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With the advances in modern computing techniques, finite element

analysis has become a practical and powerful tool for engineering analysis

and design. In Structural Engineering, development of structural design code

equations or redeveloping them is a continuous process and requires a wide

range of experimental studies. Performing many number of experiments is

costly, time consuming and hence uneconomical. On the other hand

conducting experiments is a compulsion for the research to progress. The

problem gets enormously simplified with the use of ABAQUS 6.9 (2009).

ABAQUS is a highly sophisticated, general purpose finite element program,

designed primarily to model the behaviour of solids and structures under

externally applied loading.


ABAQUS includes the following features:

Capabilities for analysing both static and dynamic problems

The ability to model very large changes in shape of solids, in

both two and three dimensions

A very extensive element library, including a full set of

continuum elements, beam elements, shell and plate elements.


A sophisticated capability to model contact between solids

An advanced material library, including the usual elastic and

elastic – plastic solids; models for foams, concrete, soils,

piezoelectric materials and many others

Capabilities to model a number of phenomena of interest,

including vibrations, coupled fluid/structure interactions,

acoustics, buckling problems and so on.


Figures 7.1 and 7.2 show the modelling of ordinary and seismic

joint and fibre reinforced joint. By using partition command the ordinary

model is separated in the joint region.

Figure 7.1 Modelling of Concrete

in Ordinary Joint

Figure 7.2 Modelling of Concrete

in Fibrous Joint


Figures 7.3 and 7.4 show the modelling of longitudinal and lateral

reinforcement in ordinary and fibre reinforced joint and seismic joint. In

ordinary joint the spacing of shear reinforcement is 40 mm. In the seismic

joint the spacing of shear reinforcement is 20 mm up to a distance of 180 mm

(2db ) in the beam from the face of the column and 90 mm (db ) from the top

and bottom face of the beam in column and for the remaining the spacing was

40 mm, where db is the effective depth of beam.

Figure 7.3 Modelling of Reinforcement

in Ordinary and Fibrous


Figure 7.4 Modelling of


in Seismic Joint


Solid 3D elements 8-node brick (C3D8) were used to model ordinary

concrete and 4-node linear tetrahedron (C3D4) were used to model fibre

reinforced concrete in the joint. Two node linear 3D truss element (T3D2)

were used to model the reinforcement steel.


7.4.1 Solid Element C3D8 and C3D4)

The Figure 7.5 shows C3D8 element which is an 8-noded brick

element having eight nodes at their corners. These elements use linear

interpolation in each direction and are often called linear elements or first-

order elements. These elements have only three displacement degrees of

freedom and are Stress/displacement elements. C3D4 is a 4-node linear

tetrahedron element and three degrees of freedom at each node.

Figure 7.5 Linear Element Figure 7.6 Truss Element

(8- Node Brick Element) (T3D2) Reason for Choosing the Element

These are the standard volume elements of ABAQUS. These

elements can be composed of a single homogeneous material or can include

several layers of different materials for the analysis of laminated composite

solids. These are Stress/displacement elements and used in the modelling of

linear or complex nonlinear mechanical analyses. Stress/displacement

elements can be used for static and quasi-static analysis. However, good

meshes of hexahedral elements usually provide a solution of equivalent

accuracy at less cost. Quadrilaterals and hexahedra (C3D8) have a better

convergence rate than triangles and tetrahedra, and sensitivity to mesh

orientation in regular meshes. However, triangles and tetrahedra are less


sensitive to initial element shape, whereas first-order quadrilaterals and

hexahedra perform better if their shape is approximately rectangular.

For stress/displacement analyses the first-order tetrahedral element

C3D4 is a constant stress tetrahedron, which should be avoided as much as

possible; the element exhibits slow convergence with mesh refinement. This

element provides accurate results only in general cases with very fine

meshing. Therefore, C3D4 is recommended only for filling in regions of low

stress gradient in meshes of C3D8.

