Chapter 5. Transport in Membrane -...

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Transcript of Chapter 5. Transport in Membrane -...

  • Chang-Han Yun / Ph.D.

    National Chungbuk University

    October 7, 2015 (Wed)

    Chapter 5. Transport in Membrane

  • 2 Chapter 5. Transport in Membrane Chungbuk University


    Contents Contents

    5.5 Transport through Nonporous Membranes

    5.7 Transport in Ion-exchange Membrane

    5.6 Transport through Membrane

    5.4 Transport through Porous Membranes

    5.3 Non-equilibrium Thermodynamics

    5.2 Driving Forces

    5.1 Introduction

  • 3 Chapter 5. Transport in Membrane Chungbuk University

    5.1 Introduction

    Definition of membrane : permselective barrier between two homogeneous phases.

    Driving force(F) = gradient in potential = ∂X/∂x ≒ ΔX/Δx = ΔX/ℓ [N/mol] (5-1)

    where ΔX : Potential difference across the membrane

    ℓ : membrane thickness

    Main potential differences in membrane processes

    Chemical potential difference (Δμ)

    Electrical potential difference (ΔF)

    ※ Electrochemical potential = chemical potential(Δμ) + electrical potential(ΔF)

    ※ Other possible forces(※ not considered here)

    • Magnetic fields

    • Centrifugal fields

    • Gravity

    Passive membrane transport of

    components from a phase with a high potential to

    one with a low potential.

  • 4 Chapter 5. Transport in Membrane Chungbuk University

    5.1 Introduction

    Average driving force (Fave) = -ΔX /ℓ (5-2)

    Flux (J) = proportionality factor (A) × driving force (X) (5-3)

    Proportionality factor(A)

    determines transport speed of components through membrane

    measure of the resistance exerted by the membrane

    Passive transport : Transfer from a high potential to a low potential

    Facilitated transport(or Carrier-mediated transport)

    Enhanced transport by a (mobile) carrier


    • Interacting with one or more specific components in feed

    • Increasing transport by additional mechanism

    Transport proceeds in co-current or counter-current fashion

    • Simultaneous transport of another component

    • Increasing chemical potential gradient by 2nd component

    Schematic drawing of basic form of passive transport

    (C is carrier and AC is carrier-solute complex).

  • 5 Chapter 5. Transport in Membrane Chungbuk University

    5.1 Introduction

    Active transport

    Transport against their chemical potential gradient

    Possible only by adding the energy to the system

    ※ Living cell membranes providing the energy by ATP

    Coupling of driving force with fluxes

    Described by non-linear phenomenological equations

    『Meaning』 explained by non-equilibrium thermodynamics

    Permeating individual component dependently from each other

    • Δp across the membrane

    → solvent flux + mass flux and the development of a solute concentration gradient

    • Δc across the membrane

    → diffusive mass transfer

    → buildup of hydrostatic pressure

    Osmosis : coupling between Δc ↔ Δp

    Electro-osmosis : coupling between ΔF ↔ Δp

  • 6 Chapter 5. Transport in Membrane Chungbuk University

    5.2 Driving Forces

    Potential difference

    Difference in pressure(p), concentration(c), temperature(T), electrical potential(F)

    μi = μio + RT ln ai + ViP at constant T(isothermal conditions) (5-4)

    μio = constant

    ai = activity = concentration or composition in order to express non-ideality

    ai = γi xi (5-5)

    where γi = activity coefficient

    xi = mole fraction

    For ideal solutions

    activity coefficient(γi) → 1

    activity(ai) = mole fraction(xi)

    Δμi = RT ln Δai + ViΔP from Eq(5-4) (5-6)

  • 7 Chapter 5. Transport in Membrane Chungbuk University

    5.2 Driving Forces

    Contribution of T and P to the Δμi

    Temperature contribution at room temperature : RT = 2,500 J/mole

    Pressure contribution(ViΔP)

    • Molar volume of liquids = small

    molar volume of water = 1.8×10-5 m3/mol (18 cm3/mol)

    molar volume of ordinary organic solvent(MW=100 g/mol, ρ=1 g/mL) = 10-4 m3/mol

    • ViΔP = 100 J/mol for water, 500 J/mol for the solvent at ΔP = 50 bar(5×106 N/m2)

