Chapter 3 Volcanological Studies of Barren...

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Chapter 3 Volcanological Studies of Barren Island

In the volcanological studies, we study the formation of volcanoes,

and their historic and current eruptions on the basis of eruptive products

including tephra (such as ash or pumice), lava and rock samples. In this

work, I report the results of our detailed geological and volcanological

observations and interpretations of volcanic sequences on Barren Island,

based on three field trips to the volcano in January 2007, April 2008 and

March 2009. During the field investigations we have identified different

flows and structures on the island, mapped the island, and made an

attempt to understand the origin and evolution of the volcano. These

results have already been published (Sheth et al., 2009, 2010 and 2011).

3.1 Introduction

The Barren Island active volcano lies in the Andaman Sea,

northeastern Indian Ocean. It is situated ~70 km east of India’s Andaman

and Nicobar Islands chain, where sequences of oceanic volcanic and

metavolcanic rocks (pillow basalts, ultramafics, serpentinites, greenstones)

as well as flysch sediments are exposed (e.g., Allen et al., 2007). The

Andaman Trench, along which the NE-moving Indian Plate currently

subducts beneath the Burmese Plate, is ~ 250 km west of the volcano (Fig.

1.10). The tectonic scenario is complicated by the presence of active back-

arc spreading in the Andaman Sea ESE of Barren Island (Curray et al.,

1979; Kamesh Raju et al., 2004; Khan and Chakraborty 2005, Subba Rao,


Barren Island is the only active volcano in Indian territory, and the

northernmost active volcano of the great Indonesian arc. To the north of

Barren Island is one more important dormant volcano in Indian


subcontinent named as Narcondam (Fig. 1.10), which is situated ~140 km

NNE of Barren Island, may have erupted in the Holocene (Simkin and

Siebert 1994, Siebert and Simkin, 2002).

Barren Island is only ~3 km across. It is not all barren and has a

lush jungle on its southern and eastern sides, with some freshwater

springs (Chandrasekharam et al., 2003). But it is uninhabited by man,

which may explain its name. Wildlife on the island includes feral goats,

fruit bats, rats, and parrots.

Barren Island has restricted public access and can be reached by

Indian Navy or Indian Coast Guard vessels from Port Blair (135 km), the

capital of the Andaman and Nicobar Islands. A few scientists from the

Geological Survey of India (GSI) have been studying the volcano for

nearly two decades; however, with rare exceptions their studies have been

published as the GSI’s internal reports and as conference abstracts, not

easily accessible (e.g., Haldar, 1989; Haldar et al., 1992a, 1994, and several

others). The volcano has therefore had quite low visibility internationally.

There is also no continuous monitoring of the volcano. A GSI

photographic atlas dedicated to the volcano (Shanker et al., 2001) gives

some valuable first-hand information on the recent eruptive activity in the

form of eyewitness accounts; however, the atlas is targeted in part at the

layman, and our identifications and interpretations of several volcanic

features on the volcano differ significantly from those offered in the atlas.

When we started working on the Island in 2007 only a few studies existed

in peer-reviewed Indian and international literature (Haldar et al., 1992b;

Haldar and Luhr, 2003; Alam et al., 2004; Luhr and Haldar, 2006; Pal et al.,

2007) which addressed aspects of magma evolution at the volcano and

provided accounts of its recent post 1991 eruptions. Since 2007 several

publications including ours, have come into public domain (e.g., Sheth et


al., 2009, 2010 and 2011; Chandrasekharam et al., 2009; Banerjee, 2010; Pal

et al., 2010; Streck et al., 2010; Awasthi et al., 2010, Ray et al., 2011). In

following paragraphs I discuss our finding of the volcanological studies

on the Island.

3.2 Geology

Barren Island (Figs. 3.1, 3.2) is roughly circular with a diameter of

~3 km and represents the topmost part of a submarine volcano rising

more than 2 km above the sea floor. In the absence of proper geophysical

survey, drilling or dredging no information is available about the rocks

that make up its submarine mass. Luhr and Haldar (2006) estimate its

submarine volume to be ~390 km3 based on the bathymetry and the

subaerial volume to be only 1.3 km3. The volcano has a nearly circular

caldera of ~2 km diameter, with a breach in the caldera wall on the

northwestern side, which has existed since at least 1787 as the earliest

sketches of the volcano (by Colebrooke and Captain Blair, reproduced in

Shanker et al., 2001) show.

A cinder or scoria cone rising to about 500 m above sea level exists

roughly at the caldera centre. The caldera wall exposes prehistoric

volcaniclastic deposits and lava flows, which are interbedded with radial

outward dips (Fig. 3.1a, b and 3.2b). By “prehistoric” is meant that these

deposits formed at some (unknown) time before the first “historic”

eruptions which began in 1787 and continued till 1832 (Shanker et al.,

2001; Luhr and Haldar, 2006). Alam et al. 2004 reported for a 5-m-wide,

NNE-SSW-trending basaltic dyke cutting the prehistoric lava flows on the

southeastern inner caldera wall, no intrusions are known on the volcano.


Fig. 3.1 a-c Panoramic views (in April 2008 and March 2009) of Barren island taken abroad Indian coast guard vessels, showing general morphological and geological features. The cinder cone is ~ 500 m high above the sea and the south caldera wall 334m.Yellowish white patches on the cinder cone in (a) and (b) are fumarolic deposits. In (c) ~20m wide beach at landing site 3 and the lava flows and first time reported tooth paste lava flows also marked.

