Change The World - Caux 2013

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'Young people are going to change the world' - Kofi Annan, Caux 2013

Transcript of Change The World - Caux 2013


‘Young people are going to change the world’- Kofi Annan 2013

Caux smilesas the sixth annual TIGE conference comesto the Swiss alpine village


Joe Garner

Maria Peters and Benjamin Viney together with their mentor Alan Dean of the UK educational training programme Burning2Learn ( took part in the sixth annual conference on Trust and Integrity in the Global Economy (TIGE), in Caux, Switzerland, from 13 to 19 July 2013. In this report they have captured what struck them most about the TIGE conference. They worked morning, noon and night to convey the spirit of

Michael SmithHead of Business Programmes

Initiatives of Change UK

the conference in words and pictures. This is their take on a week-long event which was far-reaching, wide-ranging, often amusing, compelling and profound.

The aim of the conference was to highlight the values of integrity which business leaders, bankers, social entrepreneurs and a wide range of stakeholders can live by in order to build trust in society—and which in turn builds the public’s trust in them. The speakers did so by telling their stories of integrity applied in action. The context was a global economy that is suffering a serious downturn, since the financial crash of 2008, and appallingly high levels of youth unemployment.

Maria is a budding author and senior copywriter at Burning2Learn and Benjamin is a fine arts student at Nottingham Trent University. They have captured the spirit of the conference wonderfully and we who are the TIGE conference organisers thank them wholeheartedly for doing so in this report.

Creative Lead: Alan Dean Articles: Maria Peters & Benjamin Viney Front cover image: Benjamin VineyPhotos: Pontius Wallsten, Laura Graffen, Mirjam Beeler, James Nikitine, Naike Bochatay & Benjamin Viney

Contents 6 10 189

Genevieve BoastVivek Asrani Tonio Dell’Olio Kofi Annan



Contents 2Welcome to Caux 4What is integrity? 5Joe Garner 6John Place & Fabrice Leclerc 7Vivek Asrani 9Genevieve Boast & Tony Bradley 10James Miller & Dr Katrin Muff 11Valerie Issumo & Kelvin Cheung 12Serve and be served 13Sarosh Ghandy 14Christine Guwatudde Kintu 15Tonio Dell’Olio 18Peter Brew 19Rudolph Ramsauer 20Lawrence Bloom 21Workstreams 22Kofi Annan 26Messages from Caux 28Thank you Caux! 29Man with a mission 30Call to action 31

This publication was printed by Impress Print Services Ltd, Hersham, Surrey, KT12 3PU,UK on sustainably sourced paper

CauxWelcome to

To truly capture everything that took place in Caux would be a remarkable achievement. Even with a thousand shots a minute from the world’s most perceptive

lens, you would struggle. I think for us at Burning2Learn, the magic lies in its simplicity. Caux is beautiful. It is rich with virtue and alive with passion. Bringing together people

from all ends of the planet, Caux is the birthplace of true innovation.

Every summer this stunning centre hosts seven consecutive conferences with invitations that extend to a worldwide network of people who all share one common

thread; they share hope. Hope for what comes next. TIGE 2013 was the fourth conference of this summer and explored Trust and Integrity in the Global Economy.

Throughout the week Burning2Learn asked participants what it is about IofC’s elegant mountain house that makes us all so willing to trust and so able to listen.

This is what they came back with:

‘It’s a conference that is deeper than a conference.’

‘This place has heritage, it has culture and the capacity to plant the seed for the next epoch of human history on a grand scale.’

‘What we have here is contribution, inspiration and vision – a great model to create.’


‘Integrity is a concept of consistency of actions, values, methods, measures, principles, expectations and

outcomes. In ethics, integrity is regarded as the honesty and truthfulness or accuracy of one’s actions. Integrity can be regarded as the opposite of hypocrisy in that integrity

regards internal consistency as a virtue.

The word “integrity” stems from the Latin adjective integer (whole, complete). In this context, integrity is the

inner sense of “wholeness” deriving from qualities such as honesty and consistency of character. As such, one may

judge that others “have integrity” to the extent that they act according to the values, beliefs and principles they

claim to hold.’

Read by Genevieve Boast

What is integrity?


Photo By Benjamin Viney

It seems that there is a word that gets thrown around a lot in the corporate world; it’s a title, it’s a position and, in many cases, it is an attitude. That word is leader. But what does it actually take to become a leader? Can anyone learn how to lead? What is the difference between managing people and leading people?

Until very recently Joe Garner was Head of HSBC Bank UK and was invited to Caux this summer to make the opening keynote presentation. Little did the TIGE speakers in the audience know that the bar was about to be well and truly set! With his imaginary shirt and tie at the ready, Joe Garner began:

‘In economic terms the old world has gone and isn’t coming back.’

Joe’s opening remarks reflected his strong views that there is a ‘massive pressure for change’ as everything in our world today is ‘accelerated and amplified by the internet’. The need for change sits hand in hand with a ‘very dramatic erosion of trust’. This has been one of the fundamental indications of why effective leadership is needed now more than ever.

‘Never has there been less respect for people just because of a job title.’

Joe’s startling revelation that ‘two-thirds of all people who ever lived to 65 are alive today’ was certainly a double-take moment. He was pointing out that ‘we are an aging planet’ and that due to this we have a great responsibility in our leadership. Joe then added that when German Chancellor Otto von Bismarck set the pensionable age at 65, the life expectancy at the time averaged out to be around 46! This reinforced Joe’s ‘need for change’ — and his audience agreed.

‘There is a dark side to rule compliance.’

When businesses set out they develop rules which are often adopted as the primary line of authority by employees. This shouldn’t be happening; if you rely on rules alone it can create an environment where people ‘turn their brains off’ and do only what the rule book tells them to do. Joe expressed the importance of creating an

‘If you’re not doing it because you believe in it, you will be found out’

environment where people can be themselves at work; an environment where people ‘can stand in front of the rules rather than hide behind them’. As Joe would have it, leadership is about valuing and supporting those around you. When he took over at HSBC UK he wanted to do precisely this; so he gathered his team and headed out of the office. Joe sat them down and asked each employee to spend 15 minutes answering three simple questions:

What do you love? What do you fear? What do you have in your pocket?

Their response was incredible. In taking the time to get to know each other the team found themselves bonding more as people, not just as individuals who shared an office. They now empathised with each other, laughed, cried and joked together and the company took an irreversible step forward.

Joe’s presentation was effortless and encouraging. He made it clear that there is hope looking ahead whilst being realistic in his awareness of a need for change. He concluded an excellent talk by advising: ‘Have a thing that keeps you sane and that provides you with an escape to recharge.’

