Chapter 7: Empower 2 Administration Tools - sdlc...

Post on 05-Aug-2018

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Transcript of Chapter 7: Empower 2 Administration Tools - sdlc...

Chapter 7: Empower 2 Administration Tools

Tapies covered in this section: • Logging into Empower • Message Center • On-Line Help • Using System Monitor • Reboot Remate LACJE32

• Managing Database Properties • Setting System Policies

• Time Zones • E-Mail Messages and E-Mail Center

• Creating Default Strings • Managing System Audit Trail • Other New Empower 2 Features

• Maximum Table Row Specification + Shallow Copy • Export System lnformation to Text

Logging in to Empower 2 . [mpower Login [8:

U ser N~me: jsystem

Password , ...... 1

D..tobase: JEMf'O'IoiER2 ~

Erter E"""""" u..,. N ame <nl Passwo~d to gM1 """""" to Empower on ltis d..tobase.

NOTE: Pressing 'O K' wi log the use! in wih their defd user twe <nl use< interface Pr=ing 'Advanced' alows the use1 to select fran !tU alowed user types and user interfaces.

Select User Type and Interface (gJ Loggi1g i1 as: syslem

Selecl the desi'ed user twe f01 this s=ion.

u~Type: ~

Select the desi'ed interface type fOf tm se.ssion

AbYed Userlrtelfaces

í Qt.ickStart lrterface í Dpent.ccess lrterface

¡; · Pro lrterface r ·

OK Carcel j ~

Logging in to Empower

Different User Interfaces: + QuickStart is a new interface that provides streamlined

access to the main features of Empower Software with an emphasis on simplicity and ease of use. The single screen provides access to the functionality required by users for daily activities. In addition, a new interactive help function assists users to be productive more quickly.

+ Pro is the interface that provides access to all features and functions of the Empower software.

+ Open Access provides access to the features of Empower software required in an environment for routine analysis, or 'walk-up' environment.

+ Web provides simplified access to Empower information via a web browser so you can access Empower software from any computer away from your workplace not necessarily loaded with Empower software.

QuickStart Interface

Selec t Project a nd System f8J Project in whch lo operate:

- a Projects - CJ Fist

CJ GJ Lab 2

Chromalogr aphc Systems

Soled the deUed project and system "• N~oí:iSritiemÍÍI·--------to use in Qr.ickStart ~

Worki ng ...


OK _ __ C...-.:el j --~~

IOOaizing QlickStart.

