Chapter 1 Visual vocab - Issaquah Connect · Chapter 1 Visual vocab Author Gloersen, Shannon...

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Transcript of Chapter 1 Visual vocab - Issaquah Connect · Chapter 1 Visual vocab Author Gloersen, Shannon...

Chapter 1 Visual vocab

Era: a large division of time

Decade: a group of ten years

Archaeologythe study of the past by looking at what people left behind.

Artifacts: objects made by people

Paleontology: the study of fossils

Fossils: remains of plant and animal life that’s been preserved from an earlier time.

Anthropologythe study of human culture and how it develops over time.

Species: a class of individuals with similar physical characteristics.

Evidence something that shows proof or indication that something is true

What are the main two types?

Primary source firsthand pieces of evidence

Secondary source: document or written work created after an event

Point of view: a general attitude about people or life


an unreasoned, emotional judgement about people and events

Scholarly: concerned with academic learning or research

Conclusion: a decision reached after examining evidence