    Dimensionless comparison

    Driving force = Electrochemical potential = Chemical potential + Electrical potential

    Ideal conditions (ai = xi and Δln xi = Δxi/xi)

    From Eq(5-2) and Eq(5-6) (5-7)

    By Eq(5-7) × ℓ/RT, then dimensionless driving force is

    (5-8) & (5-9)

    where P* = RT/Vi and E* = RT/(ziℱ)

  • 8 Chapter 5. Transport in Membrane Chungbuk University

    5.2 Driving Forces

    For liquid

    Concentration term(Δxi/xi) ≒ 1

    Pressure term :

    strongly dependent on components involved

    (i.e. on the molar volume)

    For gases

    P* = P (assuming ideal gas)

    Electrical potential depends on the valence(zi)


    Electrical potential : very strong driving force(Pressure potential : very weak)

    For same water transport

    1 unit of concentration term = 1/40 volt of electrical potential difference(for zi = 1)

    = pressure of 1,200 bar

    [Table 5-1] Estimated value of P*

    Component P*

    Gas P

    Macromolecule 0.003∼0.3 MPa

    Liquid 15∼40 MPa

    Water 140 Mpa

  • 9 Chapter 5. Transport in Membrane Chungbuk University

    5.3 Non-equilibrium Thermodynamics

    Flux equations derived from irreversible thermodynamics

    Real description of transport through membranes

    Consider membrane = black box

    No information about the structure of the membrane

    No physico-chemical view

    (No information about permeation of molecules or particles through the membrane)

    Advantage of black box concept

    Very clearly describe existence of coupling of driving forces and/or fluxes

    Transport processes through membranes

    Non-equilibrium processes

    Thermodynamics of the irreversible processes can be used.

    In irreversible processes (and thus in membrane transport)

    Free energy(G) is dissipated continuously. (if a constant driving force is maintained)

    Entropy(S) is continuously produced and Entropy(S) production is irreversible energy loss.

  • 10 Chapter 5. Transport in Membrane Chungbuk University

    5.3 Non-equilibrium Thermodynamics

    Dissipation function (ϕ) : Entropy increase

    Summation of all irreversible processes

    Each can be described as the produce of conjugated flows (J) and forces (X).

    ϕ = T(dS/dt) = ∑Ji • Xi (5-11)

    where ϕ = dissipation function

    J = conjugated flows

    X = forces

    Transport of mass, transfer of heat and of electric current → flow

    At close to equilibrium

    Each force is linearly related to the fluxes ⇨ Xi = ∑Rij • Jj (5-12)

    Each flux is linearly related to the forces ⇨ Ji = ∑Lij • Xj (5-13)

    For single component

    J1 = L1ㆍX1 = -L1(dμ1/dx) (5-14)

  • 11 Chapter 5. Transport in Membrane Chungbuk University

    5.3 Non-equilibrium Thermodynamics

    In the case of the transport of two components l and 2

    two flux equations with four coefficients (L11, L22, L12, L21)

    If no electrical potential, Driving force = Chemical potential gradient



    The 1st term of Eq(5-15) ⇨ flux of comp. 1 under its own gradient

    The 2nd term of Eq(5-15) ⇨ contribution of comp. 2 gradient(dμ2/dx) to comp. 1 flux(J1)

    L12 : coupling coefficient(represents the coupling effect)

    L11 : main coefficient

    Simplification of coefficients

    L12 = L21 ⇨ three phenomenological coefficients (5-17)

    L11 (and L22) ≧ 0 (5-18)

    L11 • L22 ≧ L122 (5-19)

  • 12 Chapter 5. Transport in Membrane Chungbuk University

    5.3 Non-equilibrium Thermodynamics

    Positive coupling ⇨ Coupling coefficients(L12 or L21) : positive

    Flux of one component↑ → Flux of the 2nd component↑ ⇨ Selectivity↓

    For all kinds of membrane processes

    Appling non-equilibrium thermodynamics

    Dilute solutions consisting of a solvent (usually water) and a solute

    ⇨ The characteristics of a membrane : 3 coefficients or transport parameters

    • Solvent permeability(L)