Barren Island has had four recent eruptions in 1991, 1994–95, 2005–

06 and 2008-09 (Fig 3.2) during which it has erupted aa lava flows of basalt

and basaltic andesite and pyroclastic materials. Previous workers have

used variable terminology for the various eruptions. Shanker et al. (2001)

call the 1991 and 1994–95 eruptions, which they describe, as “recent”, or

the “third cycle”, their second and first cycles referring to the historic

(1787–1832) and the prehistoric eruptions respectively. Luhr and Haldar

(2006) include the 1991 and 1994– 95 eruptions among “historic”

volcanism. Here we use the terms (recent, historic, prehistoric) following

Shanker et al. (2001), and also introduce two new useful terms. Because

the prehistoric deposits exposed on the caldera wall must predate the

formation of the caldera itself, we call them the “pre-caldera” volcanic


deposits. The historic (1787–1832) as well as the recent eruptions have

occurred from the central cinder cone, well within the caldera. We

therefore address both the historic and recent eruptive products as

“caldera-filling” volcanic deposits.

Regarding caldera forming event, Shanker et al. (2001) speculated

that the caldera may have formed in late Pleistocene time, by an original,

1,100-m-high cone blowing its roof off in a giant eruption. However, our

observations suggest that the formation of caldera on the Barren Island

volcano is not associated with eruptions because we didn’t get evidence

for a high proto-Barren Island volcano blowing its roof off in a Krakatau-

1883-like eruption. Shanker et al. (2001) didn’t identify the deposits left on

the volcano itself by this proposed event, and some that we describe

below might correspond to such an event, or to older (pre-caldera)

volcanism itself. We believe that the caldera of Barren Island is bounded

by a ring fault, and note that there is a small tilted block on the western

end, rising to about 100 m above sea level but without a clear relationship

to the caldera wall, which shows the otherwise south-dipping prehistoric

pile forming the southern half of the volcano to dip northwards, towards

the caldera-filling lava flows (Fig. 3.1a, b). Cole et al. (2005) provide a

recent review of calderas, and the Barren Island caldera can be considered

a “simple, single-event, symmetric collapse, circular basaltic caldera”

following their terminology. This, as the modelling of Roche et al. (2000)

suggests, may indicate a shallow-level magma chamber. This would be

consistent with the observations of Luhr and Haldar (2006) that several

Barren Island lavas contain disaggregated troctolitic (olivine + plagioclase)

cumulates from a shallow magma chamber under the volcano. Although

the timing of this caldera forming event is not known, the suggestions

made by Awasthi et al. (2010) is worth mentioning the point. Correlating

Nd isotopic composition of pre-caldera formations with ash layers in a


Fig. 3.2 a-c Most recent lava flows (of 2008-09) on Barren Island volcano have taken a route through the northern section of the caldera wall (Sheth et al 2010)

well dated sediments core near the volcano Awasthi et al., (2010)

speculated that the caldera on Barren Island could have formed prior to 10

kyrs before present.


We have developed a new geological map of the Barren Island (Fig.

3.3) based on earlier information, satellite photographs and our field

observations. Our map is more accurate compared all other existing ones

and a major difference in this map and the previous ones is the

considerably enlarged area of recently erupted lava flows at the western

coast of the volcano that is represented here. In addition we have also

mapped most recent (2009) lava flows that have taken a complete different

route to these compared to the earlier ones (Fig. 3.3).

3.3 Prehistoric eruptions

3.3.1 Pre-caldera tuff breccias: deposits left by lahars and

debris flows

The lowermost exposed prehistoric deposits on the inner caldera

wall of Barren Island are polymodal deposits with sharply angular blocks

of basalt as big as a metre, dispersed in a matrix of fine, ash-size, clay-like

material (Fig. 3.4). These can be called as tuff breccias. The best exposures

are on the western shore of the volcano just south of the 1994–95 aa flows,

where several of these deposits underlie a prehistoric aa flow (Fig. 3.4a).

Two distinct tuff breccia deposits are visible in Fig. 3.4, and only a few

metres southwards, four distinct tuff breccia deposits are exposed, with an

unconsolidated, well-sorted ash bed in the middle (Fig. 3.4c), interpreted

here as a pyroclastic fall deposit. The prehistoric lava flow and the tuff

breccias below have steeply dipping fractures filled by still younger coarse

fragmental material almost to the base of the exposed section (Fig. 3.4a).

The aa flow may correspond with the lowest of the three aa flows exposed

on the northern caldera wall, below which ash and lapilli beds are seen,

followed by a tuff breccia deposit (presumably corresponding to the

youngest on the southern side) (Fig. 3.4d; the interpretative logs and

correlations in Fig. 3.5).


Fig. 3.3 Geological map of Barren Island Volcano based on field observations in 2008 and 2009, showing various lavas flows and structure

Shanker et al. (2001) have described these tuff breccia deposits as

agglomeratic flows (e.g., their Fig. 1.9), but the total absence of bombs in

them suggests that no molten rock was involved in the flows. Such tuff

breccias may represent deposits of pyroclastic flows, particularly the

subtype of pyroclastic flows known as block and ash flows. Alternately


Fig. 3.4 a–e Prehistoric, pre-caldera tuff breccias (TB, interpreted as lahar and debris flow deposits and numbered TB1 through TB4 from oldest to youngest) and lava flows exposed on the inner caldera wall.


