Chapter 3 Internship Activities Activities in General file(Dewan Pers Indonesia). Code of ethics is...

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Transcript of Chapter 3 Internship Activities Activities in General file(Dewan Pers Indonesia). Code of ethics is...


Chapter 3

Internship Activities

In this chapter, I elaborate my activities during the internship program in PT

Aksara Solopos ( All my internship activities also contain the problems

and the ways how I solve those problems.

Activities in General

I did my internship program in a group with my friends. They are Ardhon

Purtama Putra, Claudia Noventa and Dhika Intan. We did the whole journalism

internship program in PT Aksara Solopos at for two months, started from

19 January 2016 and finished on 19 March 2016. The position that we filled in is a content aggregator. A content aggregator (CA) in is

division or unit which gathers information or news from various compatible sources as

references. The collected news will be translated and rewritten into a good paragraph.

CA can also be known as a content writer in some other cases.

Before I elaborate my activities in details, here are the general activities that I

carried out during the internship program in PT Aksara Solopos:

Journalism training

In the first week, my friends and I got journalism training program conducted by

Harian Umum Solopos. We did the training for six days. The training was divided

into two parts. In the first four days, the training was held by editorial department of

HU Solopos. The materials given were history of the company, journalist ethical

code, journalism language, Solopos news writing style, how to write report news,

how to find local issues, translating news from international sources, and translating

sport news. While the second part of training was held by editorial department of in the last two days. The topic which discussed were online journalism

and how to optimize the content writing to become popular using Search Engine

Optimization (SEO) friendly system.

Rewriting the news

We started rewriting the news in the second week. I took responsibility to make the

news on hiburan (entertainment), international, lifestyle, and some of Tekno


(technology) news channels. Everyday, I had to translate and rewrite at least three

news from reliable English sources as references.

Writing additional job

In the third week, I got additional job from editor and managing editor to make

special writing. In this case, I got responsibility to write referential entertainment

articles, TV show news, and report news.

Solopos journalism training

The first thing that my friends and I did during the internship program was joining

journalism training in the first four days, held by editorial department. It began from 21

January 2016 and finished 24 January 2016. On each day, we had two journalism topics

given by different speaker on each material. Here is the schedule of training:

Table 3.1 The Schedule of Solopos journalism training

Date Material

Thursday, 21 January 2016 The competencies and ethics of Indonesian


The history of journalism and PT Aksara


Friday, 22 January 2016 Journalism writing language and news writing

style of HU Solopos

The way of reporting and writing the news text

Sunday, 23 January 2016 The way of news writing regarding to local

(Soloraya) issues

The way of translating international news text

Monday, 24 January 2016 The way of translating sport news text

The first topic that we learnt was competencies and ethics of reporters in general.

In this subject, we got journalism code of ethics declared by Press Council of Indonesia

(Dewan Pers Indonesia). Code of ethics is a set of norms or ethics in Journalism created

by, from, and for journalist. Code of ethics is required to ensure the operational

guideline in the preservation of professionalism and integrity of the journalists. There

are 11 ethics code that we need to know. On each code or article, my friends and I had

to understand the interpretations. After two hours we discussed this topic, our speaker

then gave us a task to analyze. The task was to analyze and summarize the film entitled


Nothing but the Truth and Shattered Glass. Those films are about journalism. Because

the task had to be discussed in the end of that day and we didn‟t have much time to

watch those two films, we decided to watch Nothing but The Truth only. Whereas

Shattered Glass film, we just tried to find the synopsis and film review from the internet.

The second topic that we discussed was the history of Journalism and PT Aksara

Solopos (HU Solopos). Suwarmin, the editor-in-chief of Solopos editorial department,

delivered this topic clearly. In this topic, Suwarmin explained that PT Aksara Solopos

or Solopos daily newspaper published for the first time on 19 September 1997. The

corporation belongs to Sahid Group and Media Bisnis Indonesia, Prof. Dr. H.

Sukamdani Gitosardjono. For almost 20 years, Solopos has existed for the citizen,

especially Solo. He also explained that PT Aksara Solopos has been divided into 4

departments; editorial, generals & marketing, financials & human resource and

corporation department. In editorial department, Suwarmin leads for both printed and

online media. All the departments have made a good synergy to develop PT Aksara

Solopos and HU Solopos.

