[Challenge:Future] lack of social orientation of the people

Post on 14-Apr-2017

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Transcript of [Challenge:Future] lack of social orientation of the people

Ecological, Chemical, Biological, Social and Economic Disasters -  due to the lack of social

orientation of the majority of people in the world!!!

Vladlena VoronkovaWSB-NLU PolandVladlena.car@gmail.com

Disasters that await us

The cause disasters:

We all talk about the problem of environmental, financial problems - economic, biological, chemical, energy issues and social problems."But the problem is actually a global one, the problem is in OUR  PSYCHOLOGY AND THINKING!"

Effect of lack of social orientation of the people on the ecology

We often wonder, "Why do we have a problem with ecology?". In fact, it's obvious. In the race for money, enterprises and firms are trying to save money on waste management.  Throwing waste on vacant lots, pour chemical waste into the water. Sometimes, firing plastic waste on vacant lots. In your opinion - is this normal? And the fact that these carbon gases are destroying the atmosphere, leading to diseases of the lungs and airways of the society, no one cares. For the few people their own wealth seems to be more important than the general health and quality of life in the general society.

 These people do not think that environmental problems will affect them, but it will apply to all regardless of status, and the amount of money in the account and in your pocket. And these are unlikely to millions of dollars in savings on cleaning systems will be able to restore the environment to its pristine state.

Being rich is good, but it is far more important to be a socially responsible person, and understand the balance between the negative consequences of your actions compared to the benefits you receive.

Effect of lack of social orientation of the financial - economic environment

At the moment, roughly 54% of the people in the world cannot provide support for themselves and their family. And why? Because many are unable to fully make use of your potential. For example in Ukraine: If you have 5 years of study at the University of the average cost of $ 1,500, and what has the country to offer after finalization of education? Work with the minimum wage of $ 120. What do you think they want the students to learn in such a situation, if not based on your knowledge you will start with zero and with this salary. Simply go to the store and the seller without the cost of training, receive $ 200. Where is the logic and rationale behind such thinking? 

Here completely absent from the social orientation of entrepreneurs who just want cheap labor, without worrying about what the money is enough just to live a week in the month. Many countries do not think about it, for example Germany may be said that there now exists a situation where people deliberately do not go to work, since the minimum wage lower than unemployment benefits. Why work hard for a penny, if you can sit at home and do nothing. Further to this, there are financial - economic crisis since in general the budgets is exhausted. What is the reasoning for the black economy? A reluctance to share profits with the state, and why: Because businessmen and people think only in one direction, and is not aware of the global aspects of the problems. People are willing to work has not been formally arranged. And entrepreneurs are concerned only use this money to the situation in almost all countries. All this is why people do not because the constitution of social direction and responsibility not only for themselves but for society as a whole.

Effect of lack of social orientation in the degradation of society

We advertise cigarettes, alcohol, computer games, which have a negative impact on the psyche. In the movie, we show serious gangster and drug addicts. That children want to emulate. Destroying this mentality and the normal development of children, whose nervous system is still not safe enough and takes false ideals of truthfulness. Why not show as often as from the degrading and dying people in the real world? Because it is commercial is not profitable. Why people do not want to think about the second side of the coin, the negative, which provoked theirs do? Because they do not have a social responsibility to society as a whole. Because they are not informed that the degradation of the whole society will have a negative - a global impact.

People who are suffering from the addiction to alcohol, cigarettes and drugs may experience and early death, but before the event of death they may be killing other people or do other serious crime, because they are willing to do anything to obtain the next dose. So do not assume that you are not affected by this problem, it touches everyone.

Companies that manufacture tobacco products, spending millions on advertising, and chemical additives in cigarettes, that would be in addition to psychological dependence, and trigger a drug. If people were socially directed, they would spend the money on developing an improved filter that would protect human health or to improve the structure of the cigarette, so that the person would not receive the nicotine and tar but increase the intake of medicinal aroma-oils that will help to increase immunity.

Companies that produce alcoholic beverages, would spend money on improvements in alcohol, which would not lead to addiction and degradation, but just a little relaxation.

Computer companies which produce games that would stop releasing games that have a negative effect on the psyche, and sent to their creativity, to create games that enhance mental capacity, logic, vision of beauty.

But do not, sometimes the feeling that people like to kill their own kind, and destroy their lives. And for this one is not liable.

Some people wants to have a lot of money to be able to control other people, but instead you should initially want to manage yourselves, and then later claim the liberty of others.

People need to explain that there are other people's problems, all problems are common, and they relate directly to the entire society.