Fig 3.5 Litho logs for the six locations examined on Barren Island in the present study, with their correlations. TB 1 to TB 2 is precaldera tuff breccia deposits (Sheth et al., 2009).


tuff breccias may be the deposits left by debris avalanches or lahars, simply

representing mass movements. Both are common and abundant on the large

oceanic volcanoes. Whereas debris avalanche deposits are typically

hummocky, lahars deposits are channelized. The prehistoric tuff breccias on

Barren Island appear to be channelized (Fig. 3.4e). We did not encountered

carbonized plant remains that can help distinguish the deposits of the (high-

temperature) pyroclastic flows from those of lahars. On the other hand, lahars,

especially highly fluid hyperconcentrated flow varieties, contain substantial

water. Considering the above, the tuff breccia deposit immediately

underlying the prehistoric aa flow (Fig. 3.4b) is interpreted here as a lahar

deposit with rainwater as the mobilizing agent. The two similar, but block-

rich, matrix-poor deposits that underlie it are interpreted here as deposits left

by debris flows. Accumulations of loose, coarse (~1 m), angular rubble that

can be seen on the present slopes of theVolcano, only some hundred metres

to the south of these outcrops, supports the interpretation that the prehistoric

tuff breccias were formed essentially by mass movements.

3.3.2 Ash beds: pyroclastic surge and fall deposits

In the southern inner caldera wall section, in the tilted block described

in the “Geology” section above, the lowest prehistoric aa flow and the lahar

deposit beneath it are separated by ash and lapilli ash layers (Fig. 3.6a). They

show mantle bedding (Fig. 3.6b) as well as dune bedding, sometimes with

sags produced by angular basalt blocks (Fig. 3.6c, d). On the northern caldera

wall, between the oldest prehistoric lava flow and the tuff breccia deposit are

layers with reverse grading, followed upwards by ash and lapilli ash layers

with dune bedding (Fig. 3.6e). They are overlain by well-bedded, well-sorted

yellow and red ash layers (Fig. 3.6f). Shanker et al. (2001) report rare normal


grading in these tephra at other locations. We interpret the ash and lapilli ash

beds with reverse or normal grading, or which are well sorted (e.g., Fig. 3.4c),

to represent pyroclastic fall deposits, and the ash beds with dune bedding to

have been deposited by the pyroclastic surges.

Surge-deposited beds overlain by fall deposits are also seen on the

outermost southwestern side of the island, below the prehistoric aa flows (Fig.

3.7a–d). Therefore we believe that these prehistoric, pre-caldera pyroclastic

surge and fall deposits, exposed on both the northern and the southern

caldera wall sections (sandwiched between the aa flows above and the tuff

breccias below), as well as on the western shore of the island, represent a

complete tephra ring that existed before the eruption of the prehistoric lavas.

Tephra cones, rings, and maars are characteristic products of

phreatomagmatism, the explosive interaction between magma and shallow

surface water or groundwater (Hamilton and Myers, 1963; Sheridan and

Wohletz, 1983; Sohn and Chough, 1989; Zimanowki, 1998; Thouret, 1999;

White and Houghton, 2000).

Based on Shanker et al.’s (2001) observation, that “coral beds around

the western shore (of Barren Island) were badly affected (by the 1991

eruption)”, it is possible that coral reefs were in existence at the time the

prehistoric pyroclastic surge and fall deposits formed on Barren Island. But

the fact that these deposits contain no coral reef fragments and few other

accidental lithics (basalt blocks) suggests the absence, or at least non-

involvement, of reefs, and certainly the dominance of juvenile magma and

minimal vent quarrying. In fact there is nothing to suggest that sea water was

involved in magma fragmentation. The absence of accretionary lapilli


Fig. 3.6 a–f Pyroclastic surge and fall deposits preserved beneath the prehistoric aa flows and above the pre-caldera tuff breccias.


throughout the outcrops examined suggests that the pyroclastic surges were

more or less dry, with little external water involved (e.g., Wohletz and

Sheridan 1983).

Shanker et al. (2001) have interpreted the cross-bed characteristics of

the surge deposits on Barren Island as aeolian in origin. Whereas syn- or post-

eruptive erosion by slumping, debris flows or wind does operate on tephra

rings (Leys, 1983; Sohn and Chough, 1989; Chough and Sohn, 1990), there are

no palaeosols or erosional contacts within these deposits, suggesting the

rapid eruptions without breaks, and no horizons of coarse, angular rubble

that might suggest reworking.

3.3.3 The prehistoric aa flows

Each of the three aa flows on the northern caldera wall exhibits a

distinct clinkery base and top, and a thick, massive, unjointed or poorly

jointed core between the upper and lower clinker (Fig. 3.4e). Each clinkery

horizon is about a metre thick, and the cores are about 4 m thick. The upper

two lava flows appear to merge into one towards the northwestern end of the

cliff face.

3.3.4 Possible syn-caldera deposits On Barren Island, it is unclear if there are deposits associated with the

caldera-forming event. Shanker et al. (2001), who speculated about a giant

caldera-forming prehistoric eruption, did not identify the associated deposits.

Luhr and Haldar (2006) write that “Outcrop photographs in Shanker et al.

