Chapter 4 - Angua Moves Home

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Transcript of Chapter 4 - Angua Moves Home

Discworld LegacyChapter 4

Angua Moves


Welcome back to the Discworld Legacy. This chapter is hosted by 1st generation spare Agnes and her wife Christa.

After college the moved into a little brick house a few streets away from Agnes' childhood home. There they drew lots on who would bare their first child, Christa lost.

Christa gave birth to twins - Bianca and Dillon.

Here they are as interesting looking children.

And now for the real reason I'm playing the spare. I'm sure everybody remembers Chris the cow mascot who caused such trouble at university. Well it's time she got her comeuppance.

It seems pretty fitting that the cow mascot gets eaten by the cow plant.

Serves her right for being so annoying, I don't think any of my sims liked her.

Anyway, back to the legacy. As you will probably remember this is an alphabet legacy with all children named after characters in the Discworld books by Terry Pratchett. As I haven't updated in a while I'll start off with a quick recap of the characters.

The founder is Great A'Tuin, a knowledge sim with the life time want to max all his skills (he's getting pretty close). Great A'Tuin started on a large empty plot of land.

After 7 days he married Robin, another knowledge sim with the life time want of becoming Chief of Staff (she's also getting pretty close).

Together they produced three children - Angua, Agnes (our host), and Albert.

The good people of voted Angua in as heir. In the last chapter she graduated from university with top honours and left to rejoin her family. Now that we're all caught up on with the show.

Angua's Diary - Day 1 (Yes I've reset the days, otherwise by generation 26 it'd be on day 884ish)

It's been a long day. I arrived home in the morning, after four years at university it's going to be different living with my parents again, but I'm going to make this work.

When I first arrived home I really wasn't sure what I was going to do next, I know that I need someone to share my life with and I know I want children. The problem is I didn't really meet anyone that special at university, well except Dominic, but he's only just graduated and I'm not sure if he wants to settle down yet, or if he would want to settle down with me at all.

Dad introduced me to our mailman Tucker McAndrews. I think he's been planning this for a long time. The only problem is I don't really like him. He's nice and everything there's just no spark, not like it is with Dominic.

We went on a date but it really wasn't great. I could see Tucker checking out the other women around, so at least I think the feeling's mutual. I hate to disappoint dad but I can't settle down with someone I don't love.

[I had been planning for Angua and Tucker to marry but they really don't get on and I don't like paring up sims against their will. Plus Tucker is a romance sim, and although romance sims can be great, I'm not planning on matching a romance sim with a family sim at this stage, maybe later.]

Angua's Diary - Day 1 additional

My Date with Tucker made me realise who I really wanted. So I called Dominic and we talked. He told me that he had loved me since college and he was worried that I didn't return the feeling, when he told me that I invited him over immediately.

We spent a little while catching up and then I asked him if he would be prepared to settle down with me and be my husband.

He said yes and at that moment I knew I had made the right decision.

We wasted no time, I had already nearly let Dominic slip through my fingers I wasn't going to risk it happening again.

We got married in the garden lit by candle light, with rose petals falling from the arch above, it was everything I had ever dreamed of.

When we had exchanged our vows my parents applauded. I'm glad that dad isn't too disappointed that I didn't chose Tucker, and I'm sure he'll like Dominic.

Once we were married it was time to cut the cake. We took turns feeding the cake to each other and then left the guests to enjoy the rest.

While we went upstairs to my, no our, newly furnished bedroom and celebrated our marriage.

Everyone had a great time at the wedding and waved us off on the honeymoon.

[As good a time as any for Dominic's stats. He is a Gemini, with 4 neat, 7 outgoing, 8 active, 3 playful and 3 nice. He is a fortune sim with the life time want of becoming a Business Tycoon.]

Angua's Diary - Day 3

The honeymoon was magical, it was lovely to be able to get away, even for a short while, and enjoy being alone together.

Today I received the happy news that I'm going to be a mother very soon. I'm so happy, it has been my dream for as long as I can remember to see 6 of my children happily married. We're now making a start towards fulfilling that dream.

Great A'Tuin's Diary - Day 3

With the excitement of my daughter's wedding (not to the man I wanted, but he seems nice enough) I had forgotten that today was the day I go grey. As it was it came as a bit of a surprise, one minute I was my usual self, working on my charisma, the next my hair is grey and I can't quite stand up as straight as I used to. Plus all of a sudden I have the feeling I shouldn't go to far from a toilet.