In order to expand the information network and business, the corporation has

made a synergy with other mass media such as Harian Jogja and Star Jogja FM.

Meanwhile, it also creates other business for Koran O newspaper, Solopos FM radio, news website, and Solopos TV. Now, PT Aksara Solopos is trying to

expand further digital media network by creating,,, and We finished the first day training by evaluating

the training result and the film summary with our supervisor.

The third topics on the second day training were about journalism writing

language and news writing style of Solopos by Ichwan Prasetyo. Ichwan is one of the

senior reporters in HU Solopos. He explained that journalism-writing language is an

easily communicated language which has accurate process in order to make the

information readable. Basically, journalism-writing language has the same purpose as

general language in order to make communication in society. There are only two

differences in terms of news context and news writing style. Solopos has its own news

writing style. There are seven characteristics of writing style, they are as follows:

1. Using simple words

It means that journalists should use simple words so that the news can be

readable for the reader. There is no need to use strange words.


2. Using clear sentences

The sentences and paragraphs which will be made should be clear and

unambiguous. A good journalist will use short words. They intend to use

subject-verb-object construction and active noun prose. There is no need to

write the „foggy‟ sentence so it can be understood by readers. Example:

- Beberapa hari terakhir, Hartini hanya mendapatkan upah yang tak


- Rasa Mie Api Naga ini bisa dikatakan lumayan dibandingkan dengan Mie

Bandung lainnya.

3. Concise

The writing style of Solopos should concise and brief by eliminating word

phrases without deleting the meaning. This happened because the writing

space of newspaper is limited— it only provides 2,000 words plus space, so

that the news should be economically used. Example:

- Memberikan pertolongan = menolong

- Melakukan pemukulan = memukul

- Melakukan pencurian = mencuri

In other hand, the news may not use numbers in the beginning of the text.


- 20 mahasiswa terjebak di lantai 6 (false)

- Dua puluh mahasiswa terjebak di lantai 6 (true) or

- Sebanyak 20 mahasiswa terjebak di lantai 6 (true)

4. Dynamic

The words choice should be ear catching and understandable for readers.

5. Logic. The news stories must in logical order of words, sentences, and

paragraphs. The stories should have no conflict with human common sense.

In the end of this third material, my friends and I got a task to make an essay

about the activity that has been done by using journalism language and Solopos news

writing style.

The forth topic was about the way of reporting and writing the news by Yonantha.

A reportage is the news writing style in some of media like newspaper or television

about any particular events or ideas. Generally, reportage has 3 journalism products;


factual news, ideas, and advertisments. In this term, my friends and I focused on the

explaination about how to report and write particular events or activities into factual

news. A professional journalist should have high sensitivity of the situation around

him/her. However, not all events or situations can be built as factual news. Some news

elements could be done as newsworthy. The elements of newsworthy are as follows:

1. Significance. Good news must have a big impact for human kind. Example: The

increase of fuel prices, electricity tariff.

2. Magnitude. The news should be related to big numbers for human being. For

examples, the victims of Tsunami, flood, overwhelming concert audiences.

3. Timeliness. News stories happen recently and they always being updated.

4. Proximity. News stories about events and situations in the same place community

are more newsworthy than events which take place far away. Example: The

president of Indonesia is from Solo.

5. Prominence. Well-known people can be more newsworthy than people in common.

For example, Saiful Jamil did sexual harassment on teenager.

6. Human interest. News stories could play the readers‟ emotion and touch the

humanity side.

In order to collect the facts on reporting news, journalists should do some steps.

They can do observation by describing the series of event, the color, the sounds, and the

smells of the situation in detail. After doing some observation, they can do interview

with interviewees or witnesses. The last, if the observation and interview do not work

well or want to reinforce the news, journalists can do some deep researches to get the

facts in detail. A journalist should distinguish the facts from their opinion.

Meanwhile in news writing, journalists should concern about six aspects of

writing. They could formulate as ABC & 3S. The writing aspects are as follows:

Accurate. Doing confirmation, checking the facts and their sources for accuracy and

reliability, distinguishing facts from opinion.

Brief. It concise but meaningful

Clear. News stories should be in logical order and unambiguous meaning to the


Simple. News stories should use simple word choices.

Sincere. News stories should be honest and as the way it is.