7.4.2 3-D Truss Element (T3D2)

Figure 7.6 shows the 3-D truss element (T3D2). These are three

dimensional truss element having two degrees of freedom. Truss elements are

used in two and three dimensions to model slender, line-like structures that

support loading only along the axis or the centerline of the element. No

moments or forces perpendicular to the centerline are supported. A 2-node

straight truss element, which uses linear interpolation for position and

displacement, has a constant stress. It is defined that the cross-sectional area

associated with the truss element as part of the section definition. When truss

elements are used in large-displacement analysis, the updated cross-sectional

area is calculated by assuming that the truss is made of an incompressible

material, regardless of the actual material definition. Truss elements have no

initial stiffness to resist loading perpendicular to their axis. Assigning a Material Definition to a Set of Truss Elements

A set is a named region or collection of entities on which we can

perform various operations such as assign section properties in the Property

module, create contact pairs with contact node sets and surfaces in the


Interaction module, define loads and boundary conditions in the Load module

and request output from specific regions of the model in the Step module. A

geometry set contains geometric objects (cells, faces, edges and vertices) that

are selected from one of the following types of parts or from instances of

these parts. Geometry set is created for a set of reinforcement bars in each

part. A material definition is associated with each solid section definition for

each set. No material orientation is permitted with truss elements. Embedded Element

The embedded element technique is used to specify that an element

or groups of elements are embedded in host elements. The embedded element

technique can be used to model rebar reinforcement. ABAQUS searches for

the geometric relationships between nodes of the embedded elements and the

host elements. If a node of an embedded element lies within a host element,

the translational degrees of freedom at the node are eliminated and the node

becomes an “embedded node.” The translational degrees of freedom of the

embedded node are constrained to the interpolated values of the

corresponding degrees of freedom of the host element. Embedded elements

are allowed to have rotational degrees of freedom, but these rotations are not

constrained by the embedding.


Property module is used to perform the following tasks:

Define materials

Define beam section profiles

Define sections

Assign sections, orientations, normals, and tangents to parts


A material definition specifies all the property data relevant to a

material. A material definition is specified by including a set of material

behaviours and the property data is supplied with each material behaviour.

The material editor is used to specify all the information that defines each

material. ABAQUS/CAE assigns the properties of a material to a region of a

part when a section referring to that material is assigned to the region.


7.6.1 Concrete

Concrete damaged plasticity model (CDP) was used for defining

concrete in plastic range. The concrete damaged plasticity model provides a

general capability for modelling concrete and other quasi-brittle materials in

all types of structures. This model uses concepts of isotropic damaged

elasticity in combination with isotropic tensile and compressive plasticity to

represent the inelastic behaviour of concrete. The concrete damaged plasticity

model is based on the assumption of scalar (isotropic) damage and is designed

for applications in which the concrete is subjected to arbitrary loading

conditions, including cyclic loading. The model takes into consideration the

degradation of the elastic stiffness induced by plastic straining both in tension

and compression. It also accounts for stiffness recovery effects under cyclic

loading. Concrete stress- strain behaviour under uniaxial compression after

elastic range (0.7fc) should be defined in terms of stress versus inelastic strain

(crushing strain) (Danesh et al. 2008).

7.6.2 Reinforcement

Longitudinal and transverse steel reinforcement behaviour was

defined as an elastic-plastic material using a bilinear curve. Slope of the

plastic range (Danesh et al. 2008) was assumed to be about one percent of

steel modulus of elasticity. To introduce plasticity, kinematic hardening

option was used.



ABAQUS/CAE provides with a variety of tools for controlling

mesh characteristics. The density of a mesh is specified by creating seeds

along the edges of the model to indicate where the corner nodes of the

elements should be located and the shape of the mesh elements are also


Figure 7.7 Meshing Model of Ordinary

and Seismic Joint

Figure 7.8 Meshing Model

of Fibrous Joint

The meshing technique is chosen-free, structured or swept where

applicable. The element type is selected and assigned to the mesh by choosing

the element family, geometric order and shape along with specific element

controls. In the present study the fibre portion in the joint is meshed using free

meshing and remaining concrete portion is meshed with structured meshing.

Figures 7.7 and 7.8 show the meshing model of ordinary and seismic joint and

fibre reinforced joint. Tie constraint is used to tie the interface between


ordinary concrete and fibre concrete. A tie constraint ties two separate

surfaces together so that there is no relative motion between them. This type

of constraint allows us to fuse together two regions even though the meshes

created on the surfaces of the regions may be dissimilar.


The numerical model is used to simulate the same conditions of the

test specimens. The cyclic load is applied on a node which is at a distance of

50 mm from the free end of the top and bottom of the beam in eight to ten

steps. Displacement at the point of load is obtained after the Finite Element

Analysis. Displacement/rotation boundary condition is used to constrain the

movement of the selected degrees of freedom to zero or to prescribe the

displacement or rotation for each selected degree of freedom. In the present

study on the both the ends of the column the displacement in the two

directions were set to zero (both ends of the columns were hinged).


7.9.1 General

A numerical simulation makes sense only if it corresponds to the

real model. Therefore, a numerical model specimen with the same properties

of the experimental specimen was analyzed to verify its accuracy.