Old age comes with some perks, I'm now a gentleman of leisure, with a reasonable pension - $499, enough that I don't feel I'm a drain on the family bank account.

As I'm now an OAP I decided it was time to go for a more dignified look, not too bad if I do say so myself (and Robin quite likes it too).

Dear Mum

It's amazing how much has happened recently. When I graduated from Unseen U I never thought that I'd end up here. At university Angua was the girl from the legacy family who was destined to inherit the family land and money, she was special and I was sure she had someone special back home, these legacy heirs usually do. We spent some time together sure, but I thought we were just messing about, she certainly never gave me any reason to think it was serious and never dared tell her how I felt.

Then after I graduate I get a phone call from her saying that she wants me to be that special someone if I want to. It must have taken a lot of guts for her to say that, she's always been very shy. Things after that are a bit of a whirl, we're now married and our first kid is on the way. I've gone from being a new graduate with no idea of his future to husband, father-to-be and member of the Discworld family (plus Angua always cooks me omelettes for breakfast, you know how much I love them).

Love Dominic

Hey sis,

The baby arrived today. Mum had warned me about the pain but I wasn't prepared for how intense it would be. I suppose I'm going to have to get used to this if I want 6 children (or even 10). Mum and Dominic were very supportive (although Dominic was a bit peeved that I interrupted breakfast, he loves his omelettes).

I lost track of how long the labour lasted, but when it ended I was holding a darling little baby girl. Her name is Bethan and she has her father's blue eyes, my brown hair and a combination of our skin tones. I still can't quite believe that I'm a mother, I love my little Bethan more than anyone else in the world (except Dominic of course), and to think, there'll be at least another 5 babies to come.

[Bethan appeared in Light Fantastic, she was going to be a virgin sacrifice until Cohen the Barbarian rescued her]

And I think the next one is already on the way. Yes I know it's quick, but if I want to have 6 (or 10) of them I can't afford to wait around.

What else has happened recently? Mum got another promotion, she's now a surgeon so whatever you do don't get sick enough to need an operation (but don't tell her I said that). And dad is getting really close to his goal, he said something about having only body to go.

Talk to you soonAngua

Dear Albert,

I know you're busy with the new business (too busy to answer the phone) but I though you might want to know how things have been going around here. Well Dad is happy, he says he's finally finished learning everything there is to know, so now he can be the devoted grandfather he wants to be without having to worry about himself.

It was Bethan's birthday the other day (I did tell you about Bethan didn't I), we didn't have a party, you know I don't really like them, but we did get her a cake.

She's become a lovely little toddler, she seems to love being around people, she won't leave us alone and is constantly under foot, I dread the day she learns to talk. She a bit messy, not as bad as you were though.

[Bethan is a Gemini with 4 neat, 9 outgoing, 8 active, 3 playful and 3 nice, she's actually very similar to Dominic]

Dad loves little Bethan he immediately took it upon himself to teach her to walk, talk and use the potty. I mind a little, but it does mean I can take extra care of myself given that I'm pregnant again (I did tell you about that last time we spoke).

Mum and Dominic are doing well at work, mum's now a Medical Researcher and Dominic is a Junior Executive. I still haven't found a job although I keep looking.

Dominic spends quite a lot of time looking out the windows, I've no idea what he's looking for, to be honest I'm not sure whether he know himself.

We had a bit of a scare earlier today. One of Dominic's work friends picked up Bethan, we were a little concerned what she was going to do with her (you know what townies are like). But it was a false alarm, she was actually being helpful, she bathed Bethan and played with her for a while.

Anyway, that's all the news for now, give us a ring sometime.

Love Angua

Angua's Diary - Day 8

The new baby was born today. I think it's getting easier, or maybe that's just wishful thinking given how many times I'm going to do this.

Dad was there like last time supporting me, unfortunately Dominic was at work this time, it was quite a surprise for him when he got home.

The baby is another little girl, this one is named Berilia and has my hair and skin and grandfather's eyes.

[Berilia is one of the elephants that stand on the back of Great A'Tuin and support the Disc. I don't think the gender of the elephants is ever mentioned so, as I'm lacking nice B girls names, I'm using it for a girl]

Great A'Tuin's Diary - Day 8

I'm a little worried about Angua. She gave birth to her second child and simply handed her to me to go and make the bed. I know she's always been neat but this is getting ridiculous.

