Chapter 12 - Hominin paleoneurology: Where are we...

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Transcript of Chapter 12 - Hominin paleoneurology: Where are we...

M. A. Hofman and D. Falk (Eds.)Progress in Brain Research, Vol. 195ISSN: 0079-6123Copyright � 2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


Hominin paleoneurology: Where are we now?

Dean Falk*

School for Advanced Research, Santa Fe, NM, USADepartment of Anthropology, Florida State University, Tallahassee, FL, USA

Abstract: Hominin paleoneurology is the subfield of paleoanthropology that investigates brainevolution in human ancestors. For over a century, paleoneurologists have focused on analyses ofcranial capacities (as surrogates for brain size) and endocranial casts (endocasts), which are preparedfrom the interiors of fossilized braincases and reproduce details of external brain morphology. Thisreview discusses recent improvements in our understanding of hominin brain evolution in terms ofbrain size, sulcal patterns, and cortical shape features. To the extent possible, the evolution ofneurological reorganization is assessed in light of findings from paleoneurology. In order to makeinferences about cognitive evolution, paleoneurologists interpret their data within a framework thatincorporates behavioral information from comparative primatological studies and findings fromcomparative neuroanatomical and medical imaging investigations. Advances in our knowledge aboutthe evolution of the prefrontal cortex (Brodmann’s area 10) provide an example of a productivesynthesis of comparative neuroanatomical and behavioral research with investigations of the fossilrecord of hominin endocasts.

Keywords: brain shape; brain size; endocast; lunate sulcus; neurological reorganization; paleoneurology;sulcal patterns.


Hominin paleoneurologists study fossilized skullsand casts of their braincases (endocasts) to inves-tigate the evolution of the brain and cognition inour ancestors. Although endocasts sometimes

*Corresponding author.Tel.: þ1-850-644-7016; Fax: þ1-850-645-3200E-mail:

255DOI: 10.1016/B978-0-444-53860-4.00012-X

occur naturally, they are traditionally preparedby casting the insides of braincases with latex, orsome other molding material. In recent years,however, it has become common to acquire “vir-tual endocasts” electronically by using 3D imag-ing techniques, such as computed tomography(Falk, 2004). Virtual endocasts are easier toreconstruct, manipulate, and measure thantraditionally prepared ones.


Endocasts reproduce a good deal of informa-tion about the brain, including its general shape,and details of some of its associated blood vessels,cranial nerves, and cranial sutures. With luck,endocasts also reproduce information about theconvolutions of the brain that were imprinted onthe inner walls of the braincase during life. Theconvolutions, or folds of gray matter on thebrain’s surface, consist of bulges (gyri) and thegrooves (sulci) that separate them. Sulcal patternshave been a focus of hominin paleoneurology forover a century, although the amount of informationabout them that is reproduced on hominin endo-casts is usually quite limited, as described below.Partly because of this, and partly for historicalreasons (Falk, 2009b), hominin paleoneurology is ahighly contentious field (Falk, 2011).

Brain size, which is a less controversial topicthan hominin sulcal patterns, is also an importantparameter for assessing hominin brain evolution.A longstanding debate continues about the rela-tive importance of the evolution of brain size ver-sus that of the internal reorganization of thebrain’s connections, components, and neurochem-istry (neurological reorganization). Below, Idescribe current findings about hominin brainevolution that paleoneurologists have gleanedfrom comparisons of the skulls and endocasts ofapes and hominins. The evolution of brain sizeis discussed first, followed by speculation aboutthe mode and tempo of neurological reorganiza-tion as indicated by sulcal patterns in two partsof the brain and certain details of brain shape.

Brain size

Brain size is estimated by measuring the cranialcapacities of fossil skulls or, alternatively, thevolumes of their endocasts (in cubic centimeters,cm3). Ideally, cranial capacities should bedecreased by a corrective factor to compensatefor the volume of fluids and meninges that occupythe braincase along with the brain. It is quite com-mon, however, for cranial capacities to be used

without correction as proxies for brain size. Byanalyzing cranial capacities and estimates of bodysize (often based on postcranial remains), earlierresearchers hypothesized that both the absolutemass of the brain and its size relative to body mass(relative brain size, RBS) increased independentlyduring the evolution of the major clades ofprimates, as well as during the evolution of othermammals (Jerison, 1973; Radinsky, 1979).

More recent quantitative analyses have verifiedthat selective pressures for enlarged brains beganearly in primate evolution but have also revealedthat brain size decreased independently in somebranches of old world monkeys, new worldmonkeys, and strepsirhines (Montgomery et al.,2010). (As an aside, Montgomery et al. (2010)analyzed brain and body size in the tiny typespecimen for Homo floresiensis (LB1) and con-cluded that the data fit within the broader contextof primate phylogeny (Falk et al., 2009).) Larger-bodied primate species tend to have smallermeasures of RBS than smaller-bodied ones,although there are exceptions such as extremelylarge-brainedHomo. Partly for this reason, numer-ous analytical techniques and indices that “sub-tract” allometric scaling associated with body sizefrom brain size (e.g., encephalization quotient,EQ; index of progression, IP) have been developedto quantify the extent of encephalization inmammals, including nonhuman and humanprimates (see Falk, 2007a for review).