    • Solute permeability(ω)

    • Reflection coefficient(σ)

    ※ index w : water as the solvent / index s : solute

    Dissipation function in dilute solution

    ϕ = Jw•Δμw + Js•Δμs (5-20)

    Δμ of water, Δμw = μw,2 - Δμw,1 = Vw(P2 - P1) +RT[ln(a2) - ln(a1)] (5-21)

    where subscript 2 : phase 2(permeate side) and subscript 1 : phase 1(feed side)

  • 13 Chapter 5. Transport in Membrane Chungbuk University

    5.3 Non-equilibrium Thermodynamics

    Define osmotic pressure, (5-22)

    By Eq(5-22) → Eq(5-21) : Δμw = Vw(ΔP - Δπ) (5-23)

    Writing Δμs for the solute as : (5-24)

    By Eq(5-23) & Eq(5-24) → Eq(5-20)


    where the 1st term : total volume flux (Jv) = Jw•Vw + Js•Vs (5-26)

    the 2nd term : diffusive flux (Jd), (5-27)

    Dissipation function, ϕ = Jv•ΔP + Jd•Δπ (5-28)

    Corresponding phenomenological equations

    Jv = L11•ΔP + L12•Δπ (5-29)

    Jd = L21•ΔP + L22•Δπ (5-30)

  • 14 Chapter 5. Transport in Membrane Chungbuk University

    5.3 Non-equilibrium Thermodynamics

    For no osmotic pressure(Δπ = 0 → c1=c2 → Δc=0)

    (Jv)Δπ=0 = L11•ΔP (5-31)


    ※ L11 : hydrodynamic permeability or water permeability of the membrane (Lp)

    For no hydrodynamic pressure difference across the membrane (ΔP = 0)

    Eq(5-30) → (Jd)ΔP=0 = L22•Δπ (5-33)

    or (5-34)

    L22 : osmotic permeability or solute permeability(ω)

    Reflection coefficient(σ)

    No volume flux(Jv = 0) under steady state

    Eq(5-29) → L11•ΔP + L12•Δπ = 0 (5-35)

    or (5-36)

    Process Lp, L/(m2•hr•atm)




    < 50

    50 ∼ 500 > 500

  • 15 Chapter 5. Transport in Membrane Chungbuk University

    5.3 Non-equilibrium Thermodynamics

    Eq(5-35) → L11 = L12 at ΔP = Δπ

    There is no solute transport across the membrane

    Membrane is completely semipermeable

    ※ Membranes are not usually completely semipermeable

    ※ L12/L11 : reflection coefficient(σ) → measure of selectivity

    σ = - L12/L11 ≦1 (5-37)

    σ = 1 : ideal membrane, no solute transport (5-38)

    σ < 1 : not a completely semipermeable membrane: solute transport (5-39)

    σ = 0 : no selectivity. (5-40)

    By Eq(5-37) → Eq(5-29) and Eq(5-30)

    Jv = Lp (ΔP - σΔπ) (5-41)

    Js = ĉs (1 - σ)Jv + ωΔπ (5-42)


    3 transport parameters characterize

    transport across a membrane

    Water (solvent) permeability (LP)

    Solute permeability (ω)

    Reflection coefficient (σ)

  • 16 Chapter 5. Transport in Membrane Chungbuk University

    5.3 Non-equilibrium Thermodynamics

    Solute is not completely retained ⇨ σ ≠1 ⇨ Osmotic pressure difference = σ·Δπ ≠ Δπ

    Freely permeable to the solute (σ = 0)

    Osmotic pressure difference approaches zero ( σ·Δπ → 0)

    Volume flux(Jv) = Lp·ΔP (5-43)

    This is a typical equation for porous membranes (Jv ∝ ΔP)

    (Ex, Kozeny-Carman and Hagen-Poiseuille equations for porous membranes)

    Experiments with pure water at Δπ=0 → Lp via Eq(5-43)

    Schematic representation of pure water

    flux as a function of the applied pressure.

