CHAIM Issue 1 Vol.2 August 2011

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CHAIM is a Christian magazine devoted to YOU who want the best out of life. CHAIM is a bold, no-nonsense Bible approach to conquering the daily challenges women face with practical HOW-TOs based in the Word of God. You will enjoy articles, resources, and real life stories to encourage, build up, and strengthen the spirit, soul, and body. God has given us His Word to direct and restore our lives. He is keenly interested in putting paradise back into our everyday living. In CHAIM magazine, readers will find the love of God on display in every article, resource, and real life story. After all, this is the mystery of heaven: that God LOVES YOU! CHAIM will help you focus, adapt and constantly strive for improvement on your road to achieving your goals, even if you don’t know what they are right now.

Transcript of CHAIM Issue 1 Vol.2 August 2011

CHAIM: {Hebrew} n. life kha|yeem

You have chosen CHAIM because you want life and MORE LIFE: more life in your every day, more life in your relationships, and more life with your family and friends. Jesus Christ came to give you life and life more abundantly. CHAIM is a Christian magazine devoted to YOU who want the best out of life. CHAIM is a bold, no-nonsense Bible approach to conquering the daily challenges women face with practical HOW-TOs based in the Word of God. You will enjoy articles, resources, and real life stories to encourage, build up, and strengthen the spirit, soul, and body. God has given us His Word to direct and restore our lives. He is keenly interested in putting paradise back into our everyday living. In CHAIM magazine, readers will find the love of God on display in every article, resource, and real life story. After all, this is the mystery of heaven: that God LOVES YOU! CHAIM will help you focus, adapt and constantly strive for improvement on your road to achieving your goals, even if you don’t know what they are right now. CHAIM is here to encourage, motivate, and sometimes be tough with you. We are devoted to your success.

You will reach your destination.

You will be victorious.

You will have paradise back in your everyday life.

CHAIM is for you.

be encouraged,

Cristina Hawkins is the wife Curt Hawkins and together they share the love of God to the nations through their ministry, Hawkins Ministries International. Cristina is the founder of Chaim, Inc which publishes the monthly CHAIM magazine designed especially to encourage and build up Christian women. Cristina loves the LORD God with all her heart and endeavors to bring the love of God to the people around her. At a young age, Cristina gave her life to Jesus Christ and drawing from His example throughout the Scriptures, she connects people with the living presence of God, teaching them who they are in Christ Jesus and how to live a life full of joy. Cristina and Curt teach and serve the LORD together on their broadcast Faith To Overcome currently airing on their YouTube channel: HawkinsMinistries. Each week, Cristina meets with women, teaching them how to live a fulfilling life as women of God in her Bible study: Women's WordShop. Cristina's love for the LORD and others in most evident at home - Curt and Cristina have been married for 23 years and have six beautiful children. Rich in the joys of family, Cristina also enjoys many handcrafts, taking walks with Curt, treasure hunting at flea markets and yard sales. Her favorite is date nights with Curt - eating pizza at the downtown cafe.

CHAIM magazine VOLUME I ISSUE 2 August 2011 CHAIM magazine is published monthly by CHAIM, Inc/HAWKINS MINISTRIES INTERNATIONAL, Boise, Idaho c 2011 Chaim, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Reproduction in whole or in part without written permission is prohibited. DIGITAL. To receive your subscription of CHAIM magazine, write to CHAIM, INC. PO BOX 190464, Boise, Idaho 83719-0464 or subscribe online Publisher/Cristina Hawkins Contributing Writers/Meghan Bailey, Olivia Hawkins Photographer/Emily Hawkins Partner Coordinator/Cristina Hawkins

14 Fitness with Megan




The Market Square RESOURCES

7 Picnics, Cookouts, & Fun! by Meghan Bailey

26 Inside Out by Curt Hawkins

DAILY PARADISE: Post this calendar on your fridge for encouragement day by day.

FAVORITE THINGS by Camille McCaulley

LIVING THE GOOD LIFE by Cristina Hawkins

WHEN was the last time you looked up the word GOOD in the dictionary? Haven’t? Me either. I don’t recall ever searching out that definition. Well, I figured I already knew, right? We all think that we have an understanding of the word good. For me, actually putting my eyes on the definition caused me to SEE something quite spectacular. I really like to think about words because there is a fullness we can gain by digging deeper than what lies on the surface. Words are more than squiggles drawn on paper. They are living speech. And when we can physically see that living speech put on paper, we gain possession of another dimension of the life they bring. OK. Let’s break down LIVING THE GOOD LIFE.

The phrase ‘living the good life’ brings to mind what we’ve enjoyed in the past or amazing things we’d like to experience in the future. And for some, it is a current position. There is peace in living the good life. There is far less stress and moments of insecurity or insufficiency; there is plenty of time to enjoy our children and grandchildren, time and money to take vacations, and the energy to do all that brings joy. What keeps us from living – right now – that good life? Could it be that we think that it is for a privileged few? After we examine this phrase of words, I believe that we will have a greater understanding of how to lay hold of a life that Jesus bought and paid for us to live now. Beginning with GOOD: having strength, cheerful, gratifying, to diminish or remove pain. GOOD is used 655 times throughout the Bible.

In LUKE 18:19 Jesus said that God is GOOD. GENESIS 1:31 “And God saw every thing that he had made, and, behold, it was very good.” JAMES 1:17 “Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above, and cometh down from the Father of lights, with whom is no variableness, neither shadow of turning.” And Jesus is our Good shepherd in JOHN 10:11 “I am the good shepherd: the good shepherd giveth his life for the sheep.” God is good. Everything that He made was good and comes from God the Father. And He isn’t changing. Not sometimes yes and sometimes no. Not only is He good toward us, not only does He give us good things, but He IS good. God is strong, He is qualified, He is the essence of increasing happiness, He is the ‘what’ that removes pain, problems, and struggles. And Jesus came that we might have life and have life more abundant! JOHN 10:10

Cristina Hawkins

I had fainted, unless I had believed to see the goodness of the LORD in the land of the living.