Recent studies suggest that brain mass is moreindicative of advanced cognitive abilities inprimates than measures that control for body size,such as IP and EQ. Thus, “the functional integra-tion of different brain regions is so strongthat the brain as a whole is a relevant unit forcognitive performance” (Deaner et al., 2007:121;Herculano-Houzel, 2009, Chapter 15). Theemerging preference for data based on brain massis not surprising in light of problems inherent inconstructing and using indices that control for bodysize. These problems include difficulties inidentifying appropriate reference groups for base-line data, challenges in selecting exponents for


regression equations, and results that (because ofartifacts that are inherent in themethodology) tendto overestimate indices for smaller-bodied speciesand underestimate them for larger-bodied ones(see Falk, 2007a for details).Another emerging trend is a preference for abso-

lute overRBS as the best indicator of advanced cog-nition. For example, “Only in terms of absolutemass and the rate of change in absolute mass hasthe increase in brain size been exceptional alongthe terminal branch leading to humans. Once scal-ing effects with body mass have been accountedfor the rate of increase in relative brain massremains high but is not exceptional” (Montgomeryet al., 2010:11). Researchers studying neurogenesishave reached a similar conclusion: “The most likelybrain alteration resulting from selection for anybehavioral ability may be a coordinated enlarge-ment of the entire nonolfactory brain” (Finlay andDarlington, 1995:1578).

Human brains are large

Human cranial capacities (and brains) are, by far,the largest of all the primates. As shown in Fig. 1,









3 )








New worldmonkeys

Old worldmonkeys

Fig. 1. Cranial capacities as approximations of the ranges of brainpermission.

when extreme outliers are excluded, human cra-nial capacities vary from around 1100 to 1700cm3, and they are completely separated fromthose of the great apes. (One researcher whoincluded outliers reported cranial capacities fornormal humans that ranged from 790 to 2350cm3 (Dart, 1956)!). A figure of 1350–1400cm3

commonly appears in the literature as an estimatefor the mean cranial capacity in living people.This is about three times the size of the meanestimate of 450cm3 for australopithecines (Falket al., 2000). Various workers have also shownthat the volumes of the brains (and, separately,neocortices) of living people are, on average,three times the size predicted for nonhumanprimates that are scaled to the same body size ashumans (Passingham, 1973, 1975; Stephan et al.,1970). This frequently cited observation is consis-tent with the following conclusion based on com-parative behavioral and neuroanatomical data:“The most practical measure for distinguishingintelligence and predicting the presence ofhumanlike mental skills in hominid fossils is abso-lute brain size” (Gibson, 2001:92). So whetheror not one examines absolute brain size or RBS,

Gibbons andsiamangs

Great apes Humans

sizes in extant primates. Reproduced from Falk (2007a) with


it appears that the mass of the brain increasedapproximately threefold in the lineage leadingfrom Australopithecus to extant Homo. Further,the old adage that absolute brain size suddenly“took off” in Homo around 2 million years agoneeds revision in light of relatively newdiscoveries of fossil hominins, which suggest thatbrain size began to increase considerably earlierin the Australopithecus ancestors of Homo (Falk,2004, 2007a).

Conclusion regarding brain size

From the above brief discussion, it is under-standable that numerous researchers advocatebrain size as the most important parameter thatchanged during hominin brain evolution.However,brains evolved not only in size but also in their neu-rological organization. Other researchers, there-fore, favor neurological reorganization as themost important aspect of hominin brain evolution.As Stephen Jay Gould observed a decade ago, thedebate about the relative importance of brain sizeversus neurological reorganization is based on afalse dichotomy (Gould, 2001).Both are important.Studying neurological reorganization is trickierthan assessing brain size evolution because mostof the changes related to internal wiring, relativesizes of different parts of the brain, andneurochem-istry are not revealed in braincases or on endocasts.Nonetheless, investigators are able to obtain hintsabout neurological reorganization from the sulcalpatterns and shape features that, with luck, arereproduced on hominin endocasts.

Neocortical reorganization of sulcal patterns

Human cerebral cortices have a greater numberof sulci than those of apes, which is associatedwith several factors including allometric scalingof the cortical surface relative to brain volume(Jerison, 1973, 1975), an increase in the number

of cortical areas that developed during primatebrain evolution (Kaas, 2000; Kaas and Preuss,2008) and constraints related to the evolution ofcortical wiring (Hofman, 2001, Chapter 18). Theadditional sulci in humans are mostly unnamed(Connolly, 1950). Although ape and humanbrains share most of their named sulci andfissures, the configuration of sulci that appear onthe external cortical surface in two regions ofthe brain is derived in humans compared to apes(and monkeys): (1) the caudal lateral border ofthe orbitofrontal cortex (Fig. 2) and (2) the ros-tral border of primary visual cortex (V1 or BA17). Because cortical reorganization in these partsof the human brain is associated with changed sul-cal patterns, the relevant sulci have beeninvestigated on ape and hominin endocasts withan eye toward gaining insight into the patternand timing of cortical reorganization duringhominin evolution, as well as its relationship tobrain enlargement. However, the discussion ofsulcal patterns on hominin endocasts has been,and continues to be, highly controversial(Holloway, 2008), partly for historical reasons(Falk, 2011).