I do love my new grand daughter though, it's nice to see my eyes coming through as none of my children has them.

As soon as Dominic arrived home Angua said something about getting to work on the next one and pulled him upstairs. I like all these grandkids but surely she can take it a bit slower.

I've quite warmed to my son-in-law, he certainly produces adorable children. Plus he's doing pretty well at work, I believe he's now an executive.

Dominic's Diary - Day 9

Yesterday was been very eventful. First my wife gave birth to our second child, then I get a promotion and lastly I go out on a late night stroll and return a vampire.

At first I was a little worried about how the family would react to my change, but they've actually been very understanding, in fact I think Great and Robin would quite like the experience of being vampires, but Angua has said that there is no way I'm turning her parents.

They built a small crypt along side the garage. It has everything I need so I can escape the sun during the day. They've even provided me with a car with specially tinted windows so I can still drive to work in daylight. Thanks to the car I've been promoted again, I'm now senior manager.

And of course I have a coffin so that I can sleep safely during the day without having to worry about sunlight.

The new arrangements work out quite well. It means that Angua and her parents can look after the children when the sun is out, and I can take over at night. It's great to know that the children will always have someone around to look after them.

Of course there is a little while in the evenings when I can emerge from my coffin and spend time with my wife, as a result of that we have a third baby on the way.

Great A'Tuin's Diary - Day 9

Dominic's condition fascinates me, I would love to study it first hand, but Dominic tells me that Angua has said a definite NO to that idea.

Oh yes it was also a double birthday, first Bethan who is a curious child and nearly managed to grab a candle when I held her up the cake.

She's a very pretty child, she appears to take after her father quite a bit.

It was also Berilia's, Dominic brought her to the cake himself, I'm quite impressed that despite the fascination of his new life he still wants to spend time with his children.

Berilia is a very cute toddler. I can see a lot more of Angua in her than in Bethan. She's even more active than her sister although neater with it, not quite as interested in people though.

[Berilia is a Scorpio with 10 neat, 7 outgoing, 10 active, 3 playful and 3 nice]

Hey Sis

Once again I missed out on teaching my daughter the essential skills. Dominic took advantage of his nocturnal tendencies and was her teacher, I believe her first words were something along the lines of "Why Dada blue?".

I honestly don't begrudge Dominic the chance to bond, but I'd really like to have spent the quality time with my daughters.

I was more than a little worried when I first learnt that Dominic had become a vampire, and I would still like to see him return to being human, but at least I know he loves me as much as he always did and that that will never change.

I though you might like to see this picture of little Berilia, isn't she adorable. And before you say anything, no I'm not fat, I'm pregnant again. Bethan is delighted to learn she'll soon have another little brother or sister (secretly I hope for a boy, not that my girls aren't wonderful, it's just I'd like a change).

Mum and dad are still as romantic as ever. He constantly surprises her with a kiss or a hug, I've even found him serenading her in the kitchen.

Mum really appreciated the present you got her for her birthday (she was a bit disappointed you couldn't be there but understood that you had to spend all your time with the newborn).

She's as pretty as an elder as she was as an adult, you must come and visit to see for yourself.

I must here though, this pregnancy is rougher on me than the last one was, I'm forever falling asleep in the middle of doing things, it's getting quite embarrassing.

Talk to you again soonAngua

P.S. I'm serious about you needing to visit, and I'd love to meet my nephew and nieces.

Dear Albert

I'm glad to hear the business is doing well (and that you finally called), I hear you're opening a new shop as well. Since you called there have been a couple of changes around here.

For starters Dominic has become very protective of me since I told him I was having a rougher time with this pregnancy. If I let him he would probably spend the entire night by my side, but he has other things he needs to do.

The biggest change is that I now have 3 children.

Once again I gave birth in the kitchen with mum, dad and Dominic looking on.

Boddony is another girl with her father's eyes, my hair and a mix between our skin tones.

[Boddony is a dwarf who works in a print room. All Discworld dwarfs have beards and wear chainmail, and for a long time all dwarfs were referred to as male (that is beginning to change in the more recent books), because of this a large part of dwarven mating rituals is gender determination. Because of this Boddony is another name which could be used for either gender, as I have plenty of male names I'm going to use it for a girl.]

Everyone was delighted to meet her (you are welcome to come and visit at some point yourself).

