Ch.14 the great depression

Post on 12-Jun-2015

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Transcript of Ch.14 the great depression

Music: Brother can you spare a dime

The Great Depression


Single worst economic disaster in the United States

Unemployment rose to 25% Those who had jobs took a wage

cut or worked less hours

Over Production High demand and

prices during the war caused farmers to plant more

Demand and prices fall after the war

Farmers could not pay back loans and foreclosed

Decrease in consumer spending Rising prices, low wages Overbuying on credit, large debts that

had to be paid off Uneven distribution of income – Rich

got richer and poor got poorer – many Americans could not afford to buy goods produced

Over speculation Stocks and bonds bought on the

chance of quick profit Buying on Margin – paying a small %

of stock’s price and borrowing the rest

October 29, 1929 – Black Tuesday Stock market fell

to all time low Those who bought

stocks on credit stuck with huge debts

Banks fail – people withdrew funds Banks invested in stock market –

could not repay loans 1933 – 11,000 of nation’s 25,000

banks had failed Account not insured – millions lost

their savings

People lose jobs

Businesses close down or lay off

More people lose jobs (higher unemployment)

People lose jobs

Businesses close down or lay off

More people lose jobs(higher unemployment)

Shantytowns sprang up – little towns consisting of shacks made out of crates and boxes

Children were malnourished and suffered from disease.

Thousands stood in breadlines or soup kitchens for free food.

Higher unemployment, lowest pay Laid off to make room for white

workers Last hired, first fired Many Latinos immigrated or were

deported back to Mexico

Transients who wandered the country looking for work or better life

Rode in railroad boxcars, slept under bridges

Area of the country from Kansas to Texas hit hard by over-farming and drought

Plowing that removed top layer of grass

Soil is exposed and blown away by wind storms, dust travels hundreds of miles

Families affected by dust bowl that migrated to California looking for work

WWI veterans and their families marched on Washington D.C.

Demanded bonus that had been promised to war veterans be paid early

Hoover opposed paying bonus early Bonus Army erects Shantytown

near capitol Senate votes down bill to pay out


Hoover demands Bonus Army leave however many stay

Sends General Douglas MacArthur and army to remove them

Violence breaks out and shantytown burns to the ground

Stunned and outragedHoover’s image suffers

Voluntary cooperation from businesses and charities to help needy

Rugged Individualism – people should succeed through their own efforts

Opposed any form of direct relief

The Depression became worse and Hoover became unpopular

Hoover Dam (Boulder Dam) – provide electricity and flood control along Colorado River

Create jobs

Lowered mortgage rates for homeowners and allowed farmers to refinance their farm loans and avoid foreclosure

Direct intervention

$2 Billion in emergency financing for banks

Money would trickle down to American citizens through job growth and higher wages

Criticized for benefiting only corporations

Presidential Election 1932 Hoover vs. Franklin D. Roosevelt

(Democrat) FDR wins overwhelmingly – 23

million votes vs. 16 million for Hoover

Democrats also capture 2/3rd majority in Senate and ¾ majority in House

People lose jobs

Businesses close down or lay off

More people lose jobs (higher unemployment)

Copy the following on the 11R, Answer each question, you may ask your

classmates for help

1. The stock market crashed in the year2. One cause of the Depression was3. The unemployment rate was4. A problem faced by families was5. If my family had to get by with less money the

first thing we would cut back on would be6. The last thing would be7. Using the hobo symbols write a message on

your paper. If you would like you may write your message on the board as well. (if appropriate)

World War I Civil War Spanish American War Prohibition Jamestown is settled