Sulcal pattern difference 1

As detailed by Connolly (1950), the lateral borderof the caudal part of the frontal lobe of all generaof great apes is consistently incised by a fronto-orbital sulcus (fo) that courses caudally on theorbital surface toward the temporal pole (see dia-gram for Pan in Fig. 2). This is never the case forhuman brains. Instead, human brains typicallymanifest a sulcal pattern in which two rami ofthe Sylvian fissure (R’, R) delimit the rostral andcaudal boundaries of the pars triangularis (BA45) (which, in the left hemisphere, is part of Bro-ca’s speech area consisting of BA 45 and BA 44,see diagram for Homo in Fig. 2). Although sulcioften fail to delimit cytoarchitectonic regions reli-ably (Amunts et al., 2007; but see Fischl et al.,2008), these two branches of the Sylvian fissure

Pan Homo













Fig. 2. The classic language areas in left hemispheres of humans and their proposed homologs in chimpanzees. In humans,Brodmann’s area (BA) 44 and BA 45 constitute Broca’s speech area, while PT (planum temporale), Tpt (temporoparietal), andBA 40 are part of Wernicke’s receptive area for language. Proposed homologs of human BA 40 and Tpt with chimp areas PF/PG (inferior parietal lobule) and TA (part of temporal lobe), respectively, are based on cytoarchitectonic and functionalsimilarities and are tentative. The sulci associated with Broca’s speech area in the left hemisphere of humans form a distinctivepattern (as do the sulci in the same position on the right) that differs from the sulcal pattern in the frontal lobes of monkeys andapes. The fronto-orbital (fo) and lunate (L) sulci of the chimpanzee brain and the two sulci delimiting the pars triangularis (R’,R, anterior horizontal and anterior ascending rami, respectively, of the Sylvian fissure) in the human frontal lobe are thickenedfor illustrative purposes. See Falk (2007b) for details. Figure modified after Falk (2007a) and Schenker et al. (2008); � DeanFalk, reproduced with permission.


bear a predictable relationship to the freesurfaces of BA 45 and BA 44 in human brains(Amunts et al., 1999). This indicates that theyare potentially good landmarks when studyinghominin endocasts (which reproduce only the sur-face of the cortex): Thus, “there are regions, i.e.,the free surfaces of the triangular and opercularparts, in which the probability is very high oflocalizing areas 45 and 44, respectively” (Amuntset al., 1999:339).Connolly hypothesized that fo does not appear

on the lateral surface of human brains because itwas displaced caudally by the opercularization ofthe frontal lobe as brain size increased duringhominin brain evolution (Connolly, 1950:330).According to Connolly, fo became buried withinthe brains of humans, where it became part ofthe anterior limiting sulcus of the insula. The dis-tinction between the sulcal patterns in this part ofthe frontal lobes of apes and humans is consistentand has paleoneurological significance because ofthe association of the human pattern with neuro-logical reorganization related to language (Falk,1983; Tobias 1987). Significantly, an apelike fo is

present on the ape-sized natural endocast ofTaung (the type specimen for Australopithecusafricanus) (Dart, 1929; Falk, 1980, 2009b).

Figure 2 has an important implication forpaleoneurology. In human brains, the rostral partof Broca’s speech area (area 45) and the area thatborders it ventrally (area 47, not labeled in Fig. 2)together form a slight bulge, which has beencalled “Broca’s cap.” Some workers equate thiswith a bulge that appears in the same generalregion on ape brains. Cytoarchitectonic evidence,however, reveals that these bulges are not equiv-alent. In chimpanzees, the bulge is formed byarea 44 and sometimes part of area 45 (Sherwoodet al., 2003) instead of areas 45 and 47, and ofcourse, apes do not have speech (Falk, 2007b).One should therefore be cautious about inferringthat a bulge in this general location on an apebrain or on a small early hominin endocast isequivalent to Broca’s cap of humans. What isneeded to interpret an early hominin endocast inthis region is information about the precise sulcalpattern. Does the endocast have an apelike fo?If not, does it reproduce two sulci that suggest


the presence of a pars triangularis? One cannotalways determine the answer to these questionsfrom hominin endocasts, but they should be asked.

Sulcal pattern difference 2

The second sulcal pattern that is relevant forhominin paleoneurology concerns the lateral rep-resentation of the primary visual cortex (V1),which is relatively smaller and located noticeablymore caudally in humans than the homologousarea in monkeys and apes (Connolly, 1950). Innonhuman anthropoids, the rostral border of V1is approximated by a large crescent-shaped sulcus(L in Pan, Fig. 2) formerly called the Affenspalte(ape sulcus). At the beginning of the twentiethcentury, Grafton Elliot Smith hypothesized thatV1 of humans was bordered by a homologous sul-cus, the name of which he changed to “lunate sul-cus” (L) in keeping with its recognition in humans(Smith, 1903, 1904a,b). Long ago, Smith hypothe-sized that, as hominin brains enlarged and

Lunate sulcus


Parallel (superior temporal) sulcus

Fig. 3. Dart’s (1925) illustration of the right side of the Taung naturaof a chimpanzee brain. The feature Dart identified as the lunate sulcon the chimpanzee brain (thickened for illustrative purposes) is morlunate sulcus on Taung. Reproduced from Falk (2011) with permiss

evolved, the lateral representation of V1 and itsbordering L were displaced caudally by expan-sion of the adjacent parieto–occipito-temporalassociation cortices.