• • .. ,..,...r"-""'e,.......:"""'~"" • ., "-VIIJI \...IIVII..J


QuickStart Interface

Pro Interface

~ [mpower Pro r;"] ~ rBJ


~~~ RunSamples

Process Data

[±] ----¡ !, '1




~ Browse Project

Review Data

~ l ~

~ Configure System

Print Data



•• .. ,...,.....~ ..... e,-~.:......_.r'\,.. • "" '-VIIII '-'11\JII..;)


Open Access Interface

Select Pro¡ect and System [El Pro;ect in wlich lo operale: Chromatograptic Systems

j-CJJ Projects - O Fist

Select the deUed project an:l sv;tem to use in Open Access

G ~Lab2

OK Cancel

Open Access Interface

IMPOY/ tR l cl5 SY'-t"'t/Adnunnlr•ltor Op~n Acceu ~~ - ,X

S,.._ fHPLCl - ---- - --


r. At~tS~O~ r R~.n S~ U:tr.g A T empi.Se


Welt<>dSet ,---

N..OO..oiS..,.r.· r.--j3 Stati'lg v..,¡ Potblf·r Ji--:E I~Vcbne(d) : rmo jJ


At.n Tine (M fUe:) r,Q~ Opt:om .. S.....,.... N...,. ~:-__~--======'-----,~

_j Aun.í~=) .. 1 ______ J

Uo\PUWlR1a \)'\l«n./Adnnm~lr<ltor Open Acuu. g - ~~

s..- !íflr .-, -----

,.._"""""""" AT~wi~)IO.oln*frlnglhe~of s:t~.~- cc:nrols. and ~ pr«e:::ng I"'SWctims to be ftft. Pli!!a:e lded a T enrPate !Km lhe l:t below. ertel )QM ~- and lh!n petS th:t Ru1 s.-. bA:n

[ f Corrmrris r- - ---_1

th5 bA:bclntofeset. the funn to dl!lft System kle


WebStart Interface

EmpowerWeb Start 613

Please selecta EmpowerWeb URL from the list or type ¡,a new one. Press OK lo log into the specified E~owe!W'eb sle.

URL for EmpowerWeb lhttp://webseNer/empowerwebserver

Y ou can remove addresses from the list il they are no longe1 ureful by selecting the ítem ancl pressi'lg the Remove button. A URL shotid be ¡, the form of HTTP://servernamelwebsitename for excmple,



WebStart Interface

.. E:Itw.., ....... T@ ..

,..... • . (j) (] 1l'l ~a- ill'-"' ~ " 13· 5 ~ta...J N:rp /~~-,~-viH:Ied415P

Selecl • Project or System and click on Review Data or Review Acqulsltion

~opaTn.~ng Ad·J&"1C&d_T OfJIC5 Oe'cutls Oe'l:wllsl :iete!JisZ f.JIIf:Mrne!Ybs_ResiJre_J~o~I B2 Trt~~t~ tng_Reports_CJSfllmFiell TrerruncL ~epoltS QISfllmFields

Empower Soft"'ar~t !;dd 1145

O 2002 Wators Corpor•tion








Next Gr"'-" ol Messa¡¡es

., st•tus Bar


Properties . ..

The Message Center

Message Center lcon Windows System Tra

The Message Center



Properties of the Message Center


r P~p,otecfPr~

Pr-~d '1

- --­

CatrmPa-.::>oo'd ~-----


¡;;; [jeneral log

I'> P\-log ¡;;¡ ..,._.""' V Seculylog ;; EI'MII Log

FUga s~wess,. lasp UOW'

The Message Center


The Online Help Files

q] ~ <> G'! ~ Hde Back FQI'W.3fd Home Pm1

Conieru 1 ~""''h 1 ~- 1



• • Gett1ng Started w•th Empo" Waters ~~.... - -

• • Exploring Empower + • Sett•ng Up Empower • • R.eguiatory Comphance -+ • User Management • • ProJect Management • • Oata Acqu1S1t10n

• • Data Analys1s • • Report Generat1on • • System Admtnlstratton • • Troubleshooting

• . Glossary

Troublt: ::.h hnq

The Online Help Files

q] ~ <> ~ 19 Hde Bacl. FCIWliTd Home Ptnt

.:1 Acquiring and analyzing chn • • Gettlng Started wtth Empo v.. • • Explonng Empower -+ • Settlng Up Empower • • Regulatory Compllance • • User Management - {U Pro ect Mana ement

11~~~i!~Eim~[D~I + • Creat ing and Mod1fying P + • Woriong w•th ProJec ts • • Custom•z•ng Projects + • Admtmstering Projects + • Importing and Exportmg 1

+ • Data Acquisit1on • • Data Analysis • • Repart Generat•on • • System Adm1n1stratmn • • Troubleshoot1ng

• . G!ossary

~¡~ p.!:Qjects 1n Emp_o_w_e_r ______ _

A prcject 1s a user-defined collect1on of methods, results, peaks, sign- offs, audit tra~s. curves, custom fields , and raw data that res1des 10 Empower. Methods and results are stored tn a reservad area of tablespace w1thin the database . Ra w data is s tored separately and grouped by prOJect .

cr .. atiO<j and admom tering pr ject~

You create and manage projects from Configurat1on Manager, an Empower application through wh1ch you perform most administrative tasks. When c reat1ng a proJect , you define 1ts propert ies such as the project name, the amount o f tab!espace vou want reserved for the project, and user access. You can also act1 vate and customize Full Audit Tra1l for a proJec t and spec1fy the data process1ng technique to use for peak rntegrat1on (ApexTrack and/or Trad1tional ) .

Once created, projects are hsted by name under Pro_~ects 10 the Empower Configuratton tree that appears on the len s•de of the Configuratton Manager wmdow . The nght side of the Configurat1on Manager w1ndow sho"Ns the proJects that you select in the tree . The top-level projects are shown when the proJBCt root folder 1S selec ted.


Accessing Configuration Manager

~ Empower Pro ~ - ~

~ ~ ~ ~ r User SyslemiAdmin istr•t or

LOGitl LOfiour " " ""' ";" DB: . EMPOWER2

