Ch1 s1 Greek Jeopardy

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Wh ch1 s1 greek jeopardy

Transcript of Ch1 s1 Greek Jeopardy

Greek Peopardy

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1 2 3 4 5

6 7 8 9 10

11 12 13 14 15

16 17 18 19 20

21 22 23 24 25

1) Which of the following is incorrect about ancient Greece?

a) Geography played a major role in shaping Greek history.

b) Ancient Greeks heavily influenced Eastern Civilization.

c) Burst of Greek creativity was known as the Classical Age.

d) Greek Classical Age began about 500 BC (over 2,500 years ago)

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1) Which of the following is incorrect about ancient Greece?

a) Geography played a major role in shaping Greek history.

b) Ancient Greeks heavily influenced Eastern Civilization.

c) Burst of Greek creativity was known as the Classical Age.

d) Greek Classical Age began about 500 BC (over 2,500 years ago)

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2) From 750 BC – 500 BCwhat was true of Greek City-States?

a) Wealth spread to more citizens

b) Opening of power to more citizens

c) Power went from 1st Noble Landowners 2nd Monarchy 3rd Middle Class

d) Both A & B

e) Both B & C

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3) What reason did the book give for why Greeks started to colonize overseas?

a) Greek gods told them to do so

b) To educate non-thinkers

c) Greece lacked food-producing lands

d) Idea: Better to attack others than be attacked

e) To learn more from outsiders

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4) Which of the following is FALSE about Athens and Sparta?

a) They were Greek allies during the Peloponnesian War against Persia.

b) Athenians were more warrior-like than Spartans.

c) Sparta is where democracy began

d) All the above are true

e) All the above are false

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5) Which of the following are least likely to want a democracy?

a) Nobles

b) Soldiers

c) Farmers

d) Slave

e) Artisans (skilled workers like carpenters)

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6) Solon’s liberal reform included all except?a) Allowed Athenian Assembly to speak on big decisions.

b) Freed those sold into slavery due to debt

c) Made it easier to become a citizen

d) All the above are true

e) All the above are false

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7) What was the biggest reason why citizens could participate in Athenian Democracy?

a) No woman could participate in government

b) Citizens had the time to participate because slaves did all the work

c) King demanded that citizens participate

d) Weather was mostly good

e) All reasons are equal

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8) All are true of Spartans EXCEPTa) Life and society was dominated by military

b) Girls expected to be warrior producing machines

c) Youth lived under rigid physical discipline

d) Society had great concern for individual & political rights

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9) When a large number of citizens took direct part in day to day government affairs it is called?a) Direct Democracy

b) Partial Democracy

c) Social Democracy

d) Daily Democracy

e) Representative Democracy

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10) What was NOT mentioned at Pericles’ Funeral Oration? a) Man should not be bothered with public life.

b) He stressed the rights of people.

c) Power rested “not of a minority, but the whole people.”

d) citizens do NOT put private affairs before affairs of the state.

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11) What word can best be described as a lover of wisdom?

a) Philosopher

b) Scientist

c) Stoic

d) Socratic

e) Preacher

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12) Socrates, Plato and Aristotle had all the following in common EXCEPT:

a) They were philosophers

b) They were writers

c) They were teachers

d) All of the above

e) None of the above

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13) All of the following are true about Philosophers EXCEPT

a) searched for laws of how the universe operated.

b) respected the idea that events were caused by gods.

c) questioned how government and society should work

d) applied observation and reason to determine why things happened

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14) Following the Peloponnesian War why did many young Athenians start to follow Sophists:

a) Athens lost the war to the Sophist, therefore had to accept their religion

b) Sophists belief to question traditional values made sense to the young

who viewed the old values as the cause of losing the war to Sparta.

c) Young Athenians won the war but gained little wealth and thus joined

Sophists in their new tax plan to restructure the wealth of society.

d) Young Athenians felt winning the war should free them of duty,

which is also a central theme of Sophists.

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15) Who am I? I was a stonemason and philosopher who criticized Sophists. People know my opinion because one

of my students wrote about what I said. I never wrote down anything. I wasn’t interested in writing but rather wandering the marketplace in Athens and asking people

my famous conversational starter: “What is the greatest good?”

a) Plato

b) Pericles

c) Zeno

d) Aristotle

e) Socrates

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16) Who am I? I might very well be the best student of all-time. Well, I certainly had the best teacher one could ask for. I was very disturbed when he was sentenced to death for the most heinous accusations. He was accused

of corrupting the minds of youth. None of which was true. Rather my teacher enlightened my mind to

wonderful ideas and thoughts. I famously wrote many of my teacher’s ideas in a book known as the Republic.

Who am I?a) Plato

b) Pericles

c) Mr P

d) Aristotle

e) SocratesBack to Peopardy

17) According to Plato’s teachings what led to true knowledge?

a) Faith

b) Experiences of the senses

c) Reading lots of books

d) Listening to wise teachers

e) Reason

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18) Aristotle believed this allowed people to reach their full potential and achieve the ‘good life’

a) school

b) owning property

c) slavery

d) city-state

e) religion

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19) What did Aristotle proclaim in his teaching about life?

a) People should do whatever they want

b) Success is determined by wealth

c) To live life in moderation is to live a false life

d) All the above are correct

e) All the above are incorrect

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20) Which of the following Greek events are

in CORRECT chronological order?a) Empire Alexander Pericles’ Funeral Oration Socrates’ Trial Plato Academy

b) Aristotle tutors Alexander Peloponnesian War Hellenistic Age Stoicism

c) Plato Republic written Solon’s rule Roman Empire Hellenistic Age

d) Socrates’ Trial Plato Academy Aristotle tutors Alexander Hellenistic Age

e) Pericles War King Phillip II defeats Greeks Socrates’ Trial Hellenistic Age

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21) What is this picture depicting?

a) Announcement of the death of Alexander the Great

b) Socrates just before his death.

c) Pericles agreeing to lead Athenians against Sparta.

d) Aristotle lecturing to his students

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22) This picture best illustrates a

a) Phalanxb) Phoenixc) Javelind) Polis

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23) Stoics believed all people could reason EXCEPT a) Actually, Stoics didn’t believe in reason at all.

b) Women

c) Slaves

d) Actually, Stoics believed all people could reason including women and slaves

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24) Which thinker is matched correctly with what they believed was the ideal form of rule.

a) Plato = middle class democratic rule

b) Aristotle = tyrant

c) Plato = philosopher king

d) Aristotle = philosopher king

e) All are false

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25) What is Aristotle most concerned with in his book Politics?

a) How to win a political election?

b) How do governments actually work?

c) What government best suits an empire?

d) What form of government can build an empire the fastest?

e) What government can keep an empire the longest?

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