7.9.2 Number of Nodes and Elements used in the Analysis

In the above analysis we have modelled three beam column joints.

In the model the joint was modelled for ordinary concrete. The concrete was

modelled in a single part as a solid element. The reinforcements were

modelled by using 3D wires (T3D2). The reinforcements were modelled as

three sets such as beam main reinforcement, column main reinforcement and


beam and column transverse reinforcement. For each set, different material

properties have been assigned.

The second model was used to model seismic joint. The concrete

was modelled as like the first model. The steel reinforcements were modelled

in four sets such as such as beam main reinforcement, column main

reinforcement, beam and column transverse reinforcement in the joint region

and other regions.

The third model was used to model fibre joint. In this model five

joints were modelled by changing various material properties of fibre concrete

in the joint region. The concrete was modelled in three parts as shown in

Figure 7.2.

Table 7.1 Number of Nodes and Elements used in the Finite Element


Sl.No Name Model 1 (Ordinary


Model 2 (Seismic


Model 3 (Fibre


1 No of


2399 2564 2721

2 No of


a) C3D8

b) C3D4

c) T3D2



Element No 1093

to 1813(720)



Element No 1093

to 1978 (885)


Element No 898 to

4103 (3205)

Element No 4104

to 4849 (745)


Different material properties were assigned for fibre concrete in the

joint regions and ordinary concrete in the other regions. The reinforcements

were modelled as like the first model. The fibre concrete was meshed by

using tetrahedron element. So the number of nodes and elements were

different for each model. The Table 7.1 shows the actual number of nodes and

elements used in the above three models.

7.9.3 Finite Element Analysis Results

Figures 7.9 to 7.15 show the deformed configuration of all the

specimens modelled using M25 concrete. Figure 7.16 shows the overall load

deflection curves obtained from the ABAQUS analysis. The deflection is

obtained by applying load at a distance of 50 mm from the beam tip at each

cycle up to failure. A good correlation was observed with the experimental

values in Figure 8.35. In the experimental specimen, when the loading reaches

the maximum value, a rearrangement in the load resisting mechanisms occurs.

When one of the load resisting mechanism reaches its capacity, the

rearrangement occurs again and the load decreases. The numerical model

cannot represent this phenomenon, thus near to this maximum level of

loading, numerical instabilities appear in some areas of the mesh and the

model cannot continue converging.

7.9.4 Global Structural Failure

Global structural failure is defined as a large discontinuity in the

composite structure’s overall vertical load-displacement curve.

( HeliusMCT-Example-Problem-

Abaqus.pdf). The overall vertical deformation of the composite structure is

quantified by using the vertical displacement at the load application point as

shown in Figure 7.9. A large discontinuity in the load-displacement curve is

indicative of very rapid growth (spreading) of localized material failures that


occur during a particular load increment, resulting in a large degradation of

the overall stiffness of the composite structure. This definition of global

structural failure is chosen in this analysis since most experimental tests are

stopped at this point to prevent damage to expensive test equipment.

Figure 7.9 Vertical Load-Displacement Curve for the Prediction

of Failure

Figure 7.10 Displacement Pattern and Values of the Specimen II O2

Global structural



Figure 7.11 Displacement Pattern and Values of the Specimen II S2

Figure 7.12 Displacement Pattern and Values of the Specimen II F12


Figure 7.13 Displacement Pattern and Values of the Specimen II F22

Figure 7.14 Displacement Pattern and Values of the Specimen II F32


Figure 7.15 Displacement Pattern and Values of the Specimen II F42

Figure 7.16 Displacement Pattern and Values of the Specimen II F52


Figure 7.17 Overall Load-Displacement Curves for M25 Concrete

Obtained from ABAQUS

Table 7.2 Finite Element Analysis Result for Specimens Cast in M25






Ultimate load (Pu) kN Ultimate Deflection u (mm)

Upward Downward Upward Downward

1 II O2 12 12 26.57 29.48

2 II S2 16 16 29.73 32.24

3 II F12 20 20 36.25 40.08

4 II F 22 20 20 46.53 48.97

5 II F32 16 16 42.87 44.72

6 II F 42 16 16 35.65 38

7 II F 52 12 12 31.68 32.24


The nonlinear finite element model was developed to simulate the

same conditions of the test specimen, using ABAQUS to compare the

experimental results. Elements used to model the steel and concrete, their

properties and behaviour, number of nodes and elements used in the model

were discussed. Reverse cyclic load was applied and its corresponding

displacement was found. The displacement pattern for each specimen and

overall load deflection curve for all the specimens were plotted.