~~~ r-:--1 r i : ~ • RunSamples Browse Pro¡ect Confrgure System

Process Data Revrew Data Print Data

EJ~ j_A__~ : ..., e: _¡_,_ ----.J ~

The Configuration Manager

Toolb"\ . . ___.,- Menu tlar

ra Flo Er:k \\ew RCII':tl'ds Hdp

~~~l~J .QJ .JLJ _j ~ r 1 Fhr By. !D«d ~--~~ ~ · 5_< __ .... """"' C>-.OoOo f ... Atdlnll ....... c-a T--o-- t l etl1 ..,_ 8131120058~24AWEDT ¡;¡ ""'""' '"'"""' · LJ 2 IA>2 """"" arJi fl005851 1SA114EDT ¡;¡ Noloci """"'"" ""' ' G] Lob 2 s·----........... " ...... ~ ..... .._ D!Userfypes O PWeTypn :i Syd.em Aulll Trlll ~~emAudil:fr ..

' " "

" " ftet¡, pres.s fl """" ··"" .

Tree Pane View Table


The Configuration Manager

New Project Wizard

Restare Project Wizard

Backup Project Wizard


f _; -Jl ~ f"Txtl.!f' ~ "" 11 -fter[lo;:.¡¡a..

., 5!4\IJ Ber ...... - Cl .,rr~va:.

s,~enPoUs . . "...,_

toefd':Sbrqr; 1 J) P'-:J~~:~ Ollt• .-.:s . Q) ---Dl

l Cu:a.~n~~reTnela'eU« . . .. _ 1





New System New User Wizard

System Monitor

Fbtey ~--~ .E~.Y~- -~ -.,..,_ ... ..,..TRII ,_ ,_ ·-9

!!J1121l05QS1 18AMEOT ¡;¡ '"""' -"""


Cut Copy

1 1



~'··· -------~PrQ:erhn .

!Ir J.Dio.&ettie lt ·- ., ..... Ffo - ..,., l ~i31

1:1 Nwtbel d User LK:er~Se:!Used /A.,.aiable: o 1 5 N161iberdS,wm l.Jcerr.:et U:ed/Avaiat:e 1 1 3 Hwbef ol ~s Comeded: 1

• u ... e"""""' ~ Sy~s


.................... d

\ < > l\ \IS<fS~ il»'ª!!!~~•t.Pro~ . .I_P!.QllülnO ____j ' -10

System Monitor

N..roe. o1 e"""" ... Comeded: 1

ShowAJObiects ShowAJO~Mca.ce5"1ertrytobemade rtothe dWs row:s fa alknown objeds. F01 ~. lhelewiJbeaJONfore«:h~on !he dalaba:e ew~~"~i no ene is umg l .

Reboot Remate LAC/E

Fle Edt View Reconis Helo

..._e_ ...... - Q Proje<ts

- GJ Frst GJ I.ab ! i.J I.ab2 m a; ., .........

L ....... p ....... 0u.... ... .._ l!J U....Types ~ . ...., ..... • Syd:em Aucil Trail

Offlkte 5.,tem Aüdit Tr_.

For ~. press Fl

Oelo!e E.xpcrlto Te>:t


Tab'e Properties ..•



Database Properties

Default5tllr'I9S-·· ~RawD~taF\Ies .. Copy Preferences ..

System MonitOf .. •

Custon.ze Time Zone L..tst •• •

Edl .. lew

Pre-3.00 Database l.lpdate . .

Refresh F5

Database Properties

Data base Prope r lles rE:1 PasswordJ

Change Database Password is uoed to alet the nernol Oracle dotabase p&SWO!d wed by Empower. The pas$WOid is sel at ilstallation tine to a passwad known ~toWate~s.

11 security at ycu ilstallation requies you to know the posswad. you ma¡o change it by pressing lhe tuton below.

11 you do no! have an explicit reason todo ttr.. Waters strongly suggests that you DO NO T CHANGE 1T.

Change Database Passw01d

Please en:er lhe cu"Teri database passwo«<lo corñm }'OU' authoríy to c:Mnge ths pa::swud He:wl enter tne desied 'New' pas$WOid and coriirm ~ n the 'Corf•m' p~ ertry box.

The New pa$Wf(JI'(j n 1he Crrirm ~::word mLd lMlch n arder ta 11-e.......,dtnbedl.._¡

OK Cancel


System Policies

DefaU't Sttrgs .. .

M.7lage Raw Dato!ll Res .. . Copy Preferenc~ .. .

System!'ltrii:D. Ct15tor"ÑZe Tme lone Ltst ..


..-.,~ ... C>at.abasePropertaes .. .

"'e-3.00 ""'""""' Updole ..


Rehesll P.i

System Policies: U ser Account Policies

~-:1em.AuitTrli~ Da.Ptoc:e3.-.gP:*:tJ l Otht•Pt*:ies j E.Wii P*:el j U~e oloc.'Ollll f'Dialn j N-f'tQ~t~ct~