PSALM 27:13

GOOD: adj: valid; legally firm;

not weak or defective; HAVING

STRENTH; adequate to its support;


cheerful; festive;

honorable; fair;

unblemished; PROMOTIVE OF

HAPPINESS; agreeable;


gratifying; well qualified; ABLE;

skillful; or

performing duties with skill and fidelity; as a

good leader; a good

commander; a good officer; a good


n: that which contributes to

diminish or remove pain, or

to increase happiness or prosperity;

BENEFIT; advantage;

opposed to evil or misery.

Heb 11:6 But without faith it is impossible to please him: for he that cometh to God must believe that he is, and that he is a rewarder of them that diligently seek him.

LIFE: the highest kind of joy. This is who Jesus is. In JOHN 14:10, “Jesus said, I am the way, and the truth, and THE LIFE.” And in JOHN 15:11 “These things have I spoken unto you, that my joy

might remain in you, and that your joy might be full.” GENESIS 2:7 “And the LORD God formed man of the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living soul.” God, who is life, breathed life into man! Wow! God breathed into man. He didn’t breathe into animals or plants, or water, but into MAN (that includes us, ladies). This sets us apart from all the rest of creation. If we are so special, and if we’ve received this life of highest joy, then why aren’t we experiencing it today? Because the devil is a liar! Way back in the garden of Eden, he deceived Adam and Eve, and that abundant life was stolen from them and from us. Good news: JESUS DEFEATED THE DEVIL and paid the price with His own life that we could get back what was stolen from us. When we became a Christian, all that God had planned and promised from the beginning was restored back to us to be enjoyed to the fullest. I TIMOTHY 6:17 “. . . but [trust] in the living God, who giveth us richly all things to enjoy;” That sounds like LIVING THE GOOD LIFE to me. DEUTERONOMY 28 lists all the blessings when we do His commandments and choose life rather than death and disobedience – remember that is Jesus the LIFE (JOHN 10:10) And DEUTERONOMY 30:19-20 states that if we choose life – it will be well with us and our children! So we are:

BLESSED coming and going

BLESSED in the city and in the field

BLESSED in our groceries

BLESSED in our families

DEUTERONOMY 28: 12 “The LORD shall open unto YOU His good treasure..”, and in MATTHEW 5:3-12 Jesus says we are blessed nine times. Whose report will we believe? It is easy to believe the situation and circumstances, ‘cause that’s what’s always in front of us. But remember the devil is out to steal, kill, and destroy us. He doesn’t want us to believe God. We should deliberately keep God before our eyes. When we make the decision to believe God’s Word and DO what we read in God’s Word, then we will change for better. I know that I want to have and experience that SUPREME FELICITY kind of life. No more just getting by, no more ‘one day’, but right now – today. So…now what? I’m sure you want the good life, too.

We always start by checking out what God has to say about the matter. That’s why there are so many scripture references here for you to look up for yourself. Since God is life, and God is the Almighty Creator, it would be prudent, wise, and beneficial to see what He says and go with that. AMEN? Of course, Amen. We honor God in reading His written Word, but we please Him

when we believe what He said. HEBREWS 11:6 “But without faith it is impossible to please Him: for He that cometh to God must believe that He is, and that He is a rewarder of them that diligently seek Him.”

We have great results when we DO what He said.

In MATTHEW chapters 5-7, Jesus takes the time to reveal the top secrets to living this good life. I say top secret, because, unless we take the time to read the Bible (and these scriptures in particular), study, believe, and DO, we remain the same unfulfilled, unsatisfied person. The GoodNews is that LIVING THE GOOD LIFE is possible and very obtainable! Remember, in Jesus we have been made the

righteousness of God (II CORINTHIANS 5:21) …and it’s not by our works that we are saved but by Jesus sacrifice once for all (TITUS 3:5, HEBREWS 10:10). God has provided all things that pertain to

life and godliness (II PETER 1:3).

We just need to access it, and as they say: walk it out. It’s interesting that Matthew chapter 5 verses 3-12 have been religiously titled The Beatitudes. If we take off the religious blinders and look with a heart to learn, we discover a play on

words: the BE ATTITUDES: a distinctive, and effective plan of action to living the good life. I’ve listed some of the secrets found in here in Matthew – you get to find more

MATTHEW 5:3-12 Jesus says we are blessed nine times

Exchange our way of doing things for God and His way of living: loving God completely.

Be merciful: showing kindness when it is not deserved

Be a peacemaker: not living by our emotions

Rejoice: making the effort to be glad in all things

Love: tenderhearted one to another – enemies included

FORGIVE: everyone. always.

DO NOT WORRY: about anything. Not daily stuff, not future stuff, not big stuff, and not little stuff

– DO NOT WORRY!! MATTHEW 7:24 “Therefore whosoever heareth these sayings of mine, and doeth them, I will liken him unto a wise man…”

It’s the combination of fresh air, blue skies, great food, and people. In most areas, August brings the best weather for outdoor activities. This is why August is a glorious time for picnics. When you think of a picnic, you may picture a park filled with fresh green grass, a sunny summer day, delicious finger food, and even throwing a Frisbee. I picture all of this when I think of a picnic, but the most enjoyable part of a picnic is spending good, quality time with our families and friends.

PICNICS are a great time to reconnect with loved ones, and a chance to have face-to-face communication -- something that’s becoming rare in our society. In a time when social media, television and video games take up most of our leisure time, picnics are a refreshing alternative.