Secure. The news writing does not cause conflict and a journalist should obey the

ethics code.

The news writing should contain headline news, main paragraph and lead. We can

give an eye-catching and interesting news title, and then write the news lead which

explains the core of the whole news. The news leads usually contain 15 words only.

After the title and news lead were built, we wrote the main paragraphs of the news. In

the end of this material, we had to make report news about Chinese chandelier regarding

to Chinese Year event in Gladak, Surakarta. We discussed our report news to the

supervisor in the following day.

The fifth training was discussing about how to make news writing regarding to the

local (Soloraya) issues by Ayu Perwitasari. Ayu explained that Solopos‟ journalists

have divided into three areas of reporting information. They placed in the event for the

society, government for each district in Soloraya and in DPRD areas. Almost all

Solopos‟ reporters have already taken a big part in this job. Since my friends and I

applied the internship program as a content aggregator in and we never

had any journalism lecture experiences, so the speaker did not continue the topic further

to us. Directly, she gave us a task to make a local news report focused on Pasar Depok,

Surakarta. We tried again to implement and develop the previous topic about the way of

reporting news by Yonantha. The result of our local news report would be evaluated in

the following day.

The sixth topic was translating international news by Anik Sulistyowati. In order

to give global information, HU Solopos surely has international news presented in

International rubric. In this case, Solopos‟ journalists are required to have competence

in translating text from English sources. In addition, the competence in reading

comprehension and understanding the source text are very important things that

journalists should have. Since Harian Jogja journalists handled the International news

rubric in HU Solopos, so my friends and I did not have any chances to take part on

translating the news in this rubric.

Moreover, Anik further explained that international news usually come from

official online media as references such as Reuters, Daily Mail, Metro, The Sun,etc. At

the first, journalists should read the whole source text and try to translate into Bahasa

Indonesia. Then they rewrite the text into a good paragraph according to Solopos news

writing style. The thing that distinguishes the international news from the local one is


that the news should contain the sources as the reference. For instance, seperti dikutip

dari Reuters, seperti dilansir dari The Huffington Post.

One day earlier before Anik started this topic, she gave us a task to translate

international news and we had to discuss it on the training day. She evaluated our news

translation and gave us recommendations. We needed to be more careful in collecting

the news facts and some of the news meaning were still missed. The readability and the

naturalness of sentences were quite good but they needed to be improved.

The last training material was translating sport news by Tri Wiharto. The

principles of translating sport news text were basically similar with international news

text. However, translating sport news should have another competence. Journalists‟

sport news should understand special terms of sport and keep update with local and

international sport news. Most of sport news in HU Solopos talks about football update,

other sport news are about tennis and championship. In the end of this topic, we

restructured the sport news translation from the speaker into a good paragraph by

editing the words choice.

Online journalism training

On the fifth and sixth day of training, my friends and I got online journalism

training, conducted by online editorial department. The training was held from 25

January 2016 to 26 January 2016. The following table is the schedule of online training.

Table 3.2 Schedule of online journalism training

Date Material

Tuesday, 26 January 2016 The history of

Online journalism

The news writing of

Wednesday, 27 January 2016 Understanding SEO friendly system

Improving Indonesian grammar

As we know that online journalism is modern the way of journalism by using

Internet to distribute the latest global information. PT Aksara Solopos established in order to meet the needs of human being to get the latest information

around the world. can be known as the new generation of journalism. We

usually call it online media or online news. Online media has specific characteristics.


The characteristics of online media are as follows:

It provides the latest and fastest news

The news should be more interactive and communicative with readers by providing

comment space, chat room, or polling button

It is unlimited. The unlimited writing space can accommodate for long articles.

The editing and uploading the news can be done anytime and anywhere

It is always updated and has followed up news

It can be linked to another related news article just in one click.

Since we would do the internship in as content aggregator of online

news, we had to know further about the way of producing online news. The way of

reporting or producing online news was actually rewriting from another reliable online

news website into a good paragraph. In this case, has official collaboration

with other online media such as Reuters, Daily Mail,,,,, and to produce all the news. did

not allow us to rewrite news except from those online sources. Furthermore, never use or cite the news source including the images from AFP, AP, and

Getty Images news portal. Those news portals can be drawn bills to if we

use their content.