,~J¡cuun -.:tP.-d!

f(i)(PI ;,.. Erboe J~ lhC!' Ao:o.ri!N-

~ Etlcrce:JrtQI&U..~

(WFJ r ~r!QQ_, ..,.

(IV:PI r L.-111-ÚIII' 4!lenrb to

l.coJnV/~ Pc6co:l

0.' IAM .,P.:~ lo Mi1 MTq¡ 4ftell log;jno trlf

O:Ptllilolt ....... togc:m

G~OddUsa ~oiCCI. fiM:kStst ..!..


System Policies: U ser Account Policies

~demAuii T•oi P~ 04114f>focnsi1Q P*'t'; ' 01!-ePcioe: 1 E.WoiP.*e: 1 UzerAocoo..n~ ] N~.Aqrct~ f

((M') ';; Erfuc. U~U~cr~N.e:

(Cil<FJ ;; Erktce Urq,e Usa Pa.n~

(GXP) Q Pa::....:r-:I: E~Qrei!NeJr ~~

([i>(f'] ;; l.r.:t lf r:l [t*)I M$illll: to '"]"-- lriet

[G:IoF] ~ Erlcroe~P~ Lcr.q:hd -¡---· d'~adtn


r.; o:JII''*""4AX~to $lay •~llltel~att

-;; O :~nl~m.MPeklgoru

G'obd DebA U:cr lnerlace

u ,.,._..,.non•...,....,~........._,,JQ,.,, ... ,] "'*~ ..t..d rrAi tN"':S'Id ER !i )O.I-~Eb:e:ri:S~tddlh! ll(:bc:t'1 :d1nJ;~ ES

System Policies: New Project Policies

~Aucii: T•aiPoi~ Oat• Pioce:ni-~g P~ ] Olher f>dcief E·Mai Pcke; 1 Um/l.e~Ptkoes Neor- Pttqeo:~ Pdl::in:

r ..t Aail r '41 PoiOel

Oel.s.Jt f>.U•.dl h oi S.Cr"''

(!i>J>;tfl¡(S J ~ fui A.uOI: Tr.-So..qxrt

' 2

3 . Pro¡ectOt~ ,_ .... CcntFintftay - '"" ..... S .... r

'""" Sttr1 r D~u.otiJn S"rl r

l~ !- ~\::.C~dWI;ed!ld FUI.-..uJI

l~ r t;:'C:::~~_:::ztd 'il eq..e

¡!Nl') r ~"f:.,tt;.:Uirctan::nfAT

r AJ~~ 1·~FAT~

l~••.,.. ng n a e~--..W~ recllfiT.lenlfl tiiiiiJigtt.~ ...t.d ...... ~.vd E R I J.Ocl oYI~~Eiect<ri: Sv-.atta.s. adjw~ ~q¡:~ES

- -· - --- -===-~-- ~-

Si~~T1ai P*- Da&. Ptoce:~ P~ ~ C»erPok1es 1 E..,.il J'dceol t'I>CIA.x:oo..n~ NC\I<F'I;;.ec:t ?dio::.\·

f i..IAuA l r .. Poi::..


~JEMS) " hl .tucir-rM 5~

"""""""" "'"""' ' - f U"testreed

2 ..... jP.""k1ed 3 .._ -. - ..... ....,.,

~ "' !?::\=-~~cNng¡t ddd f i..IAldt

(too=1 ~ f;:'C:.::~:t.::;~d flo:,M

J*ll .., ~~f:r~lttni roM/I:r

"' AbY ,.....,c:o¡jesbd\olcer> FAT ~,

IJIQII-~-.a~~W ... __..tdiJ'If lheQIIIIIIIn ....._. ...... .-4 ER I }OJ-~Eh::laonc ~qlllluet.adjlh!IOilbcrl ~.,.P,edES

• • .. ,...,....~ ..... e,-~.~" l""ll"" • , '-VI 11 1 '-11\JI l.;)


System Policies: New Project Policies

SyctcrDAtól•CIIPdici= 1 Od.of'nx:e~Pck>e: 1 Olhe!Poloe:: j EM~Pt:km 1 U:etAcco.n:Po»::ie: NewPlofsd Pc6:Z=

PrOieda.ct Cc:rTalrWt Contnn~

, 1.4dt"od l.hest'lded <;¡

lt»<fl ~ ~~c;~=~~~F~AP.df

(IM']~ s:,=~n~~'fl~

(Gt<PJQ ~~u~Ttll~;omi'O\fAT

';;Af3rlot~~bet- FAT~s

lf,.c-u~e~f'l••cvJtledenwcrrroeft.'WMe~•tUOTt:lel:"rl:;.oftrgfleoptt:m rne~k2dwfhfi:aP, S'IdER . lt~~QUare~Eietlloic~~Mdlhe~ lft!F9I:'WIIl.edES

System Policies: System Audit Trail Policies

UJeJ~ Pdan ! New A'qed.~

SpeaP.d TrMPobM 051J P\ta~tlf1Df'don Oh!~ 1 E.l.!.,¡jPIIkzs ll Sptem.tmt lr"FWioes

' """" """ 1

' s,-. """"'

r ¡q


r r


____ _j ~- c-.1 J -~-1

UIICI'AccCMnPI:km J NewPrq¡ect:Pdic:iet f ~den!~Tu1I P*:es j O...~mgP'*'r. J Olt-ePck10s 1 E.W .. Pc6ca 1


7 U::erType

8 ptfefype





System Policies: System Audit Trail Policies

U:er~Pckes , New~Pdoe~

S~~AWIT:411Pc:nx: j OsaP:oc~~Po~ ~Fokie-:: ¡ E -M.MP:Dc.~ ,


'""""' .,..,., ... '-"'="'"'

""""""' """"""' U"re=nl:tfd ........ """"""' '-"'="'"'

"""*-"""" r

r · r r r r







J ~~-j-~j

System Policies: Data Processing Policies