According to a recent survey published by the US Department of Labor, the average American spends 2.7 hours a day watching television. Another survey reported Americans watching over 5 hours of television a day. Nonetheless, it is clear we spend too much time in front of screens in our day. Hence the thought of a picnic is so refreshing! BENEFITS OF PICNICS:

Vitamin D from the sun (strong bones, healthy skin, just to name a couple)

An opportunity to get moving (Frisbee, flag football, volleyball)

Eating fresh, seasonal produce

Quality time with loved ones, or even a chance to get to know people

Romans 12 and 15 say we are all better off when we hang out together, when we are in harmony. God intended for us to fellowship with each other. When we step away from our busy lives and fellowship with one another, we look like the church: a cohesive unit of love, sharing our gifts, time and hearts with those around us. This wonderful time spent with one another will bless us and bless others. The time creates stronger bonds with people. Picnics are a chance to extend love toward people and just have a good, relaxing time. Picnics are for playing together, sharing communion together, laughing together, loving each other, sharing hearts and memories. When you step onto the blanket, the cares of the world just melt away. Time slows, and you get to focus on the most important relationships, and what matters most to our Creator: people. People of all ages and from all backgrounds receive love by these four letters: T-I-M-E. What a perfect opportunity to up fill the “love tanks” of those around you! I encourage you to pull out your calendar, and mark an afternoon to take your family out to picnic. Let each family member plan a part of the picnic. Block out enough time to eat, play, relax, and chat. Your family will be blessed by the time spent together!

Romans 12:4-8: 4 For as we have many members in one body, but all the members do not have the same function, 5 so we, being many, are one body in Christ, and individually members of one another. 6 Having then gifts differing according to the grace that is given to us, let us use them: if prophecy, let us prophesy in proportion to our faith; 7 or ministry, let us use it in our ministering; he who teaches, in teaching; 8 he who exhorts, in exhortation; he who gives, with liberality; he who leads, with diligence; he who shows mercy, with cheerfulness. Romans 15:5: 5 Now may the God of patience and comfort grant you to be like-minded toward one another, according to Christ Jesus

COMPOTE (French for "mixture") is a dessert originating from 17th century France made of whole or pieces of fruit in sugar syrup. Whole fruits are immersed in water and with sugar and spices added to the dish, over gentle heat.

PICNIC PERFECT PICS – Something Salty, Something Sweet Ingredients:

Whole grain sliced bread

Sliced Turkey breast (opt for turkey breast, not smoked as it

has lots of added sodium

Sliced pepper jack cheese

Freshly washed lettuce leaves

Sliced purple onions

Cherry Compote (makes 4 servings)

o 2 C Cherries halved and pitted

o 2 TBSP sugar

o ½ TSP finely chopped fresh rosemary o 1 TSP balsamic vinegar

o Coarse salt and ground pepper, to taste

Before assembling your sammies, make the cherry

Before assembling your sammies, make the cherry compote. I make it the night before the picnic. I found the cherry recipe from TO MAKE:

1. In a saucepan, combine cherries, sugar and rosemary and 1 ½

tsp of water. Bring to a boil. Reduce the heat to medium-low,

cover, and simmer for 12-15 minutes. The cherries will be

tender and the liquid will thicken.

2. Remove from the heat and add the balsamic vinegar, and

season with salt and pepper. Let stand until room

temperature, and then put in the fridge until you’re ready to

assemble the sammies.

DAY OF PICNIC: Arrange sliced bread, and add each ingredient listed above to your liking. Seal them up, label if need be, and throw them into your picnic bag. Serve with a side of garlic pretzels. Enjoy

SERVES 4 For the pulled chicken, put all of these ingredients into a crockpot the night before the picnic. Cook on low for 6-8 hours.

2 chicken breasts, frozen

½ Bottle of barbecue sauce (I love the Sweet Baby Ray’s)

¼-½ cup purple onions

Can of baked beans

Shred the chicken. If you like the crunch, you can add more purple onions here. For the sammies, you’ll need:

Multi-grain Thin Buns

Shredded BBQ Chicken

Pepper Jack cheese

BBQ sauce

Sliced Purple onions


Assemble the sammies with each of the ingredients above. If you prefer a make-ahead method, you can make wraps instead of burgers buns. Enjoy! Serve with seasonal fresh fruit.

Do You Know? … that in Ancient times, a picnic was a symbol of strength and prosperity? …The Oxford English Dictionary says that the word picnic originally referred to fashionable social entertainment in which each person contributed a share of the provisions Wherever it is done, picnicking can be one of the supreme pleasures of outdoor life.

INGREDIENTS: 2 bags of pretzel twists 2 gallon baggies 1/3 bottle of Redenbacher popcorn oil 2+ TSP garlic powder 1 Envelope dry Ranch mix Transfer pretzels into the gallon baggies. Measure the popcorn oil in liquid measuring cup. Add the garlic powder and dry Ranch mix. Mix together well. Evenly pour the liquid into the each baggie. Seal quickly and toss pretzels to evenly coat. Let soak for 20-30 minutes. Serve with your sammies, and make sure all partake so all have garlic breath!

HARD PRETZELS were "invented" in the late 1600s, when a snoozing apprentice in a Pennsylvania bakery accidentally overbaked his pretzels, creating crunchy, seemingly inedible, knots. His job was spared when the master baker, attempting admonishment, took an angry bite out of one--and loved it.

GARLIC: Whole books have been written about garlic, an herb affectionately called "the stinking rose" in light of its numerous therapeutic benefits. From a medical history standpoint, the antibacterial and antiviral properties of garlic are perhaps its most legendary feature. Garlic promotes the well-being of the heart and immune systems with antioxidant properties and helps maintain healthy blood circulation. One of garlic's most potent health benefits includes the ability to enhance the body's immune cell activity.

