«Changing places and spaces» - Spaces and places for ...€¦ · «Changing places and spaces»...

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Transcript of «Changing places and spaces» - Spaces and places for ...€¦ · «Changing places and spaces»...

Childrens sosial participation and creativ transformation in

«Changing places and spaces»

Reflections and Analysis of casestudie:

«Plastic fantastic - a supervised studentproject» at Management of Art, culture and creativity,

Bente Fønnebø, BLU. HiOA

Presentation at Children and room conferance

15.09,19.09 and 27.10 2011 The photo is approved by parents and staff

Copyright: Fønnebø tekst&strek


Childrens changing spaces in kindergarten:

• The casestudie is based on a guided student-project at specialization in management of arts, culture and creativity in 2011. Later Liisa Huurros wrote a bachelor: Creating jointly -children and adults in change processes, documented in an article:

• https://blogg.hioa.no/underveis/nr-3-hosten-2012/a-skape-fellesskap-barn-og-voksne-skapende-endringsprosess-av-liisa-huurros/

• Case:Seven children, two, three year, was invited by staff into an installation made by them the day before. The room is normally their joint meeting-place. But this day the staff had use all kind of plastic packaging and paper I different formate, to make a tent-like installation for bodily playing and painting.

• The project was part of depth study of leadership. The staff and supervisor explore the space along with the children. My researcher position was to guide, document and analyze interactions together with staff.

Theoretical perspectives -

• Deconstructing workshop as a mobile, changeable (works) habitates, where the materiality: human and non-human intra-act in the processes with children and staff. (Barad,2003;Derrida, 2006; Taguchi,2010)

• Facilitation in forming the nursery based on a critical liberating glance at the benefit gained and resources (Frodo & Ringsted,2001

• Reflectionshe about different between «daily » places and conseptual ranged places just for some hours.

• A option to and resistance against the diskurs about «what we always do» in kindergarten in preparing place, spaces and workshops (Faucault,1999, Nordin-Hultman, 2004; Moser, Melvold &Jørgensen, 2008)

• Theoretical references of critical experience pedagogy, intra-activity and materiality as movable (Fønnebø, 2008; Clark,2010, Huuros,2011)

My questions:

• How can the staff as an aesthetic resource

facilitate for children's own footprint and their change by creating places for bodily and improvising actions?


• What happened when the youngest one had access to use the body in large areas, plastics and paints in a constructed workshop?

At the beginning they ran and crawled , hide behind plastic walls, shouted and made a lot of noise. They didn’t use the paint and colors but played in materiality who invited

bodily actions

Exploring the complexity together, after running and laughing : «We can draw on a «paper wall» & «hide behind plastic walls»

This girl exploring at dry materials first: transparent ink and paper

In the beginning, the children had individual ideas and discoveries. We saw materials in dialogue with body: hands examined the texture and the possibilities of paint

The boy detects light and start painting it red The girl discovers plastic - installation

The girl explores the floor with foots and wall with Dish brush. This can be seen as non-human actors and how this directly affect the childs

opportunities for independence and creativity (Barad, 2003)

Detects brands she can create with Dish brush!

Again and again she pressed dishwashing brush at the floor and emits track.

After initial investigation, occurs something new: silence and concentration

The girl asked a boy behind: Can we paint together? J have blue

First blue, then yellow, then green in between, we made the coluor together!

Suddenly another boy painted the lamp.The minute before, he ran around, now he is concentraiting at details, and work in silence he too.

The boy paints the lamp and floor red, a girl wants to help him with the work! Then they change things together.


• Staff is an artistic resource through facilitation of limited artistic projects and workshops.

• When young children get possibility to change rooms , they use body, artifacts, materials as part of the aesthetic experiences.

• Through action-oriented workshop children gives room for switching between movement and concentration, silence and sound and silence, the human and non-human artifacts were not divorced but one.

• Through facilitating bodily expression with creative expression , - we give children the opportunity to use the senses , feet, hands and alternative discourses can act to clear space for floors, walls and body.

References; Barad, K. (2003). Posthumanist Performativity: Toward an Understanding of How Matter Comes to Matter. Signs, 28(3), 801-831. doi:10.1086/345321 Bakke, K., Jensen, C .& Sæbø, A. (2011). Kunst, kultur og kreativitet- kunstfaglig arbeid i barnehagen. Bergen: Fagbokforlaget. Buvik, K. (2004). Utforming av barnehager: på leting etter barneperspektiv. Trondheim: SINTEF, Derrida, J. (2006). Dekonstruksjon. Klassiske tekster i utvalg. Oslo: Spartacus forlag. Foucault, M. (1999). Diskursens orden. Oslo: Spartacus Forlag A/S. Holm, A.M. (2007). Baby art 0 - 3 åriges billedskabende udfoldelse. København:Herning. Av. form. Huurros, L.I. (2011) .Skapende prosesser i pedagogisk arbeid med fokus på to og treåringers kroppslige og sanselige uttrykksformer - nye perspektiver og settinger. Bacholoroppgave. Oslo: HiOA. Huurros, L. I.(2012) Å skape i fellesskap -barn og voksne i skapende endringsprosesser (2) I Underveis- tidsskrift for framtidas barnehage.https://blogg.hioa.no/underveis/nr-3-hosten-2012/a-skape-fellesskap- barn-og-voksne-skapende-endringsprosess-av-liisa-huurros/ Kolle, T., Larsen A. S. Ulla, B( 2010). Pedagogisk dokumentasjon-inspirasjon til bevegelige praksiser. Bergen. Fagbokforlaget. Lundahl, Gunilla (1995) .Hus och rum til små barn. Stockholm: Argus. Moser , M., Melvold, L.B.S., Jørgensen, K-A. (2008) Om barns rom og kropp, aktivitet og hvile. I T. Moser, & R. Pettersvold, En verden av muligheter- fagområdene i barnehagen. Oslo: Universitetsforlaget. Nordin-Hultman, E. (2004). Barns subjektskaping og pedagogiske rom. Oslo: Pedagogisk Forum. Olsen, B. (2009). Fra ting til tekst: teoretiske perspektiver i arkeologisk forskning. Oslo: Universitetsforlaget. Otto, L og Kragelund, M. (2005). Materialitet og dannelse-en studiebog. København: Danmarks Pædagogiske Universitets Forlag. DPU. Taguchi, L.H.(2010). Bortenfor skillet mellom teori og praksis- en introduksjon til intra -aktiv pedagogikk i barnehagefeltet. Bergen: Fagbokforlaget.