In order to make the web contents of popular by people—netter

frequently, PT Aksara Solopos, especially department is trying to optimize

the web by SEO friendly system. SEO means Search Engine Optimization. SEO is the

process of optimizing a website so that people can find it easily on the first page of

common search engines like Google, Yahoo, MSN, etc. The aim of SEO system is to

attract many people to visit the website frequently when the website appears in the top

list of search result page. As the internet marketing, SEO will work based on how

search engine works. It will automatically process on what people search for by

inputting certain keywords.

Here are some tricks and tips by how to write web content that can

be optimized by SEO friendly system.

Use informal writing language yet simple words choice

Write optimistic words on the title

Write passive form on the title

Write the title as creative as you can but do not exaggerate


Build links into another news title in the same news theme

For the news title, use specific word like Bagaimana, Cara, Ini Dia, in terms of

lifestyle and popular news.

For example: Bagaimana Berhenti Berlangganan Kartu Kredit, Begini Cara

Mengembalikan Rambut Indah Alami Anda

Use the list or rank for the news title. Do not forget to attach number about the most

popular things. For example, Ini Dia 5 Pelatih Sepak Bola Paling Kontroversi.

Use the interrogative or persuasive phrase to attract people to read more. For

instance, Kinerja 100 Hari Jokowi-Ahok Mengecewakan?

Write the most popular news according to trending topic of social media like Twitter,

Facebook, Instagram, or Youtube site.

Make the friendly news keywords that can be typed easily by the readers, it usually

comes from the most trending issues in social media or television.

Write the news keywords as much as possible in the main text, at least three

keywords in the whole news text.

Write the news tags which describe the main news. The news tags are also known as

the keywords. For example: kinerja jokowi-ahok.

In the end of this training, my friends and I were divided into different news

theme on Since we came from English Diploma Program, we must

rewrite the international news only. I took responsibility to handle entertainment and

some of lifestyle and technology news.

Rewriting the news

Rewriting the news was the next acitivity after all the training done. This part can

be called as daily activity that I did during internship and it started from 28 January and

finished 19 March 2016. I had to rewrite at least three news of entertainment,

international, lifestyle, or technology. For entertainment, the news was such as

international celebrity update, new songs, and movies reviews. International news was

such as unique story, inspiration story, horror story, and tragic story. While lifestyle

news was incuding health and beauty tips, serba lima articles, and research result. Then

for technology news, I already produced new inventions and outer space missions news.

In this activity, I have four steps to produce the news. The following diagram shows the

process of rewriting the news.


Figure 3.2 The diagram of rewriting the news

The first step that I did before producing the news was looking for some update

news from reliable English news websites. The websites were like; Reuters, Daily Mail,

Mirror, Metro, Aceshowbiz, BBC News, The Huffington Post, The Guardian, The

Telegraph,, Hollywood Life, Bollywood Life, E Online, Variety, All

Kpop, Soompi, Korean Boo, Bold Sky, Oddity Central, Shanghai Express. Sometimes I

took references from local news website such as, and Whereas other sources were also taken from social media such as Twitter,

Instagram, Weibo, and Youtube.

Then, I had to make a deal or consultation with my editor about which news that I

should choose and rewrite. This happened because I wanted to fit the news update on

what people search mostly in My editor said that the most popular for

international entertainment theme are about Bollywood, Korean popular (K-Pop), and

Hollywood celebrity. For international news, people tend to read inspiration story,

unique story and tragic story. While in lifestyle, health, and beauty tips are the most

popular article read by people in common. Besides, I also tried to avoid 'news crashing'

or producing the same news with my editor since our source references are similar.

Sometimes I also asked Dhika Intan who fully handled Lifestyle news theme and

Ardhon Purtama who handled Technology news to avoid 'news crashing' to theirs. The

point of this part was I needed to make a good communication with my editor and my

partners in order to produce the good news.

After that, I had to read and translate the English news text. In this step, the skills

of translating and English reading comprehension were very required. I had constantly

read and overviewed the whole text first to understand the meaning and ideas. Dealing

with the problems when understanding the meaning, I also used translation strategies.

Looking for update

news from reliable


Consulting the news

that will be rewritten

to editor

Reading and

translating news


Rewriting news


Re-reading and

editing the news texts

result by myself

Sending the news

texts result to editor


The strategies that I used were reading Indonesian-English dictionary to find the

difficult meaning, looking for parallel text from other news websites, and looking for

pictures related to the source text.