Fruit Fizz

Make a refreshing cherry spritzer by adding cherry juice concentrate to ice cold seltzer water – a refreshing treat on a

hot summer day.

Greater Grains

Add dried cherries to couscous, rice pilaf, grits,

risotto and pasta.

Switch from Blue to Red

Make a change from your standard blueberry muffin

recipe and use dried or frozen cherries instead. Visit for delicious cherry muffin recipes.

Grab & Go

Get your antioxidants on-the-go with an easy "do-it-yourself"

trail mix using dried cherries, almonds and whole-grain

cereal. Or add dried cherries to ready-made granola.

Mix it Up

Look for cherry juice blends, like cherry apple juice. Or, make your own blend and

combine ready-to-drink 100% cherry juice with another juice


Juice on the Run

Grab a single-serve bottle of 100% cherry juice or fill a water bottle with diluted cherry juice

concentrate as you head out to the gym.

Some research suggests cherry juice may help reduce exercise-

related joint pain!

Straight from the Bag

Keep a stash of dried cherries on hand for an antioxidant-rich snack break. Buy single-serve packages or portion out those bought in bulk to keep in your

purse, desk or gym bag.

Brighten up Breakfast

Swap your typical berries for dried cherries and add them to your cereal, oatmeal, yogurt or

pancakes. Just a cup of dried tart cherries gives you one

whole serving of fruit!

Make Salads Sensational

Add dried cherries to tossed salads, fruit salads and chicken

salads for added taste and nutrition.

C is for Cookie... and Cherries

Enjoy a new twist on the standard oatmeal raisin cookie by using dried cherries instead

of raisins.

A Perfect Parfait

Keep a bag of frozen cherries in the freezer and grab a handful

when hunger strikes. Thaw them for a few minutes and

then layer with lowfat vanilla yogurt and granola.

Be Smooth

Blend frozen cherries with cherry juice concentrate and

lowfat yogurt. Add a straw and you have a sensational

smoothie for breakfast or a snack.

Who knew these round paper discs could be so versatile! This workout is great because there is no equipment needed. You can do these moves anywhere--in or outdoors. Instead of using weights to train, the entire body is used for resistance training. Resistance training is imperative for strong muscles, ligaments, tendons and joints. Resistance training has many benefits including, increasing bone density and the body's metabolism. Because most of our jobs now-a-days don't include heavy physical labor, it is important to resistance/strength train at least 3 times a week. It will improve joint mobility, strength and endurance. According to the National Academy of Sports Medicine (NASM), strength training should be the cornerstone of a person's exercise regiment. Take this on your picnic and camping trips, and the whole family can work out. This is a total body workout. Try to do 2 rounds of this workout. Start with a warm up, do each move 8-12 times, then do each move one more time through.

Cool down and stretch when finished.

LAT SLIDE: Lats, triceps, obliques

Start with arm under shoulder (A),

slowly slide hand 45 degrees

outward (B). Pull hand in again to

start. Repeat 8-12 times.

PUSH AND PULL: Lats, upper back, core, triceps, hip flexors

Start with hands under shoulders (A). Push hands away (B), keeping belly braced. Pull hands back, using

abdominals, back, and arms.

Modified: Complete one arm at a time.

Repeat 8-12 times.

CLOCK PUSHUP: chest, arms, core

Perform one pushup at 10 o’clock position, slide hands together in plank position to move to

12 o’clock, perform pushup, slide hands to 2 o’clock, and perform a pushup. Repeat 8-12 times

TRICEPT DIP AND REACH: triceps, core

Tricep reach. Start in table top position (A). Reach long with one hand, while the other arm dips from

the elbow (B). Press firmly through the hand, rising up to start position. Repeat 8-12 times each arm.

BRIDGE SLIDE: glutes, hamstrings, low back, calves

Start in bridge. Squeeze bum to keep in line with shoulders and knees. Slide feet out, (or only one leg

out), sqeezing the hamstrings and glutes to pull feet back under knees. Repeat 8-12 times.

OUR DISCLAIMER: Not everything we suggest here is for everyone. Please consult your doctor before starting any exercises, and listen to your body. If you feel sharp pain immediately discontinue. Stretches should be to ‘the edge of discomfort’ and will take time. Rushing through or forcing a stretch will have the opposite effect, and cause injury. Please soften your joints, never lock them, and look for the ‘stretch reflex’ a point at which you should back off a stretch…when your muscles begin to shake, engaging to protect themselves from damage. This sounds scary, but if you exercise common sense along with the muscles, you should be just fine!

SIDE LUNGE: legs, glutes

Lunge one leg to side, keeping bum pushed

backward (A). Keeping the other leg straight,

pull core in and slide leg back to start.

Alternate legs. Repeat 8-12 times each leg.

SUMO SQUAT: legs, glutes, core

Start feet under hips. Slide legs out until knees

are over ankles. Slide feet back under hips.

Modified: Stay in the squat and pulse up and

down in the same position. Repeat 8-12 times.

SLIDING LUNCH: glutes, legs and core

Start with feet under hips. Slide one leg backward until

both legs are at 90 degrees. Slide leg back under hips.

Alternate legs. Repeat 8-12 times.


With hands on the plates, lift chest to

slide hands away, and pull belly

inward. Slide hands back to start

position. Repeat 8-12 times.


Start with feet close to bum, chest lifted. Slide feet away, keeping belly braced. Squeeze belly,

and pull legs back to start. Modified: Slide one leg at a time. Repeat 8-12 times.

PLANKS: abs - option 1- Mountain Climbers

In a plank position, pull one leg under hips by squeezing belly. Alternate legs. Repeat 8-12 times per leg.

