Chapter 30

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Chapter 30. Discussion and review. What were the causes of the First World War?. The three most important causes of the Great War were nationalism, the system of military alliances, and German plans to dominate Europe. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Transcript of Chapter 30

Chapter 30 Chapter 30

Discussion and reviewDiscussion and review

What were the causes of the First World War?What were the causes of the First World War? The three most important causes of the Great War were nationalism, the The three most important causes of the Great War were nationalism, the

system of military alliances, and German plans to dominate Europe.system of military alliances, and German plans to dominate Europe. Because of nationalist sentiments, Europeans saw war as an opportunity for Because of nationalist sentiments, Europeans saw war as an opportunity for

independence and as revenge for previous defeats. independence and as revenge for previous defeats. Europeans also had forgotten their fear of war, as most nineteenth-century Europeans also had forgotten their fear of war, as most nineteenth-century

wars were quick, inexpensive in both lives and material, and victorious. wars were quick, inexpensive in both lives and material, and victorious. The tangle of diplomatic and military ties created a web of connections The tangle of diplomatic and military ties created a web of connections

between countries pledging mutual support in case of war. between countries pledging mutual support in case of war. Those alliances quickly became battle lines after the assassination of Those alliances quickly became battle lines after the assassination of

Archduke Franz Ferdinand and the Austrian declaration of war on Serbia.Archduke Franz Ferdinand and the Austrian declaration of war on Serbia. France, Great Britain, and Russia were the primary combatants for the France, Great Britain, and Russia were the primary combatants for the

Entente Powers; Germany and Austria-Hungary were the Central Powers.Entente Powers; Germany and Austria-Hungary were the Central Powers. German plans for European domination called for quick victories against German plans for European domination called for quick victories against

France and Russia and hinged on British and American neutrality.France and Russia and hinged on British and American neutrality. Technology encouraged German aggression, as precise large-scale Technology encouraged German aggression, as precise large-scale

mobilization by railroad was essential to German strategy.mobilization by railroad was essential to German strategy.

Describe the peace treaties ending the First World War and Describe the peace treaties ending the First World War and some of their long-term implications.some of their long-term implications.

Treaty of Versailles was a unilateral document, dictated by France, Britain, Treaty of Versailles was a unilateral document, dictated by France, Britain, and the United States. and the United States.

The treaty had very little input from other European countries, and none at The treaty had very little input from other European countries, and none at all from nations such as Japan. all from nations such as Japan.

The Central Powers took no part in the treaty except to sign it. The Central Powers took no part in the treaty except to sign it. The treaty’s punitive measures included large but undefined monetary The treaty’s punitive measures included large but undefined monetary

reparations; a “guilt clause,” in which Germany accepted all blame for the reparations; a “guilt clause,” in which Germany accepted all blame for the war; and the loss of German territory. war; and the loss of German territory.

Woodrow Wilson’s plan for self-determinism called for new European Woodrow Wilson’s plan for self-determinism called for new European nations to be formed along ethnic and linguistic lines. nations to be formed along ethnic and linguistic lines.

Germany returned Alsace and Lorraine to France, and the Polish state was Germany returned Alsace and Lorraine to France, and the Polish state was recreated from eastern Germany. recreated from eastern Germany.

Austria-Hungary and Russia lost territory that became Czechoslovakia, Austria-Hungary and Russia lost territory that became Czechoslovakia, Yugoslavia, Bulgaria, and almost one dozen other new nations. Yugoslavia, Bulgaria, and almost one dozen other new nations.

Many of these new nations were unstable and fragile entities. Many of these new nations were unstable and fragile entities. The breakup of the Ottoman Empire also left that region unstable, with The breakup of the Ottoman Empire also left that region unstable, with

Allied nations weaker than they had been even before the war.Allied nations weaker than they had been even before the war.

Briefly describe the Revolution in Russia and the reorganization of Briefly describe the Revolution in Russia and the reorganization of the country into the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics.the country into the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics.

During the Great War, Russia was still controlled by the tsar and a During the Great War, Russia was still controlled by the tsar and a wealthy aristocracy. wealthy aristocracy.

The poorly led and equipped Russian army suffered crushing losses in The poorly led and equipped Russian army suffered crushing losses in fighting the Germans. fighting the Germans.

Starvation and shortages led to rebellions throughout Russia. Citizens Starvation and shortages led to rebellions throughout Russia. Citizens formed councils (called soviets), and seized army barracks and formed councils (called soviets), and seized army barracks and factories. factories.