After that, I started rewriting the news into Bahasa Indonesia. In this step, writing

skill and comprehending Indonesian grammar were very required. The online news

writing technique and style are strongly needed in order to readable for SEO friendly

system but still consider for good Indonesian grammar. The steps that I should pay

attention when rewrote the news writing are as follows:

1. Before writing the news title, I had to attach a bold phrase lead MAGANG

PENDIDIKAN: as a sign intern wrote the news and only our editor would take it

to edit. This phrase would constantly appear as the email subject when I sent it to

Solopos newsroom email.

2. I needed to write the creative title using the trick of SEO friendly system and attach

news tag which corresponds to the news theme. The news tag should write in capital

and bold letters, whereas the title is opposite. Here are the common news tags and

their meaning in that I have known:

a. Kabar artis. It refers to popular celebrity news update.

b. Sensasi artis. It refers to popular celebrity news sensation.

c. K-pop. It talks all about Korean (Hallyu) celebrity news update.

d. Bollywood. It talks all about popular Indian celebrity news update.

e. Lagu terbaru. It refers to the updating news of a new song.

f. Film terbaru. It contains news review of a new movie that will be released on


g. Kisah unik. It refers to unusual stories in the worldwide.

h. Kisah inspiratif. It tells all about inspiration stories from people in the


i. Kisah tragis. It contains tragic and sad stories.

j. Tips kesehatan. It contains popular health tips.

k. Tips kecantikan. It talks all about popular women's beauty tips.

l. Serba lima. It contains five popular facts of certain news/articles.

m. Hasil penelitian. It refers to the result of a new thing research.

n. Teknologi terbaru. It talks about the newest technology news from the



Here are the examples of writing the whole news title:


Zayn Malik Berang Dituduh Plagiat.


Mencari Jati Diri Terungkap di Trailer Terbaru Finding Dory

3. I had to write an italic introductory sentence which tells about the news core. In this

section, the news tags were also attached in bold and italic words. For example:

Kabar artis Zayn Malik berang lantaran sampul album terbarunya dituduh

plagiat sampul album penyanyi Lil Wayne.

4. I had to write a bold news lead followed by name of the news website and dateline.

Dateline refers to the city, in which the news occurred, and dash symbol. For

example:, WASHINGTON —, SOLO —

5. I should write the name of news sources as references and the day date of news. For

the name of the source, Solopos uses italic word, whereas the day and date format

are normal. For instances:

… seperti dilansir Indian Express, Jumat (18/2/2016)….

Menurut laman Daily Mail, Senin (4/3/2016)….

Dikutip Soompi dalam Korean Times, Minggu (16/3/2016)

....ditayangkan secara langsung di stasiun televisi RCTI, Rabu (24/2/2016) pukul

21.00 WIB

6. In the end of the news writing, I had to write my full name and identification news

used specific format. The format is (Afroh Ellyfa/JIBI/

7. Then I should attach news tags or keywords that I already used in the whole text.

The aim of this step was to facilitate my editor when she was attaching news

keywords before uploading the news.

Since all the steps above done, the next step was I had to read the whole text again

and edit by myself for some errors. The last step, I submitted the news to my editor

through Solopos newsroom email. All news that I rewrote should attach related pictures.

The attached pictures were built in HD format and named as the news situation. When I

sent the news via email, the news title wrote as the email subject while the news

content put in the email body. Do not put the news file as email attachment. The


attachment of email contains the supported pictures only. As the result, I have rewritten

more than 150 news texts since I started in the second week of internship. All those

news can be fully accessed at The following example is the result of

entertainment news for kabar artis type.


The following example is the result of entertainment news for film terbaru type


The following example is the result of entertainment news for K-Pop type


The following example is the result of international news for kisah unik type


The following example is the result of international news for kisah tragis type


The following example is the result of lifestyle news for tips kecantikan type


The following example is the result of lifestyle news for Serba Lima type


The following example is the result of technology news for teknologi terbaru type


The following example is the result of technology news for Misi Luar Angkasa type


Writing the news from Live TV show

While I rewrote the daily news, my editor gave me a challenge to improve my

writing skills. She asked me to write some news from live TV show. My editor said

some of live TV programs have high news rank. It means that many people are looking

for that show in social media and websites. News TV Show is a part of entertainment

channel and included in TV Plus sub channel. I have written about news TV show twice.