PLANKS: abs - option 2- Knee Tucks

Plank position. Pull knees under hips by squeezing belly. Push feet back to plank. Repeat 8-12 times.

PLANKS: abs - option 3- Pike Up

Pull feet inward while lifting the hips. Repeat 8-12 times.


Pull leg under opposite hip, twisting knee underneath. Keep shoulders parallel with the ground, and

squeeze your obliques to rotate foot under body. Repeat 8-12 times.

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We hope you enjoy your copy of magazine. Our vision is to make available printed & direct to you. Subscribe today and help us get the word out! Would you like to partner with Chaim? Want to know more about becoming a partner? Let’s talk!

We are here for you. ~the Chaim staff


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2 3

You are committed to a

healthy lifestyle, make drinking enough natural water a habit in

your life.

I JOHN 4:7

4 I will not allow my soul to be

cast down for I put my hope and trust in


PSALM 116:7

5 SLEEP is an essential body function. The benefits of sleep include more energy, better immune function, and more.

ISAIAH 32:17-18

6 Remind

yourself: Self, I am being made perfect in every good work to do

God's will


7 Culturally and

historically, the preparation and

serving of food has been an expression of love, hospitality,

nurturing, and caring. Use the

dinner table as an opportunity to say

“I love you”

8 Remind yourself: Self, I am

casting all of my cares upon Him, because I know He cares

for me. I PETER 5:7

9 “Be still and

know that I am God.” Meditate

on this verse slowly and

deliberately, as there is much to

learn in these eight words. Your day will be better

PSALM 46:10

10 Consider letting something go once in a while to read a story to your child or just sit with them while they tell you about their day. MATTHEW 22:37-40

11 I sow fruits of

righteousness and will never back down from the

truth. I am bold as a lion and I refuse to be intimidated

by the enemy

PSALM 27:1

12 Thank the Lord

today that you are an inheritor of light. All of the

good things God has are ours. Forever!


13 Before you rise

out of bed for the day, thank the

Lord for all of the blessings in your

life. This will start your day on the “right side of the


14 All of my days are

filled with abundance and

prosperity because Jesus is Lord over

all. I choose to be a vessel through

which His will can be done in the earth MATTHEW 6:33-34

15 Eat seasonally and locally whenever


August = Apricots,

Cherries, & Berries, Broccoli,

Tomatoes, & Peppers

16 Look people in

the eyes today when you speak

with them. This is not only

respectful, but you can see to a person’s heart through their

eyes. LUKE 11:34

17 I am being

transformed by the

renewing of my mind to prove the

perfect will of God


18 Take your breaks outdoors and have a brisk, short walk. You will improve your concentration and mood.

19 Be refreshed by going outside at night to look at the stars and the heavens.



Remind yourself:

Self, I am showing forth the praise of


PSALM 51:15



Unforgiveness blocks God’s goodness to

you. EPHESIANS 4:32

22 Be Prepared. Cook several

meals at a time, or cook larger

portions and put away for another

day. The time saved includes

both preparation and clean-up time

I THESS. 5:18

23 Remind yourself: Self, I am an heir of God and a joint-heir with Jesus Christ ROMANS 8:17


Be Aware. Of the words that come out of your mouth…do they lift up the hearer? Do they bring life?


25 My love weapon casts out fear and I aggressively love others unconditionally. For love never fails



Research shows that fresh air

"helps keep our moods buoyant and positive".

JOHN 17:20-26

27 Remind yourself:

Self, I am increasing and abounding in



28 Remind yourself: Self, I am

complete in Christ


29 Remind

yourself: Self, I am more than

a conqueror through

Jesus Christ ROMANS 8:37


Pray blessings for your

neighbors / friends. Speak well of them

all day.

JOB 42:10


The body will not function

properly without enough water and can't

metabolize stored fat


Smiling Is Contagious When someone is smiling they lighten up the

room, change the moods of others, and make things happier. A smiling person brings

happiness with them. Smile lots and you will draw people to you.

ACTS 16:25-34

These are a few of my FAVORITE things….as the song

goes so do our thoughts frolic though the field of memories of things in our life that bring a smile to our face. The memories may be of summer camp and swimming, day trips with friends, or just those lazy summer days watching the clouds float overhead while we enjoy a cool glass of lemonade.

FA'VORITE, a. Regarded with particular kindness, affection, esteem or preference; as a favorite walk; a favorite author

Favorite things are things that make our day just a little brighter, our work load a little lighter, and our joy much more fuller…(bad grammar, I know, but it works) Join our friend, Camille McCaulley, as she shares some of her summertime favorites. Want to share your favorite things? It’s easy – just email us a photo with a brief description of your favorite and why you think it’s the best and we will share it. This is a fun way to find out about new stuff and the great reasons we may enjoy it. Send FAVORITE THINGS to

ORANGE & BRONZE toned toenails – I love fun toenails, but I don’t always do the best job keeping the pedicure in top shape. Shades of orange & bronze are perky but blend in with summer skin tones, disguising any flaws or chips! (…and a beauty insider tells me that shimmery polish is longer wearing than flat color!) The above shade is “once a cheetah” By OPI for Sephora – available for around $10 only at Sephora or

KITCHEN AIDE SPINNER Let’s face facts: salads can get a little * ahem * boring. I am always looking for ways to keep it interesting. For around $25, this great spinner inspires me to put together big salads of fresh greens and veggies. It features a divided strainer so you can have multiple items in there at once without them mixing, and the clear bowl doubles as a great travel salad bowl…it comes with a little plug for the hole in the lid where the handle pokes out. And as if that wasn’t enough, there’s a spout for pouring out the water that you’ve extracted! I found it at Costco, but you can look online at – and it comes in several colors!

