Chapter 2 study guide review-updated

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Transcript of Chapter 2 study guide review-updated

Chapter 2 Study Guide Review

1. Noble

R: A person of high rank by birth or title.

2. hierarchy

L: A system of organizing people into ranks, with those of higher rank having more power and privileges.

3. armor

C: A covering, usually made of metal or leather, worn to protect the body during fighting.

4. pope

M: The bishop of Rome and the supreme leader of the Roman Catholic Church.

5. Feudalism

J: The economic and political system that developed in Europe during the Middle Ages.

6. knight

Q: An armored warrior...usually on horseback.

7. monarch

P: A ruler, such as a king or queen.

8. chivalry

B: The medieval knights’ code of behavior

9. fief

E: Land granted by a lord to a vassal in exchange for loyalty and service.

10. divine right of kings

K: The belief that God gives monarch the right to rule

11. Roman Catholic Church

D: The Christian Church headed by the pope in Rome.

12. lord

A: A ruler or a powerful landowner

13. Manor

F: A large estate, including farmland, villages, castle, church, held by a lord.

14. peasant

I: In feudalism, a person who worked the land.

15. duke

H: The highest type of European noble, ranking just below a prince.

16. Christianity

O: A religion based on the life of Jesus Christ.

17. moat

N: A deep, wide ditch, often filled with water.

18. barbarian

G: A person belonging to a tribe or group that is considered uncivilized.

19. Using Einhard article given to you in class, write a well thought out explanation how Einhard viewed Charlemagne as a leader. Use details

from the article to help make a strong statement.

Answers will vary.

My Opinion: Einhard had great admiration towards Charlemagne as a person as well as father. Einhard noted in his article that Charlemagne had the gift of ready and fluent speech, and could express whatever he had to say with the utmost clearness. This statement tells me that Charlemagne thought carefully of not only his speech, but how he was going to say it which is an excellent quality for a leader. Einhard also stated that Charlemagne was a great protector of his children and would often keep them close to him and have meals with them every day. I could envision that Charlemagne must act the same way towards his troops/advisors in a leadership role.

20. How many acres were usually given to a lord/vassal?

A lord would get anywhere between 1200 to 1800 acres of land.

21. What is the role of the monarch?

A Monarch is expected to keep order and to provide protection for his/her vassals. Vassals are the monarch’s most important lords and the monarch gives pieces of land to these lords in return for protection IF the monarch gets into trouble.

22. What is the role of a lord/vassal?

It was the lord’s responsibility to manage and defend his land.

The lord made sure that everyone within his land were doing their jobs.

23. What is the role of a knight?

Knights were expected to be loyal to their church and their lord, to be just and fair, and to protect the helpless.

Knights main role was to train to fight.

24. What is the role of a peasant?

The peasants were required to work the land so this freed up the lords and knights to prepare for war or fighting.

25. Reviewing these terms: head money, tallage, merchet. How do these terms define a peasant’s life on a feudal manor?

Head money: Yearly Tax which was the same for every person.

Tallage: A tax that the lord can demand if the lord needed money.

Merchet: This is a tax when a woman married, this tax was paid by the bride’s father or her husband.

My opinion: These terms tell me that the peasants were heavily taxed and that they were expected to give the lord not only a payment in physical labor, but also their payment in taxes as well.

26. Label the feudal hierarchy.





27. What does this picture tell you about feudalism?

This picture displays feudalism to me because it shows how a vassal (lesser lord) is showing loyalty and respect to the higher lord or monarch. Loyalty and respect are two qualities that are definitely needed in the feudal system.

28. Do you believe that feudalism worked in England? Explain your answer with details from

your notes in order to make a strong statement.

Answers will vary.

My Opinion: I believe that feudalism worked in England because it restored order during a time when there were many hostile invasions and it created a system of obtaining money at every level of the feudal hierarchy. The only thing that I did not like about the feudal system was the lack of advancement within the classes. It was unfortunate that many people stayed within their own social class their entire lives without hope of moving up the feudal ladder.