Chapter 5 do nows

Post on 16-May-2015

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Transcript of Chapter 5 do nows

Chapter 5 Do NowsThe Decline of Feudalism

Do Now #1How do all of these images show the King’s reaction to the Magna Carta? Use visual clues to help make your statement stronger.

Do Now #2

Looking at this illuminated

manuscript of The Horseman of Death,

(textbook page 52)...What does this illustrate about the

Black Death? (Think how the artist uses color as well as

visual clues to get the message across to its


Do Now #3How does this image show

people’s feelings of living another day

and not contracting the bubonic

plague?(see textbook page

57)(Make sure you use

visual clues to explain your


Do Now #4

How does this picture of the Battle of Crecy show the advantages of the

English? Use your textbook page 58 to assist

you with your answer.

Do Now #5

Even though Joan of Arc was a French peasant girl, how did her presence bring a

sense of Nationalism (unity) to France?

Use examples from the movie as well as the

textbook on page 59 to help make a strong statement.

Do Now #6

Which one of the reasons do you think

had the greatest impact on the decline of

feudalism? Use evidence from

lectures/videos/textbook to make a strong

statement. Bub


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Hundred Years’ WarPolitical changes in

England ~

Magna Carta