9 Use vlll< S~Pd.\l>'l:ttl.-d 'T t...e::httf '~

r U•~".., . Sl,!'e RecdO'I bre~

r ~J-~as ... ....,.¡ctwv- manFC-r C!bJIIe t ~ .t ....,



Dd.d lrte¡;¡~~~ .-:,.......,.=:::;--~~


System Policies: Data Processing Policies

l ut~.lft~ NewP~qec~Poicie;

5)~AJ.dTr~~ Oall~PdDe~ j CJit>lf:IPDkie: ¡ E-M!d~


~ U::ovllf<S!plef'elk'wídhftT~[)-.-~

r U¡o .,2 ;«S~R~Tme~.t

;;¡¡ PrcrrdUsa to S"""IIW'IJalc:Mn¡Je¡Coilds .nR­

:;;;; C5:ul$e t DewJ:on d Ponllnn Cuw

O~bPr~ T~

~ r&t. lfte7.,a~

OeldSellilfV: Used~úetmg N...,Pro,&:tl


Ocfdlf'teo!J~~ ~jj;¡.;;¡-~

ll ,.:.uar~~lnolol~e'MI<nt"erl.Wihr:~Sidlroglheq;bor-=: ~~,....G)G"';-;ER l l fQ.I.-~ E~S~addho:*:n ~cti'lgsrnalt:cd ES.


System Policies: Other Policies

UcerAcecu~Pt:kil-, Nt'NPr~~J 1 ~At.dt TreCPoi~ D«l P\OCI!IIIWig~icet Ottwf'dDet t E·MolPrkiet

(ESI a.....-......... J:Sl E,._eSrgit l..otoR 1cr S. Of

~ l*wt.t.~....-sO'I 2 P<Pt s-~ .... I•PDFlfiWIS.Ill

(.Mil r [ rf¡¡rce Si;J1011 beltreS¡gn Otl2

r Diwlow .r.J••~ cD.

0... ~-l¡ll~ JN~,oiEJ;I'ES i rJloeZ:r.e Fae.r

SN:N. R H_.


~O.tte fanat

Qrl'l 93'1 D'AtH OY


System Policies: Other Policies

UoP:tAcco.n:~ 1 He.~PtojoctPcic:ie: 'Siy:temtM:i:Tr/JIIPdoe~ 1 Oala f'rooer.ongPt.loe2 Olher~ 1 E-M~Pd01u

Re:ut Si:;rl 011 Pckio:;

IES) Q Sq'l0ft i~Oday ~ nwUeo;

lES] ;, C""" ~JtnSQlOif

IES¡r.; Erlon:eSf'9e L!JGD"'for59'1 0'

((N"J;i Abw\eck~'lltsSi¡;r.002

[G>:P)f,; s,..,~~(mPOf)~nS910:.

¡;; ~o51Q1'10!11.-dS9t012t)' OftooWU1t~1

(UMPI N....t:clb ~q¡all ~.u



- Dl:ab.U!ierikroa&41!i;.l 1@

DoteOq,c.,Poioc:s ~~UVES)TD:Zcn::f~

r ShowRegia!


r U;.e'bvj'cWe to..ltl

r ~Ti!!oeZcr.eOifo..el

.,,.....~ .. . ~~'VI ... .........O.MIIr'Gh ... rr.•i:ed ..,mFc end Efl. II !JO'ó -~Oectnne~.addlt<e~ ~tJ'9li:Willl.tdES

System Policies: Other Policies fn,,._.r \J"IMl Pehc te' ~

li"'Acc!UtPI*iet 1 '4e~~ fu:w:dP<:i;:::e; ¡ Sr.temAI.dt.rei~ 1 o..taP\ooce:I~P'ciee; Oli'o-F'tlbct 1 E-MI.i~ '

R.JI Sq-IDII Poke.

!lS) ., 5910!1.._...,0.., lG ..,._

(lES) "' 0.......-.cwd ... SqtOI

(lES} "' E.._.s..ltlAtllflkrSVtDI

J*" ., M..led. CMr'n*' .. S. Of 2

IG>'Pt w S...NPM l•f'Dfl .. Sv"IOII ¡;; R~e Sq¡ Off1WS01 01t 2 ~~U-.

~) M~tgdbehr...or fOJC:eOoi~Ree:::ros ~

·-r.; A;ldcata::ruf~..tll':e m-- rw>.l!ln


·~p~ ¡fi:;FI{Rif:S)lfllt!Z..Fc..t

f' Sh;)o.;Aeg.:r¡N.wne

• Stvoo~~oltlon


8f31 /21l05 9 57AM ED1

.,..-~ .... ~ .......... w..._....,.........,..___..

........_.wolf\~..-.dEP lt~ .. ~E--.:S......._«kk .. oto. _... .........

• • • ,..,....._"e,-~.;" ..... ,... • -. \...VI 11 1 \,.. 11 \rJ I I.,JI


Time Zones Example

• AdWdncedTop•csTrammgat SJ'SiemiA.dnrin~trator ProJecl ~~ ~

_,.. ,,. Proc.essed Olerwlel Descr Dale Acqt.i'ed Dsle P\"CIC:e$:Sed Processi"Q Welhod

1 sten:tlrd 254m 911 711SS7 4 5603PMEDT 1.&'2005 12(Jl03PM PST LCPQ

2 Sld 2.SX t Slen:brd 254m 91'1 711997 4 56-03PM EDT 1.M0057:5821 PloiGOIT LCPQ

3 Std5Dx 1 stM:Wd 254m 911711997 5 0314 PMfOT 1J512005 120003PMPST LCPQ

• SldSfr< 1 sten::tsd 254m Sf1 711 997503"HPMEOT 1JSJ2005 7:58 21 PM (NJ LCPQ

5 Std1 0x 1 stancierd 254m 9117fi9975 10:10PM EDT 1JS/l0051 200.04 PM PST LCPQ

6 Std 10x 1 St!nbrd 254m 9f1 711997 5.10:10PM EDT 1.M0057:58:22Pio4GOIT LCPQ