Why do people fight?

Because they want to live at the expense of others, want to own that have not earned and do not deserve. Why do people fight? Because they are puppets in someone else's game, they are imposing false ideals and lead a blind sheep to the slaughter. Why do we allow this to us, someone who decides to take the life, and who is not and for whom? We are at war among themselves and in their daily lives, we provoke the strongest men of this world, making the fight for survival. We are fighting for the clans that use us as cannon fodder. Why do they do??  Because they just do not have a social orientation and have no life for every individual, they are still with us, they have their own interests!

Now during chemical, nuclear weapons and biological weapons, war is the most dangerous thing that can be, as under the influence of these weapons may become extinct all over the world, and if it is not clear why there is a war, and for that fight? For the extinction of the world?

You need to be socially oriented and accountable for their actions, and for the lives of others.

As a lack of social orientation affects the pharmacology and medicine

Pharmaceutical companies are not profitable to produce medicines that treat people, they produce beneficial drugs that do not remove the cause of the disease, and only removed its signs and effects while taking medicines, because to make people dependent on drugs more cost-effective than treating people. They do not want healthy people, they need sick people who will bring them profit.

Although pharmacology actually always will be needed, and always will make a profit, they are not prioritizing the development of real cures for the diseases, and even without constantly sick people, they can produce, vitamins, drugs, cosmetics, which will raise living standards. But unfortunately they do not want to consider this option as the primary, and instead of treating people just make them dependent on drugs.

What about medicine, it is an advantage for pharmaceutical companies and often do not heal, and prescribes medications that principle the person and not have to accept, he must take another, this is a different drug may even be cheaper, but doctors are only interested in theirs profits, often as they have a contract with the companies, and for what they prescribe certain drugs. receive a percentage of sales of these drugs, in fact we do not cure, but simply to earn money for our problem. Very often unnecessary surgery is done, even if it is possible to cure medically, they prefer to cut, because of the operation people have to pay more, and cut the body or part of the body is easier than cure and more profitable.

And why is this happening? It’s because they do not bear no overall and global responsibility for what they do. And understanding what they will bring a nation they do not have. Just 1,000 people, can destroy the whole world. And what are we going? To millions of dollars in his pocket which later will not be needed?

People need to understand what lead them to action, and to understand the true impact of these they want and for what?

As a lack of social orientation affects the food industry

What do you think about food? How about GMO products (genetically - modified foods) approved in use in many countries that weaken immunity, cause allergies, lead to cancer, as well as help the flow of chemicals into your body and poisons. Epidemic obesity. A pork which is also in many cases, the GMO products, and which is also very dangerous to health, you will please consider the quality of the product,  if the meat after slaughtering the pig, it is very important how you treat the meat, it should e.g. immediately be stores in refrigerator to avoid decomposing. But also consider the life of the pig, basically all pigs suffer from AIDS, because they are not living the normal life, instead they have only access to very limited space, and no sunlight, while there growth is exceeding the growth of the normal pig.

Defenders claims that these products will save from hunger and starvation. Maybe we will not die from starvation, instead we will die from diseases which is induced by the consumption of these products. 

But the producers of seed for sale is profitable and they will tell how well these seeds to buy, why make this a businesses? Because it allows them to get super benefits, as in many states the price of GMO products is the same price as conventional products. At the expense of our health, companies is getting very high profits. And what about MSG - flavor enhancer that kills the human body slowly but surely, and causes terrible allergies in the future. Who cares? Nobody, because the demand for commodities is higher, since they seem to taste better, due to the exposure to this chemical, which are utilized simultaneously to all kind of tastes. 

And all the other colors and preservatives, which should not be used, but we have added to their food. Almost all food is now also a poison. People is under attack from all sides, we destroy ourselves, on all sides and by different methods.We need to understand what we are doing and where it leads, and be responsible to our social environment.

What should I do to prevent these catastrophes in the future

There is a need to organize lessons "social orientation" in kindergartens, schools, universities, organize psycho-social training for entrepreneurs. Increase the criminal penalties and fines for misconduct. 

Everyone should understand that despite the fact that he is merely a small part of the big society, he have a responsibility to society and to himself. We need to teach people to evaluate their actions on all aspects, and understand which ideals is false, and which is true. And teach them to understand and take responsibility for what they want in the future for themselves and their families.

After all, originally inherent in every person good. Every child wants to be a positive hero. It becomes negative only when it is not perceived in the first line.

Let's make life better today!

The future must  be beautiful!