Chapter 01 Product

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Transcript of Chapter 01 Product

  • 7/31/2019 Chapter 01 Product


    Software Engineering


    Vaibhav P. Vasani

    Manohar Phalke Polytechnic Sion-22

    By Prof. Vaibhav P. Vasani

  • 7/31/2019 Chapter 01 Product


    What is Software Engineering?

    Group Exercise

    Break into groups of 4 or 5 (i.e. your

    neighbours, dont move around the theatre) Take 5 minutes to write down a definition of

    software engineering - this can be in pointform

    After 5 minutes, we will collect definitionsfrom the class

  • 7/31/2019 Chapter 01 Product


    Some statistics One in four systems miscarry 20% turnover in staff is not uncommon Major corporations have a backlog of up to a 30

    months Large systems take 3 to 5 years to develop Corporations are spending up to 20% of revenue on

    Information Technology

    Y2K problem took up to 50% of resources in at leastone bank in Australia. Many of the systems werebuilt in the 1980s

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    Need Y2K bug

    Computer software drives business decisionmaking basis for modern scientific investigation and

    engineering problem solving. transportation, medical, telecommunications,

    military, industrial processes, entertainment,office products..

    Software is virtually inescapable in a modernworld

    By Prof. Vaibhav P. Vasani

  • 7/31/2019 Chapter 01 Product


    Need UPs and DOWNs of DotCom people bet their jobs, their comfort, their

    safety, their entertainment, their decisions,and their very lives on computer software. It

    better be right. DEFINITION The technology encompasses a process, a set

    of methods, and an array of tools that we callsoftware engineering.

    By Prof. Vaibhav P. Vasani

  • 7/31/2019 Chapter 01 Product


    A good software product?

  • 7/31/2019 Chapter 01 Product


    The Product

    By Prof. Vaibhav P. Vasani

  • 7/31/2019 Chapter 01 Product



    software takes on a dual role Product(computing potential) Vehicle for delivering a product(networks, information)

    resides within a cellular phone or operates inside amainframe computer, software is an informationtransformer producing, managing, acquiring,modifying, displaying, or transmitting information

    that can be as simple complex as a multimedia presentation

    By Prof. Vaibhav P. Vasani

  • 7/31/2019 Chapter 01 Product


    The lone programmer replaced by a team of software specialists(focus on one part of the

    technology). Q. asked for modern SW development Why does it take so long to get software finished? Why are development costs so high? Why can't we find all the errors before we give the

    software to customers? Why do we continue to have difficulty in

    measuring progress as software is beingdeveloped?

    By Prof. Vaibhav P. Vasani

  • 7/31/2019 Chapter 01 Product


    What is Software?

    instructions (programs) that when executed providedesired function and performance

    data structures that enable the programs toadequately manipulate information

    documents that describe the operation and use of the programs

    By Prof. Vaibhav P. Vasani

  • 7/31/2019 Chapter 01 Product


    Hardware ? hardware is built(analysis, design,

    Construction, testing)

    By Prof. Vaibhav P. Vasani

  • 7/31/2019 Chapter 01 Product


    Software Characteristics Software is developed or engineered, it is not

    manufactured in the classical sense Depends upon people applied & work Approach are different No spare part in case of SW

    software doesnt wear out software is custom built(industry is moving

    toward component-based assembly)(ex. GUI) software is complex

    By Prof. Vaibhav P. Vasani

  • 7/31/2019 Chapter 01 Product


    Quality problems are nonexistent for S/W H/W affected by dust, vibration, temperature ,

    abuse ,environment maladies

    No Environment Maladies Undesired Defects Changes in SW

    By Prof. Vaibhav P. Vasani

  • 7/31/2019 Chapter 01 Product


    Failure (Bathtub) Curve for Hardware

    By Prof. Vaibhav P. Vasani

  • 7/31/2019 Chapter 01 Product


    Idealized and Actual Failure Curves for Software

    By Prof. Vaibhav P. Vasani

    B d t i f SW

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    Broad categories of SW System SW

    Services to other programs E.g. compilers, editors , file management OS components, drivers, n/w SW, Scheduling, resources sharing , process management complex

    DS, External interface Application SW

    Specific Bussiness Need Stand Alone

    Real-time software. Software that monitors/analyzes/controls real-world events as

    they occur is called real time. data gathering formats information from an externalenvironment, response (typically ranging from 1 millisecond to 1second) can be maintained.

  • 7/31/2019 Chapter 01 Product


    Business software. Discrete "systems" (e.g., payroll, accounts receivable/payable,

    inventory) have evolved into management information system(MIS) software that accesses one or more large databasescontaining business information.

    It restructure existing data in a way that facilitates businessoperations or management decision making.

    Engineering and scientic software. Astronomy, volcano logy, Space Shuttle Automotive stress analysis , CAD ,Simulators

    Embedded software. Personal computer software or Product-line SW Web-based software. AI-SW (Robotics, Pattern recognization, games)

  • 7/31/2019 Chapter 01 Product


    Software Myths Management

    We have book of stds and procedures for building SW. Reality:-not aware of existence of book, does not reflect newpractices, not complete We have new computers Reality:- CASE tools are more impt. than H/W, developers are

    not able to use effectively

    Mongolian horde concept(Well add more people to catchup) Reality:- time spent time to teach to newcomers results in

    reducing productivity. I outsourced it, Im done Reality:- Not able to manage internally how he can manage

    outsourced one

    By Prof. Vaibhav P. Vasani

    S ft M th

  • 7/31/2019 Chapter 01 Product


    Software Myths Customer

    We have general objectives, lets start Reality :- formal and detailed description of the information

    domain, function, behavior, performance, interfaces, designconstraints, and validation criteria is essential.

    Change is easily accommodated Reality:- early requests -- accommodated easily

    review requirements and recommend modifications withrelatively little impact on cost.Requested during software design -- cost growsResources & design established-- requires additionalresources and major design modification additional costChanges in function, performance, interface, or othercharacteristics during implementation (code and test) have asevere impact on cost.

    after production--magnitude more expensiveBy Prof. Vaibhav P. Vasani

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    The Cost of Change

    By Prof. Vaibhav P. Vasani

    S ft M th

  • 7/31/2019 Chapter 01 Product


    Software Myths Practitioner

    Well write it and be done Reality :-the sooner you begin 'writing code', the longer it'll

    take you to get done. I cant assess quality until it is running Reality :- applied from the inception of a project the

    formal technical review, Software reviews I only need to deliver code Reality :- A program is One part of Software configuration Software engineering is about meaningless documents Reality:- its about creating Quality, leads to reduced the

    rework, leads to faster delivery times

    By Prof. Vaibhav P. Vasani

  • 7/31/2019 Chapter 01 Product


    Software Poses Challenges

    By Prof. Vaibhav P. Vasani

    How do we ensure the quality of the software thawe produce?

    How do we meet growing demand and stillmaintain budget control?

    How do we upgrade an aging "software plant?"

    How do we avoid disastrous time delays?

    How do we successfully institute new softwaretechnologies?