Changing Populations Refugees. International Law: All countries have a responsibility to accept...

Post on 26-Dec-2015

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Transcript of Changing Populations Refugees. International Law: All countries have a responsibility to accept...

Changing PopulationsRefugees

International Law:All countries have a responsibility to accept legitimate refugees

Refugee: someone who flees for another country because they fear for

their safety in their home country.

Claiming Refugee Status? Many claimants are coming from countries where the threat

of violence is high due to political unrest or unresponsive gov’t

Top 3 Refugee Source Countries

Refugee Host Countries

Germany, US, France, UK, Canada

Some of the biggest financial contributors to the UNCHR (United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees)

Provide humanitarian aid

Also fund aid projects in host countries ie. Jordan, Lebanon, Turkey

How do you think Canada should respond to refugee claims?

Do you think most refugee claimants are accepted or rejected?

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QuestionsDid the person you create qualify? What characteristics of your person were important in meeting (or failing to meet) the criteria for admission?

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