Joe Garner talks to TIGE on the qualities of leadership

‘Expecting life to be fair because you're a good person is like expecting a bullnot to charge at you because you’re a vegetarian’

Joe Garner, former Head of UK Retail Bank and Deputy Chief Executive of HSBC Bank PLC


Having supported international companies Google, WWF, Expresso and the like, Fabrice Leclerc exceeded his own reputation and delivered a presentation that oozed passion, positivity and purpose. In a perfect blend of business and ethics, Fabrice’s presentation ensnared the room as he took us on a self-reflective journey back to the true meaning of humanity. He took us back to our instincts. Fabrice revealed that we have a capacity of 1.2 trillion computers in our brains and that we can access 2 million years worth of knowledge in a split second — just by using our instincts.

‘In order to create true innovative business we must strive to reinvent ourselves through the power of instinct.’

It was refreshing to hear his views on the application of

Fabrice’s secret to true innovation in business Fabrice Leclerc explains the power of human instincts

‘The very best way is a handshake agreement’

John Place on how to be a gentleman in business

Fabrice Leclerc, founder of The Innovation Lab of L’Oreal Luxury International

John Place, founder of American Slate Mining Company, California

human instincts within business. He believes that life itself connects us and that we must now connect in business, ‘It isn’t what, it is why’. Fabrice also discussed the link between instinctiveness and innovation. He stated that following our instincts is the only way to achieve innovation. ‘If you’re going to do it, do it for life; otherwise you are not innovating at all.’ Fabrice’s earthy momentum added a rich vibrancy to the morning’s session and inspired enthused discussions to follow. He left us wondering: do young people have enough life experience to follow their instincts?

‘Some people think that we are more intelligent than dogs; when a human talks to a dog, the dog understands the human. But when a dog talks to a human the human doesn’t understand the dog!’


US businessman John Place, founder of the world’s largest slate mining company, examined the hot topics of TIGE 2013. How can we build trust in business? Does honesty really work?

John smiled as he shared his incredible story about how integrity can and does work. He began his career with the passionate belief that business depends on mutual trust: ‘The very best way is a handshake agreement.’ This is something that he put into practice during his relations with the Chinese.

John received a call when President Nixon had opened trade links with China. A small group of Chinese businessmen were interested to find out more about the construction products business and John was tasked with developing their interests. He personally met the group at San Francisco Airport and decided to take them sightseeing for two days — it was ‘the best way to get to know them’. Though they spoke no English, John managed to work with their translator and together they were able to both understand and handle products that required a considerable amount of technical use. The relationship developed and John was later invited to China for further work. John’s humble approach enhanced their interests and earned their trust and respect.

The American Slate Mining Company now has mines in the USA, India and Brazil. Based on his trustworthy approach to his work in China, John has become a real reflection of how to be a gentlemen in business.

Ifyou talk

to a


to his head...

languageit goes


If you talk toHIM IN

his languageit goes


Heart - Nelson Mandela, read by Fabrice Leclerc

Photo By Benjamin Viney

For the past 29 years Vivek Asrani has driven his family business towards many great successes. On 16 July, TIGE welcomed Vivek’s open presentational style and smiled with him as he shared what he has learnt, what his experiences have meant to him and what he now believes is the way forward.

From a very young age Vivek would go into the office with his father and grandfather. He’d listen to their discussions and absorb everything that he saw. His head start in the business world influenced him greatly and encouraged a passionate entrepreneurship within him. Vivek went on to develop the family business with the following rooted principles that were non-negotiable: integrity, win win, customer delight and excellence.

‘For us, profit is like petrol in a car; without it you cannot run, but you do not drive a car for petrol — you drive to get to a destination. For us, the journey is the goal.’

Vivek strongly believes that 'everyone sitting around the table must benefit' and that businesses must always 'put the customer at the centre of all things. It is the customer who pays your salary,’ he tells his staff.

‘When we are committed to our principles in challenging situations it leads to our growth and development.’

All businesses have their challenges and Vivek revealed a story that held one of the most influential messages of the conference. A genuine human error had been made during a change over within the company and was flagged up in the company tax accounts. The assessing tax officer refused to accept their correct stock statement and was going to penalise the company. Vivek explained:

‘So I went and met the officer and this is what

happened; I told him that we were running a new software and said I am giving you it in writing that yes we have made a genuine error. If you think that I have committed fraud then we will have to take this further. If you come to the conclusion that this was a genuine human oversight, then the right thing to do is accept this statement.’

The room was silent as Vivek awaited his response. The tax officer then said, ‘A dishonest person will never have the courage to sit in front of me and come and talk like this. Go, your work is done.’

‘And that is when I learned a great lesson about courage,’ Vivek added.

‘People think it takes courage to be ethical. To me, being ethical makes you courageous.’

Throughout the entire process of sorting things out Vivek was honest. And that’s what allowed him to say: ‘I had no doubt because in the back of my mind I knew that we had done nothing wrong. We had made a mistake, but we had done nothing wrong.’

‘The value of good will far exceeds any financial gain’

How Vivek Asrani’s own trust in faith allows him to trust people in business

‘There are three ways of falling: like a pot of clay, you completely shatter and break; like an iron ball, you don’t break but things around you do; and like a

rubber ball, the higher you fall the higher you spring back.’

Vivek Asrani, Managing Director of Kaymo staplers, Mumbai, India

9Photo By Benjamin Viney

There is something enchanting about the art of story telling and whistleblower Genevieve Boast taught TIGE something very magical indeed. Genevieve believes that sharing our own life experience is an incredibly powerful tool and expressed that ‘sometimes what looks like our biggest failure is actually just the road to our biggest successes.’

Genevieve told her tale about a time in her life when she made an inescapably difficult decision. She reported a wholesale theft inside the supply company that she was working for. Genevieve spent three days and nights contemplating what to do and ‘creating stories out of the fear of what could happen’ in her mind.

At the age of 21 Genevieve was brave enough to follow her instincts, regardless of the uncomfortable consequences that would inevitably follow. She chose to listen to the small voice in her head and was able to block out all of those who tried to influence her into making the wrong decision. ‘Integrity is not a one-off condition... it is about being a person of integrity.’

Based on the decision she made that day, Genevieve’s actions were a perfect personification of integrity. She was honest. Not just to others, but to herself. Is that not what integrity means? To act on what we instinctively believe to

‘Integrity is not a one-off condition’Genevieve Boast reveals the challenges of being a person of integrity

be morally right, irrespective of what comes next. Fortunately for her, the media company that was supposed to be receiving the goods offered her a new job— as Stock Integrity Manager! And she has now married the man who gave her the new job.

‘Sometimes you gotta stand by your failures to recognise success’ — Joe Burden, Hip Hop Artist

It’s easy to see transparency as a negative quality to have; but coming to Caux has demonstrated that if we were all willing to be just a little bit more transparent, trust would surely follow.

Genevieve Boast, whistleblower, life adventurer, writer and leadership coach

It is universally recognised that 'we live in rapidly changing times'. These were the opening remarks of Revd Tony Bradley, Director of the Social and Ethical Enterprise Development Centre at Liverpool Hope University. Tony is committed to communication that is fun, friendly and effective and spoke about the ‘furry animals’ of social enterprises that are growing up under the feet of ‘dinosaur’ corporations.