(2001) show sequences of unconsolidated pyroclastic-surge deposits more

than 15 m thick with prominent cross beds and bomb sags, likely from the


caldera-forming eruption.” We believe that these photographs are of the

outcrops we have described as pyroclastic fall and surge deposits underlying

the prehistoric lava flows, which means that they were emplaced long before

the caldera-forming event. Also bombs are not observed in these deposits

(only blocks, and very few of them).

The youngest deposits exposed in the caldera wall are ~50 m thick

pyroclastic deposits above the prehistoric aa flows. These include mainly

Fig. 3.7 The beach section at Landing Site 2 on the western side of the island, showing (a) two prehistoric aa flows underlain by tephra deposits, (b) close-up of the lowermost aa flow and underlying red ash beds, (c) fine, dune-bedded ash representing surge deposits overlain by airfall-deposited ash with a few lithic blocks of basalt, and (d) surge deposits underlying fallout ash beds.


well-stratified ash beds with some tuff breccias (Fig. 3.8a). Following many

workers (e.g., Nakamura 1964; Decker and Christiansen 1984; Robin et al.,

1993) we interpret these uppermost deposits as possibly representing the

caldera-forming eruption. Some of the tuff breccias have entered the fractures

in the prehistoric lava flows and underlying tuff breccias (Figs. 3.4a, 3.8b, c),

and these fracture filling materials sometimes have a strong superficial

resemblance to dykes (Fig. 3.8c). In places the ash layers and the tuff breccias

dip inward towards the centre of the caldera (Fig. 3.8d) and show mantle

bedding, suggesting that they were deposited on whatever topography

existed at that time (Fig. 3.8e).

3.4 Historic eruptions

Based on the accounts of Hobday and Mallet (1885), Ball (1888, 1893), Mallet

(1895), Washington (1924), Raina (1987), Haldar et al. (1992a, b, 1999),

Shanker et al. (2001), Haldar and Luhr (2003), Luhr and Haldar (2006), and

reports from the Bulletin of the Global Volcanism Network (Smithsonian

Institution, Venzke et al., 2002), Barren Island volcano had its first historically

recorded eruptions in 1787, observed by passenger ships crossing the

Andaman Sea. The earliest sketches of the island (sketches by Colebrooke and

Captain Blair reproduced in Shanker et al., 2001) show the volcano in much

its modern shape, including the breach in the caldera wall. However, the

height of the central cinder cone has been shown to be a little less than that of

the caldera wall and, rather unrealistically, the cinder cone has been shown to

have extremely steep (50°) slopes.

The activity in 1787 is said to have started with the formation of a new

cinder cone near the centre of the caldera during a Strombolian-style eruption.


Fig. 3.8 a–e Uppermost prehistoric deposits that may represent the caldera-forming eruption, overlying the prehistoric lava flows and tephra layers. Frame (a) is from the northern caldera wall, and (b) through (e) are from the tilted block just south of the recent aa flow field (Landing Site 1)


Activity continued until 1832 with breaks of 2–29 years between

individual eruptions. The Smithsonian Institution lists the following

eruptions during this interval: 1787, 1789, 1795, 1803–1804, and 1832 (Siebert

and Simkin 2002). The cinder cone grew to 305 m height and developed a

summit crater ~60 m across. The eruptions occurred from three subsidiary

vents about 80 m below the crater rim on the northeast, west, and south

flanks of the cinder cone (Raina 1987, and references therein). Basaltic aa

lavas emerged from the three subsidiary vents, flooded the annular moat

between the new cinder cone and the caldera wall, and ultimately flowed

westward to cascade into the sea (e.g.,

see Fig. 3b of Luhr and Haldar 2006). Luhr and Haldar (2006) estimate a

volume of ~25 million m3 for them.

3.5 Recent eruptions

The recent (1991, 1994–95 and 2005–06, 2008-09) basalt and basaltic

andesite flows have largely, apparently completely, covered and hidden the

older historic (1787–1832) lava flows. Shanker et al. (2001), Haldar and Luhr

(2003), and Luhr and Haldar (2006), as well as the Smithsonian Institution’s

Global Volcanism Program website (http:// offer

valuable first-hand information on the recent eruptions. The 1991 flows

erupted from the central cinder cone and flowed to the sea (Fig. 3.2), and the

1994–95 flows flowed along the southern margin of the 1991 lava field (Figs.

3.2, 3.9a) according to eyewitness accounts (Shanker et al., 2001), though they

also appear to make up much of the lava front along the island’s west coast.

The 2005–06 flows travelled along the northern part of the lava field, close to

the caldera wall, and reached the sea. The three eruptions have by now

created a sizeable lava delta (term used by Luhr and Haldar, 2006) at the

western shore of the Island (Figs. 3.1a, b, 3.2, 3.9a). We describe these


eruptions only briefly, as detailed descriptions can be found in the references

cited above.

3.5.1 The 1991 eruption

This eruption began in late March 1991 from the existing cinder cone,

producing thick jets of gas and red-hot lava fragments. The eruption began at

the NE subsidiary vent from the 1787–1832 eruption; about 80 m below the

rim of the crater of the cinder cone, and formed a new spatter cone. Lava

flowed from that vent and also from the other two subsidiary vents of the

historic eruption, and filled the annular moat between the central cone and

the caldera by 6 April. Two new small, ~10-m-high lava driblet cones formed

~100 m and ~130 m west of the cinder cone atop these basaltic andesite lava

flows, which were mostly blocky aa. These lava flows travelled westward to

the sea where they buried a 12-m-high gas lighthouse on the shore and

caused profuse boiling of the sea water and generation of thick steam clouds.

