Chapter 4-2 PHP Part 2

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Transcript of Chapter 4-2 PHP Part 2

  • 8/13/2019 Chapter 4-2 PHP Part 2


    ITCS373/ITCS473: InternetSoftware Development

    Chapter 4-2: Server-SideProgramming PHP

    Dr. Faisal Al-Qaed

  • 8/13/2019 Chapter 4-2 PHP Part 2


    PHP and MySQL DB

    MySQL is a database serverMySQL is ideal for both small and large


    MySQL supports standard SQL

    MySQL compiles on a number of platformsMySQL is free to download and use

    PHP combined with MySQL are cross-platform

    (you can develop in Windows and serve on aUnix platform)

    PHPMyAdmin: it is a web-based tool that allowyou to administrate your MySQL databases over

    the WWW, built using a set of PHP Scripts.

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    MySQL DataBase

    MySQL is a database. A database is integratedcollection of data. The data in MySQL is stored in database objects called

    tables. A table is a collections of related data entries and it

    consists of columns and rows. Databases are useful when storing informationcategorically. A company may have a database with thefollowing tables: "Employees", "Products", "Customers"and "Orders".

    A database most often contains one or more tables.Each table is identified by a name (e.g. "Customers" or"Orders"). Tables contain records (rows) with data.

    A databse query is a question or a request. With MySQL,we can query a database (using Structured QueryLanguage (SQL)) for specific information and have arecordset returned.

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    Assume we have Customer Table

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    A quick SQL TutorialTo retrieve data from the table, we use select * from

    tablename: Select * from Customer Select ID, Name, Age from Customer Select * from Customer where ID=1

    Select * from Customer where Age

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    SQL Insert

    INSERT INTO table_nameVALUES(value1, value2, value3,...)

    INSERT INTO Customer VALUES(1,'Nilsen', NN', abc123', 22, Student')

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    SQL Update

    UPDATE table_name SETcolumn1=value, column2=value2,...WHERE some_column=some_value

    UPDATE Customer SET Age=37,Occupation='Student' WHEREName=Noor' OR ID=2

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    SQL Delete

    DELETE FROM table_name WHEREsome_column=some_value

    DELETE FROM Customer WHEREName=Hesham' AND Age>30

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    Type in: localhost Click onphpMyAdmin toaccess MySQL

    Enter yourusername and


    (i.e. root andabc123)

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    First Step: Create DBEnter DBName andclick create

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    Create Table

    To create table To add

    more fieldsto the table

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    Insert Data

    Select the table students, click on insert,then type in the values, then finally click ongo button to insert new data into your table

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    After inserting data, you can browse thetable by clicking Browse (see Top-Left),and then you will see you table, clicking on

    pencil picture will allow you to edit thatrow, or clicking on the X picture will allowyou to delete that record.

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    Using SQL

    You can use SQL statements to CreateTable, Insert records, browse recordsusing Select, Delete records, etc.

    Enter your

    SQL here

    Executeyour SQL

    Fields name

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    Allow you toexport DBand import itto different


    Allow you to editand deletedatabase

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    In the LAB you were given a quick tutorialon using MySQL with PHPMyAdmin and

    SQL statements. You should now know:How to create/delete a database?

    How to create/delete table?

    How to insert/edit/delete a record?How to browse table contents?

    How to use SQL to create table,select/update/delete/insert records?

    How to import/export your database?

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    MySQL database


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    Displaying the data in the table

    Select $result = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM Customer");

    Display in a table echo "

    IDNameAge"; while($row = mysql_fetch_array($result)) { echo ""; echo "" . $row[ID'] . ""; echo "" . $row[Name'] . "";

    echo "" . $row[Age'] . ""; echo ""; } echo "";

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    Inserting into the table

    mysql_query("INSERT INTO CustomerVALUES(10,Ali',un, '23,25,Student )") ordie(mysql_error());

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    More Examples

    $result = mysql_query("SELECT * FROMCustomer WHERE Age>'18' " );