This FRESH COOLING sunscreen comes in multiple SPF levels, but the scent is what I love! I am more likely to protect my skin when the scent is great. Available in drugstores, expect to pay about $8.

Get the BEACH HAIR look anywhere, any time with Surf Spray by Bumble & Bumble! This spray adds a little chunky, windswept texture to fine or wavy hair – a great way to spruce up your look as you head out the door! Also great in kids’ hair - my kids all love it! I buy at my local Bumble and Bumble salon: The Beehive, but you can also get it online at - $23.

WASHABLE WATERPROOF mascara by Avon has been my go-to for the last 10 years. It stays on during exercise and swimming, but washes off easily every night! It comes in black and brown. Wait for a special and you can pick it up for under $2! (It’s still worth it at full price of around $6) Find an Avon rep or visit

IT’S THE SCENT OF SUMMER! One spray of Bobbi Brown's BEACH, and I am transported: it's like being on vacation anytime, anywhere. This great scent is available as a perfume, lotion, and as a clever oil that adds just the right amount of shimmer to parched legs and arms. You can find this at the Bobbi Brown counter, at Sephora, and online Perfume is $55, oil $30. A great splurge or birthday gift, a unique scent to set you apart from the monotony of fruity summer sprays and lotions!


Didn’t think I would like them, but FROZEN GRAPES are my new favorite snack. They don’t get as hard as a popsicle, but they are quite firm, sweet and tasty! Why not give it a try? Just throw a few in the freezer and see how you like this great alternative to high calorie, nutrient void summer treats.

I wish this cool DRYING CENTER ($23 with instant rebate at Costco) would make laundry disappear, but it does not. However, I have been really excited to use sunshine and warm air to dry clothes rather than running the dryer. I have told myself the last 3 summers that I would install a laundry line, and I never have…but now, problem SOLVED!

SUMMER RESOLUTION: Farm stand local food, once a week, something new! This is a great time of year to introduce your family to new foods grown locally without pesticides. Find a farm stand and buy something unusual – Golden beets? Swiss Chard? Fava beans? (idea: surf the web for recipes – has great ideas!) bring your own bag and you’ll feel even better about your purchase!

ome would say that a little worry is okay.

Some would say that worrying means you care. Some say that worry motivates them to meet goals or deadlines. Let’s start by taking a look at worry. What is worry?

The Noah Webster Dictionary 1828 defines worry: To fatigue; to harass with labor; to vex; to persecute brutally; to tease; to trouble; to harass with importunity, or with care and anxiety.

The Bible uses the words: troubled, anxious, fret, careful, afflicted, and distressed to express to us what worry is and how we can be aware of its damage. And really, we are not only to be aware of the effects of worry, but also to know the causes and how to be free from all forms of it.

Key features of worry are that it is repetitive and non-productive – much like a broken record, playing over and over in your mind. When we are worrying, we are thinking about something over and over again but do not resolve the situation or arrive at a solution to the problem. When we continually think about the exam that will be given next week and imagine many distressing outcomes yet do not study or do something to release

the tension, we are worrying. When a close friend or family member is late and we begin to imagine all variety of accidents that may have befallen them, we are worrying. Frequently, there is nothing that can be done, but we worry anyway. John 14:1 Jesus says, ”Let not your heart be troubled: ye believe in God, believe also in me.”

When we confuse worry with planning, we are like a small child in the kitchen with a mixing bowl. The child throws some flour into the bowl, tosses in a few eggs. He adds water and some sugar and stirs it all up. If we ask him what he's up to, he'll say "I'm making cookies." It looks like he's making cookies, but if no cookies come out of this process, is he really making cookies? Similarly, the worrier says "I'm planning", and much of what she does looks like planning. But if no plan comes out of this process, is she really planning? Or is she worrying? Worrying is actually a form of fear. In I John 4 we know that fear brings torment and that love casts out fear. So, Now what? Worry is fearing the unknown, the insecurities and it is allowing uncertainties to lay hold of our emotions and rule our decisions and actions. OK. We’re human. Can that part of thoughts really be different? How? Worry flees when we cast ALL OUR CARES – thoughts, questions, situations, and circumstances – UPON GOD. Philippians 4:6-8 Be careful for nothing; but in every thing by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known unto God. And the peace of God, which passeth all understanding, shall keep your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus. Finally, brethren, whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are honest, whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of good report; if there be any virtue, and if there be any praise, think on these things.

As we take a close look at worry, we want to remember that we are going to go to the source of all comfort. GOD. Of course, we agree that God is awesome, He is ever present, the Almighty, our Redeemer, and so on. But do we truly believe that He is willing to handle the “little” things of our life? Maybe, it’s better not to bother Him with our stuff. Luke 10:38-42 Now it came to pass, as they went, that he [Jesus] entered into a certain village: and a certain woman named Martha received him into her house. And she had

a sister called Mary, which also sat at Jesus' feet, and heard his word. But Martha was cumbered about much serving, and came to him, and said, Lord, dost thou not care that my sister hath left me to serve alone? bid her therefore that she help me. And Jesus answered and said unto her, Martha, Martha, thou art careful and troubled about many things: But one thing is needful: and Mary hath chosen that good part, which shall not be taken away from her. Mary and Martha, sisters who loved the Lord Jesus with all their heart, give us a beautiful picture of women. Some of us are caught up in the tasks of the day. Not only in that we desire excellence in all that we do, but more so in the attitude WHAT IF? And this shows up in all areas of our day: from housework, to children, to bringing home the bacon, to ….you fill in the blank. The torment of worry creeps in and begins its damage like a leak in the roof. What if I don’t get that job; how will the bills get paid? What if we don’t get the house clean; will people think less of me? What if something should happen to my children when they go off to summer camp? What if this sickness turns into something more serious? What if my husband is bored with me….?