Smith’s protégé, Raymond Dart, picked up onhis hypothesis in 1925 when he identified andillustrated what he thought was a caudally dis-placed L on the ape-sized endocast of Taung(Fig. 3). Based solely on this identification, Dartconcluded that Taung’s brain was neurologicallyadvanced toward a human condition because ithad relatively expanded nearby association corti-ces that displace L caudally (Dart, 1925). Unfor-tunately, Dart had incorrectly identified thelambdoid suture of the skull (which had beenreproduced on the endocast) as L—an identifica-tion that Dart’s colleagues, including Smith, wereskeptical about (Falk, 2009b). Unpublished mat-erials in the Raymond Dart collection of the arc-hives of the University of Witwatersrand revealthat Dart identified 14 additional sulci on theTaung endocast in addition to the two thathe identified in his 1925 publication, and that he

Lunate sulcusParallel (superior temporal) sulcus

l endocast, facial fragment, and jaw compared to the right sideus is actually the lambdoid suture. Notice that the lunate sulcuse rostally located than the suture that Dart misidentified as theion.


knew he had a lunate sulcus problem (Falk,2009b). In a previously unpublished illustration(reproduced in Falk, 2009b), Dart illustrated thelambdoid suture on the Taung endocast for thefirst (and perhaps only) time and hypothesizedthat a portion of Taung’s L coursed directlyunderneath it (Falk, 2009b). Although most ofhis contemporaries did not accept Dart’s identifi-cation of L, his incorrect interpretation of thatfeature on the Taung endocast has been used inrecent years to bolster the hypothesis that caudalregions of the hominin brain became reorganizedprior to reorganization of other areas (mosaicbrain evolution) and before evolutionary brainexpansion in hominins (Barton and Harvey,2000; Holloway, 2001; Holloway and Kimbel,1986). We now know from his unpublished manu-script that Dart, on the other hand, favored aglobal rather than mosaic view of neurologicalreorganization (Falk, 2009b).

Current findings regarding the lunate sulcus

Through the years, lunate sulci of humans havebeen described as shorter, more variable in theirconfigurations, and appearing less frequently thanin the other anthropoids (Connolly, 1950; Onoet al., 1990). A recent study provides welcome, ifunsurprising, quantitative support for the obser-vation that humans have relatively reduced pri-mary visual cortex compared to otheranthropoids and that the volume of V1 in apesis predictable from the position of L (de Sousaet al., 2010; see also Fischl et al., 2008). Theauthors concluded that “the position of the lunatesulcus on fossil endocasts may provide informa-tion about brain organization” (de Sousa et al.,2010). However, another study that used high res-olution MRI to assess the presence/absence of Lin 110 adult humans revealed that the rareoccurrences of sulci in, or near, the occipital lobesthat superficially resemble those of ape lunatesulci were discontinuous beneath the surface anddid not approximate the rostral border of V1

(Allen et al., 2006). In other words, there is little,if any, evidence in support of the view that con-temporary humans have lunate sulci. It, thus,appears that L was lost at some undeterminedtime during hominin brain evolution. If so, a lackof lunate sulci on the brains of hominins, althoughdifficult to verify because this sulcus does notreproduce well on hominoid, including human,endocasts (Le Gros Clark et al., 1936; Connolly,1950), is the derived condition associated withcortical reorganization.

The only australopithecine endocast that iscurrently hypothesized to reproduce an“unmistakenly posterior placement” of L is thatfrom Stw 505 (A. africanus) from Sterkfontein(Holloway et al., 2004). Because of this one endo-cast, the authors conclude that neurological reor-ganization occurred in caudal parts of earlyhominin brains prior to reorganization in otherparts of the brain, and prior to brain enlargement.For various reasons, I am unconvinced that thefeature identified as L on the Stw 505 endocastis that sulcus. If L was lost during human brainevolution, as seems likely from Allen et al.(2006), the hypothesis of a derived caudallylocated L in ape-sized australopithecine brainsrequires that this sulcus was an ancestral reten-tion that was displaced caudally from an apelikelocation in conjunction with a (derived) differen-tial expansion of association cortices just rostralto it, but with no overall increase in brain size.Another requirement is that, after being dis-placed caudally in small-brained hominins, Lwas subsequently lost in conjunction with theincrease in overall brain size in Homo. To me,the hypothesis that L was located relatively cau-dally in early hominins is not parsimonious and,so far, it lacks convincing paleoneurological sup-port from endocasts.

The evolution of cortical sulci

What alternative hypothesis might explain theevolution (or devolution) of the lunate sulcus?


