Chapter 11, Social values and beliefs

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Transcript of Chapter 11, Social values and beliefs

Social Values and Beliefs

Chapter 11

Liaqat Hussain


• Values belief and religion all the three are interrelated concepts.

• According to DURKEIM, “ a religion is a unified system of beliefs and practices related to sacred things”

• Values are a part in study of social norms.• Values are “the conception of the good which

influence selection from available end, means and modes of actions,”


• H.m.Johnson: “Values are general standards and may be regarded as higher order norms”

• Perter Sorslay: “Values are general conception of “the good” ideas about the kind of ends that people should pursue throughout their lives and throughout the many different activities in shuich they engage.”

• M.Haralambos: “ a value is abelife that something is good and worhwhile. It dfines what is woth having and worh striving for”


1. The Value of Power are attained through political institution.2. The Value of Wealth are attained through economic

institutions.3. The Value of Affection are attained through family

institution.4. The Value of Rectitude are attained through religious

institutions.5. The Value of Skill and enlightenment are attained through

educational institutions.


I. Values provides goals or ends for the members to aim for,II. Values provide for stabilities and uniformities in group

interaction, hence create sense of belongingness among people who shared commonly.

III. Values bring legitimacy to the rules that govern specific activities.

IV. Value help to bring about some kind of adjustment between different sets of rules.

V. Values differentiate between right and wrong and what is desirable and undesirable.

SOCIAL VALUEShow it Develop

I. The origin of values is not biological process.II. It is social production. III. Values depend upon the social structure and the

culture..IV. Values are what we like and say good in our life.V. Values develop customs, rituals and conventions in

their behaviors.


I. Values is related to social norms.II. The protection of values is made by the norms.III. The human behavior is directed by the norms.IV. Norms are the guides of human behavior and the

behavior is directed towards value.

Human behavior


Social norms



• The work of a science is not persuasion or conversion, but rather demonstration that under certain given conditions, certain events inevitably follow.


• Mater of sociology is values and moral involvement and it may tempt the social scientist his results in favor of his own value


I. What people say is good when your ask them.II. What people strive to get.III. The things on which people spend their resources

of time, money and energy. IV. The things they chose when faced by alternatives.

The above cited four indicators express the values of individual, group and whole society.


– Values and social change.– Values endangered create social problems.– Types of Values • Cultural values• Social values

– Different between cultural and social values– Value conflict– Belief – Belief and Religion– Belief System

SOCIAL VALUEScomponents of Religion

– Rituals– Emotions– Beliefs– Organization

SOCIAL VALUESLiving Religions of the world– Hinduism ( دھرم (سناتن– Zoroastrianism (زرتشت) ( آتش ( پرست– Shantoism– Judaism– Taoism– Confucianism– Buddhism– Christianity – Islam

HinduismSanatan is Sanskrit name and its comes

from Sant, Sants or Sofi, the term Sanatana Dharma can be roughly translated to mean

"the natural, ancient and eternal way."

( دھرم (سناتن

ZoroastrianismZoroastrianism is based on the teachings of Zoroaster, a 6th-century

BC Iranian prophet and philosopher. Zoroastrianism is almost identical with Mazdaism (the worship of Ahura Mazda, the supreme deity

exalted by Zoroaster). Zoroastrianism survives today in isolated areas of the Middle East, primarily Iran, but more prosperously in India,

( (آتشپرست

Shantoism ( مظارپَرستی )


The religion of the Israelites of the Bible and of the Jews of today, based on the teachings of the Torah. Judaism involves the belief in one God

ودیت) ہ�ی )

Taoismalso known as Daoism, is a religious, philosophical and ritual tradition

of Chinese origin which emphasizes living in harmony with the Tao (道 , literally "Way", also romanized as Dao).


Confucianism (کنفیوشس)

Buddhism ( م���ن��د�� (د��ا��ن�ش�����