‘Learning for change is about learning to change.’

After listening to his presentation and then having the opportunity to work with Tony one-to-one in his workstream, it is transparently clear that he is a man who knows how to connect the dots! Tony encouraged his audience to tell stories of confidence and hope and urged that they develop community values for change. Furthermore, Tony’s own belief in developing locally at a grassroots level was reassuring for his audience.

‘We live in rapidly changing times’ Tony Bradley talks on personal transformation and its residue effects in business

Tony Bradley, Director of The Social and Ethical Enterprise Development Centre (SEED), Liverpool Hope University

‘Believe in the power of people to transform and be transformed.’ - Steve Jackson


The message we took from Katrin’s presentation was about the need to ensure that businesses have a purpose: ‘Educating, enabling, engaging and collaborating to achieve this paradigm shift.’

‘A new mindset is required. We must develop the leader in a human and the human in a leader.’

It was great to see one of the initiatives inspired by Rio+20 (2012) on the TIGE stage this year. Dr Katrin Muff gave a talk on the education management stimulator, 50+20, and teaching ethical values to MBA students. She described a blueprint for the future of management education and spoke about what challenges business leaders may face: ‘The challenge is two-fold for leaders; transform business from an existing paradigm that is strong and work on personal transition.’

‘Rather than competing to be the best in the world, we need to start to work in order to be the best for the world.’

Katrin sympathised that leaders may become exasperated by slow progress on sustainable development, but emphasised that the right kind of leaders are needed.

‘A new mindset is required’Dr Katrin Muff on ‘the right kind of leaders’

Dr Katrin Muff, Dean of Business School Lausanne, Switzerland


James Miller's presentation showed the audience how to ‘walk the talk’ as he demonstrated how to put the principles that we had spent the week discussing into action. He also revealed how continued support leads to commitment, motivation and loyalty.

When James' company set out they took time out to bring together all of those who were part of the organisation. They discussed their needs and asked employees what they would like to ‘see happen’. Things such as 'we should be the best at what we do best', 'empathy for all' and 'caring for and protecting one and other' were put forward by the employees.

Now, it is all very well starting out with these intentions, provided that they are followed through and implemented as actions. James’ company did precisely this when an employee of the firm discovered that his wife was terminally ill and approached his bosses for direction. The company’s response was to support whatever the employee needed, and they quickly changed his working priority to ‘looking after my wife’. They continued to support the employee for over two years, keeping to their word.

Two years down the line the employee approached James again and said, 'Really, now, I think it is time that I step down. I am not pulling my weight.' James’ response was simple. He reminded the employee of what his job

‘We were told that we were unprofessional because we laughed too much’

James Miller talks of trust and integrity within his occupational health business

description had been changed to — 'looking after my wife'.

There are no words to describe the impact that the kindness and support shown by James and his company had on the employee and his family. James saw the business as a body that doesn't work unless every part of it is working.

‘We had a purpose to protect and maintain the health of our people.’

After listening to his presentation we caught up with one delegate from the Netherlands who stated that Abermed’s ‘business model and expectations of themselves are what is missing from business.’

James Miller, former Chairman and CEO of Abermed occupational health company in Scotland

Did you know that there are 400,000 tons of surplus food every year in the UK? Well, it might surprise you to know that whilst one particular UK food chain has 300 stores to its name, each store wastes four chickens per day. Times that by seven and again by four and you are left with 112 wasted chickens per store minimum each month. A chicken will feed four people — you do the maths!

When entrepreneur Kelvin Cheung realised how much food people waste every year, an idea struck him. Kelvin had always been passionate about food waste and wanted to do something to target it before it became an even big-ger issue worldwide. So he founded a charity called Food-Cycle. His team cook and provide food for those in need; people without homes, refugees and the elderly. But the charity's work hasn’t stopped there. Five years since it’s inception, FoodCycle has now developed a package that helps reconnect and rebuild community areas. The team provide training for groups of volunteers who then take the package back to their local area.

‘Our first cooking session went horribly wrong’, Kelvin laughed. ‘Not even my grandma would want to eat it, no matter how much she loves me!’

From then on the quality of cooking was determined by one simple rule: 'Could you serve this to your grandma?'

To date, FoodCycle has served 60,000 meals, trained 46,000 volunteers and collected 61,000 kg of surplus food.

‘Could you serve this to your Grandma?’Entrepreneur Kelvin Cheung discovers the community benefits of food cycling

Their excellent feedback reinforces the positiveimpact that FoodCycle has had within many communities: '67% feel reconnected, and 71% have made new friends'.

Kelvin admitted that he had great difficulty securing trust from the supermarket chains that he was first working with. He revealed that 'nobody believed that we were an organisation — we had to build that trust'. And so they built up a website, produced business cards and developed their own network.

‘We are now able to say ‘trusted since 2008’ — which sounds much better now than it did back in 2009,’ he grinned.

Kelvin Cheung, founder and CEO of FoodCycle

Valerie Issumo, CEO Prana Sustainable Water Company

Economist Valerie Issumo has created a system that is helping to neutralise the worldwide issues of waste water. She showed that waste water can be turned into something of value; by switching waste water into a commoditised resource that boosts decentralised sanitation. Valerie asks, ‘If you give me your waste water, will you still have enough water for your basic needs?’ The answer is yes, yes you will. Joe Swann, moderator of the session, quite surprisingly pointed out that if it takes 2,700 litres of water just to make one T-shirt, that’s the equivalent of the amount used in 54 meal times at Caux!

‘Untreated waste water is a weapon of mass destruction!’

Furthermore Valarie pointed out that 80% of waste water that is untreated could in fact be used to support the 2.6 billion people without access to sanitation. As designer of The Ethical Water Exchange, Valerie is committed to raising

‘Waste water is a paradox’Valerie Issumo on waste water as a weapon of mass destruction

awareness of this matter that continues to impact living conditions on a global scale. Valarie’s passion encouraged the audience to think about how much water they waste each day, and what can be done to cut the amount down.


Serve and be served Only in Caux would you find a building full of people open and enthusiastic enough to cook, clean, tidy and wait on the same people that join them for breakfast the next morning! Though it’s an international conference that brings together high-fliers, gurus and entrepreneurs from all areas of industry, everybody chips in. An extraordinary culture of willing and giving has developed and is perhaps the thing that unites participants so well. There are no hierarchies or labels; there is only respect. Respect for people’s faith, beliefs and viewpoints. And respect for the beautiful mountain house that participants feel privileged to call home for seven days of the summer.

This notion of ‘serve and be served’ reflects the humility of Caux and has become a huge part of the TIGE conference experience over the last six years. Though the week is filled to brim with presentations, conversations and activities to indulge in, clusters of attendees rotate in small groups every meal time to ensure that the food gets on the table in time! They are trained – in a matter of hours – by the conference’s trusty interns who are integral to the smooth running of mealtimes. So in a conference that explores ‘who are the real leaders?’ the answer is easy – they are all around you. They could be serving you ice cream in the mad dinner-dash for

seconds; they could be resisting licking the chocolaty spoon as they wait for 400 brownies to cook; or they may even be that person you see taking off their blue apron after a long day of preparing, teaching, cooking and serving food, who still has a smile on their face. Leaders are everywhere, and what Caux’s ‘serve and be served’ culture teaches us is that we don’t have to do it alone. The world is such a brighter place when we stop for a minute and look around every once in a while, and smile.