7 lrt 1 1 ltlMwn 254m 911711 9975. t7 07PM B>T 11512005120004 PMPST LCPQ

8 lk* 1 1 ltlMwn 254m 911711997 5 17 07PMEDT 11512005 7:5a22PM GMT LCPO

9 lk*.2 1 ltlMwn 254m 91'1711997 5.24 ().11 PMEDT 11511005 7.5822 PM GMT LCPQ

10 ltl. 2 , ltlMwn 254m 911 711 997 524:04PMEDT 11Sl2005 1~00.04 Plo4 PST LCPQ , lrt. 3 , ltlMwn 254m

System Policies: E-Mail Policies

U.e~Au:o.rt~ J N~Pq:d~ $ysltn~ lu!fl .. ,ei1Pok"" 1 0.~~ Ott."*- EMiiPik• ..... ,._

ty Em:r


U• Ao:OJ..#.Ptá;ies j Neu.P-qedP.:ilciH ( S,....Aucl. -t Ptkiet [ OataProcenw~gPdclel 1 Olto!!rPclct. E-M~ Pokea

E..._.Paioef .,_, 1 -' '"""' ' '"''""'" . .._,...., S o.r..o

,,.. ""' '"" ......... ''"" -

SendE..,..a) ~o


m.t_cptaeQwllttu a:.




• • .. ,...,... ........... e,........;,....,...,r"" .... \.,.VI 111 \..I IVII..JI


System Policies

Configuration Manager ~

Vou have changed system policies!

Pie ase note that chcn;¡es to system polcies !Nil nct affect applications which are currently acti~e. In arder to ensure that system policy chanQes are honored, al users shoo.Ad be req.,ested to lag completely oU: d Empower.


Default Strings

Copy Preteren:: es . . .

Systrm Mentor .. .

Custt:Jnize Tflle Zone List ... Edt\l'lew

Boclwp o.,toons ... Dottlb8se Properbes ..

Pre-3.00 Database ~" ...


Refresh FS


Default Strings

Dold r:e.v; ~be ddned tora.;.. the tellt erQy r:l certar~ ~r.oe td.& earee T o changc Ofder o1 d!lld: ~- a~ end <t~ lfn'Y}s into de:#ed po::IDI Gf'ld pre:r OK

l""11ulil 'llrmp r5c Detd~fNJJ-dcltredto.._ll<elttd:OI'ttyf:J' oell.WI~··•t.:k:er.e~ TQctwq,Oidf:ldiÍ:Iid~. <taoeredlap~f'JDiie:.edpo:.tcnerd

•="" ~-~~-----------

OddS!rrql Oeler:onCOI::Imerl.: E~Piode; E• tNefladt

Ddd strir9•~ ~ dr!med to mlhltetetll ri)lot certar. ~ ta::ks MUet ro cNnge ordef o1 dcfd ;trivs.l)ag n ctO(l stnvs r.o desRd Plsition m pDe:sm:. ""-"' =:::;::=------3

e_,¡ J -~J

Default Strings

Entet a new delaut atmo for !he~ c:.atego~y


OK _l ~ _

~tWTn~ ( hartge\ to l.letcmlt ~~~ 10gs ~~

Detd ¡ ·--------3

e-tc r •rewdeld,...., .. anavalabledeldco~


Oeftwlt Stmlp ~

Oefd stri'lgs ID8f be defi'led !o tnak.e the led r.rby of ceclan ~pebbYe ladr.a eaae~ T o ctunge ooh d deld IR'Igl Oag and ~ lfmgllnb delared poeibon a1d .. -~

1-s ......

OK -~ ~J


System Audit Trail

l,} I.MPOWLRl•• \~t.eml.lftm~sfl•lot t*fl llf,ur•llo-n f.W~r ~ f= 1~

Jl ... 0 S) _j ¡ r Fh<~ .D«d --···--·---.=J ~~~.:~. ~-... Ma~~A~ :·oca j~J -~ ~~--~~~~~~r--------------------=====-===~~~------~~~1

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Qucz 3 o:r~e.~~-..

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f:'j llRI'Gr-.. 1 AO~ntdS~~C'i' C~Fo.AA>d:lriiiiiCo'll'r"' kleol:tlo, C~nOung~ - Fste ~ ·r..,e

Cf !Ja;et'J~ f ~ed S.,.,._ flreloey Deuo..AFo..tiA:Jiklr1111•:.0't!Tnol1entt,0"1S-"~Ch~r9'):: -r.~--~ Tr..e

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Archiving System Audit Trail

FltE4tV-~ Hr!;l

~ Offho5ystefii....,.Traf t r"~c~~~-- QPro)eo ~'l)ff! • i=-17=== ::-o:======-;;=:-::==C::::::=-=====----1

- Cilo t.tb~~~~ ==g==~~~===·=::==flt4t-=~ ~t..b 2 3 0eol~(~dS1!i-v ·~. h:::t~~ Strn¡c~lrdnmtriF\nciJI'It-*<S h:lrbdel~tillím