A broad approach to this conundrum is to askwhy the cerebral cortex remains smooth insmaller-brained species, yet becomes highly con-voluted in larger-brained ones (Van Essen,1997). The evolution of mammalian, includingprimate, cortical folding patterns probablyentailed many factors, including alterations inthe durations of neurogenesis (Finlay andDarlington, 1995). As noted, it has also beenassociated with optimization of neurologicalwiring patterns (Hofman, 2001, Chapter 18; Kaas,2000; Kaas and Preuss, 2008) and an increase inthe number of cortical areas with increasing brainsize (Kaas and Preuss, 2008; Preuss, 2007a,b). Atan allometric level, “convolutions increase with



(a) (b)


Fig. 4. In Van Essen’s illustration of his tension-based theory of hocortical surface begin to swell and change the external shape of tformed. Reproduced from Van Essen (1997) with permission.

brain size primarily because the expansion of thecortical sheet outpaces the minimal area neededto envelop the underlying cerebral volume”(Van Essen, 1997:314; see also Jerison, 1973).Van Essen’s tension-based theory of the forma-tion of convolutions and sulci during brain devel-opment takes these various factors into account(Van Essen, 1997, 2007; Van Essen and Dierker,2007) and is helpful for elucidating how L mighthave been lost during hominin evolution.

Van Essen hypothesizes that the developmentof gyral and sulcal patterns during prenatal andperinatal development is mediated by mechanicaltensions along the axons as cortical–corticalconnections are formed (Fig. 4). Thus, as neurons

Outward fold

Inward fold


w convolutions develop, tightly interconnected regions of thehe cortex before the sulci that separate them are completely


migrate to the cortical plate and makeconnections there, tensions between stronglyinterconnected areas pull them together creatingan externally protruding gyrus. Sulci, on the otherhand, are inward folds that separate regions thathave weak interconnections. Accordingly, “con-sistency in folding may reflect consistent patternsof connectivity among nearby areas” (Van Essenand Dierker, 2007: 212). Van Essen’s hypothesismay also shed light on sulcal patterns that are rel-atively variable. “If cortical sulcal patterns arereflective of the tension of subcortical andcorticocortical axonal projections (Van Essen,1997), then it may be that the variability in thelocation of a cortical area relates to the degreeof heterogeneity in its pattern of connectivity”(Fischl et al., 2008: 1978). An important implica-tion of Van Essen’s model is that the shape ofthe brain’s surface changes as gyri and sulcidevelop and that these changes may begin to takeplace due to tensions from areas that are expanding(becoming strongly interconnected) (Fig. 4b)before sulci are fully formed (Fig. 4c). As discussedbelow, this possibility may have importantimplications for hominin paleoneurology.Van Essen’s hypothesis suggests that L may

have been lost during hominin evolution becauseof changing patterns of cortical interconnectionsassociated with the posterior and medial displace-ment of visual cortex. The lunate sulcus inmonkeys and apes separates stronglyinterconnected visual areas from bordering asso-ciation cortices, with which the former are rela-tively weakly connected (Van Essen, 1997). Itseems likely that, as hominin brains increased insize and became neurologically reorganized, thestrength of the interconnections between visualareas and the bordering association corticesincreased in conjunction with the increase in theabsolute and relative size of the latter (Falk andGibson, 2001; de Sousa et al., 2010). The lunatesulcus may, thus, have disappeared in theancestors of humans because the regions it for-merly separated became more stronglyinterconnected with each other as the cortexreorganized.

Summary and conclusion regarding sulcal patterns

The options are very limited for gleaning infor-mation about the evolution of cortical foldingpatterns from fossil hominin endocasts. Ape andhuman brains consistently differ in their namedsulci in only two parts of the cerebral cortex. Inboth cases, expanded association cortices appearto have displaced adjacent regions caudally asthe cerebral cortex enlarged and reorganized dur-ing hominin brain evolution: In the frontal lobes,two new sulci (R’, R) appeared in humans thatapproximate the borders of the pars triangularisof Broca’s speech area in the left hemisphere(and its homologous area in the right hemisphere)as the apelike fo was displaced caudally beneaththe exterior surface of the brain. The second areaentailed enlargement of the parieto–occipito-tem-poral association cortices, which displaced theprimary visual cortex caudally. Unlike the firstregion, however, the evolution of this part of thehominin cerebral cortex entailed the loss of amajor sulcus, L, as the primary visual cortexbecame more strongly interconnected with bor-dering association cortices (Allen et al., 2006;de Sousa et al., 2010).Unfortunately, L does not reproduce well on

endocasts from either apes or humans (Connolly,1950). The fact that sulcal patterns of humans arederived both rostrally and caudally suggests thathominin brain evolution entailed global reorgani-zation of the cerebral cortex (Dart, 1929; Falk,2009b), contrary to the assertion of “mosaic brainevolution” in which the caudal portion of thebrain is asserted to have evolved before otherregions (Barton, 2001; Holloway, 2001; de Sousaet al., 2010). Ever since Dart misidentified thelambdoid suture for L on the Taung endocast(Dart, 1925, 1929; Falk, 2009b), assessment ofthe presence and location of L on early homininendocasts has been muddied by paleopolitics(Falk, 2011). Although fo reproduces better onape endocasts than L, it has received considerablyless attention in the paleoneurological literature(Falk, 2009b). It would be wonderful if homininendocasts reproduced crystal clear sulcal patterns,


but they do not. They do, however, reveal a gooddeal of information about shape features of thecerebral cortex that appears to be associated withcortical reorganization.


Right hem


Left hem





Fig. 5. The most common petalia pattern in the human brain,consisting of a right frontal and left occipital petalia. Thisrendering of the inferior surface of a human brain is from amagnetic resonance imaging (MRI) scan that has beenexaggerated to illustrate the typical human petalia patternand Yakovlevian torque. Reproduced from Toga andThompson (2003), courtesy of Dr. Arthur W. Toga andDr. Paul M. Thompson, Laboratory of Neuro Imaging atUCLA.