    $result = mysql_query("SELECT * FROMCustomer WHERE Age>'18' ORDER ByName" );

    mysql_query("UPDATE Customer SET Age ='36 WHERE Name = Ali' ") ordie(mysql_error());

    mysql_query("DELETE FROM CustomerWHERE id='2'") or die(mysql_error());

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    ExamplesCreate a database named example

    Create a table named customers with the following attributes:

    IDtype= int

    Nametype= varchar of size 20

    Usernametype= varchar of size 20

    Passwordtype= varchar of size 20

    Agetype= int

    Occupationtype= varchar of size 30

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    Example 1: Login Verification

    Querying a MySQL Database


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    Example 2: User Sign-Up

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    ID:Name:Age:Username:PasswordConfirm Password:Occupation:StudentManager


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    Example 3: Update Details Read only

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    Example 4: Delete Users

    Note: use the same code as view.php for listing all users but changethe form action to e4_delete

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  • 8/13/2019 Chapter 4-2 PHP Part 2


    Required Reading and UsefulFunctions

    Part 8: Databases and MySQL

    Mysqli [not required]

    Useful Functions:



    mysql_fetch_object() and reading data as


    Mini ProjectRead Part 14

  • 8/13/2019 Chapter 4-2 PHP Part 2


    PHP Upload

    A very useful aspect of PHP is its ability tomanage file uploads to your server.

    However, allowing users to upload a file toyour server opens a whole can of worms,so please be careful when enabling file


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    HTML Form needed for upload

    Choose a file to upload:

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    Here is a brief description of the important parts of the above code: enctype="multipart/form-data"- Necessary for our to-be-created

    PHP file to function properly. action="uploader.php"- The name of our PHP page that will be

    created, shortly.

    method="POST"- Informs the browser that we want to sendinformation to the server using POST.

    input type="hidden" name="MA...- Sets the maximum allowablefile size, in bytes, that can be uploaded. This safety mechanism iseasily bypassed and we will show a solid backup solution in PHP.We have set the max file size to 100KB in this example.

    input name=myFile" - myFile is how we will access the file in our

    PHP script.

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    When the uploader.phpfile is executed, the uploaded fileexists in a temporary storage area on the server. If thefile is not moved to a different location it will be

    destroyed! To save our precious file we are going toneed to make use of the $_FILESassociative array.

    The $_FILESarray is where PHP stores all theinformation about files. There are two elements of thisarray that we will need to understand for this example.

    myFile- is the reference we assigned in our HTML form. We willneed this to tell the $_FILES array which file we want to playaround with.

    $_FILES[myFile']['name']- namecontains the original path ofthe user uploaded file.

    $_FILES[myFile']['tmp_name']- tmp_namecontains the pathto the temporary file that resides on the server. The file shouldexist on the server in a temporary directory with a temporaryname.
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    Simple File Upload Example

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    PHP - File Upload: Safe Practices!

    Note:This script is for education purposes only.We do not recommend placing this on a webpage viewable to the public.

    These few lines of code we have given you willallow anyone to upload data to your server.Because of this, we recommend that you do nothave such a simple file uploader available to the

    general public. Otherwise, you might find thatyour server is filled with junk or that your server'ssecurity has been compromised.

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    Practical Upload Example


    l d fil h

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    List of Mime Types

    Pdf = application/pdf Doc = application/msword Css = text/css Bmp = image/bmp

    Htm/html = text/html Mov = video/quicktime Mp3 = audio/mpeg3 Mpg = video/mpeg Ppt = application/powerpoint Txt = text/plainFor Complete Reference: check this website
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    PHP what else?

    You can still do many many more things withPHP and SS scripts:You can create/manage/delete/rename

    directories/files on the server (i.e.

    mkdir($dirName,0777);)You can access and manipulate XML data easily.You can interact with networking applications such

    as DNS, mail server, ftp, open network sockets etc.PHP also has a great number of functions that will

    secure sensitive website data (i.e. encryptions,hash functions, etc.)

    PHP regular expression is useful for complex datavalidation