Amid the turmoil, the tsar abdicated power to a new Provisional Amid the turmoil, the tsar abdicated power to a new Provisional Government. Government.

the competing groups that fought for control, including the Bolsheviks the competing groups that fought for control, including the Bolsheviks and Mensheviks (the two wings of the Social Democratic Party), and the and Mensheviks (the two wings of the Social Democratic Party), and the Social Revolutionaries. Social Revolutionaries.

Lenin’s Bolsheviks ultimately took control and expanded their power Lenin’s Bolsheviks ultimately took control and expanded their power during the October Revolution. during the October Revolution.

The Communists, as the Bolsheviks were called by then, defeated their The Communists, as the Bolsheviks were called by then, defeated their enemies. enemies.

The new government first recognized the independence of many The new government first recognized the independence of many regions and then combined with them to form the Union of Soviet regions and then combined with them to form the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics.Socialist Republics.

Describe World War I and its aftermath in the Middle East.Describe World War I and its aftermath in the Middle East. During the Great War, the Ottoman Empire controlled most of the Middle During the Great War, the Ottoman Empire controlled most of the Middle

East. East. After a disastrous defeat at Gallipoli, Britain allied itself with Arab leaders in After a disastrous defeat at Gallipoli, Britain allied itself with Arab leaders in

an attempt to defeat the Ottomans. an attempt to defeat the Ottomans. Britain offered Prince Hussein ibn Ali his own kingdom in exchange for Arab Britain offered Prince Hussein ibn Ali his own kingdom in exchange for Arab

assistance. assistance. A revolt led by Hussein’s son Faisal weakened the Ottoman Empire but did A revolt led by Hussein’s son Faisal weakened the Ottoman Empire but did

not affect the war in Europe. not affect the war in Europe. While that intrigue was being carried out, the Zionist movement was seeking While that intrigue was being carried out, the Zionist movement was seeking

a Jewish homeland in Palestine. a Jewish homeland in Palestine. Zionists received widespread sympathy and the support of the British Zionists received widespread sympathy and the support of the British

government in the Balfour Declaration. government in the Balfour Declaration. Turkey, led by Mustapha Kemal, established itself from the remains of the Turkey, led by Mustapha Kemal, established itself from the remains of the

dismantled Ottoman Empire and instituted many progressive reforms, dismantled Ottoman Empire and instituted many progressive reforms, turning his country into a secular republic. turning his country into a secular republic.

The Arab-speaking areas of the former Ottoman Empire were reorganized The Arab-speaking areas of the former Ottoman Empire were reorganized under the mandate system, as were Palestine, Transjordan, and Iraq.under the mandate system, as were Palestine, Transjordan, and Iraq.

British dominance over Egypt continued, in spite of a declaration of Egyptian British dominance over Egypt continued, in spite of a declaration of Egyptian independence in 1922. independence in 1922.

Encouraged by the Balfour Declaration, Jews moved in large numbers to Encouraged by the Balfour Declaration, Jews moved in large numbers to Palestine, creating the root of a long-standing Middle Eastern dispute.Palestine, creating the root of a long-standing Middle Eastern dispute.

Describe social changes in Europe and the United States during Describe social changes in Europe and the United States during the 1920s, particularly the changes that resulted from the First the 1920s, particularly the changes that resulted from the First

World War.World War.

Although most of western Europe and the United States wanted simply to Although most of western Europe and the United States wanted simply to return to prewar stability and conservatism, the war had initiated changes return to prewar stability and conservatism, the war had initiated changes that could not be reversed. that could not be reversed.

White-collar workers and the middle class grew substantially, but the White-collar workers and the middle class grew substantially, but the working class declined. working class declined.

European refugees migrated in large numbers until the United States, European refugees migrated in large numbers until the United States, Canada, and Australia enacted immigration restrictions. Canada, and Australia enacted immigration restrictions.

Women’s lives changed the most. Many women had joined the work force Women’s lives changed the most. Many women had joined the work force as wage earners during the war and were reluctant to abandon those wage earners during the war and were reluctant to abandon those jobs.

After the war, western European and U.S. women also won the right to vote. After the war, western European and U.S. women also won the right to vote. Technological innovations such as aircraft, automobiles, radio, home Technological innovations such as aircraft, automobiles, radio, home appliances, and electricity all changed people’s lives. appliances, and electricity all changed people’s lives.

The cinema and jazz transformed popular culture. Advances in physics and The cinema and jazz transformed popular culture. Advances in physics and the social sciences fundamentally altered Western cultures’ view of the social sciences fundamentally altered Western cultures’ view of themselves, often in very unsettling ways. themselves, often in very unsettling ways.

The Great War’s scars transformed the physical environment, as did dams, The Great War’s scars transformed the physical environment, as did dams, irrigation projects, and continued industrialization and suburbanization.irrigation projects, and continued industrialization and suburbanization.