Chapter 1 Lesson 1:“You and Your Health” Health Ed.

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Transcript of Chapter 1 Lesson 1:“You and Your Health” Health Ed.

Chapter 1 Lesson 1:“You and Your


Health Ed.


Come from the old English word “to heal”

Health is more than the absence of disease, it is a state of well-being

3 dimensions of health Physical

Mental Social

3 dimensions explained1. Physical – all parts of the body are

working together

(example: proper nutrition, rest)

2. Mental – how you feel about yourself

(Internal emotions and how they are expressed)

3. Social- networking system

(Communicating/ sharing feelings)


Overall state of wellbeing

Called the “holistic approach”

There are 6 dimensions

6 dimensions of Wellness

1. physical2. social3.Intellectual

Example. Balance

5. environmental

4. spiritual

6. Psychological


Lifestyle factors- repeated behaviors related to the way a person lives

(take a second to write down 5)

Life Style Factors

Getting 8-10 hours of sleepBeing physically active for at least 20

min a dayMaintaining healthy weightAvoiding tobacco, alcoholManaging stressAvoiding sex before marriage

The Health Continuum

A chart/ or sliding scale that shows the wide range of wellness and illness which people go through back and forth over time

Healthy People 2020

What is it?

Why was it established?

Healthy People 2020 1- Comprehensive set of health

objectives for the US

2- Designed by the US government to measure change and progress in health conditions

3- Public document used for strategic planning

*Written every 10 years

The 2 main goals of Healthy People 20201- increase the life expectancy of

individuals in the United States

2- decrease differences in health conditions among different cultures and socio-economic groups in the United States

These goals are aimed at making America healthier

Examples of health goals: reducing infant mortality rates, limiting the number of AIDs cases

This can be done by:Giving up smokingBecoming physically activeNever drinking and drivingLearning how to deal with stress

in a positive way

Prevention- practicing healthy habits to keep a person healthy and free from disease

(Go over leading causes of death in the US)

CH. 1 lesson 2 “Self Esteem and your health”

Health Ed.

Self- esteem – the confidence of worth that you feel about yourself


Philosophy developed in 1964 by Robert-Adler- director of psychosocial and behavioral medicine

“Mind-Body-Immune System” Mind


Body System


a) External messages- message (who you are and how likeable you are) that come from outside yourself

b) Internal messages- messages that come from yourself

Many people base their self esteem on external factors. Negative external messages can wipe out positive internal messages

Examples of high self esteem:

Examples of low self esteem:

What can improve your self-esteem?

1- assist others

2- build a network of supportive relationships

3- devote your time to area of your life that you feel are important

4-set realistic and achievable goals


Something that you aim for that take planning and work

Goal setting directly affects your self esteem

SMART Goals:

S= specific

M= measurable

A= attainable

R= relevant

T= track able

Long term vs. short term goals………….

Taken from leader shape…………..

Answer the following questions on your own paper

1- What issues, organizations, communities, or groups of people are most important to you?

2- When am I the most energized and focused?

3- What do I really care about? What sparks my interest?

Based on how you answered the previous question. What do you want to accomplish over the next few years? How will you use your talents that you have been given to do this?

Write 2 short term goals that you want to accomplish in the next semester

Write 2 goals that you hope to accomplish in the next 4 years

Write 2 long term goals you hope to reach in the next 10 years

*Be sure to include some information about how you will get there

CH. 1 lesson 3 “Decision Making and Health”

Health Ed.


The act of making a choice or coming to a solution

Big life decision examples…….(pg. 16)

RiskBehavior with an element of danger

that may cause harm/injury

2 types

1- reasonable- the likelihood of damaging you or someone else's safety is low

2- unreasonable risk- the likelihood that someone may get hurt is high

Most accidents involve high-risk behaviors and making decisions.

Consider the followingAre the risks necessary?Are they reasonable risk?

5 Basic Steps to Making A Decision

1) State the situation the requires the decision

2) List the possible choices

3) Consider the consequences and your values- personal, family, religious, spiritual, moral, legal

4) Make decisions based upon everything you know, and act on it

5) Evaluate your decision

Evaluate a decision that you made last year…How did you arrive at that decision? What happened as a result of the choice that you made? Compare your process with the 5 step process. Did you use these steps? If not, how might the outcome have been different if you had used all 5 steps?