Challenges for UX Professionals

Post on 27-Jan-2015

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This is the (translated) presentation I gave at the World Usability Day event in Cologne, Germany. Enjoy.

Transcript of Challenges for UX Professionals

Challenges for UX Professionals.

Lennart Hennigs Interaction Designer

Quick reminder.

Human Centered Design

An approach to system design and development that aims to make

interactive systems more usable by focusing on the use of the

system; applying human factors, ergonomics and usability

knowledge and techniques. DIN EN ISO 9241:210

Quick reminder.

Human Centered Design

An approach to system design and development that aims to make

interactive systems more usable by focusing on the use of the

system; applying human factors, ergonomics and usability

knowledge and techniques. DIN EN ISO 9241:210


Quick reminder.

Human Centered Design

An approach to system design and development that aims to make

interactive systems more usable by focusing on the use of the

system; applying human factors, ergonomics and usability

knowledge and techniques. DIN EN ISO 9241:210

Quick reminder.

Human Centered Design

An approach to system design and development that aims to make

interactive systems more usable by focusing on the use of the

system; applying human factors, ergonomics and usability

knowledge and techniques. DIN EN ISO 9241:210

User focus.

Quick reminder.

Human Centered Design

An approach to system design and development that aims to make

interactive systems more usable by focusing on the use of the

system; applying human factors, ergonomics and usability

knowledge and techniques. DIN EN ISO 9241:210

Quick reminder.

Human Centered Design

An approach to system design and development that aims to make

interactive systems more usable by focusing on the use of the

system; applying human factors, ergonomics and usability

knowledge and techniques. DIN EN ISO 9241:210

UX method knowledge.

Quick reminder.

Human Centered Design

An approach to system design and development that aims to make

interactive systems more usable by focusing on the use of the

system; applying human factors, ergonomics and usability

knowledge and techniques. DIN EN ISO 9241:210

Quick reminder.

Human Centered Design

An approach to system design and development that aims to make

interactive systems more usable by focusing on the use of the

system; applying human factors, ergonomics and usability

knowledge and techniques. DIN EN ISO 9241:210


usable = successful ?

The three legged stool. Don Norman.

The three legged stool.

“Human-centered development requires three equal

partners, three legs to the triad of product development: technology, marketing, and user experience.”

The Invisible Computer, 1998.

The three legged stool.

“Human-centered development requires three equal

partners, three legs to the triad of product development: technology, marketing, and user experience.”

The Invisible Computer, 1998.

The three legged stool.

“Human-centered development requires three equal

partners, three legs to the triad of product development: technology, marketing, and user experience.”

The Invisible Computer, 1998.

The three legged stool.

“Human-centered development requires three equal

partners, three legs to the triad of product development: technology, marketing, and user experience.”

The Invisible Computer, 1998.

The three legged stool.

“Human-centered development requires three equal

partners, three legs to the triad of product development: technology, marketing, and user experience.”

“All three legs provide necessary and complementary

strengths. Weaken one leg and the product falls.”

The Invisible Computer, 1998.

What does that mean for us UX Professionals?

Think outside the box.

T-shaped Individuals. Bill Moggridge.

IDEO is an international design and innovation

consultancy founded in Palo Alto, The company helps design products, services, environments, and digital

experiences. Wikipedia.

è High level of expertise in one area , e. g. User Experience. è  (Useful) knowledge in other areas.

breadth of knowledge

depth of expertise

“We believe the future belongs to T-shaped people. And it's not

easy to replace a T-shaped person. The broader your talents, the more your ability lies in the overlaps between disciplines, the less likely you will find yourself outsourced.”

Tom Kelley: 10 Faces of Innovation, 2005.

User Experience Disciplines.


User Research

Visual Design

Interaction Design

Information Design

Information Architecture

Usability Testing

What kind of T am I?


User Research

Visual Design

Interaction Design

Information Design

Information Architecture

Usability Testing








Useful knowledge and skills of UX Professionals. e. g.

General knowledge about Programming HTML / CSS Copywriting Industrial Design General knowledge about Processes Requirement Engineering …


The ISO standard.

Human Centered Design

An approach to system design and development that aims to make

interactive systems more usable by focusing on the use of the

system; applying human factors, ergonomics and usability

knowledge and techniques. DIN EN ISO 9241:210

What is missing?

Human Centered Design

An approach to system design and development that aims to make

interactive systems more usable by focusing on the use of the

system; applying human factors, ergonomics and usability

knowledge and techniques. DIN EN ISO 9241:210

à  Working in interdisciplinary team.