The first news that I tried to write was Miss Indonesia live competition in RCTI TV on

24 February 2016. I began to write the news at 19.00 to 00.00 WIB. As the result, I

made three news on that TV show. The second news TV show was about Uttaran‟s

casts go to Indonesia on 18 March 2016 in ANTV. As the result, I have produced two

news of it.

Before I started to write down the news, I needed to learn the writing format of

news TV show that is available in Solopos website. Then, I had to do a little observation

regarding to the show using what, who, when, where, why and How. After all supported

information were gathered, I began to watch the TV show. During the show, I tried to

find the angle of the news and write it down as fast as I can. If I did not find the good

angle, I would ask my editor to help me through. Skills of quick writing, concentrating,

and understanding on the show detail were strongly required in this part. When the first

scene was over by commercial break, I had to finish and edit my writing then send it to

my editor.

At the first time I did this activity, I had some problems that occurred such as I

could not find the news angle in a good way, I could not organize the writing orderly

and since I was nervous so that I could not write quickly. However, at the second time, I

was well-prepared. The following text is one of my news writing results. Other related

news can be fully accessed at The following example is the result of

news writing from live TV show.



Writing Referential Entertainment Articles

Referential entertainment article was additional writing activity from managing

editor . The purpose of this activity was to make entertainment articles as references for

people. The topic of the articles could be anything and I could write as long as I want.

Furthermore, it did not depend on English source only. Then, I decided to make two

articles about memory of the 90‟s generation. Through that theme, I want to memorize

people about happy moment when they were child.

The title of first article is Nostalgia 90’-an: Ini Dia 7 Permainan Tradisional

Terpopuler Yang Bisa Bikin Kamu Baper. While the second article is Nostalgia 90’-an:

Menelusuri Jejak Kejayaan Sinetron Anak-anak Terpopuler di Era Tahun 90’-an. Those

two articles are linked each other to find them easily. I started to make it from 15 March

through 22 March 2016. The process of writing the articles was quite similar with

rewriting daily news. There are five steps provided in diagram below.

Figure 3.3 The diagram of writing referential articles

In the first step, I had to think about what the good topic that I needed to write.

After I got some inspiration and recommendation, I decided to write about 90‟s

generation. I chose this topic because there were lack of educated TV program shows

for children in this era and lack of information about traditional games. The second step

I gathered supported data from reliable news websites and books. I used Wikipedia,

Instagram, Kompas newspaper, and related book such as Generasi 90-an, Anak

Kemaren Sore by Marcella F.P. and lesson books. At the third step, I tried to understand

the topic that I needed to write and what people mostly want to memorize with. Then I

decided to select titles about the most popular kids‟ serial on TV and traditional games

and wrote them down. The next step was I had to edit the articles before I sent them to

Thinking of the topic

that will be written

Gathering supported data

from books and Internet

Understanding and

writing two articles

Submitting the articles

to the editor

Editing the articles by


The editor edits and

evaluates the articles


my editor. Then, I submitted the articles to my editor through Solopos newsroom email.

The format of the writing was similar with daily news. The last step, I got feedback

from my editor by evaluating my writing. However, since the topic of my referential

articles were specific, my editor had not display them yet. This following text (draft) is

the example of my articles.


Permainan Tradisional Terpopuler Yang Bisa Bikin Baper

Nostalgia generasi 90’-an mengulas tentang tujuh permainan tradisional paling

populer yang kerap dimainkan oleh anak-anak Indonesia., SOLO — Semakin pesatnya kecanggihan teknologi dalam

menciptakan permainan online membuat anak-anak Indonesia mulai melupakan

permainan tradisional. Budaya anak bersosialisasi bersama teman-temannya

dengan bermain di luar rumah lambat laun mulai tergeser.

Berkembangnya zaman yang serba modern membuat generasi saat ini cenderung

lebih asyik bermain melalui gadget masing-masing. Padahal jika ditelisik lebih

jauh, budaya permainan tardisional merupakan sarana yang bisa membuat anak-

anak lebih kreatif, edukatif dan mandiri.