The lava flows were individually 5–6 m thick, but by the late stages of the

eruption they became ~25 m thick near the base of the cone and at the ocean


Based on the mapped distribution of the 1991 lava flows, Luhr and

Haldar (2006) estimate that they covered an area of ~0.26 km2. Multiplying by

an average lava thickness of 10 m over this area gives a total lava volume of

2.6 million m3 (not 26 million m3 as reported by them). If the ratio of tephra to

lava was roughly 2:1, as estimated by eye (Haldar and Luhr, 2003), then the

associated 1991 tephra volume is 5.2 million m3 (not 52 million m3 as stated

by them). Therefore, while we cannot account for the lava or tephra volumes

that are under the sea, we consider that a good estimate of the total 1991


Fig. 3.9 a-g Recent aa flows. (a) is a panoramic view (looking east) of the recent lava flow field. Dotted boundaries are conjectural. (b) is between the L.S.3 and the northern caldera wall. (c–g) show the toothpaste aa flow at the L.S.3



magma volume (lava plus tephra) that remains on the island is ~8 million m3.

Luhr and Haldar’s (2006) figure of ~78 million m3 is about an order of

magnitude too large.

By early May 1991 the NE flank vent was ejecting incandescent

fragments in pulsing pyroclastic columns (fire fountains), and this has been

described as Strombolian activity. A pulsing fountain without pauses would

probably be considered Hawaiian rather than Strombolian (e.g., Valentine

and Gregg 2008). By August–September this activity advanced into sub-

Plinian behaviour as incandescent columns reached heights of about 1 km.

Scoria and ash rained down upon the island, and a 3 m thickness of these is

said to have covered the active lava flows. By late September all the three

subsidiary vents on the cinder cone had broadened and merged with the

central crater. The uppermost 80 m of the pre-1991 cone was removed and the

summit crater, greatly broadened, was now 400 m wide, with the cone

standing only 225 m high above sea level. Shanker et al., (2001) reported that

the crater viewed from its rim resembled a giant funnel narrowing down to a

conduit only about 25 m wide at a depth of 200 m, i.e., just 25 m above sea

level. The eruption was continuing on 17 October, when the NOAA-11

satellite captured an image of a plume extending ~150 km WNW from Barren

Island, but the eruption waned soon thereafter and was over by 31 October.

3.5.2 The 1994–95 eruption

This eruption started in mid-December 1994 and persisted into mid-

June 1995. The event sequence for the first weeks of the 1994–1995 eruption is

not known because the first GSI expedition did not arrive at Barren Island

until 24 January 1995. Like the 1991 eruption, the 1994–1995 eruption has

been termed mainly Strombolian in character and gained momentum over


time to each its paroxysmal stage during March 1995. It began with thick,

dark smoke like jets of ash and coarser clasts from a newly created flank vent

on the cinder cone, 50 m below the 225-m-high crater rim. Three flank vents

subsequently developed, which along with the central vent form a N-S-

trending alignment. This alignment presumably reflects the orientation of the

feeder dyke underneath. The only reported dyke on the island, the dyke

cutting prehistoric lavas on the southeastern caldera wall (Alam et al., 2004),

has a closely similar trend (NNE-SSW), perhaps suggesting that the regional

tectonic stresses have remained much the same over the exposed history of

the volcano.

The 1994–1995 lavas were basalt, and the eruptive activity did not

change into sub-Plinian as it did for the 1991 eruption involving basaltic

andesite. By late January, a spatter cone ~100 m high formed on one of the

flank vents, and stood ~50 m higher than the summit crater rim of the central

cinder cone. Block-lava flows fed from this vent travelled 1.5 km to reach the

sea following a route between prehistoric lavas to the south and the 1991

lavas to the north, and caused profuse steaming at the ocean entry. The lava

stream from a flank vent was about 50 m wide and 6 m high. Incandescent

columns ~100 m high were produced from the vents, accompanied by

vigorously pulsing plumes of gas, ash, and steam at every 30 s or so and

rising to 800 m before being drawn by winds into a horizontal plume. A

Space Shuttle image, taken on 14 March 1995 (Luhr and Haldar, 2006; their

Fig. 3d), shows the eruption plume drifting west towards the Andaman

Islands. The eruption probably continued until the second week of June 1995,

after which the volcano entered a strong but waning fumarolic stage.


Luhr and Haldar, (2006) mapped the 1994–95 lava flows over an area

of ~0.23 km2. Assuming an average lava thickness of 10 m over this area gives

a total lava volume of 2.3 million m3, not 23 million as quoted. Based on the

tephra to lava ratio of roughly 1:1, as estimated by eye (Haldar and Luhr,

2003), the associated 1994–1995 tephra volume must also have a volume on

the order of 2.3 million m3. Therefore, the total erupted magma volume

during the 1994–95 eruption (excluding the lava and tephra volume that

entered the sea) is ~4.5 million m3, an order of magnitude less than the ~46

million m3 reported by Luhr and Haldar, (2006).