à  Cooperation with other departments / disciplines.

UX is still a black box.

We often left in the cold.

...and have no strong ties within the organization.

Our work is often challenging.

A typical project?

§  A lot of stakeholders.

A typical project?

§  A lot of stakeholders. §  ...with different expectations and priorities.

A typical project?

§  A lot of stakeholders. §  ...with different expectations and priorities. §  Requirements are complex and intertwined.

A typical project?

§  A lot of stakeholders. §  ...with different expectations and priorities. §  Requirements are complex and intertwined. §  Defining the problem is hard and the definition changes.

A typical project?

§  A lot of stakeholders. §  ...with different expectations and priorities. §  Requirements are complex and intertwined. §  Defining the problem is hard and the definition changes. §  The problem is unique.

A typical project?

§  A lot of stakeholders. §  ...with different expectations and priorities. §  Requirements are complex and intertwined. §  Defining the problem is hard and the definition changes. §  The problem is unique. §  We don’t know what an optimal solution could be before we start.

A typical project?

§  A lot of stakeholders. §  ...with different expectations and priorities. §  Requirements are complex and intertwined. §  Defining the problem is hard and the definition changes. §  The problem is unique. §  We don’t know what an optimal solution could be before we start.


Horst Rittel and Melvin Webber, 1973.

What helps against wicked problems?

What helps against wicked problems?

è  Involve stakeholder.

Camillus – Strategy as a wicked problem, 2008.

What helps against wicked problems?

è  Involve stakeholder. è Define a common vision.

Camillus – Strategy as a wicked problem, 2008.

What helps against wicked problems?

è  Involve stakeholder. è Define a common vision. è Document ideas and communicate them.

Camillus – Strategy as a wicked problem, 2008.

What helps against wicked problems?

è  Involve stakeholder. è Define a common vision. è Document ideas and communicate them. è Take tiny steps.

Camillus – Strategy as a wicked problem, 2008.

What helps against wicked problems?

è  Involve stakeholder. è Define a common vision. è Document ideas and communicate them. è Take tiny steps. è Evaluate progress and iterate.

Camillus – Strategy as a wicked problem, 2008.

What helps against wicked problems?

è  Involve stakeholder. è Define a common vision. è Document ideas and communicate them. è Take tiny steps. è Evaluate progress and iterate.

Camillus – Strategy as a wicked problem, 2008.

We need to better explain what we do.

„We are the voice of the user.“

We need to show where we as UX professionals can contribute and add value.

Define a common vision.

We already have the tools to create a common vision.

The Vision. The User Experience we want to create.

For who? And why? Personas.

How should it look and function? Scenarios, Storyboards, Wireframes & Prototypes.

Strengths of our work products.

è They make design (decisions) tangible. è  ...and comprehensible. è They reduce the complexity of written requirements.. è They create a common understanding.

Well, at least in theory.

We need to remind ourselves that our documents need to be usable and accessible.

Usable documents.

§  We often don‘t think about our readers. §  Our documents are hard to read and understand for non-UX people. §  We don‘t think about how our documents will be used later on in

the process.

Usable documents.

§  We often don‘t think about our readers. §  Our documents are hard to read and understand for non-UX people. §  We don‘t think about how our documents will be used later on in

the process. è  „User – Context – Tasks.“ è We should also apply this rule to our work products.

Accessible documents.

§  We often create our documents in our quiet little space. §  Then we send them off or store them someplace. §  ...and expect people not only to read but also to understand them.

Accessible documents.

§  We often create our documents in our quiet little space. §  Then we send them off or store them someplace. §  ...and expect people not only to read but also to understand them. è We need to create a product vision with the other project members. è  It should be communicated via posters, hand-outs, buttons... è  ... and it should be make tangible and accessible in a project room.

In a nutshell...


è We need more than UX method knowledge.


è We need more than UX method knowledge. è We need to think outside the box.


è We need more than UX method knowledge. è We need to think outside the box. è We need to be better communicate what our role is.


è We need more than UX method knowledge. è We need to think outside the box. è We need to be better communicate what our role is. è We need to show where we as UX professionals can contribute

and add value.


è We need more than UX method knowledge. è We need to think outside the box. è We need to be better communicate what our role is. è We need to show where we as UX professionals can contribute

and add value. è Our strength is in creating and communicating a common vision.


è We need more than UX method knowledge. è We need to think outside the box. è We need to be better communicate what our role is. è We need to show where we as UX professionals can contribute

and add value. è Our strength is in creating and communicating a common vision. è But we need to make our work products usable and accessible.

Thank you.
