Chapter 1: Communicate! Vocabulary Practice. Adapt (verb) Human beings have adapted to their...

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Transcript of Chapter 1: Communicate! Vocabulary Practice. Adapt (verb) Human beings have adapted to their...

Chapter 1: Communicate!

Vocabulary Practice

Adapt (verb) Human beings have adapted to their


Aesthetic (adjective) She is concerned about the aesthetics of

her face. (beauty)

Ancient (adjective)/Historic(adjective)

Anthropology (noun) = Science of origins Anthropological = (Adjective)

Anthropologist = (noun) A person

The Basics The basics of phonics

Birdsong (noun)

Congress (noun)

U.S. Government Executive Branch Judicial Branch Legislative Branch President Cabinet Supreme Other Congress Court Courts House of Senate Representatives

Adapted from Peregoy & Boyle (2005).


Cultural Heritage (noun) UNESCO

Curriculum/School Curriculum (noun)

Disjointed (adjective)Synonyms: Disconnected/Confused

Government (noun) NOT Goverment

Historic = AdjectiveA historic picture of the Korean War.

Invention (Noun) What a funny invention!

Is made up of (phrasal verb)The Beatles group was made up of Ringo,

…..,….., and ……

Long Distance (noun)Synonyms: Space, Remoteness

Originated (Verb)The Koreans orginated from the


Peak (Noun)The beautiful mountain peak.

Radiate (Verb)Synonyms: give off, shine, expand

Settlers (Noun)The settlers of Canada came from England and France.

Social Networking (noun)Do you use social networking as a form of communication?

To die out (Verb)Synonyms: To become extinct

Tourism (Noun)

Traces of…/Traces of blood (Noun)Synonyms: drop, footprint, streak, a little, a bit.

Transmit (verb)The satellite transmits radio waves.

Unique (adjective)Synonyms: different, individual, one

Volcanic(adjective)/Volcanic Island/ Volcanic Mountain

Vowel (noun)Words are made up of vowels and


•A E I O U

West Coast of Africa(noun)The west coast of Africa is known for

its friendly people.

Work related (adjective)I last sent an email to my co-worker to

discuss something work related.

Topic Sentence = Found at the beginning of the body paragraphs.

Thesis Statement = usually found at the end of the first paragraph. It states

your ideas or arguments.