway where was I. Oh yeah, the next thing that happened was Bemery and Bursar turning into teens. It's kinda scary to watch actually, first they started to wiggle like they had an itch, then these sparkly things surrounded them.

And finally they sort of exploded in light and jumped to become teens in a shower of confetti. I'm not looking forward to it happening to me.

Bursar's a bit of a geek but he's got the right idea in life - he wants to be rich. Although I'm sure there are easier ways to go about it than running your own businesses.

[Bursar is a wealth sim with the life time want to own 5 top level businesses.]

Bemery wouldn't tell me what she wanted out of life, she just said I was too young to understand. I do know I overheard mum saying something about her being a "boy hungry little madam".

[Bemery is a romance sim with the life time want to have 20 simultaneous loves]

Bemery and Bursar left for university not long after their bithday, they were both very keen to leave, Bursar thinks it'll help increase his earning power when he starts working, I've got to decide about that soon, I'll have to find out if it worked for him.

Bemery said something about "more fit guys" and not having to hide things from mum and dad any more before getting in the taxi.

It was nice to be rid of another pair of siblings, it's just a shame I can't get rid of the last one. Someone's coming, gotta go.

I went to Beldame's wedding today. I guess she looked pretty and the surrondings were nice, there was just too much pink for my taste

I don't know if I want to get married, especially not to someone like Cory.

Oh yeah, we found out that Berilia is pregnant (didn't I say she'd graduated, well I can't be expected to remember what all my crazy siblings are up to). Mum's happy but I think she's mad, putting your career on hold just to have a baby, you won't catch me doing that ever.

Mum got fired today, it's her own fault for not protecting the financial district, she ought to know that's the most important part of any city, forget the power plant.

It was also my birthday. As always I had to share the spotlight with Bon Anna (will this never change?).

I swear everyone was watching her not me, what is it about that girl, why is everyone so taken in by her, it's just not fair!!!!!

I've finally got a picture of me that doesn't include Bon Anna. Aren't I pretty.

My aim in life is to make as much money as I can, and I'm not going to stick to legitimate methods either, from what I hear there's a lot of money just waiting to be taken by someone who's not so concerned with the law.

Goodnight journal, I have birthday cake to eat.

[Yep that's right Brenda is a wealth sim with the life time want of becoming a Criminal Mastermind, like that's any surprise.]

I hate Bone Anna, I hate her, I hate her, I hate her!!!!

Not only does she have to steal my lime light all the way through my life, but now she has to steal my ambition too. I mean sure she says she wants to investigate the other side of the law through curiosity, but I know she's just trying to irritate me.

[Bon Anna is a knowledge sim, with the life time want to become a Criminal Mastermind]

Dad is such a hypocrite, telling me it's wrong to want to be a Criminal Mastermind (not that I've ever actually told him I want to be, but I have dropped hints). I mean he says he's a legitimate business man...

But I know for a fact he's a wanted criminal (I have my contacts), I should threaten to tell mum about him and see what he says then.

I can't wait any longer, it's time for me to leave this crazy place.

But guess who just had to announce she was leaving for university not 10 minutes I'd told her my plans, that's right Bon Anna. She just had to make like it was all her idea.

But I'm not going to let that stop me, I'm writing this from the taxi so I'm out of there for good.

I'm about to run out of space as well, looks like I'll need to buy another journal when I get to university.

Now Angua and Dominic have the house to themselves for the first time ever it's time to end this chapter. Next time will cover the heir's college days.

I'm not quite finished yet. Turn the page for profiles and updates on Angua's 11 children.


Gemini - 4, 9, 8, 3, 3.

Popularity - Become Mayor (Completed)

Bethan graduated along with her girlfriend Jacqueline. The two of them married and have 6 children (4 adopted) all of them have red hair.


Scorpio - 10, 7, 10, 3, 3.

Family - Graduate 3 children from university.

After she graduated Berilia married her boyfriend Geoffrey. They have 3 children so far but will have more.


Virgo - 10, 1, 10, 3, 3.

Romance - Woohoo with 20 different sims (Completed)

Boddony completed her life time want before graduation. After moving back into the neighbourhood she woohooed with a further 10 sims. She then married the only one of her lovers she actually rolled up wants to get engaged to and get married to. They currently have 2 children.


Virgo - 10, 4, 2, 3, 7.

Popularity - Become Mayor

Brutha is still at university and has moved into the Legacy Greek house ready to welcome the heir.


Virgo - 10, 7, 2, 0, 8.

Knowledge - Become Criminal Mastermind

Still at university

Black Aliss

Scorpio - 10, 7, 8, 5, 5.

Pleasure - Become Professional Party Guest

Still at university


Virgo - 10, 7, 2, 0, 8

Family - Become Captain Hero

Dropped out, married and has a baby on the way.


Pisces - 10, 4, 10, 1, 10

Romance - woohoo with 20 different sims (not again!)

Still at university


Gemini - 4, 9, 10, 3, 4.

Wealth - own 5 top businesses (not for a spare)

Still at university

Brenda - the heir (like you hadn't guessed already)

Taurus - 10, 10, 2, 10, 1.

Wealth - Become Criminal Mastermind

Still at university

Bon Anna

Gemini - 4, 10, 8, 0, 7

Knowledge - Become Criminal Mastermind (at least the twins agree on something)

Still at university.

Now that's really the end.