Chapter 2 Solving Problems with Statistical Analysis … 3...

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Transcript of Chapter 2 Solving Problems with Statistical Analysis … 3...

Solving Problems with Statistical Analysis Tools

Chapter 2

Chapter Introduction

• Using data analysis tools to assist in problem solving – Statistical functions that determine values

– Functions that structure and analyze data

– Functions that count and total data that meets specified criteria

• Performing a “what-if” analysis to examine effects of changing specific worksheet values

• Using Goal Seek to work backward to determine input required to ensure a specific outcome

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Chapter Introduction (continued)

• Simulating possible outcomes with a set of inputs • Using custom formatting techniques • Functions covered in this chapter: AVERAGE,


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Level 1 Objectives: Using Statistical Functions to Compare Data Values

• Understand basic concepts related to statistics

• Specify the precision of values using the ROUND function

• Copy and paste information in a worksheet using Paste Special options

• Calculate basic statistics: arithmetic mean, mode, median, standard deviation

• Manage large worksheets by freezing panes and splitting the window

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Understanding Fundamentals of Statistics

Mean Arithmetic average of a set of numbers

Median Value in the middle

Mode Occurs most frequently



How closely together the values are

dispersed from the arithmetic mean



Mean, median, and mode are the same


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Understanding Fundamentals of Statistics

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Understanding Fundamentals of Statistics

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Controlling the Precision of Data Using the ROUND Function

• Changes precision of data values stored

• =ROUND (number,num_digits)

• Two different types of arguments

• Importance of adhering to function syntax when working with multiple arguments

• “Set precision as displayed” option

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The ROUND Function

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Controlling the Precision of Data

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Using Paste Special to Copy and Paste Data

• Simplest method: Copy button and Paste button in the Clipboard group on the Home tab

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Using Paste Special

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Using Paste Special

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Calculating the Mean, Median, Mode, and Standard Deviation

• Contain only one type of argument – a list of values

– Constants

– Cell references

– Range of cells along a column

– Range of cells along a row

– Two-dimensional block of cells

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Statistical Functions

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Statistical Functions

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Managing Large Worksheets by Freezing Panes and Splitting the Window

• Freezing panes

– Keeps titles displayed in top pane; allows bottom pane to be scrolled

– Both titles and values further down are displayed simultaneously

• Splitting the window

– Allows you to scroll each portion individually, top/bottom and left/right, with separate scroll bars

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Freezing Panes

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Comparing Current Values with Historical Values

• Use a Comparison worksheet

– Places current values and historical values on a separate worksheet in the workbook, side by side

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Comparison Worksheet

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Calculating the Difference Between Two Sets of Data

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Calculating the Percent Difference Between Two Sets of Data

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Level 1 Summary

• Application of problem-solving skills to a variety of data sets, analyzing their statistical values (mean, mode, median, and standard deviation)

• Using these statistics, comparison of different data sets to assess absolute as well as percentage changes

• Using ROUND function to modify precision of values in data sets

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Level 2 Objectives: Organizing and Evaluating Different Data Groupings

• Evaluate the rank of each value in a data set

• Determine the highest and lowest values in a data set

• Determine the number of items that meet specified criteria

• Determine a total value for items that meet specified criteria

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Determining a Rank for Each Value in a Data Set

• RANK.EQ function

– Allows a list to be sorted, then counts number of entries either above or below the value in question

• RANK.EQ (number,ref,order)

– If “order” argument is 0 or left blank, values are ranked in descending order

– If “order” argument is a positive number, values are ranked in ascending order

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Determining the Highest and Lowest Values in a Data Set

• LARGE function

– Determines the nth largest value in a range

– LARGE (array,k)

• SMALL function

– Determines the nth smallest value in a range

– SMALL (array,k)

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Determining Values

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Determining the Number of Items that Meet Specified Criteria

• COUNTIF function

– Counts the number of items in a range that meet specified criteria

– =COUNTIF (range,criteria)

– Range argument must be a contiguous set of cells

– Criteria argument is a “test” that data must meet in order to be counted in the grouping

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Types of Criteria Specified for the COUNTIF Function

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Relational Operators

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Sample Result of COUNTIF Function

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Determining a Total Value for Items that Meet Specified Criteria

• Use SUMIF function to add all values in a range that meet specified criteria – =SUMIF (range,criteria,sum_range)

– Sum_range argument identifies corresponding cell range to sum if specified criteria have been met in the range established by the “range” argument

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Examples of SUMIF Function

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Level 2 Summary

• Tail values – highest and lowest five elements of each data set – and their relative rankings

• Summarizing analyses by counting the number of items that meet specific criteria and summing items that meet specific criteria

• Including relational operators and wildcards in functions and formulas

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Level 3 Objectives: Extending the Analysis with

What-If, Goal Seek, and Simulation

• Evaluate a large data set

• Apply custom number formats to data

• Perform what-if analyses

• Perform reverse what-if analyses using Goal Seek

• Analyze data by category by combining functions

• Simulate data to evaluate different outcomes

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Evaluating a Larger Data Set

• Separately list inputs, especially those likely to change or that you might want to explore with “what-if” scenarios

• If a large number of data inputs, place them on a separate worksheet or in a separate area on the same worksheet

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Specifying a Custom Number Format

• Use to alter format of a cell without altering the value

• Format codes

– Can include up to four parts, each separated by a semicolon: one for positive numbers, one for negative numbers, one for zero values, one for text

– Consist of combinations of symbols, each with a separate meaning

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Custom Number Formatting Code

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Custom Number Formatting Codes

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Considering Alternatives: What-if Analysis and Goal Seek

• What-if analysis

– Determines the outcome of changing one or more input values and evaluates the recalculated results

• Goal Seek tool

– Specifies the outcome you want and which input value you want to vary

– Excel automatically calculates the solution

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Using Goal Seek

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Using Goal Seek

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Using Goal Seek

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Using Goal Seek

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Limitations of Goal Seek

• Allows you to vary only a single output

• Input must be a constant value, not a value derived from a formula

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Combining COUNTIF and AVERAGEIF to Analyze Data in Specific Categories

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Analyzing Data Through Simulation

• Analytical method that creates artificially generated data to imitate real data

• Easily calculated and recalculated to show different possible outcomes (as opposed to most probable outcome or even extreme limits)

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Simulation Worksheet

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Functions Used in Simulation

• Use RANDBETWEEN function to randomly assign a number between two values

– RANDBETWEEN (bottom,top)

• Use RAND function to assign a random value

– Has no arguments, but must include parentheses

• Use ROUND function to calculate probable costs

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Automation Calculation

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Level 3 Summary

• Performing a cost benefit analysis using a larger data set

– Specifying a custom number format

– Performing what-if analysis

– Using the Goal Seek tool

– Combining COUNTIF and AVERAGEIF functions to analyze data in categories

– Analyzing data through simulation using RAND and RANDBETWEEN functions

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Chapter Summary

• Using statistical functions to compare data values

• Organizing and evaluating different data groupings

• Extending the analysis with what-if, Goal Seek, and simulation

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