Worry is not of God. Worry is hijacking your mind and you. YOU are the one who has the power of God within you to resist the devil and rest in the LOVE of God. Walk not after your feelings. Don't let your feelings dominate your day and the decisions and actions you take. I PETER 5:6-11 Humble yourselves therefore under the mighty hand of God, that he may exalt you in duetime: Casting all your care upon him; for he careth for you. Be sober, be vigilant; because your adversary the devil, as a roaring lion, walketh about, seeking whom he may devour: Whom resist stedfast in the faith, knowing that the same afflictions are accomplished in your brethren that are in the world. But the God of all grace, who hath called us unto his eternal glory by Christ Jesus, after that ye have suffered a while, make you perfect, stablish, strengthen, settle you. To him be glory and dominion for ever and ever. Amen. When Jesus says to believe in Him, that is not merely the mental agreement, that yes, Jesus, that's a good word and I agree with you. It is OWNING that Word and making it the very fiber of your being. Humbling ourselves under the mighty hand of God is not agreeing with our thinking but yielding to God's Word completely and exchanging our thoughts and actions for His.

Websites, books, and people are good places from which to draw information but they are NOT YOUR SOURCE. Run to the Source -GOD!!! Not just thinking about Him, but going to your life manual: The WORD of GOD and getting EVERYTHING you need. Do you believe that God's Word is the only authority for you? Then you must act on it. Trouble and storms will come. Jesus said so. But it is what we believe, how we act upon what we believe, and our friendship with the Almighty God that will keep us strong. MATTHEW 7:24-27 Therefore whosoever heareth these sayings of mine, and DOETH them, I will liken him unto a wise man, which built his house upon a rock: And the rain descended, and the floods came, and the winds blew, and beat upon that house; and it fell not: for it was founded upon a rock. And every one that heareth these sayings of mine, and doeth them not, shall be likened unto a foolish man, which built his house upon the sand: And the rain descended, and the floods came, and the winds blew, and beat upon that house; and it fell: and great was the fall of it. JOHN 16:33 These things I have spoken unto you, that in me ye might have peace. In the world ye shall have tribulation: but be of good cheer; I have overcome the world. Ladies, let’s be strong in the LORD and in the power of HIS might EPHESIANS 6:10-17, resist the devil, and believe God’s Word – completely. We start by taking each thought and measuring it to the Word of God. If it doesn’t agree with God, we cast it down. II CORINTHIANS 10:2-5 We agree with God!

DO you ever wonder why you keep doing the things you do? Most people ponder this age old question only when they recognize a behavior that they would rather not participate in. We seldom ask the question when it’s good behavior that is the result. Whether good or bad, these actions are the result of what we believe. The result of an inner image that governs what we repeatedly do. Proverbs 23:7 says “For as he thinketh in his heart, so is he…” Another way to say this is: whatever image is built up on the inside is what will be manifested (show up) on the outside.

Change the inside, change the outside. CHANGE the inner image, and what everyone else sees has to follow in line. Every time I think about this truth I get excited! Why? Because it means we are in control of our own destiny. It means we get to decide how life goes. We get to choose! What a gift! It’s not the government that decides how good my life will be. It’s not someone else, a parent, a brother or sister, or friend or boss or employer or church. It’s only me! While this is exciting news, it’s also sobering news. It means that blame can no longer be placed on anyone but us. It means we’re responsible.

Yes, some of us got a bad shake in life: Parents that taught their destructive behaviors to us, spouses that abused us, or employers that were cruel. All of this is the result of a lying, thieving, murdering devil. But praise God, we can forgive, no longer place blame, and decide how the rest of life will go for us. Let’s say that you’ve just been born again. You’ve given your heart and life to God through Christ Jesus. Up until now the ways of the world around you have been the building blocks or foundation of your life. Now, because of what God the Father has done for you in Christ Jesus, you want to please Him in everything you do. If only there was an instruction guide or manual. Remember, thinking as a new believer, you wonder where you could find such a book to instruct you on how to live. Then you find out that such a book exists: the Bible, God’s written Word. Directions to life! You can hardly contain your excitement and amazement that God has chosen in His love to reveal His plans to us… until you get around carnal Christians who have become complacent and have no power of God in their lives. Their Bibles are boring to them, collecting dust and in perfect condition. I don’t know about you, but if God, who created the heavens and earth and all that is in them, is actually speaking to us, then I want to know about it. And more than know about it, I want to do it.

There must be an acceptance on our part of the validity and authority of God’s Word. If this isn’t settled in our minds, then confusion will run rampant in our very core. What’s true? What’s a lie? Without an unmovable sure foundation, we are incapable of knowing the answers to those two questions. “All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness. (why?) That the man of God may be throughly furnished unto all good work.”. 2 Timothy 16 –17 I’ve heard so many people say that they don’t believe the Bible because it was written by man. Have you ever taken the time to read the Bible and try to prove it wrong? The more you try to prove it wrong, the more it confirms itself from Genesis to Revelation. God’s Word is final authority. It must be final authority in your life. Notice it says that all scripture is given by INSPIRATION OF GOD… In other words, yeah we know that man wrote it, inspired by God. And it is what? Profitable (advantageous, beneficial to you) for… instruction in what? RIGHTEOUSNESS. Said another way. When you base your life according to God’s Word, when you allow it to govern all your thoughts and actions, the result will be right standing with God, your life manifesting good works for everyone to see.

David asked the question of how a man could cleanse his way. The answer? By taking heed according to God’s Word. Psalm 119:9. In verse 11 he proclaims that he has hidden God’s Word in his heart so that he wouldn’t sin against Him.