So I now have three daughters (all of them beautiful), I'm not finished yet though. I know you think I'm crazy but it's what I've always wanted and I'm lucky enough to be in a position where I can fulfil my dream. It's not different from what you're doing with those businesses of yours.

Dad adores his grand daughters and spends all the time he can with them. I think if he had his way no one else would get to do anything for them.

It's wonderful having him here to help, especially as I've finally found a job, I'm now in law enforcement working as a SWAT Team Leader (I'm amazed they were willing to give that position to an unemployed pregnant woman, but I guess the degree really does count for something).

Mum has finally reached her goal, she got her final promotion to Chief of Staff and is very content.

In celebration she was the one to carry Berilia to her birthday cake.

The entire household gathered to watch the birth (because of Dominic all of this kind of thing have to be held after dark).

Isn't she pretty, dad says she looks a lot like I did when I was that age (apart from her eye colour of course).

Mum decided that with all the children around (and another one on the way) it was time for her to finish working and retire.

So she's now like dad - a lady of leisure, with a reasonable pension ($425). She says she's looking forward to long hours with a book, or playing chess with dad (you know how alike they are).

I must end this letter here as we're expecting the headmaster anytime soon, wish us luck (although by the time you get this we'll already know the verdict).

Love Angua

P.S. Is it true that Jenna's pregnant, if so congratulations.

Headmaster's report.

Name of Parents: Dominic and Angua Discworld

Number of candidates: 2

Names of candidates: Bethan and Berilia


Was greeted by Great A'Tuin Discworld, father of the candidates. Nice old man, but a little odd.

Given tour of house. Very nice place, large enough for family of this size. Plenty of artwork around the house. Was slightly puzzled why they own four copies of same statue, but very nice pieces. Bathrooms especially lovely.

Meal excellent, nice to have turkey as a break from pork chops. Mrs Discworld charming if a bit orange.

Slightly concerned by younger daughter's negative feelings toward older sister but Mrs Discworld assures me that it's nothing serious.

Nice to see family bonding though not sure dining room right place for dancing.

Verdict: Accept

Great A'Tuin's Diary - Day 13

After the headmaster had left (odd man, I don't understand why he was so strange around me) it was time for Boddony's birthday (we had purposely delayed it for a few hours so as not to disrupt the visit).

She's a lovely little girl, I can see both Angua and Dominic in her features. She is as active as Berilia, always crawling off as soon as anyone puts her down. Unlike her sisters she's not that fond of people (reminds me of Angua) and would much rather be alone with her toys.

[Boddony is a Virgo with 10 neat, 1 outgoing, 10 active, 3 playful and 3 nice]

Angua is a wonderful mother, she doesn't let her pregnancy get in the way of caring for her children, I'm very proud of her and can't wait until the birth of my next grandchild. Although once again I was the one who taught Boddony her toddler skills, Angua was ready to collapse and although she protested I insisted she went to bed.

Great A'Tuin's Diary - Day 15

I'm glad to see Bethan taking after me in some ways, she's still a child and yet has already maxed her logic skill.

Accompanied by plenty of screaming Angua gave birth again today.

To her first son Brutha, has blonde hair, brown eyes and light skin (very much like my darling wife), as the first boy of this generation I'm sure he'll be doted on. He's also the last baby Angua will have for awhile as the house is full at the moment. She's going to have to be content to wait until Bethan moves out to have another baby.

[Brutha is the lead character in Small Gods, he starts as a novice in the Omnian Church and has an excellent memory, in the book he becomes the only one who can hear the God Om talk to him and becomes a prophet.]

That's it for this chapter, I'll leave with a picture of the Discworld women welcoming the first boy of generation 2 into the world.

(I'm not quite finished yet however, turn the page to see more of Agnes' interesting children)

Back at the little brick house (which isn't so little anymore), Agnes and Christa's children have become teens, and have grown into their looks a little. Dillon is a tough, smelly knowledge sim.

Bianca has become a quite striking romance teen.

They've also been joined by Elaine the angst ridden middle child.

Fiona, a very pretty little girl.

Gemma, who looks a lot like Dillon did (except female).

And Hannah, who really is a girl.

(Fiona, Gemma and Hannah were a result of me getting both Agnes and Christa pregnant at the same time. Christa gave birth to Fiona, and Agnes had twins Gemma and Hannah, there was no cheese cake involved).

Lets leave these two alone now (or as alone as they can get with 6 kids). Come back next time to see how big generation two will get.