Chapter 11: Society, Culture, and Reform (1820-1860)

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Transcript of Chapter 11: Society, Culture, and Reform (1820-1860)

Chapter 11: Society, Culture, and Reform (1820-1860)

Second Great Awakening

Revivals in New York: Charles G. Finney Baptists and Methodists: Peter Cartwright Millennialism: William Miller Mormons: 1) Joseph Smith

2) Brigham Young (New Zion)

Caused division between newer sections and older Protestant churches


Transcendentalists mystical and intuitive way of thinking. Means of discovering one’s inner self and looking for the essence of God in nature.

Ralph Waldo Emerson (1803-1882)

“The American Scholar” 1837 address at Harvard.

Break away from British control.

Self-reliance, independent thinking.

Spiritual matters over material matters.

Henry David Thoreau (1817-1862)

2 year experiment alone in woods, find truth of life and universe.

Walden (1854) pioneer ecologist and conservationist.

“On Civil Disobedience” advocate of nonviolent protest.

Brook Farm

Communal Experiments

New Harmony Oneida Community

Arts & Literature

Hudson River School


George Caleb Bingham: common people doing ordinary things.

William S. Mount: rural compositions Thomas Cole & Frederick Church: beauty of

American landscape


Washington Irving James Fenimore Cooper

- Leatherstocking Tales


Public Asylums; mental hospitals, schools for the deaf and blind, and prisons

Dorothea Dix

Thomas Gallaudet (school for the deaf)

Dr. Samuel Gridley Howe (school for blind)

Public Education

Horace Mann William Holmes McGuffey

Changing Families

Cult of Domesticity

Women’s Rights Movement

Sarah & Angelina Grimke Lucretia Mott

Seneca Falls Convention 1848

Elizabeth Cady Stanton Susan B. Anthony

Antislavery Movement

American Colonization Society 1817

William Lloyd Garrison

The Liberator

Frederick Douglass

The North Star