Very interesting. Solomon wrote in Proverbs that as a man thinks in his heart, so is he. PROVERBS 23:7 For as he thinketh in his heart, so is he: Eat and drink, saith he to thee; but his heart is not with thee. Solomon’s father, David, hid God’s Word in his heart so as not to sin against the Lord and taught his son how to do the same. When anyone hides God’s Word in their heart, it changes the inner image. The outside manifests what the inner image looks like. When our inner images are God’s Word, we produce what God’s Word is. God’s Word is LIFE! By the way, Jesus is the Word! And He came to bring us life and more abundantly! Hallelujah! In Revelation 19:13 it says and his name is called The Word of God. When we hide God’s Word in our hearts, we get JESUS! God is so good. No matter what we’re learning as Christians regarding life, it all comes back to JESUS! If things have been working out for you, God’s Word is for you. If things haven’t been working out for you, God’s Word is for you. In Psalm 1 David decrees that a man blessed of the Lord meditates in the law of the Lord day and night. The result is, whatever that man does prospers.

Meditate means to ponder by talking to one’s self. It is talking and thinking all day about the promises of God. As you’re having breakfast, remind yourself by using a scripture of God’s goodness to you. While you’re at work find a scripture and talk to yourself about it all day long. If you’re someone with an inner image of being overweight, this image will come into alignment with the Word of God. If you’re someone with an inner image of never having enough money, this image will come into alignment with the Word. If you’re someone who is sick, this image will come into alignment with the Word. Change within, change without. It’s foolishness to try to change the outside without changing the inside first. Things will always default to what’s inside. Jesus says that whatever is in your heart will get spoken. Whatever gets spoken gets brought forth. (Matthew 12:34-35) This is a law just like gravity. Words create. They are creative. This is why it is so critical that you guard what you allow in your heart, because out of it are the issues of life (Proverbs 4:23) Our destiny comes out of us. When we meditate on God’s Word we’re really obeying Romans 12:2 that says: “And be not conformed to this world; but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good and acceptable, and perfect will of God.” You’ve been thinking according to the world’s way. Don’t think like the world, think like the Word. When you really commit to living according to God’s Word, you begin to see that even though we are saved and on our way to heaven, our lives resemble and look like someone who doesn’t know Jesus. Our health looks like the world, our bank account looks like the majority of the world, our marriage and relationships too. God is calling us up higher. God our Father says be set apart from the world. “Think like Me. Renew, replenish, and re-establish the Word in you. I’ve got plans to prosper you. “ Well here we are at the end of this article. So I leave you with a question. What are you choosing? Yes, you! Will you choose what the world says you can have, what the world says you can be, and what the world says you are? Or will you renew you with the Word? Whatever you choose, it’s flowing out of you.

I choose LIFE!

If you do not know

as your Savior and Lord, Simply pray the following prayer in faith and Jesus will be your Lord!

Faith To Overcome on YouTube channel: HAWKINSMINSTRIES

Allow the Word of God Renew and Strengthen Your Mind! The Bible is called the Word of life. There’s not another

book like it that can teach you how to live a fearless and free all of your days. By taking hold of God’s

instructions you can experience a long, strong life.

Heavenly Father, I come to You in the Name of Jesus. Your Word says, “Whosoever shall call on the name of the Lord shall be saved” and “If thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved” ACTS 2:21, ROMANS 10:9

You said my salvation would be the result of Your Holy Spirit giving me new birth by coming to live in me JOHN 3:5-6, 15-16;

ROMANS 8:9-11 and that if I would ask, You would fill me with Your Spirit and give me the ability to speak with other tongues

LUKE 11:13; ACTS 2:4

I take You at Your Word. I confess that Jesus is Lord. And I believe in my heart that You raised Him from the dead. Thank You for coming into my heart, for giving me Your Holy Spirit as You have promised, and for being Lord over my life. Amen. If you have just prayed this prayer, please contact us and let us know of your decision. We have a free Salvation Package we would like to send you to help you begin your new life in Jesus! Simply write and ask for offer #001.

GOD IS NOT A RESPECTER OF PERSONS: what He has done for one person, He will do for you. There are times we may struggle with issues or circumstances and to read about others who have taken God at His Word and been victorious gives us further proof and evidence that God is ---- We endeavor to be perfect like Jesus, but even if we fall short, that’s okay because He picks us up and we continue on. It’s in the getting back up that encourages others to do the same…to never give up. When you share your story you’ll touch someone who may have have heard that they, too, can overcome their situation and your story will encourage them. GIVES HOPE — Your testimony gives hope to everyone who reads it. Even if your testimony is not that exciting (to you), it will be encouraging and hopeful to someone who reads it.

Even those of you who have known God most of your lives have a story to tell; everyone has a testimony to share. Whether it was a lifelong journey, or a moment in time that tested our faith, you have a story that can be shared with many people to create that connection, promote trust, and give hope to others. We are called to share our story by God, and today we are blessed with ways in which to do this that did not exist in the past. Today, you can stay home, and share from your computer or phone. What could be better than that?

Share YOUR testimony and praise report and shame the devil – we are giving God ALL THE GLORY!

email: or write: CHAIM, PO Box 190464, Boise, IDAHO 83709

Hebrews 11 shares with us the great heroes of faith, men and women who believed God and saw, and experienced healings, deliverance, and miracles. Revelation 12:11 “And they overcame him by the blood of the Lamb, and by the word of their testimony; and they loved not their lives unto the death.” Because of Jesus and because of our testimony we overcome the devil. We give God all the glory and encourage and build up each other to stand strong and never give up!

CREATES A CONNECTION – By sharing your testimony of what God has done in your life, you create a connection with others who may be going through a similar situation. It helps others feel connected to your life and know like they can have what you have too.

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Boise, Idaho 83719