Challenge with Class: Taking the High Road in all Situations

Post on 29-Jun-2015

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Some people do the right thing because of what other people will think. Some, because they want to be accepted. But, there is great honor to be found in doing the right thing because it’s the right thing to do. Unknown author How do you take the high road in challenging situations and come out a winner every time?

Transcript of Challenge with Class: Taking the High Road in all Situations

Gayle B. LaSalle


Challenge with Class:

Taking the High Road in all Situations

“Some people do the right thing because of what other people will think. Some, because they want to be accepted. But, there is

great honor to be found in doing the right thing because it’s the right

thing to do.”

Unknown author

It is difficult at times not stoop to the lower



The end result is that one needs to know how to be

comfortable within your own skin,


Sometimes after lying down in the mud, it is not that easy to get clean again

Life is 10% of what happens –

90% of how you deal with it

Those who take the high road…

Are Not Victims!

Steps to the High Road

It all starts with


Speak when you are angry, and you will make the best speech you will ever regret.

Ambrose Bierce

Basing our happiness on our ability to control everything is


Stephen R. Covey, American management guru

Vent in a safe place


find an appropriate place to be


Get yourself in control of


Say what you mean, mean what you say,


don’t be mean when you say what you mean.

Check your pride!

Friend or Foe?

10 - 10 - 10

You never want to look back and regret the way you acted

Behave consistently with your own stated values and beliefs.

This takes courage!

Make decisions as if your actions were

going to be tomorrow’s headlines in the New York Times

The important person is the one looking back at you in the


QuickTime™ and a decompressor

are needed to see this picture.

Biggest place to take the high road is

regarding negativity

Arguing with a fool proves there are


Doris M. Smith

The best revenge is living well!

Gayle B. LaSalle