r..o-:rNe~~H 4 A~S'y:;ter> P_;tey Sy#eomji.J.dl!relif'o::bes---CttleQorv.T\l)!:lntt"'~:c:toooes ·-, ... _ 1' Usas 1 "letedS(:tero P:;tey [)r.c;~Tir>e!O"Ie'Ottui·F.t;" .•• Tn.;e

t;l)" Usa~ l "Weo:t s,;..'*" ~ftlutf-_.A.ultClrel(:.(nfrn~ar~~-~atu-_,fruo:

~:',: : :::::::: ::~:=~:::::::===-~=-=>,:; ~=t:!'E 10 ,,.letedS'(:t~P:tcy o.t .. f-_.ALdtltWCcJ'>trn~on~Ow-on - F~-->TIUI!

11 ~SV:sl er.o P :tcv c-tNr,.o~ou~tT,..ReU"e\J:Ie'f(:ga-.bonOoelle1o;:n ' .~·~tn~

• • .. ,..,....,"'"'e,....¡.:,....,~ .... • ,... '-'-JI 11 1 \-.11\.JI 1..,


Archiving and Remove System Audit Trail

Archive and Remove System Audit Trail

Archive and Remove System Audit Trail ~ Erter the date before which all System Audit Trail records will be deleted.

A T ext or a Bina~y fie of the deleted records wil be crealed for archiva! purposes. Only lhe records stored as Binay fde can be reslored inlo the dalabase.

lf you wish lo reslore these records in the ñiure. we recommend lhal you save lhem as Binary F.e. Please choose the f•e formal in which you would ike lo save the records:

r. B inary Fle r T ext F.e

Remove all records dated before: 1 8/31/20C6 -

WARNING: Removing the SystemAudit Tra• records CANNOT BE UNDONE!!! You C,li.NNOT RESTORE TEXT files as Offline Records!!

OK Cancel He~


Archive and Remove System Audit Trail

Save n 1-J Sy:tem Audt T 1ais

Flename' JSrstem<lucltB-31-2005--101918_-400 1 Save 1

Save"'- fB~:;;;;;¡-----~ -~ SaVIng Chanj¡.s lo System Audrt Trarl rE'J

Note: Cment user Passwotd mJtt be re-entered in et!b la e~ to be sa\--ed

OK 1 _c.ncel 1 H.-, j

Archive and Remove System Audit Trail

Configuration Manager (8] IMPORTANT: Vou have just stored sensitive data to a Binary file which should be immediately archived to a secure location.

This information is no longer stored in the database.

The archived file is the only remaining record of the removed records.



The Offline System Audit Trail

~-J EMP0 Wffi1 M Sys.tem/Admtnhtrdtor · Conhllurauoo Manage-r ~~

Fle Edt - """"ds """ ~ _QJ ~ __j _l_j__j r _j r t .. sv: l oc~d

&npower COf'll'l¡g..-ation

- O Projed:o

- G:J nst G:}lab 1 G:} lal>2 ·-­SystemJ


""""" ~ ...... ~ t'l U... Types (J PiateTyp.,

System Audl: Trail

h utJffi§§ f lfti H ---+---+---+--+--1

For Hetl, press Fl

Restoring the System


Audit Trail

~j l'- (, SystemAudlTral ' L ae..-... ""-lly. IOcld ..:_1 EdiiV~ !lJ>dale j M.

· ~=. Project"""'*'·- • 1!* ll.lser_ ~ - GJmt OffW.ePro~AtdYve:s •

G) La!J G:} lab2

sEm· ..... -Syst ..... .... Ubra~Rs

""""" ~ ...... ~ t'l U... Types 0 Piater,... • • Systan Audil: ,, ..

r.:u tififfi€M ffflttte l


lrestOI'e rOCD"ds ...twed h-., fao""' OTWI


Restoring the System Audit Trail

Rutore Aud1t ~cords. ff f'( l SaV1nt (hdn~H to Otfhnt '5ystPm Audrt Tunl ~~

_:J --~~-J

--....~Ott ~~- $.--~- ll~l»l'!11 • 1 ~ -""11Df ·OI

~ -.....~.:.. ~~- - ----..... - ... 11.<;"~1~) · 1 -1~1.(11 ; _...,,_..on u ... s._____ &r."'.QIMIZ::a -1~'1•

< -.., .;.. U• S.-<Iblo--- "-Q"..41Hil:OO-IP!OO

~ _..,,_..on u------- 47..QJMI:!:e-IPI ·OI

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• C...od,._, 1\..;;lo• 1'.11'Dl'! U\JII W Uif.()O Ol

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Clear Offline Audit Trail