Nah, bagi Anda yang termasuk generasi 90-an dan ingin bernostalgia dengan

permainan masa lalu,, Senin (21/3/2016), telah merangkumkan

tujuh dolanan tradisional terpopuler di Indonesia, dari berbagai sumber.

Petak Umpet

Petak umpet atau orang Jawa biasa menyebutnya delikan merupakan sejenis

permainan yang bisa dimainkan minimal dua orang. Namun, jika peserta

semakin banyak maka permainan akan semakin seru.

Petak umpet biasanya diawali dengan mengundi siapa yang harus memejamkan

mata. Cara undian yang dilakukan pun beragam, bisa dengan hompimpah,

kacang panjang atau menghitung jari peserta pemain.

Setelah memejamkan mata, si penjaga harus mencari semua temannya yang

bersembunyi. Apabila ia menemukan temannya, maka ia harus menyebutkan

nama temannya tersebut sambil mengatakan inglo, bon, atau hong. Namun,

dibeberapa tempat di Jawa ada yang mengatakan Jalum.


Selain dakon (dhakon), permainan ini memiliki nama yang berbeda-beda di tiap

daerah di Indonesia. Di Jawa Barat, permainan ini kerap disebut congklak,

sementara di Sumatera lebih akrab disebut dentuman lamban.

Dakon merupakan permainan tardisional dengan menggunakan papan

bercangkok yang berisi 7 biji dakon. Zaman dahulu biasanya menggunakan biji

sawo atau srikaya. Permainan ini biasanya dimainkan oleh dua orang peserta.

Permainan akan selesai jika sudah tidak ada biji yang bisa diambil.

Gobak Sodor

Asal-usul dolanan tradisional ini konon berasal dari bahasa Inggris go back to

door yang artinya kembali ke markas yang kerap diucapkan oleh para tentara

Inggris zaman dahulu.


Gobak sodor atau galasin biasanya dimainkan di tanah yang luas dan terdiri dari

dua tim. Masing-masing tim bisa terdiri dari 4-5 orang. Inti permainan ini adalah

menghadang lawan agar tidak bisa lolos melewati garis penjagaan menuju garis

akhir. Selain menyenangkan, gobak sodor sangat efektif melatih kemampuan

fisik dan taktis anak.

Lompat Tali

Lompat tali sangat populer dimainkan oleh anak-anak di era 80-an hingga 90-an,

khususnya anak perempuan. Permainan ini menggunakan alat karet gelang yang

dipintal hingga membentuk sebuah tali panjang, kira-kira 3 meter.

Semakin banyak peserta yang mengikuti lompat tali, semakin seru permainan

yang dihasilkan. Biasanya tali dipegang oleh dua orang yang kalah ketika undian.

Masing-masing peserta harus melewati beragam rintangan lompatan. Mulai dari

setinggi lutut, pinggang, dada, leher, telinga hingga satu jengkal di atas kepala.

Jika tidak bisa melewati, ia yang kalah harus menggantikan salah satu teman

yang memegang tali.


Jika lompat tali identik dengan permainan anak perempuan, maka kelereng atau

gundu cenderung dimainkan oleh anak lelaki. Di Jawa, permainan kelereng

kerap disebut nekeran oleh anak-anak.

Cara memainkan permainan ini dengan meletakkan sejumlah kelereng di dalam

lingkaran yang digambar di atas tanah. Setiap pemain diharuskan mengeluarkan

kelereng andalan dari dalam lingkaran tersebut dengan cara disentil dengan jari.

Di beberapa daerah di Indonesia, permainan ini kemudian dikembangkan dengan

aturan tertentu yang lebih menantang.


Engklek sudah sangat jarang dimainkan oleh anak-anak zaman sekarang.

Sebelum memulai permainan, salah satu peserta harus menggambar arena

engklek berbentuk kotak di jalanan terlebih dahulu.

Setelah arena selesai, para pemain harus antre untuk melemparkan batu sebagai

penanda. Mereka kemudian mulai melompati kotak demi kotak dengan satu kaki.

Pemain tidak boleh menginjak kotak yang terdapat batu milik sendiri.


Egrang yang biasa dimainkan anak-anak ada dua jenis. Jenis pertama adalah

egrang yang terbuat dari dua batang bambu yang panjangnya kira-kira 2 meter

dengan pijakan. Sementara jenis kedua biasanya terbuat dari setengah batok

kelapa yang dihubungan dengan tali dadung.