Neocortical reorganization of endocast(brain) shape

Although a good deal of attention has been givento the evolution of brain size, and some attentionhas been focused on the evolution of sulcalpatterns, researchers are just beginning to applyimaging and geometric morphometric techniquesto the study of brain shape changes during homi-noid ontogeny and phylogeny (Chapter 13).Results show that brain shapes of humans andchimpanzees (as reproduced on virtual endocasts)are distinctive for each species at birth, and foreach, they continue to change dynamically duringinfancy and childhood (Dosenbach et al., 2010;Neubauer et al., 2010; Ventrice, 2011). Humaninfants experience an early shape globularizationof their brains that does not occur in chimpanzeesbefore or after birth, which has been interpretedas a uniquely human trait that may be related tothe evolved cortical reorganization that underpinsderived human behaviors and cognitive abilities(Neubauer et al., 2010). Asymmetries in the grossbrain shape of humans have also been associatedwith such traits, including language and handed-ness (see below).

Brains of anthropoid primates are functionallylateralized, which is superficially manifested ingross difference in the shapes of the two cerebralhemispheres. As is well known, cerebral laterali-zation is especially marked in humans, in whomthe neurological substrates for language andright-handedness usually depend largely on theleft hemisphere, whereas processing of moreholistic endeavors such as musical activities islargely the domain of the right hemisphere (Falk,2010; Chapter 6). In keeping with this, shapeasymmetries of the whole brain, known aspetalias, are more dramatic in humans than in

the other higher primates (LeMay et al., 1982).Additionally, human brains are derived comparedto apes and early hominins in the gross shapes ofcertain parts of their brains (Falk et al., 2000).


Asymmetrical brain shape is the norm for adulthumans, in whom the most frequent petalia pat-tern, known as the Yakovlevian torque, combinesa more protuberant and wider right frontal lobewith a more protuberant and wider left occipitallobe (Fig. 5) (Galaburda et al., 1978; Chiu andDamasio, 1980; LeMay, 1984; Toga and


Thompson, 2003; Kivilevitch et al., 2010). Thisright frontal, left occipital petalia pattern is statis-tically correlated with right-handedness, whereasthe reversed left frontal, right occipital petaliapattern is associated to some degree with left-handedness (LeMay, 1977; LeMay et al., 1982).The latter is especially true for left-handedwomen, particularly if the degree of the petaliasis extreme (Bear et al., 1986). As noted, thesepetalia patterns exist to a lesser degree in nonhu-man primates and early hominins (LeMay et al.,1982). Accordingly, the relatively extreme tor-ques in human brains is viewed as the result of aprolonged evolutionary trend for brain lateraliza-tion (Falk, 2009a, 2010).Ventrice (2011) has recently observed that the

ontogenetic development of human petaliapatterns is a dynamic process during which shapetorques change directions. According to Ventrice,brain shape of infants and juveniles are typicallycharacterized by left frontal and right occipitalpetalias, which is the reverse of the most commonadult pattern. This surprising new findingneeds confirmation, but should be kept inmind when interpreting petalia patterns fromaustralopithecine infants or juveniles such as theDikika infant (Australopithecus afarensis) andTaung juvenile (A. africanus). On a technicalnote, because of shape torques, the midline ofbrains meanders a bit and the common practiceof mirror-imaging missing parts of homininendocasts around an estimated midsagittal planeis bound to introduce some error in both shapeand brain size estimates. One way to minimizereconstruction error is to use automated com-puter programs for establishing the most optimalmidsagittal plane (Falk and Clarke, 2007).

Shape of the lobes

As noted, Van Essen’s tension-based theory ofthe formation of convolutions suggests that evolu-tionary changes in the patterns of neurological

connections influenced local shapes of the cere-bral cortex, which paved the way for theformation of sulci separating less interconnectedregions (aswell as the reverse process inwhich sulcimay have disappeared as previously separatedareas became increasingly interconnected) (VanEssen, 1997). Findings regarding sulcal patternsand endocast shapes of two different genera of fos-sil hominins (Paranthropus and Australopithecus)that lived contemporaneously in Africa betweenapproximately 2.6 and 1.9 million years ago areconsistent with this hypothesis (Berger et al.,2010; Falk et al., 2000). As far as I have been ableto determine from their endocasts, the brain sizeand sulcal patterns of both groups were similarand apelike (Falk, 2009b; Falk et al., 2000). Brainshape, however, differed markedly between thetwo genera. The robust australopithecines(Paranthropus) are thought not to have beendirectly ancestral toHomo, which is consistent withcertain apelike features of their endocasts com-pared to those ofAustralopithecus—the genus thatis believed to have given rise to Homo (Bergeret al., 2010).