Heart of Effective Leadership participants take on the early breakfast shift



With a combination of ‘slogan shouting’ on the shop floor, stoppages of work and constant strife from every direction, Sarosh Ghandy’s first years of unpaid apprentice work were extremely tough going for somebody who was just starting out in his career. As such, Sarosh’s audience were soon surprised to then hear him reveal ‘I never felt animosity for any of our workers and they didn’t seem to towards me; we’d talk, laugh with each other, even though there might be a stoppage of work.’

In his role as Tata Group executive, Sarosh found himself trying to work out what would be a ‘straight edge’ to turn the company’s problems with disengagement around. Though he recognised that ‘the first budget to be cut is usually the training budget’, Sarosh believed that this is actually part of the problem.

‘I used training to turn around my company. Whatever problems we faced were technical, they were not the people.’

Unbelievably, he found that most workers had never been trained at all; ‘they had picked up their skills by osmosis’. Sarosh also noticed that when new equipment arrived the workforce were unable to work effectively as they were untrained. Sarosh later insisted that all employees were required to have a minimum of 10 hours of training every two years. The atmosphere on the shop floor subsequently

changed and as well as improving the work rate of all employees, communication became easier andmore successful.

Sarosh’s experience showed us that sometimes the solution is simple. It struck us as odd that people couldn’t see what Sarosh was trying to achieve. ‘People wondered what we were trying to do – all we did was introduce problem solving, communication… the basics. Often we blame workers but we haven’t actually told them what we expect!’

Sarosh J Ghandy, former Tata Group executive, Managing Director of Telco Construction Equipment Co Ltd

‘The leadership has to have the right tone at the top’

Christine Guwatudde Kintu, Permanent Secretary, Uganda, on persevering through scandal and corruption

‘All we did was introduce problem solving, communication — the basics’

Sarosh Ghandy on how effective training can unite a workforceand corruption


Civil Servant Christine Guwatudde Kintu provides technical work and administrative support as the Chief Executive of Government, Uganda. Three weeks before the TIGE conference, Christine was appointed the Permanent Secretary (PS) in the Office of the Prime Minister. In Uganda there has been a lot of corruption and scandal within the government itself and Christine was specifically assigned a Docket of Ethics and Integrity.

As the PS, Ethics and Integrity, she coordinated the government mechanisms for fighting corruption in Uganda. After spending ‘long and agonising years of lost cases in court’, the organisation realised that ‘it is the people that count—the system is as good as its people’. Christine found that the people managing these institutions were the ones that needed dealing with to correct things. Within government they targeted leadership. The leadership ‘had to have the right tone at the top’ to address corrupt tendencies. Christine has now taken on an office which has been scandal ridden for almost one year. What’s more, the media have revelled in this scandal; so it is not a secret and the pressure for changes is immense. Regardless of what she now faces, Christine states:

‘I go there positively. I go there with the conviction that our image will change.’

In the three weeks that she has been there Christine has met the heads of departments and all staff on a one-to-one basis and has asked: ‘What can we do to change what has gone wrong?’ And she has received the most amazing responses: ‘We have to change the personal level, the integrity of personal levels is paramount and we have to change in the way we are doing things.’ Others have said, ‘We have to change the culture of impunity; we have to comply to regulations and rules because the systems in some instances have broken down; we have to make media campaigns and rebrand our office’.

Christine took each suggestion very seriously and has been running a rapid results initiative which targets a 100-day results and achievements programme. It focuses on small steps that will yield results in the short term.

‘The leadership has to have the right tone at the top’

Christine Guwatudde Kintu, Permanent Secretary, Uganda, on persevering through scandal and corruption

‘The system is as good as its people.’

See more conference reports and videos at:;

Christine Guwatudde Kintu

We are not now that

which in old days Moved earth and heaven,

that which we are,


we are, heroic hearts,

One equal temper of heroic hearts,

Moved earth and heaven,


but Strong

we are, heroic hearts,

One equal temper of heroic hearts,

Made weak by timeand fate,

in will.- Alfred Lord Tennyson Read by Joe Swann, Founder and CEO of the social enterpriseMy Social Innovations

Photo By Benjamin Viney


This is a tale of two young boys who made a choice that shaped the rest of their lives; at the tender age of nine.

A young boy loved nothing more than to go outside and play football in the streets of Italy. One day when he was playing a van pulled up across the road and a man started unloading illegal cigarettes. The man saw the boy and said, ‘If anybody arrives, let me know.’ The little boy, at nine years old, already knew who that 'anybody' was. He kept a look out for the police. When all of the cigarettes were unloaded, the man payed the little boy for his help and drove off. The little boy was so pleased with himself and hurriedly rushed indoors to tell his mother.

The next day, the little boy ran out into the street to play with his football and hoped that the man would come back. He did. The little boy helped the man and his friends again, and so, the young boy had chosen his side.

For many years the boy worked with this organisation and became very wealthy. One day things went terribly wrong and he was captured by the enemy and taken as their prisoner. When he was inside a strange man came to visit him and asked him about his journey. ‘Didn't your teachers worry when you didn't go to school?’ the stranger asked. The boy laughed and said, ‘No, not at all; it was when I did go that they worried. My father wasn't around so I wasn't very disciplined.’ The stranger was amazed and asked, ‘Did nobody come to help you, given that your father was in jail?’

The boy was amazed. ‘This is not the job of the churches,’ he said. The stranger clutched onto the cross underneath his neck robes and said, ‘I played in the streets of Italy with my football too, just like you.’

His reply was this: ‘In my life, the Mafia arrived first; so I became the Mafia. But in your life the priest arrived first; and so you became the priest.’ It was only upon listening to the boy's response that the Italian priest had his greatest revelation.

‘The person who arrives first in a child's life is the most important.’

When the prisoner was very young, strangers in funny uniforms and hats searched his house, went through all of his belongings and took his father away. From that day on he knew his side.

This story illustrates the responsibility that civil society has towards young people. The Italian priest in the story, Tonio Dell’Olio, is a member of an organisation that contributes in the fight against the Mafia called Libera. ‘There are 340 known Mafia organisations,’ he says, ‘only three of which are in Italy’. Globalisation has made it possible for them to expand more and more. Quite beyond belief, there are legal organisations within our economy that are asking the Mafia for help right now.

Libera are trying to prevent this. They are taking a stand against it. Tony passionately believes that ‘together we have a responsibility and we can do so much’.

