Chapter 5 Work and Machines. Work What is work? Work is the transfer of energy that occurs when a...

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Transcript of Chapter 5 Work and Machines. Work What is work? Work is the transfer of energy that occurs when a...

Chapter 5Work



WorkWhat is work?• Work is the transfer of energy that occurs when a force

makes an object move.Work = Force × Distance

W = Fd• Units for work: Newton•meter (N•m) or Joule (J)

In order to be working, two conditions must be met:

1. A force must be applied.2. The force must make an object move in the same

direction as the force.• If the object does not move, then no work is

being done.


• You push a refrigerator with a force of 100-N. If you move the refrigerator a distance of 5-m, how much work do you do?

Work = Force × Distance

Work = (100-N) × (5-m)

Work = 500-J


• A force of 75-N is exerted on a 45-kg couch and the couch is moved 5-m. How much work is done in moving the couch?

Work = Force × Distance

Work = (75-N) × (5-m)

Work = 375-J


• A lawn mower is pushed with a force of 80-N. If 12 000-J of work are done in mowing a lawn, what is the total distance the lawn mower was pushed?

Work = Force × Distance

12000-J = 80-N × Distance

Distance = (12000-J) ÷ (80-N)

Distance = 150-m


• The brakes on a car do 240 000-J of work in stopping the car. If the car travels a distance of 50-m while the brakes are being applied, what is the total force the brakes exert on the car?

Work = Force × Distance

240000-J = Force × 50-m

Force = (240000-J) ÷ (50-m)

Force = 4800-N

Work• Power is the rate at which work is done, or the amount of

work done per unit time.Power = Work ÷ Time

P = W/T• Units for power: N•m/sec or J/sec or Watt (W) or

kilowatts (kW) for large quantities.

How we measure work in the U.S.

• In the U.S., we measure power in another unit, horsepower.– Horsepower gets its name from “horses” since they were the

most common source of power in the 18th century.

• 1 horsepower (hp) = 745.56 watts


• You do 900-J of work pushing a sofa. If it took 5-seconds to move the sofa, what was your power?

Power = Work ÷ Time

Power = (900-J) ÷ (5-sec)

Power = 180-W


• To lift a baby from a crib 50-J of work are done. How much power is needed if the baby is lifted in 0.5-seconds?

Power = Work ÷ Time

Power = (50-J) ÷ (0.5-sec)

Power = 100-W


• If a runner’s power is 130-W, how much work is done by the runner in 10-minutes?

Power = Work ÷ Time

130-W = Work ÷ 600-sec

Work = (130-W) × (600-sec)

Work = 78000-J


• The power produced by an electric motor is 500-W. How long will it take the motor to do 10 000-J of work?

Power = Work ÷ Time

500-W = 10000-J ÷ Time

500-W × Time = 10000-J

Time = (10000-J) ÷ (500-W)

Time = 20-sec

Work• Recall that energy is the ability to cause a change, you

can also think that energy is the ability to do work.• When you do work on an object, you increase its energy.

Work Continued…• Energy is always transferred from the object that is doing

the work to the object on which the work is done.• Power is also the rate at which energy is transferred.

Power = Energy Transferred ÷ TimeP = E/t

• Example:– A light bulb: Energy is transferred from the circuit to the

lightbulb filament. The filament converts the electrical energy into heat and light. The power used by the lightbulb is the amount of electrical energy transferred to the lightbulb each second.