Endocasts of Paranthropus were primitive intheir relatively pointed frontal lobes (when seenin dorsal view) compared to Australopithecus,which had frontal lobes that were more squaredoff at the rostral lateral borders (Falk et al.,2000) (Fig. 6). Consequently, the overall perime-ter of Paranthropus endocasts has a teardropshape compared to Australopithecus endocasts.The orbital surfaces of the frontal lobes ofAustralopithecus are also expanded ventrallycompared to the flatter orbital surfaces ofParanthropus. It is noteworthy that the frontallobes of Australopithecus are elongated rostrallyin a region that corresponds to Brodmann’s area10 (BA 10) in both apes and humans. Whenviewed basally, Australopithecus endocasts havetemporal poles that are expanded and pointedrostrolaterally compared to the relatively stubbytemporal poles of Paranthropus and African apes(for illustrations and further details, see Falket al., 2000).

A. africanus

Sts 5

Sts 60

KNM-ER 23000

KNM-WT 17400

KNM-WT 17000

OH 5

Sterk. No. 2

Stw 505


Fig. 6. Shape differences between similarly sized endocasts of Paranthropus and Australopithecus africanus, seen from dorsal view(with the frontal lobes located superiorly). Specimen numbers are next to endocasts, some of which are fragmentary. Compared toAustralopithecus, endocasts of Paranthropus have more pointed frontal lobes, which give the overall perimeter of their endocasts ateardrop shape. Rather than being pointed, the frontal lobes of Australopithecus are broader, with sides that are more squared offlaterally. Reproduced with permission from Falk et al. (2000).


RaymondDart’s observations of the Taung endo-cast that recently came to light also suggest that theshape of the prefrontal cortex was derived towarda human condition inA. africanus compared to apes(Dart, 1929; Falk, 2009b). Additionally, Dartobserved that the occipital pole of Australopithecusprojected caudally relative to the cerebellar pole,which is another feature that may be derived inAustralopithecus compared to Paranthropus andapes (Falk et al., 2009). (For the sake of completion,Dart also believed that the caudal lateral portion ofTaung’s temporal lobewas expandedand somewhatderived toward a human condition, although Ihave not compared this feature in differentaustralopithecines (Falk, 2009b).

Interestingly, Paranthropus endocasts repro-duce an enlarged occipital/marginal venous sinuscaudally, as do most, if not all, of the scorablespecimens belonging to A. afarensis (Falk et al.,1995). This feature has been observed in Taung(Tobias and Falk, 1988) and possibly in a frag-mentary occipital fragment (Stw 187a)(Lockwood and Tobias, 2002) among the avail-able A. africanus specimens. Since brain sizes

were very similar in the two genera ofaustralopithecines (Falk et al., 2000), their differ-ent blood drainage patterns, as well as the derivedcortical shape features of Australopithecus, werenot the result of allometric scaling. With respectto the latter, and consistent with Van Essen’shypothesis, it is reasonable to speculate that cer-tain neurological regions may have become moreinterconnected and derived toward the humancondition in Australopithecus, thus causing thenoted shape changes, although these had notbecome pronounced enough to cause changes intheir sulcal patterns—at least to an extent thatcan presently be inferred from endocasts.

Conclusion regarding endocast (brain) shape

Most of the information about hominin brain evo-lution that paleoneurologists can reliably gleanfrom endocasts is limited to details about brainsize and the gross shape of the cerebralhemispheres (including asymmetries) and lobesof the brain. Unfortunately, although sulcal


patterns in the caudal lateral part of the frontallobes and near the rostral lateral borders of pri-mary visual cortex are potentially informative,they do not reproduce well on hominin endocastsand have, therefore, been subject to intense con-troversy (Falk, 2011). In other words, apart fromgross size and shape of the brain, endocasts offerfew hints about the trajectory of brain evolutionin hominins.

Comparative neuroanatomical studies:Implications for hominin paleoneurology

In order to assess more fully the nature of theevolved neurological substrates that underpinhuman cognitive abilities, paleoneurologists mustturn to findings from comparative neuroanatomy,neurochemistry, genetics, and functional imagingstudies such as those discussed in this volume(Falk, 2010). Although a thorough review of therelevant literature is beyond the scope of thischapter, some studies that have particularlyimportant implications regarding neurologicalfeatures that seem to be evolutionarily advancedin humans are briefly described here. To begin,and as noted above, the most obvious derivedcharacteristic of human brains is that they areabsolutely and relatively large, averaging aboutthree times the size for australopithecines as wellas three times the size expected for nonhumanprimates of similar body size (Passingham, 1973,1975; Stephan et al., 1970). Despite their largemass, however, the “quest for uniqueness” inhuman brains has been frustrated because

“the human brain has the number of neurons thatis expected of a primate brain of its size; a cere-bral cortex that is exactly as large as expectedfor a primate brain of [its size]; just as manyneurons as expected in the cerebral cortex forthe size of this structure; and, despite having arelatively large cerebral cortex . . ., this enlargedcortex holds just the same proportion of brainneurons in humans as do other primate

cortices. . .. This final observation calls for a reap-praisal of the view of brain evolution thatconcentrates on the expansion of cerebral cortexand its replacement with a more integrated viewof coordinate evolution of cellular composition,neuroanatomical structure, and function of cere-bral cortex and cerebellum”

(Herculano-Houzel, 2009:10)

According to Herculano-Houzel (2009; Chap-ter 15), what is unique about the human brain isthat humans have the largest absolute number ofneurons among primates and probably otheranimals. This fits nicely with the fact that peoplealso have the largest brains, by far, of anyprimate.