Find more on Tony’s work at:

‘In my life, the Mafia arrived first; so I became the Mafia’ Tonio Dell’Olio shares why he who arrives first matters

‘Didn't your teachers worry when you didn't go to school?’ The stranger asked. The boy laughed and said, ‘No, not at all — it was when I did go that they worried.’

Tonio Dell’Olio, Director, Libera Associations Names and Numbers against the Mafias


‘We have to get sustainability into the DNA of business’ Peter Brew gives public Caux Lecture on co-creating pathways into the future

‘I believe we’ve reached a crossroads. After all the turmoil of the last five years, there are little green shoots of recovery appearing and I believe that creates huge danger for business.’

Peter Brew’s opening remarks sparked an immediate interest in how his sentence was going to end:

‘The danger is we will breathe a sigh of relief and say, “Oh the worst is over, let’s go back to what we were doing before.” And that’s a recipe for long-term disaster.’

What is the alternative, you might ask? Peter spent 37 years in the international employee retirement and healthcare services business, with management responsibilities covering business operations in North and South America, Australasia and Asia Pacific. According to him, the alternative is to take a new route towards sustainability. ‘Business has no divine right to exist. It will only exist and sustain if it meets the needs and plays its part in society’. He also believes that being sustainable doesn’t mean to say that a business agenda is just about the environment. It means that all companies have to find a way to be economically sustainable—‘I’m the first to say, if you’re not profitable you won’t survive.’

With his audience, Peter reflected on the causes and effects of the ‘economic earthquake’ of the last few years and stated: ‘I have long held that whilst regulation law is vital, we need a framework of law and regulation. But in the past few decades we’ve piled regulation on regulation on regulation in the expectation that we can regulate all these problems out of the system; whereas unless we change behaviour we are not going to achieve results.’ He continued by putting forward his views on how the ‘regulators themselves just don’t have the resources and knowledge to do the job we are expecting them to do in society’. This viewpoint reinforced the conference’s continued theme of ‘a need for change’.

Furthermore Peter then stated that ‘the economic landscape has to be redrawn.’ He urged that we must accept that the economy is no longer dominated by the West and that we must find an equilibrium where economic activity is mutually supporting around the world: ‘There’s no status quo to go back to. We have to create the new economy going forward.’

Whilst Peter admits that there has been conflict all over the world - ‘I grew up with conflict. I’ve worked with conflict’ - he also stated: ‘I’ve never seen as much conflict as we have at the moment.’ Peter conveyed how the poverty that is now hitting people who were never hit by poverty before illustrates that we are facing an era of social unrest. There are few companies that thrive in an era of instability; so the companies that have a vested interest in social security have a responsibility to do something about the causes of instability: ‘It’s not enough for business just to comply with rules and regulations.’ Peter believes that companies have got to think beyond compliance: ‘Just because something is legal does not mean it’s right; and we have got to start doing what is right’.

Looking back on Peter’s presentation, one thing that struck us was the importance of different business sectors coming together: ‘They need an outside intervention which will help them to map the road ahead. Civil society has a rule, academia has a rule. We have to find a way of co-creating the pathway to the future’.

It was encouraging to hear Peter talk about howdifferent sectors must begin to work together. One of the biggest challenges companies face, particularly in today’s economic turbine, is getting other companies to support new initiatives. How do we bring them together? Peter suggested that we must create the space for the dialogue to bring the sectors together; ‘So somebody must do it. Somebody must be the facilitator... They need to try to understand each other... of course dialogue is at the heart of that.’

‘Government does its thing, business does its thing, civil society does its thing, academia does its thing.Whilst this has worked fine up until now; we must find a way

of getting sectors working together.’

Peter Brew, a founder of the UN’s Global Compact, worked with the International Business Leaders Forum across the globe (1999 - 2011)

‘I think that the name of the game is partnership’

Rudolph Ramsauer addresses TIGE on Corporate Social Responsibility

Nestlé chocolate is a household brand. On 18 July the TIGE Talk focused on global and conceptual issues when Rudolf Ramsauer, Senior Vice-President and Corporate Communications Director of Nestlé, addressed the TIGE conference.

With products in every country of the world, almost 349,000 employees and roughly 470 factories in 90 countries, Nestlé is by far the biggest food company in the world. Rudolph gave the audience a better understanding of how ‘we at Nestlé understand our role, our mission in corporate social responsibility’. He used his recent visit to New York, to discuss the Millennium Development Goals with UN agencies, to introduce Nestlé’s direction.

‘A big company like Nestlé has its role to play in these fields and it’s actually amazing.’

Rudolph asked his colleagues and staff to give him a list of projects that Nestlé are doing and to try to link them with the Millennium Development Goals. ‘We have over 2,000 brands and it takes one billion purchases of products a day to get to the sales figure we have - It’s a number that impresses me all the time!’ Rudolph stated that under each of those Millennium Development Goals, ‘which as you know should be achieved by 2015’, there are concrete projects which contribute or ‘can contribute, hopefully, to reaching these targets’.

The Rio+20 agenda that Rudolph spoke of emphasised the significance of sustainable business agendas; ‘Everything needs to be thought of long term.’ Rio+20, a UN conference on Sustainable Development, is a great example of a sustainability agenda that developed goals for initiatives of change.

‘I think it is a moment to take initiative and define in which direction we want to operate change.’

Rudolph also believed that corporate social responsibility (CSR) is considered to be sort of an ‘ad-on’. ‘You do your business and then decide you do something good.’ But it isn’t. He believes that CSR gives something back to society: ‘No actor in this world can do and achieve anything alone. Also, big companies like Nestlé can do a lot but cannot achieve things alone.’

‘I think that the name of the game is partnerships.’

It’s been one of Nestlé’s major priorities to establish partnerships with NGOs. Rudolph explained, ‘If you want to do something in concrete terms you can only do it if you are

working together with people that are really on the ground; and very often these are very capable NGOs who are doing a great job.’ On hearing this, one participant’s response was ‘Is there a role for the young in these NGOs?’

‘Creating shared value means you must integrate value creation to society into your business model. It must be at the heart of your business strategy.’

After Rudolph spoke, Don de Silva, who moderated the session, took out of his folder two Nestlé chocolate bars, which he had bought from a supermarket in the UK. He pointed out that one had the Fairtrade symbol and the other did not. He then asked whether it was possible to bring all Nestlé chocolate products under the Fairtrade symbol, which embodies the shared values policy of the company.

Rudolph replied: ‘We are more and more faced with the demands to certify our products. It is not only Fairtrade, but other NGOs have raised other issues. The dynamics come from two sides. Customers want this in some countries more than others. In the UK, there are many customers, who want to have Fairtrade certified products. Obviously, if you want to stay in business, you want to do what the customers want.’ Rudolph admitted that his wife buys certified products when she shops. Is it certified? That is an argument for her. Then there is another argument. ‘We are more and more responsible for how it is produced,’ he added.

You can help to move the world to a better place. When you next visit the supermarket, buy certified Fairtrade products, which will give the farmers, who grow cocoa and other food crops, a better deal.

