Chapter 3 - Oh the Drama

Post on 24-Jun-2015

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Transcript of Chapter 3 - Oh the Drama

Discworld LegacyChapter 3

Oh the Drama!

Welcome back to the Discworld Legacy, an alphabet legacy inspired by Terry Pratchett's Discworld novels.

This is Angua the 1st generation heiress (who won with 73% of the votes). She's a family sim with the lifetime want of marrying off 6 children.

This chapter will cover Angua and her siblings' life at university, usually not the most interesting of times, but there is a reason this chapter is called what it is. Now I'll hand over to the heiress herself.

Dear Mum and Dad,

Just thought I should write and tell you how we're doing at university.

I spent the first few days here alone, but it wasn't long before Agnes and Albert joined me. We'd always planned on living together through university.

We agreed that rather than living in a dorm we'd pool our scholarship money and get a house, later we plan to apply for a charter and turn it into a Greek house that many generations of Discworlds will attend. For now it doesn't look like much, but it's good enough.

The vast majority of the people here are very friendly, we had quite a welcome to the campus.

Although there were a few idiots who spoiled things a little.

Agnes has taken up painting, she's really very good. The money she makes selling them allows us to afford some luxuries for the house that makes our lives easier.

Things are a bit strained between Albert and me. He's such a slob, I'm forever having to clean up the mess he makes in the bathroom. At least he has the decency to apologize for it.

[Angua spent most of her time at university furious at Albert, she's an absolute neat-freak (10 neat points), and he's a total slob (1 neat point). This meant that whenever he showered he would flood the whole bathroom, and she'd autonomously go and clean it up, and would become furious at him.]

As you know I have declared the Psychology major, Agnes has declared Biology, and Albert is doing Drama.

I'm working very hard and currently have a perfect 4.0 GPA. Agnes and Albert are also doing well.

For the most part everything is going smoothly.

The computer breaks occasionally, but I'm becoming quite adept at fixing it. We all got Fresher's Flu [what the nasty cold all Fresher's seem to get when they start university] at the beginning of the year, but it soon passed and didn't interfere with our studies too much.

I'll write again soon.Love Angua

[They did all get flu, it was because of the fact that Angua is such a neat-freak, she'd take something to the trash can autonomously, I'd give her a command so she'd drop the rubbish where she was and do what I told her to. The house soon had roaches, and of course everyone got sick because of them.]

Dear Mum and Dad,

We now live in a Greek house. Albert rang up and applied for a charter and we were accepted.

[I decided to name the house jointly with my sims. Albert bought back the Hoh and I provided the Cham.]

Don't worry that all I am doing is working. My social life is fairly active (not as active as Albert's but you know what he's like).

I've made a couple of special friends, but no one that I want to settle down with.

[The guy is Dominic Bear, he's cute , but she only has one bolt of chemistry with him, so he's a stand by in case the man I have in mind for her doesn't work out.]

[Now that they live in a Greek House there is always at least one pizza on the lot. Later they eased up on the pizza, but started bringing home desks. By the time they graduated, there were 5 desks on the lot - 1 I bought and 4 they fetched from campus, I'd love to know who they're stealing them from.]

I think Albert has found a special someone. Her name is Jenna. I believe they met on campus when he was on the way back from class. At the moment they seem inseparable, and very sweet. He tells me it's serious and he plans on asking her to marry her someday soon.

Love Angua

Dear Mum and Dad,

We've started taking on pledges. The first pledge was a cheerleader named Christa, we've known her for a while as she was one of the ones to welcome us when we first moved here.

Agnes has taken quite a liking to Christa, she's been spending a lot of time with her recently and has asked that we invite Christa to join us in living in the Greek house as soon as she is a full member.

While she is mostly a very pleasant girl Christa doesn't get on with everyone.

She and the cow mascot are firm enemies, I just hope it won't cause any trouble once she joins us. The cow will never be a member of this Greek house. He's made trouble here since we moved in.

Agnes and Christa do almost everything together, I wonder if there's more going on there than she'll admit to.

Sorry for the briefness of the letter, but I'm quite busy with pledges.