3.5.3 The 2005–06 eruption

This is an extremely brief summary written based on the Smithsonian

Institution’s Global Volcanism Program website, where eight individual

contributors are identified ( This eruption began

in late May 2005 with an ash plume and fresh black basalt lava flows which

did not reach the sea but produced a lot of steam from heavy rainfall. In June

the eruption is stated to have become Strombolian, with periodic fire

fountains ~100 m high and a dark plume rising 1 km (again, fire fountains,

especially sustained ones, are typical of “Hawaiian” eruptions, e.g., Valentine

and Gregg, 2008, but there is no report of clastogenic lava flows fed by fire

fountains). More lava erupted from the vent and flowed down the cinder

cone. By September the lava flows reached the sea. Fire fountains from the

cinder cone reached 300 m height. The eruption column's top formed a

spectacular mushroom of gas and smoke, blowing to the north. Subsequent

reports received from the Indian Coast Guard indicated that the eruption was

continuous until at least 25 September. All active vents observed during the

2005 eruption lie in a zone trending almost N-S, an alignment also noted for

active vents during the 1991 and 1994–95 eruptions. This activity continued


through January 2006. Several earthquakes of moderate magnitudes (4–5)

occurred in the region around Barren Island between November 2005 and

January 2006. In January 2006 geologists observed dense clusters of

incandescent pyroclasts of various sizes ejected forcefully from the crater

with ballistic trajectories, presumably in discrete “Strombolian” bursts. By

September 2006 the activity had slowed and become sporadic. Several ash

plumes and red night glows over the crater have been observed since, well

into July 2007.

3.5.4 The 2008 -09 eruption

The central cinder cone was sending periodic plumes of dark ash

during our first field trip in January 2007, but on our second trip in April 2008

it was in a rather quiet, fumarolic stage (Figs. 3.1a, 3.2b). Red glows over the

cone at night, as well as ash plumes rising up to 2.5 km height, are reported

between May and November 2008 (http://www. A team of

GSI’s geologists visited the Island on 7th January 2008, and landed

apparently at the same site as our Landing Site 3. It reports the formation of a

new cinder cone south of the existing cone, and both cones sending

“Strombolian” tephra columns upward in pulsating fashion every 10–60 s.

The photographs in their report ( suggest

instead the development of a parasitic vent southwest of the crater of the

existing cinder cone.

On 30 March 2009, we landed on the lava delta on the western shore

with a Gemini (inflatable rubber boat) as on previous occasions, and observed

the cinder cone, one kilometre to our east, to be in vigorous eruption (Fig.

3.2c). Every few seconds a dark cloud of ash and hot gases would rise from its

summit crater, expand, and rise higher and get deflected towards the south


by prevailing winds. This was reminiscent of the activity we observed in 2007.

The dark clouds that were repeatedly emerging from the summit crater were

accompanied by a loud, thunderous sound closely resembling the noise made

by a jumbo jet flying low over one’s head.

A spectacular new feature of the volcano however is a large steam

plume that is rising from the sea, on the northern side of the volcano, away

from the lava delta on the west (Fig. 3.2a, c). Initially, while observing this

steam plume (as well as the periodic eruption plumes emerging from the

cinder cone’s summit crater) several kilometres from the island, on board the

ship, we could not be sure whether the steam plume was rising from the sea

was caused by a submarine, flank eruption (Fig. 3.2c). Getting closer to the

volcano revealed that the steam plume was being caused by an active lava

flow descending over the cliffs forming the outer caldera wall, on the north

side (Fig. 3.2a, c). Thus we are able to confirm a fairly long (estimated to be at

least half a kilometre), channelized, active lava flow on Barren Island. What is

significant is that this lava flow has taken a completely different direction and

route than all the historic through recent flows, which flowed westward to

the sea through the caldera wall breach after erupting from the cinder cone.

What caused this major shift in the lava route (north instead of west)?

It is apparent that the active lava flow is not ensuing from the summit crater

of the cinder cone, as most of the historical and recent lava flows have done.

The active lava flow is issuing apparently from an intermediate elevation on

the cinder cone, by eroding through its loose tephra, though details were

hard to distinguish given the distance of the ship from the island. The path of

the active lava flow can be approximately guessed by burning vegetation as it

moves through the forest on the caldera wall. It appears that the pre-existing


valley between the cinder cone and the northern caldera wall, which existed

till our second visit in April 2008, has been completely filled up by deposition

of voluminous new ash since then. This has therefore enabled the new, active

lava flow to completely abandon the westerly route and to take a “short cut”

to the sea over the northern caldera wall.

The new flow is channelized, like all Barren Island aa flows, and aa

flows in general, and is currently descending at a steep angle over the outer

caldera wall’s cliffs on the north side of the volcano, and into the sea. It has

built a structure resembling an alluvial fan along the shore, which can be

called an embryonic lava delta. Incandescent lava is seen at a few places

along the steep active flow channel, particularly in the dark, and the

morphology of the lava flow channel as well as the “lava fan” leaves no

doubt that it is an aa flow. We were able to reach this “lava fan” by using a

Gemini from the ship, carefully circumventing the steam plume and sharp

rocks underneath and through seawater which was very hot (an estimated

~60–70°C). We could collect lava samples from the southern edge of this lava

fan”, which are typical clinkery aa basalt in hand specimen, black in colour.

3.5.5 The 2010 - 11 eruption

Our group revisited Barren Island volcano in December 2010. They

have observed the shape of the Island which is changing with time and also

the nature of eruption on the volcano is changing compared with our last

trips. They have observed central cinder cone was sending periodic plumes of

dark ash like our first field trip in January 2007, but the intensity is more

powerful then 2007. The activity of plume eruption is typical mushroom type

of plumes of dark ash which pulsating in every 5 - 10 minutes (Fig. 3.10a, b),


that indicate typical strombolian nature of eruption. They have also observed

that all the lava flows are covered by recent ashes which suggest that the

volcano erupted huge amount of ash in between 2009-10 (3.10c, d).