    ▶ high Lp : more open membrane ▶ low Lp : more dense membrane

  • 17 Chapter 5. Transport in Membrane Chungbuk University

    5.3 Non-equilibrium Thermodynamics

    Eq(5-42) → Solute permeability (ω) ※ Js = ĉs (1 - σ)Jv + ωΔπ (5-42)


    Solute permeability (ω) and Reflection coefficient (σ)

    Eq(5-42) → (5-45)

    where Δc = concentration difference between the feed and the permeate

    ĉ = logarithmic mean concentration [ĉ = (cf – cp) ln(cf / cp)]

    By plotting Js/Δc verse Jv· ĉ /Δc

    • Intercept of ⇨ Solute permeability(ω)

    • Slope of ⇨ Reflection coefficient(σ)

    Schematic drawing to obtain solute permeability

    coefficient(ω) and reflection coefficient(σ) according to Eq(5-45)

  • 18 Chapter 5. Transport in Membrane Chungbuk University

    5.3 Non-equilibrium Thermodynamics

    When pores size increased(from RO to NF or UF)

    Major retention contribution : Pore size → Solute molecular size

    Stokes-Einstein equation [Eq(5-46)] ⇨ Solute size


    ※ Valid only for spherical and quite large particles

    Solute size ↑ → Reflection coefficient(σ) ↑ (Selectivity ↑)

    ※ No information about the transport mechanism by thermodynamics

    ※ Coefficients in multi-component transport ⇨ not easy to determine

    [Table 5-3] Some characteristic data for low

    molecular weight solutes.

    Solute MW Stockes radius(Å) σ polyethylene glycol

    vitamin B12























  • 19 Chapter 5. Transport in Membrane Chungbuk University

    5.3 Non-equilibrium Thermodynamics

    Coupling in electro-osmosis(electrical potential difference and hydrostatic pressure)

    ΔE without ΔP ⇨ Occurring solvent transport

    Porous membrane separating two (aqueous) salt solutions by electro-osmosis

    Ion transport by ΔE (electrical potential difference)

    Solvent transport by ΔP

    Entropy production = sum of conjugated fluxes and forces


    or I = L11 ΔE + L12 ΔP (5-48)

    I = L21 ΔE + L22 ΔP (5-49)

  • 20 Chapter 5. Transport in Membrane Chungbuk University

    5.3 Non-equilibrium Thermodynamics

    By Assuming that Onsager's relationship applies (L12 = L21)

    1) In the absence of an electric current (I = 0)

    • Developing ΔE by ΔP (Streaming Potential)


    2) When the pressure difference is zero (ΔP = 0)

    • Electric current ⇨ Occurring solvent transport (Electro-osmosis)


    3) When the solvent flux across the membrane is zero (J = 0)

    • Electro-osmotic pressure is built up by an electrical potential difference.


    4) In the absence of an electrical potential difference (ΔE = 0)

    • Solvent flow across the membrane ⇨ generate Electrical current(I)


  • 21 Chapter 5. Transport in Membrane Chungbuk University

    5.3 Non-equilibrium Thermodynamics

    Structure-related membrane models

    More useful than irreversible thermodynamic approach

    Partly based on the principles of the thermodynamics of irreversible processes

    Types of structure

    Porous membranes : MF, UF (※ Pore size : 2 nm ∼ 10 μm)

    Non-porous membranes : Pervaporation

    Porous membrane

    Transport occurs through the pores

    Structure parameters : pore size, pore size distribution, porosity

    Selectivity : based mainly on differences between particle and pore size

  • 22 Chapter 5. Transport in Membrane Chungbuk University

    5.3 Non-equilibrium Thermodynamics

    Dense membranes(Non-porous membrane)

    The only dissolved molecule can permeate via membrane.

    Affinity between membrane ↔ low MW component ⇨ determine solubility

    Transported from one side to the other via diffusion

    Selectivity : determined by differences in solubility and/or differences in diffusivity

    Transport parameters

    • Thermodynamic interaction or affinity between the membrane and the permeant

    Interaction between polymers and gases is low

    Interaction between polymer and liquids is strong

    Affinity ↑ → Swelling of polymer network ↑(considerable effect on transport)