Rudolph Ramsauer, Senior Vice-President, Corporate Communicationas Director, Nestlé


‘The only way to overcome the challenges is to come together as a global family’

The ‘interesting times’ we live in may actually turn out to be a blessing, says Lawrence Bloom

As a man with a wealth of achievements to his name, Lawrence Bloom spoke about his time as an Executive Committee Member of The Intercontinental Hotel Group and revealed that ‘sustainability wasn’t very popular in 2002’. Lawrence took on a project to develop a hotel manual that was eventually worth $3 billion in savings. The project was both a huge responsibility and an opportunity. Lawrence knew that an environmental manual was needed, but his fellow directors didn’t share his enthusiasm.

‘They would say, “Don’t talk to me about sustainability; we don’t pay you to come up with fluffy ideas. Talk to me about the quarterly bottom line”.’

The more he pushed for sustainability the more the pressure mounted and Lawrence grew ill. ‘I threw up in my sink every morning when I woke up... I was feeling terribly unsafe,’ he recalled. Through his determination he gained the support of the CEO and Lawrence’s views were finally acknowledged.

With their support, Lawrence went on to develop a manual which gave hotel guests the option to hold onto their towels, rather than to have them washed every night if the service wasn’t needed. The power of this simple feature was extraordinary and it enhanced the environmental awareness of hotels worldwide. It is now used in five million hotels globally. It was at this moment, when Lawrence shared his stunning success story, that the audience erupted into a wave of spontaneous applause. Listening to Lawrence was easy; he drew us in with his openness and honesty. He believes that ‘the rules, cultures and understandings of the last 400 years won’t suffice anymore: ‘They are like a booster rocket on a spaceship. It has a function— then it’s done. The booster must fall back to earth otherwise it will jeopardise the mission.’ People think that we are approaching an age of change; as Lawrence would have it, we are approaching a ‘change of age’.

‘I’ve got my mansion with seven bedrooms, three bathrooms and a Mercedes — is this it?’

So would a million pounds lead you to a million smiles?Seven bedrooms, three bathrooms and a Mercedes later, Lawrence asked himself, ‘Is this really it? I thought, is that it? Have I now arrived at the place where everybody aspires to be?’ Lawrence had always been anxious about earning money on a large scale and was surprised to find that the anxiety was still there once he had ‘made it’.

‘On us rests a great responsibility.’

In 2004, Lawrence continued, the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change predicted that the arctic will be ice free in the summer by 2100. This year we realised that the arctic is expected to be ice free in summer 2016. As his presentation drew to a close, Lawrence rightly suggested that we need inspiration to know how to move forward. He reflected on the week as he spoke about what it comes down to — ‘forgiveness and gratitude’:

‘Think back on the week we’ve spent together and the gratitude we feel to the people who shared our dreams, visions and intentions of making them real. Applaud yourselves for what could be an extraordinary platform for our children, our children’s children and our children’s children’s children.’

Lawrence Bloom, Executive Chairman B.e Energy, President Pathway International, former executive committee member of

the Intercontinental Hotel Group

‘There are so many think tanks out there. But why would anybody who holds the leverages of power vote for dramatic change? That’s like turkeys voting for

early Christmas.’


In addition to the TIGE Talks given at the conference this year, participants were invited to become part of one of four worskstreams. These included: Initiatives

for a New Economy, Heart of Effective Leadership, Leading Change for a Sustainable World, and

Leadership and Civil Society. Each workstream was designed to present a platform for new initiatives that

tackle key issues within today’s society. It was the participants' chance to get stuck in and explore new

concepts and to develop creative initiatives for change.




‘It is incredible to be part of something so powerful with such open minded and welcoming people

everywhere you look.’ - Conference participant

Photo By Benjamin Viney


‘We are two parts of one whole.’

This workstream was born out of the question, ‘Why, when we have such great intellect and all of the technology to solve our challenges, do we still have inequality, hunger, poverty and social injustice on such a shocking scale?’

‘Taking collective steps to develop models on how to implement protests in the streets with hundreds of thousands of people who are looking for change,’ is

Leadership and Civil Society

‘Growth for the sake of growth is the ideology of the cancer cell.’

Conference speaker Tony Bradley also spent his week facilitating the Initiatives for a New Economy (INE) workstream with a group of 30 participants. Throughout the week they explored the true nature of our world’s dominant economies, and collaborated in smaller groups to develop ideas for potential INE’s.

Tony explained how we need to ‘dig deep’ within ourselves as individuals and listen to what we have learned from those around us. The group spread out and took time to reflect on what they had learnt in their

Initiatives for a New Economyheads, and what they had learnt in their hearts; before sharing it with the others. The week also saw several group members become consultants to help sub-groups create business models for their INE’s.

‘The economy as we know it is something that we created; we must be courageous and come up with new ideas.’

Later in the week Tony was joined by his close colleagues Professors Ronnie Lessem and Alexander Schieffer, Trans4M, who spoke about rebalancing the global economy. Tony writes: ‘Together, Alexander and Ronnie have spent the past decade mapping-out the dimensions of the new disciplines of Integral Economics. Their seven books have examined how economic development, entrepreneurial innovation, human development and education can each be conceived as a process of releasing the genius of different cultures... They are committed to working with the IofC-Caux community in developing a ‘University of Life’ development hub through TIGE.

With their combined extensive knowledge at the helm, Tony, Alexander and Ronnie delivered a workstream that left participants feeling inspired and fulfilled.

perhaps how best to describe the work of this group. The workstream asked, 'How can we come up with new social systems to govern us in a more successful way to change the world from how we live in it today?' The group believed that working on the leverage points and the concept of spiritual science will enable an effective strategy for social change.

‘We must gather our collective intelligence and integrate this with our hearts as well.’

Workstream participant Philip Koenig, Switzerland, explained the concepts that the group had discussed all week: ‘Transformation, that’s what it’s really all about. If we have the right concepts, if we have the right methodologies, if we have the right pilots then we can make any changes happen; as long as we believe, as long as we are connected, as long as we are ready to go out of our comfort zones. The whole challenge is: Do we have enough people who are ready to go into chaos, crisis, opportunity with new ways of looking at the world and with new ways of looking at each other? Can we be more resilient, be more connected? It’s getting out of the comfort zone to build a new economy and to build a new world — that’s what this concept is all about.‘


- Create a global network of consumers, farmers, food companies, government agencies and young people- Build trust and integrity in the supply chain- Reduce food waste in Caux- Connect Caux to local farmers who have restored land through natural farming and use their example and experience as a platform of teaching- Build a campaign on ‘know your farmer, know your food’ around the world

These have been the first of the group’s footsteps on their journey towards a green economy. To follow their work visit

Leading Change for a Sustainable WorldThis year, TIGE saw the Leading Change for a Sustainable World workstream merge with the Food and Sustainablity Network of previous years. LCSW workstream has been working on bringing young people together to establish a new green economy, and FSN is a group of people all aiming to work on the topic of food. Together, ‘we are a group of young people who deal with the green economy, problems of food waste and the use of pesticides. We are very concerned about the issues of food and how it is related to sustainable communities.’