3.6 The nature of the caldera-filling aa flows

Aa and pahoehoe are the two fundamental types of basaltic lava flows

(e.g., Macdonald, 1953; Peterson and Tilling, 1980; Rowland and Walker,

1990). All Barren Island lava flows, prehistoric through recent, are aa,

including blocky aa. There is no pahoehoe on Barren Island, arguably due to

(i) somewhat lower eruption temperatures of the lavas, consistent with melt

inclusion studies and water-present melting in arcs (Luhr and Haldar, 2006),

and (ii) high strain rates experienced by the flowing lavas due to the steep

ground slopes.

It is difficult in the field to distinguish between the aa flows issued in

1991, 1994–95 and 2005–06. The flows are distinctly channelized, as is typical

of aa flows worldwide, and the whole aa flow field is made up of ridges of

the aa flows sloping towards the sea but with overall surface amplitude of as

much as 25 m. From a distance the aa lava streams can be distinguished by

subtle colour differences (shades of grey through black, with darker shades

for younger lavas), and the younger lava streams can be seen to have left

some “islands” of the older lavas between them (Fig. 3.9a). All these aa flows

have jagged, very sharp and highly vesicular clinker at the top (Fig. 3.9b),

based on which they can be characterized as proximal aa (terminology of

Rowland and Walker, 1987). They also show massive cores at several places

(Fig. 3.9b, c), as do all Barren prehistoric aa flows (Fig. 3.4e), and aa flows do

in general. Rowland and Walker, (1990) describe how massive cores of aa

flows can climb up from below the surface clinker along ramp structures,


Fig. 3.10 a-d Most recent ash blankets (2010-2011) on Barren Island volcano covered all the lava flows of the Island

once the aa flow front has come to a halt and aa behind the front continues to

flow forward. This is particularly seen in what Rowland and Walker (1990)

term distal aa. One such ramp structure is shown in Fig. 3.9b.

An intriguing morphological type of aa makes up a small part of the aa

flow field near Landing Site 3 on Barren Island (Figs. 3.2, 3.9c–g). Its surface

crust has been extensively broken into plates or slabs throughout, whereas it

shows well developed aa cores underneath (Figs. 3.8e, 3.9c). Evidently, the

broken slabs of the surface crust— any of them razor sharp— were carried


along atop largely molten, mobile aa lava (which later solidified as the cores)

and in the process experienced rotations, overturning, and even collisions.

An intriguing feature of this aa flow is that, locally, its surface crust is

distinctly bent into convex upward shapes, resembling the tumuli common in

pahoehoe flows which form by localized inflation (e.g., Anderson et al., 1999;

Fig. 3.9e–g). Tumuli are most common in tube-fed pahoehoe flows (e.g.,

Walker, 1991; Rossi and Gudmundsson, 1996; Mattsson and Höskuldsson,

2005; Sheth, 2006), though they are also known from aa flows (e.g., Duncan et

al., 2004; Lodato et al., 2007). These tumuli-like uplifts, elliptical in plan, and

with long axes of 5–10 m, are approximately transverse to the overall flow

direction. They also exhibit well developed, smooth, axial and axis-

perpendicular clefts (Fig. 3.9e–g) usually associated with true tumuli. By

analogy, these clefts should indicate periodic crack propagation from the

surface downward into viscous lava, consistent with tensional cracking of

bulging, uplifting crust (e.g., Anderson et al., 1999).

An interesting aspect of the convex tumuli-like features is the long,

linear, closely-spaced wrinkles or “corrugations” that run across the surface,

parallel to their long axes and axial clefts (Fig. 3.9f, g). Shanker et al. (2001),

without giving location information, have illustrated very similar, possibly

the same, outcrops, judging from their photographic figures 1.23 (showing

upturned slabs) and 1.24 (showing slabs with “corrugated” surfaces). They

described the latter as “pahoehoe with ropy structure”, but these lavas are

neither ropy nor pahoehoe. Note that the strong visual impression of

continuous grooves and ridges imparted from a distance (Fig. 3.9f) is illusory;

when traced these terminate and splay laterally, and are actually arranged en

echelon (Fig. 3.9g).


Guest and Stofan (2005) have described comparable examples from the

1983 eruption of Mount Etna. These Etna flows have continuous, level slabs

of pahoehoe crust normally 1–2 m wide and tens of metres long, and they

typically erupt from ephemeral boccas which develop at a late stage of

development of an aa flow field. They call these flows “slab-crusted” flows,

and note their similarities with the “toothpaste aa” flows described from

Hawaii by Rowland and Walker, (1987). Toothpaste aa (also called spiny

pahoehoe) typically issues from boccas within aa flows. The linear grooves

and ridges of spiny pahoehoe are parallel to the local flow direction, and are

believed to reflect the roughness of the boccas’ cross-sections. Tumuli are not

unexpected in toothpaste aa; in fact, Walker (1991) writes that some of the

best examples of tumuli are found in toothpaste aa. Rowland and Walker

(1987) also illustrate imbricate stacking of surface plates or slabs on a

toothpaste aa flow tongue (their Fig. 3.7), within a broader aa flow field,

much as in the Barren Island flow.