As the research of Herculano-Houzel (2009)and Herculano-Houzel et al. (2010) illustrates,the search for advanced brain features in humanshas become less focused on gross anatomy andmore concerned with cytoarchitecture, neuronalconnections, and functions at the cellular level.At one point, for example, the relative size ofthe human frontal lobe was believed to be differ-entially large. However, Semendeferi and her col-leagues have demonstrated that the overall size ofhuman frontal lobes is not greater than expectedfor brains of their size. Instead, it now appearsthat alterations in internal wiring and differentialenlargement occurred during hominin evolutionin certain subareas of the prefrontal cortex includ-ing BA 10 (Semendeferi and Damasio, 2000;Semendeferi et al., 2001, 2002), while other areassuch as Brodmann’s area 13 (BA 13, part of thelimbic system) decreased in relative size (Sem-endeferi et al., 1998). Human prefrontal cortexis especially important for higher cognitive pro-cessing in humans, in keeping with the findingthat differential expansion of white matter(Schoenemann et al., 2005) and pronouncedgyrification (Armstrong et al., 1993; Rilling,2006) have also been described for this part ofthe brain.

Because the relative size of human BA 10 istwice that of both bonobos and chimpanzees,


Semendeferi (1994) suggested that this area of thecerebral cortex increased in relative size at somepoint along the line from the first hominins tothe early representatives of the genus Homo.Recently, she and her colleagues compared thespacing organization of neurons in layer III infrontopolar (BA 10), primary motor (BA 4), pri-mary somatosensory (BA 3), and primary visualcortex (BA 17) in ape and human brains (Sem-endeferi et al., 2011) (Fig. 7). Their resultsstrongly suggest that the horizontal spacing











BA 10





2 mya

10 mya




D in



BA 10 > BA 4 > BA 3 >> BA 17

BA 4 >> BA 3 » BA 1

BA18 mya

Bonobo Chimpan

Fig. 7. Cladogram showing left lateral views of the human and ape(HSD) of neurons in four areas of their cerebral cortices (BA 10neurons; >>, statistically significant greater HSD between neurolineages split, the HSD of BA 10 in humans became the largest (inother cortical areas in the human brain and compared with BA 10et al. (2011).

distance (HSD) between neurons increased inBA 10 (but not the three other areas) in homininsafter they split from the ancestors of chimpanzeesin a manner that facilitated complex interconnec-tivity and information processing (Fig. 7). Inter-estingly, similar histological findings have alsobeen reported for human BA 44/45 (Broca’sarea) (Schenker et al., 2008), which raises thefascinating possibility that the human prefrontalcortex was widely reorganized during hominincognitive evolution (Semendeferi et al., 2011).


BA 17













0 >> BA 17

4 > BA 3 > BA 10 > BA 17

zee Gorilla Orangutan Gibbon

brains and the relative degree of horizontal spacing distance, BA 4, BA 3, BA 17). Symbols: >, greater HSD betweenns; �, HSD about the same. After human and chimpanzeedicating more complex connectivity) compared with the threein the apes. Reproduced with permission from Semendeferi


The size and organization of the human frontalpole clearly stands out from that of apes and itsfunctions constitute one of the most fascinatingpuzzles in cognitive neuroscience (Burgess et al.,2005; Gilbert et al., 2006). This area has beenimplicated in a range of activities including “watch-fulness,” remembering to carry out intendedactivities, aspects of recollection, anticipating thefuture, multitasking, switching between externallyversus internally oriented thoughts, and integratinglimbic input to arousal, motivation, and intentions(Burgess et al., 2005; Koechlin and Hyafil, 2007;Tucker and Holmes, 2011). Thus, a key adaptiveadvantage of an evolved frontopolar cortex mayhave been “an ability to pursue long-term behav-ioral plans and at the same time respond todemands of the physical or social environments. . .the frontopolar cortex may have played an evenmore critical role in the gradual formation of com-plex behavioral and cognitive routines such as tooluse in individuals and societies, that is, in humancreativity rather than complex decision-makingand reasoning” (Koechlin and Hyafil, 2007:598).

Concluding remarks

I have spent some time reviewing the literature onBA 10 because it is an excellent example ofresearch that is beginning to shed light on the evo-lution of advanced cognitive abilities in homininsbased on a synthesis of findings frompaleoneurology and comparative neuroanatomy.As we have seen, the shapes of the frontal lobesthat are reproduced in the frontopolar region onendocasts of Australopithecus and Paranthropusappear expanded toward a human condition inthe former but not the latter. This observation isconsistent with Semendeferi et al.’s (2011) hypoth-esis that an increase in the horizontal spacingbetween neurons and an associated increased com-plexity in connectivity occurred in BA 10 of ourancestors’ brains at some point after our lineagesplit from that of chimpanzees. When, exactly, thischange began during the approximately 7 million

years of hominin evolution is unknown. However,the comparative paleoneurological evidenceregarding brain size, frontal lobe shape, and sulcalpatterns (including an apelike fronto-orbital sulcusin Australopithecus) suggests that the early stagesof prefrontal cortical evolution may have beenunderway in the Australopithecus population(s)that gave rise directly to Homo. Indeed, RaymondDart would have embraced this hypothesis, asshown by his 1929 unpublished monograph, whichlanguishes in the archives of the University ofWitwatersrand.


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