Love Angua

Dear Mum and Dad,

I was right, Agnes has proposed to Christa. I'm very happy for them, they make such a sweet couple. As soon as they graduate they plan to buy a house together and get married.

Our second pledge was Jenna, Albert's girlfriend, she'll also be moving in with us when she's a full member.

To celebrate Christa moving in and her and Agnes' engagement we had a small dance party. It also gave us a chance to meet Christa's replacement.

Things are always lively and eventful on campus, there is always someone new to meet. Sometimes I need a break from it all though, you know I'm not the most outgoing person in the world, when I do need a break I can always find somewhere on campus just to sit and think.

It seems that cheerleaders and cow mascots just don't get on. Christa's replacement also has an issue with the cow.

Not to be out done by Agnes, Albert proposed to Jenna as soon as she moved in.

Of course she said yes. They now plan to move in together after university, Albert will start establishing the businesses he wants, while Jenna will work to provide him with money in the early stages.

We have another new member as well named Joel. To celebrate the expansion of the house we decided to throw a toga party.

But then you know all this, you were there after all. I hope you had fun.

Love Angua

Dear Mum and Dad,

Things haven't been going so well around here lately. Agnes and Christa have been fighting. I think there's been some misunderstanding about that cow mascot, I can't understand it myself.

They are trying to make up, but it's going to take a while as they are both furious at each other.

[I have no clue what actually happened. I was controlling Albert when I saw the cheating symbols go flying above Agnes' head, Chris' (the cow) head, and a drama professor's head. When I checked the memories, Agnes has a memory of catching Chris cheating, this I don't understand as her relationship with Chris has always been negative. The drama professor also caught someone cheating, but that I know about from reading other people's legacies.]

[This caused Christa's relationship with Agnes to drop like a stone, and made her furious. When I was trying to get them to make up the drama professor slapped Christa for cheating on him (this isn't too much of a mystery, it's a drama professor thing).]

[Later the cheating symbols went up again, this time it was Christa who got the memory. This caused Agnes' relationship with her to plummet, and so they are both furious at each other, and their relationship is in negatives.]

[Chris (the cow) also decided to attack Agnes (and won), this means that just about everyone in the house is furious at Chris.]

[I am not giving up on this couple, they are so cute together and they started flirting autonomously which is why I set them up. It's going to take some work, but they will be in love again!

I have no idea why all this happened, but it certainly made university interesting for a change. I do know that that cow is going to die. Mwhahahahah!!

Sorry got a bit carried away there.]

[All the drama meant that Agnes' social score dropped to nothing and I saw my first ever social bunny]

[What I want to know is why Angua is furious at herself!]

It seems no one likes the cow mascot that is always hanging around the house. He got into a big fight with a llama mascot, he lost but I doubt he'll leave us alone.

Agnes was so pleased to see the cow humiliated (she hates him because of what he did to her relationship with Christa), that she invited him to pledge.

Albert and Agnes have changed their major, Agnes is now doing economics, and Albert is doing Philosophy. We are all doing well on our course's so you have no need to worry.

Love Angua

Dear Mum and Dad,

You'll be glad to know that Agnes and Christa have made up, and their plans for a house and a family are still on.

We all graduated, although none of us got top honours, all that drama with the cow mascot affected our revision.

Albert got a 3.7, he'll be moving back to the neighbourhood and start setting up a home business while waiting for Jenna to graduate.

Agnes was worst affected by the drama and only got a 3.2. She will be setting up a home near Albert, and will be getting it ready for Christa to move in a start a family (she says she's found a way two women (or two men) can have children together).

I graduated with a 3.9, so close to perfect, but never mind.

I'll be home soon, I can't wait to meet this man who you say should be perfect for me.

See you very soon (maybe before this letter arrives)

Love Angua

I will be creating a painting of every heir to attend the Greek house. to hang on the walls of the house.

Thanks for reading. Come back next time to see who Angua will marry, and see them make a start on her many children.

None of the custom content is made by me, so thanks to all those who did make it, the game wouldn't be the same without it.

Oh and that cow will die!!!!!