We therefore consider this flow to represent a form of toothpaste lava,

with which it shares many characteristics (Rowland and Walker, 1987; Guest

and Stofan, 2005). This flow forms a part of the present-day western coastline

as well as the edge of the lava delta. Its location is significant, as it provides

indirect information about its likely age, a matter of some confusion in the

literature. Shanker et al. (2001, Fig. 1.24) ascribed this toothpaste aa flow

(whose corrugated surfaces they described as “ropy pahoehoe”) to the

historic (1787–1832) eruptions. But if this is indeed historic, how does it form

the edge of the lava delta which is overwhelmingly made up of the recent

(1991, 1994–95 and 2005–06) flows? Note that this toothpaste aa flow cannot

represent a long and isolated promontory of an historic aa flow, jutting out

into the sea much more west than other historic flows and which the recent


lava flows might have failed to cover. No such promontory is visible in the

photograph of March 1990 (Fig. 3b in Luhr and Haldar, 2006) which shows

the extent of the historic flows. In fact we find no grounds for allocating this

flow to the historic eruptions (~150–250 years old), and also note its freshness

and lack of alteration despite the moist, tropical climate, and, most important,

the absolutely total absence of vegetation on it. In comparable settings, such

as Hawaii, new vegetation begins growing on lava flows only a few years

after their emplacement (Macdonald et al., 1983).

The confusion is further accentuated by a January 2009 report by a GSI

geologists’ team, referred to earlier. This report

( contains a photograph (their Fig. 4) of

the lava flow on the northern side of their landing site (our Landing Site 3).

This is exactly the toothpaste aa flow we have illustrated in our Fig. 3.9c, and

the said report considers this flow as having erupted between July 2005 and

March 2006. But this toothpaste aa flow cannot be a 2005–06 flow, because

photographs of it appear in Shanker et al. (2001), and eyewitness accounts

have described the 2005–06 flows as having flowed mainly along the far

northern edge of the recent flow field. Therefore the most likely date for this

toothpaste aa flow is either 1991 or 1994–95. Noting that the 1994–95 aa flows

cover a major portion of the recent aa flow field (Fig. 3.2, 3.9a), the latter is the

more probable of the two.

Recently Pal et al. (2010) attempted to explain magmatic evolution of

all the eruptions on the Barren Island except 2009. They have reported that

due to inaccessibility of the Island they could not able to collect 2009 eruption

samples which we have collected and reported in Sheth et al., 2009. For

magmatic correlation of the different eruptions of the Barren Island lavas


their approach was field and experimental based. They did petrography,

major, trace and mineral chemistry of Barren lavas. Based on the petrological

studies they have reported the nature of the lavas of Barren Island has

changed due to magmatic differentiation during its residence in the diapers/

magma chamber. Based on mineralogical compositions they suggest that due

to changing of eruption styles from Strombolian to Plinian its lava

compositions have changed and argued that the recent magma chamber is

shallower then older eruptions.

On the basis of major and trace element contents Pal et al. (2010)

explained that the 2005 and 2006 lavas are not from same parental melt

because the 2005 lava has restricted and clustering nature compared to 2006

lava and this nature imply that the earlier lava experienced more

accumulation process with later one. They have also argued that the

enrichment of large ion lithophile compared to high field strength elements in

Barren magma is because the source mantle peridotite is already enriched

with subduction zone component and mentioned low degree of partial

melting on the basis of high Zr content of 2005-06 lava and other eruptions.

Further Pal et al. (2010) reported very low water content in Barren

magma and produced a magma genesis model for Barren lavas. They have

suggested that Barren basalt is nearly anhydrous so the malting is controlled

by upwelling and pressure release process. They have used mantle diaper

model which was reported by Tamura, 1994. On that model they have argued

that 2005 eruption are due to thick, hot and dry rind of mantle diaper

supplied substantial basaltic volcanism where as the wet core of diapers

produce lavas during 2006 eruption.


3.7 The cinder cone and recent ash cover

The central cinder cone on Barren Island has existed for the past 220

years at least, and must be described as polygenetic. In the time between the

historic eruptions, which ended in 1832, and the first of the recent eruptions,

in 1991, Barren Island’s cinder cone managed to survive erosion, testifying to

the general rule that cinder cones are well sorted and highly permeable,

which means slow erosion because of little surface runoff (Segerstrom 1950;

White et al., 1997). This cinder cone lost half its original height during the

1991 eruption (225 m above sea level at the end of the eruption), but grew

higher and steeper again during the 1994–95 and 2005–06 eruptions, so it now

rises well over 400 m above the sea. It is already active in a new eruption—so

far only of tephra—that began in 2008. If activity persists, new lava flows are

not unexpected.

Fine ash from the 1991 eruption, after the associated aa flows were

erupted, reportedly covered the flows, and the rest of the volcano around the

cinder cone was under ash up to 3 m thick. This was quickly removed by rain

from over the 1991 flow as reported by Shanker et al. (2001). The possibly

syn-caldera ash beds as well as the ash blanket deposited during the historic

and recent eruptions are now deeply gullied (Figs. 3.8e). Fall of fine ash can

also cause gullying of older, previously stable, landscapes (Segerstrom 1950,

1966). However, the recent eruptions have also deposited a large amount of

dark grey ash and cinders on the southern and southeastern side that when

incandescent burned part of the thick forest (Fig. 3.2c).