Pemain harus berdiri dan berjalan dengan menggunakan egrang seraya menjaga

keseimbangan agar tidak jatuh. Biasanya egrang masih bisa ditemui dalam

berbagai perlombaan Agustusan di beberapa daerah. (Afroh


Tags: Nostalgia generasi 90‟-an, generasi 90‟-an, permainan tradisional,



Writing News Report

Writing news report is another challenge from my editor to improve my skill and

experience. In this activity, I had to make report news from society and the topic was

depending on me. Since my editor gave this job to me in the last five day before I left, I

asked for my editor to extend my time and she did.

The first step before I started to write the news, I had to set down the idea what

topic I should write about. After I got a specific topic about preserving Indonesian

culture, the next step was that I had to do some observation. The observation that I did

were such as looking for cultural event related to my topic. Fortunately, I got link from

my friend about Komunitas Anak Bawang, a student community who focuses on

preserving Indonesian traditional games in Solo. Then, I decided to make report news

about preserving Indonesian traditional games event held by Komunitas Anak Bawang

in Solo Car Free Day collaborated with elementary school children. Furthermore, this

topic could be linked as the following news to the referential articles that I had made.

In this activity, the skill of communication and writing is required. I tried to

implement the training materials given in the first week of internship program. Finally, I

did this activity on Sunday, 20 March 2016. I wrote down the report news and sent it to

my editor by email. The process and format of writing report news were similar with

daily news. This following text is the result of my reporting news.



Problems during Internship and Problems Solving

During internship program, I also had some problems. The first problem was that

I could not find other news sources when the first time I started writing as content

aggregator. I just knew some of news sources from Reuters, Daily Mail, Mirror, and Dealing with this problem, I asked my editor to give me some additional

information of news website that I could refer to. Then I tried to browse other local

news websites having active link. Sometimes I may not depend on the news that had

been provided in website, but I had to write the news from social media situation such

as Twitter, Instagram, or Youtube site.

Another problem was about creating appropriate news title. When my editor

edited my writings, I was warned in making a creative news title. However, to face this

problem I always asked my editor and my partner about the trick to make good news

titles. Other way, I also learnt the writing style of my editor from her news that were

available at

Besides news title, I still got problem in Indonesian grammar form. I could not

differentiate di- as preposition or adverb. Also, I was still lacking on structuring in a

good sentence. I made those mistakes a couple times in the first week I started rewriting

the news. The editor always warned me to be more careful about what I was writing.

Dealing with this problem, I tried to evaluate and edit my writing by reading three times

before I sent them to my editor. When my editor checked them, and still found some

errors, I would ask her to correct directly. I also used Kamus Besar Bahasa Indonesia

online version to check the standard words. In addition, I tried to learn again by reading

some referential books such as Ejaan Yang Disempurnakan (EYD) and Tata Bahasa


The fourth problem, in a couple times, my partners and I made the same news. We

called this problem “news crashing”. This happened because my editor gave me chances

to rewrite the news about lifestyle and technology news theme. Furthermore, since the

sources that we used were quite similar, I forgot coordinating with them about the news.

Facing this problem, in the next chances I asked my partner first before I started


rewriting, especially when I want to write about lifestyle, international, or technology


The next problem was that I often made news about entertainment only. This

happened because I enjoyed my job as entertainment news aggregator and I liked to

write about Hollywood celebrity, new songs, and movies news update. This made me

un-dynamic and could not improve my writing skill. Therefore, my editor gave me

chances to rewrite about other news themes such as lifestyle, international, and

technology. I did not take chances to write about sport news because I did not even

know about football. Furthermore, writing sport news requires people who have

knowledge and high desire in sport especially football. Dealing with this problem, I

started to make a news schedule. For example, I had to rewrite two entertainment news

and other news that must be international, lifestyle or technology news.

The sixth problem is when I had challanged to write news TV show. Since it was

the first time I wrote the news from live TV show, I got nervous to do it correctly. I

could not organize the writing orderly and I could not write quickly. Dealing with this

problem, I had to face my nervous first. Then, I must fully concentrate on the TV show

and write as fast as I can. However, in the next challenge I hope I can do it better.