IS Tctal

• (onhturahon Mana~ta r )(

at1:1n ,.dllatllll ano. Audt t ral bo:lrdl frOI'II thedatabriA WoJd you lb tu CJ:II"ltnn.e «1d ~e ttwe Records'

•• .. ,..,..... ......... e,......:-...,,.. • ._ 'lrr....VI 11 1 \...11\JI I..JI


System Audit Trail

o.;d e,.,_,, ¡------

com"""' r"""""" '""' 81311\l5

~ Q.., D ' ~ r:;r;Ur:==-r---,::::::=-""'-'-'r"-"-""-------- _..:3=-='='"=·..-..,='=l....::_::u::,..::'::::I _•_•_"'"'_:.,I 1""=::--'H=I -=~::¡:..- -l ~~.tiOn Dl8ll:l

- Q-· - ~ Frst

Q Lob l Ot..ttz ---... _

o-. Q)u....._ DflherT~ ..... , ....

futielp,~ F I

Other New Empower 2 Features

• Maximum Table Row Specification

• Shallow Copy

• Export System lnformation to Text


Maximum Table Row Specification

Fie Eót v- Tods Da !abase Applcatic<l He\:>

.,, ¡ ., :;] ~~ --"----' '~ ~ FJ.I!f Bv. loetd ~ Edlv., 1 • M""R""'. ~.J. --~ -~ ~L 1' _?~Set~t'bpn~ )flla!'!'le!~ Me.~ods ; Resu ll~~l.~j Re~eak .LE! _ 1 ~ . - -~tom FI~I!~t ~lL~.:rr-ail_s·

t• -- Y\ol Olecton """* '""' Pnx:es.sed Chan1el Dre:cr Dete AcCJ.Ii'td OSe Pl'ocess:ed ProcessiYJ t~

992 Pred'l~oneUSP 8 , LHmown 1/21 QOOO 5 03 43 Ait EST 11311200512 4213PM EST Premiscne PM

9'13 Preo:t~~oneRS 100 , St...-d 1/21 f2000 419 •1 F'M EST 1131120051242f2PME5T Ptetrisone PM

994 Pred'IJ:Sone USP 23 , LHmown 1.121(2000 6 16" « Arl ES T 1131 !2005 12 4212PM EST Pretnscoe PM

995 Prectusone USP 22 , llimown 1Tl112000612 3JAI4 ET 11311200512 42 12 PMEST PreOlisone PM

996 Pred"leone USP 21 , LHmown 1121 12000 6·08 21 PM EST 11311200512 42t2PMEST Prea-irone PM

997 Pred'nsone USP 20 , llinown 1121 12000 6 G41E Ft.tEST 1/3112005 12.4212PM EST Pretn:sone PM

998 Pred'leoneUSP 19 , llinown 112112000559S3PMEST 1J3112005124212PM EST PreQ-isone PM

999 PrectusoneUSP 6 , ""'""'"" 1f11f2000 4 55 01 Pt.IEST 1131 1200512 4212PM EST Ptectiscne PM

11XJO Pred'lisoneUSP 5

,_ 1121 12000 4 50 4B Arl EST 11311200512 4212PM EST """"'"""""

1730 tol>il

Shallow Copy

The Shallow Copy functionality allows the following :

• Allow shallow copy 1 paste between Full Audit Trail projects

• Allow shallow copy on New Project creation

• Allow shallow copy in Clone

-- ...


Export System lnformation to Text

Export data profiles of: users, systems, groups, nodes, users types

&ncaower c.m.uration Q Pro)Klti

§.._ ...... .... ~ ' ........

, 111!::1 Ql u...­'" U5erly,cs ..... ,,.... • SyA:nn AMIIt: Tr ..

ORine s,.stan Audt Trllif

Remember to ...

l:ut'St kF••It us....- l•t•rf.c:ll!': lluiciiStM"t All•wll ltsft" l•terhc~:

Ouh:IISt..-t J•t•rhu• Dp•• lcc~s l•t•rf«• .... llltPf"hC:I'

IOro•ll's lsPr lr•c:• ~lon,s to: ..... , . Projt'cts lkiH" 1r11c• c•n o~ccr.;s:

Enp•wr _Fund•••tóiils_21ri Ku lllit' R 1 MS _;nii_PÑ() .. 5

TJPIP S/Intt'rf•c• Pro,•rtiPs: Orfo~•Jt UsPr TJpP : A!JollJSt fHh-111 Usft" IJpn :

AndJSt ~•st

O..h•lt us.r htt'rf.c:r: S~st- Drhdt

• Use the Configuration Manager to set system policies, create/manage projects and custom fields, and to change user passwords.

• Access the System Policies the first time an administrator logs into Empower for improved performance.

• Manage audit trail records.



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