Chapter 23 Study Guide and Answers

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Transcript of Chapter 23 Study Guide and Answers

Chapter 23 Study Guide 1. Describe Lincoln s approach to the South at the end of the Civil War. y The South should be treated with kindness and justice. 2. After Lincoln was assassinated, who was the president that would be in charge of Reconstruction? y Andrew Johnson 3. What 4 things were required of southern states in order to rejoin the Union under Presidential Reconstruction? y New state Constitutions y New state governments y Repeal act of secession y Ratify 13th Amendment 4. What was the purpose of the Freedmen s Bureau and what was its most lasting impact? y To assist former slaves y Public schools 5. Who led the South under President Johnson s Reconstruction plan? y Wealthy, white planters 6. Under Congressional Reconstruction, to whom did the political power in the South shift? y Former slaves and whites who had been loyal to the Union. 7. Describe the 14th Amendment. y No state shall deny any person equal protection of the laws. 8. Describe the 15th Amendment. y Any man can vote, regardless of race or color. 9. During Southern Reconstruction, what were blacks and whites guaranteed (*hint: think 14th and 15th Amendments)? y Equal rights 10. How did southern Democrats feel about the new Reconstruction governments? y They despised, hated the new Reconstruction governments. 11. What was the main purpose of the Ku Klux Klan? y To keep black voters way from the polls, and to return white Democrats to power in every southern state. 12. Describe the Enforcement Acts. y Laws that made it illegal to prevent someone from voting. 13. Describe the Amnesty Act. y Former Confederates were given the right to vote. 14. Briefly describe the election of 1876. y Hayes ran against Tilden. Tilden had more votes but was 1 vote shy of claiming victory. 20 votes were disputed and the House gave them all to Hayes, who then had enough votes to win. 15. What are the 3 main points regarding the Compromise of 1877?

y Hayes agreed to leave the South alone. y Grant pulled all of the troops out of the South. y It marked the end of the Reconstruction era. 16. What was the grandfather clause ? y A law that exempted people from having to pay poll taxes, or to take literacy tests if their grandfather had voted. This would not apply to slaves because none of their grandfathers had voted. It was a way of keeping freedmen from voting. 17. What were Jim Crow laws and what was their purpose? y Segregation laws y To draw a line between blacks and whites in public life. 18. What did the Supreme Court decide in Plessy V. Ferguson? y That Plessy s 14th Amendment rights were not violated as long as separate facilities were roughly equal. Separate but equal.