Group facilitators Rishab Khanna and Cristina Bignardi discussed the following areas with their groups in order to identify areas of action that are needed to turn the new green economy into a reality:

- Challenges of ecological degradation- Challenges of hunger and malnutrition- Sustainable consumption and food waste- Financing sustainable agriculture- Building trust in the supply chain- Application of information and communication technology

Having discussed the intentions of the group early on, by the end of the week this workstream was able to solidify the following outcomes:

It’s incredible, really, how in less than seven days a group of total strangers could come together like family and say, ‘Thank you for your open hearts. At the centre of leadership is love and the courage to love, to be human and vulnerable. It was a magical week’.

There was a real sense of comradery that transcended the room as the group exchanged experiences and owned up to mistakes that they had made along their journeys towards their achievements. Though they each came from different towns, cities, countries and — in some cases — continents, a great bond developed throughout the week. Remarkably, group members felt safe enough to open up and to even let themselves be vulnerable as they were able to feel such a strong sense

‘Discovering the heartbeat of leadership beyond intellectual theories of leadership.’

In a conference filled with participants striving to bring trust and integrity into business there was certainly a place for the Heart of Effective Leadership workstream this year. It was brought to the conference by a team of senior business leaders from India. Though it affectionately became known as 'HEL' to those who took part, the group shared songs, smiles and laughter all week long.

Many TIGE speakers took part in this workstream and together unlocked what it takes to thrive as a leader in the corporate world. The group united leaders from business, community, enterprise and faith in a shared ambition to spread the message of ethical leadership.

‘Inner governance is a key factor of effective leadership... The heart of effective leadership is encouragement!’

Heart of Effective Leadership

Read Christina Vizir’s full report on

this workstream at

To have had the astonishing privilege to listen to former Secretary General of the United Nations, His Excellency, Mr Kofi Annan was an indescribable experience. TIGE 2013 was enthralled as they watched him make his way onto the stage. Having been impressed as he listened to the feedback of this year’s workstreams, Mr Annan put aside his prepared notes and spoke sponaneously.

The eloquence that Mr Annan spoke with elevated the room as he shared his vision of the world. Kicking off lightheartedly, he shared an amusing anecdote that set the tone for his presentation:

‘When I stepped down my wife and I realised we were extremely tired – we never knew how tired we were until we stopped. After six months of no television or newspapers, I got bored. So one day when we were coming back from a walk in the woods we went into a shop to get a newspaper. There were two security guards with me and my wife. We had barely got there when I noticed five men standing in the corner. By this point, we had six weeks to go and we hadn’t broken our cover. As I stepped forward, one of the gentleman was suddenly almost on top of us. He insisted, “May I have your autograph please, Morgan Freeman?!” So’s not to disillusion him I signed it K. Freeman. We laughed as the security guards said, “We are also happy you are not here, only Morgan Freeman is here”.’

The audience keenly observed as Mr Annan reflected on the vast changes that he had noticed since his last visit to Caux (2009). In response to the workstream feedback, he said:

‘People have said that I must return... having heard what you said this morning, they were right.’

Mr. Annan talked about the problems around the world that the financial crisis has created and how it has affected the lives of ordinary people.

‘We see the impact of the situation in the 70 million young people around the world out of jobs. After a year or so they sometimes loose the habit of working and it is difficult for them to get it back.’

Kofi Annan: ‘Young people are going to change the world’ - Caux 2013


Across the morning Mr Annan took questions from the audience. Chhaya Mathur Saint-Ramon, President of Business-Implicits France, put forward her desires to take hope back to the young entrepreneurs that she works with. In his response, Mr Annan talked about his programme KA Live; an online forum that allows young people to discuss a whole range of issues worldwide with him; such as young people in leadership. He then revealed the positive impact that he believes the programme has had: ‘I’ve been really fascinated and encouraged by the enthusiasm of these young people. What I think the young people should do now is not sit back and say we are young we are going to wait until a certain age.’ Mr Annan then finished his response by saying:

‘You are never too young to lead. You are never to young to do what you actually believe in. We keep saying that the future belongs to the young—it only belongs to you if you take it. From what I have seen, you young people are going to change the world; and you have to be that change that you want to see.’

Caux exhaled as the audience reflected on all that they had absorbed. For TIGE, 19 July had been a morning that illuminated the great success of the past six days, sparking the rejuvination of hope for what the future will bring. For us at Burning2Learn, it answered the question of how to raise a thousand smiles in one action: talk to the young, find out their vision and ask how you can help.

Please see IofC website for full keynote address:

Alan Dean, Burning2Learn, asked Kofi Annan - ‘What did you want to be when you were a boy?’

‘When I was 10 years old I was clueless. I am not one of those who had dreams or knew that he wanted to be Secretary-General.’

Alan also asked - ‘What should we be teaching ten year olds; what skills will they need in 2030?’ ‘You have to try to teach them to accept differences and diversity. Things around them change. If you learn to accept change, and prepare the young for that, it will be an important aspect... We live in a fluid world.’

If you would like to get involved in developing career opportunities for young people email the Burning2Learn team:

Mr Annan then questioned whether governments are using revenues in the right areas; ‘Have we invested the revenues in education?’

By extension, he then went on to convey that ‘we talked of reforms when the crisis hit; but as things begin to improve nobody is pushing the reforms.’ As such, Mr Annan admitted that he is surprised that there hasn’t been more social conflict around the world.

‘As we move forward the question of protecting the young is going to be a real challenge for our societies.’

The keynote address was paralleled perfectly with the conference theme of leadership as Mr Annan spoke about a ‘lost trust in leaders’. He demonstrated his awareness of how people get frustrated and disappointed when leaders only focus on politics and discussions, and then moved the direction of this presentation towards young people as a resource for growth:

‘Most governments put together economic plans that focus on interest rates, growth rates, the GDP that you speak of and inflation... Very few governments ask themselves specifically the question: what can we do to create jobs for the young? What can we do for our young ones?’

Young people were one of the main focuses of Mr Annan’s presentation as he supported the view that young people can and should create their own businesses. He pointed out that though ‘we tend to look at the big companies for jobs’ it is actually the SME’s (Small/Medium sized Enterprise) that can create the jobs for young people.

‘If we can encourage and support young people to do that we may be able to resolve our problems.’

Mr Annan then discussed the concept of ‘the right type of education as he asked ‘Are we preparing them for the world beyond university walls?’ Although ‘we are giving them education and degrees - degrees for what?’ Mr Annan then added that perhaps we should be looking to give our young people vocational training; ‘These kids aren’t looking for secure jobs that will keep them going for 20 years... All that they are asking for is a little help and advice, and the financial support that they need... They are innovative and creative enough to get it done.’ It is his belief that they would then be able to create companies of their own after leaving school and begin to employ each other.

‘These young people could be an asset if we train them and use their energy.’

27Photo By Benjamin Viney

Caux is a truly remarkable place. It is a total melting pot of corporations, civil society and communities in an anarchic dance that works exceedingly well! It was a privilege to be in stunningly beautiful surroundings with such a coherent group which is so focused on nurturing what is breaking through what is breaking down.

Lawrence Bloom

What happens when like-minded and like-hearted people from across the globe come together with the intention of doing what they can to make the world a better place for us all? Caux! A place of intense natural beauty that inspires equal intensity of passion in co-creating new paradigms in business, education and community. A place I will return to again and again.

Genevieve Boast

The conference was, for me, three days of thought-provoking and inspiring sessions, not just in groups but in lots of one-on-one discussions. I didn’t expect the many conversations not just about what we do, but why we do it. It is one of the most truly international conferences that I’ve ever been to. The atmosphere was great, with a real ethos of working together. No matter if you were a speaker or guest, everybody chipped in to help each other. I think this will be one of my most memorable conferences for years to come.

Kelvin Cheung

The Initiative of Change movement at Caux is a space unlike anything I have experienced — an exquisite space of transformational beauty, power and depth at all levels brought together on a human scale — simply breathtaking! Wow.

Dr Katrin Muff

The experience of attending TIGE, and meeting committed and like-minded people, is a privilege to be grasped if at all possible. The power of sharing knowledge, aspirations, and concerns on the future of our world is sure to help bring about the transformation in thinking needed to build a secure future for our planet.

James Miller


Messages from Caux TIGE Conference 2013


“We are trying to seed new ideas and initiatives that can give us new pathways to go forward. This is why we have created a space for people from business,

economy, government, international agencies and civil society to meet in a dialogue to explore our common future together. We look forward to

searching together for the next steps in our dialogue on how to address the challenges ahead.”

Mohan Bhagwandas, TIGE international coordinator

Join us in Caux next year from 5-10 July for TIGE 2014

We would like to give our thanks to all the conference organising team who worked tirelessly, often behind the scenes, to make TIGE 2013 possible. They are:

Mohan Bhagwandas (International Coordinator), Tatiana Sokolva (TIGE Manager), Artjoms Konohovs (Technical Manager and Media), Daya Bhagwandas (Welcome Desk and Hospitality), Don de Silva (VIP Coordinator), Joe Swann (Plenary Support), Talia Smith (Interpreter and Comms Liaison and Admin), Leire Corral (Hub Support), Myrta Kobel-Voegili (Community Support), Igor Ene (Process Research), Bhav Patel (Plenary Facilitator), Simon Lambert (Front Desk and Timing Manager), Jonty Herman (Conference Video Manager).

Thanks also to all workstream leaders: Cristina Bignardi, Eugene Sensenig-Dabbous, Rishab Khanna, Kiran Gandhi, Mike Smith, Juan Carlos Kaiten, Louie Gardiner, Tony Bradley, Alexander Schieffer, Ronnie Lessem.

Thank you Caux! TIGE Conference 2013

Motivator and Youth Empowerer Alan Dean first began his work in education some 20 years ago. Alan's positive impact within the Sevenoaks District was such that you would struggle to find an issue of the local newspaper without a feature on one of his initiatives! After carrying out youth projects with Swanley Town Council, Darenth Valley Rotary Club and The Prince's Trust (UK), it soon became clear that this approach to learning really did—and continues to—have a powerful, lasting influence on the youngsters that he worked with.

Alan's work continued as he brought in professionals in other industries to support his students. Developing links with the World Superbike Series (WSBK) in 2004 rapidly accelerated the company's work when The Junior Media Team (JMT) programme was accredited to travel worldwide with the series all year round. The JMT was a massive hit in the racing paddock and gave students the opportunity to experience the highdemands and pressures within a real Press Office—not to mention the chance to interview World Champion Riders Troy Corser, James Toseland, Tommy Hill, Carl Foggerty and many others.

Up until this time the message was clear but the company was without a name. Working with WSBK inspired a passion for variety within industry and Alan began to ask his students, ‘How many job roles can you find in the paddock?’ And so came the birth of Burning2Learn.

Meet the man with a mission After his 20 years working in education, Maria Peters reveals the story behind

Burning2Learn Founder and Chief Executive Alan Dean

Australian Trio Karl Muggeridge, Troy Corser and Broc Parks support Burning2Learn JMT, 2008

JMT students from Shrewsbury and Kent interview Italian Rider Roberto Rolfo, 2011


Burning2Learn attend Iraq Ten Years On, 2013

Burning2Learn laugh with IofC at TIGE, 2013

In short, Burning2Learn is an education provider for the three key transition phases within education: Primary to Secondary, Key Stage 3 to GCSE and Higher Education to the world of work.

The company strives to motivate tomorrow's adults today and develops career opportunities for young people. Using media as a hidden platform, students are invited to become a journalist, photographer, reporter, presenter — and just about any other job role you can think of — for the day at one of the team's events. The brilliance to this approach to learning is in its simplicity; students are encouraged to take risks and believe in projects of their own making—in the sure knowledge that there is a Burning2Learn shaped safety net nearby to catch them!

A Burning2Learn experience within schools is also something that the team offer at all academic levels. All programmes have been developed to enhance self-worth and confidence in young people and to support the individual. The company slogan rapidly took off when it was endorsed by WSBK Champion James Toseland, who urged the youngsters to 'Chase your dreams, they may come true'.

A company that cares Motivating Tomorrow’s Adults Today

Call to actionBurning2Learn launch Community Hub

This image was supplied by The Great Recovery RSA.

Burning2Learn aim to take this message of a circular economy into the classroom 2013-2014


With the rate of NEETs (Not in Employment, Education or Training) in Britain ever increasing it seems that now is the time for a call to action. Burning2Learn are looking to pilot a Hub Programme that will take on the role of an incubation centre within the heart of Sevenoaks District Community. The Hub is to be the birth place of six sister start-up companies that each provide a service or product that the surrounding community needs.

These needs have been identified by young people after having gone into their own community and finding out what will help sustain their local area. The six companies will each work alongside each other as partners and indeed competitors. Each of the start-ups will be youth lead and their purpose will be to ignite a rejuvenation process that builds trust and integrity within their community. Having adopted the Spirit of Caux as their mantra, the pressure will be on for them to make their mark in today's ever competitive market.

Burning2Learn have created this programme to develop career opportunities for young people and to reboot communities by providing solutions to key issues that they face. The Hub will encompass B2L's core values of building self-esteem, motivation and the confidence to aspire; this will come before any skills training takes place. To get involved, visit

On behalf of all Burning2Learn students past, present and future we would like to dedicate this publication to

our motivator, mentor and friend,

Alan DeanHere’s to another 20 years of motivating

tomorrow’s adults today!

We would also like to extend our thanks to Francis Evans and Initiatives of Change UK.

We are so appreciative of your belief in young people and your continued support since

2008. TIGE 2013 was an invaluable experience, and you made it possible for us to be there.

Thank you!

Initiatives of Change