Ch 9 95 [Rread-Only] [Compatibility Mode]

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Transcript of Ch 9 95 [Rread-Only] [Compatibility Mode]

  • William Stallings William Stallings Computer Organization

    d A hit tand Architecture

    Chapter 9Instruction Sets:Instruction Sets:Characteristicsand Functionsand Functions

  • What is an instruction set?What is an instruction set?

    aThe complete collection of instructions that are understood by a CPUaMachine CodeaBinaryaUsually represented by assembly codes

  • Elements of an InstructionElements of an Instruction

    aOperation code (Op code)`Do this

    aSource Operand reference`To this

    l d faResult Operand reference`Put the answer here

    aN t I t ti R faNext Instruction Reference`When you have done that, do this...

  • Where have all the Operands gone?gone?

    aLong time passing.a(If you dont understand, youre too young!)aMain memory (or virtual memory or cache)aCPU registeraI/O device

  • Instruction RepresentationInstruction Representation

    aIn machine code each instruction has a unique bit patternaFor human consumption (well, programmers

    anyway) a symbolic representation is used` ADD SUB LOAD`e.g. ADD, SUB, LOAD

    aOperands can also be represented in this way`ADD A B`ADD A,B

  • Instruction TypesInstruction Types

    aData processingaData storage (main memory)aData movement (I/O)aProgram flow control

  • Number of Addresses (a)Number of Addresses (a)

    a3 addresses`Operand 1, Operand 2, Result`a = b + c;`May be a forth - next instruction (usually implicit)`Not common`Not common`Needs very long words to hold everything

  • Number of Addresses (b)Number of Addresses (b)

    a2 addresses`One address doubles as operand and result`a = a + b`Reduces length of instruction`Requires some extra work`Requires some extra workTemporary storage to hold some results

  • Number of Addresses (c)Number of Addresses (c)

    a1 address`Implicit second address`Usually a register (accumulator)`Common on early machines

  • Number of Addresses (d)Number of Addresses (d)

    a0 (zero) addresses`All addresses implicit`Uses a stack`e.g. push a` push b` push b` add` pop c` pop c

    `c = a + b

  • How Many AddressesHow Many Addresses

    aMore addresses`More complex (powerful?) instructions`More registersInter-register operations are quicker

    `Fewer instructions per program`Fewer instructions per programaFewer addresses`Less complex (powerful?) instructions`Less complex (powerful?) instructions`More instructions per program`Faster fetch/execution of instructions

  • Design Decisions (1)Design Decisions (1)

    aOperation repertoire`How many ops?`What can they do?`How complex are they?

    aData t pesaData typesaInstruction formats`L th f d fi ld`Length of op code field`Number of addresses

  • Design Decisions (2)Design Decisions (2)

    aRegisters`Number of CPU registers available`Which operations can be performed on which


    aAddressing modes (later )aAddressing modes (later)


  • Types of OperandTypes of Operand

    aAddressesaNumbers`Integer/floating point

    aCharacters`ASCII etc.

    aLogical Data`Bits or flags

    a (Aside: Is there any difference between numbers and characters? Ask a C programmer!)p g )

  • Pentium Data TypesPentium Data Types

    a8 bit Bytea16 bit worda32 bit double worda64 bit quad wordaAddressing is by 8 bit unitaA 32 bit double word is read at addresses

    divisible by 4

  • Specific Data TypesSpecific Data Types

    a General - arbitrary binary contentsa Integer - single binary valuea O di l i d i ta Ordinal - unsigned integera Unpacked BCD - One digit per bytea Packed BCD - 2 BCD digits per bytea Packed BCD 2 BCD digits per bytea Near Pointer - 32 bit offset within segmenta Bit fielda Byte Stringa Floating Point

  • Pentium Floating Point Data TypesTypes

    aSee Stallings p324

  • Types of OperationTypes of Operation

    aData TransferaArithmeticaLogicalaConversionaI/OaSystem ControlyaTransfer of Control

  • Data TransferData Transfer

    aSpecify`Source`Destination`Amount of data

    aMa be diffe ent inst ctions fo diffe entaMay be different instructions for different movements`e g IBM 370`e.g. IBM 370

    aOr one instruction and different addresses`e g VAX`e.g. VAX

  • ArithmeticArithmetic

    aAdd, Subtract, Multiply, DivideaSigned IntegeraFloating point ?aMay include`Increment (a++)`Decrement (a--)`Negate (-a)

  • LogicalLogical

    aBitwise operationsaAND, OR, NOT

  • ConversionConversion

    aE.g. Binary to Decimal

  • Input/OutputInput/Output

    aMay be specific instructionsaMay be done using data movement instructions

    (memory mapped)aMay be done by a separate controller (DMA)

  • Systems ControlSystems Control

    aPrivileged instructionsaCPU needs to be in specific state `Ring 0 on 80386+`Kernel mode

    aFor operating systems use

  • Transfer of ControlTransfer of Control

    aBranch`e.g. branch to x if result is zero

    aSkip`e.g. increment and skip if zero`ISZ R i t 1`ISZ Register1`Branch xxxx`ADD A`ADD A

    aSubroutine call`c f interrupt call`c.f. interrupt call

  • Foreground ReadingForeground Reading

    aPentium and PowerPC operation typesaStallings p338 et. Seq.

  • Byte Order(A portion of chips?)(A portion of chips?)

    aWhat order do we read numbers that occupy more than one byteae.g. (numbers in hex to make it easy to read)a12345678 can be stored in 4x8bit locations as

    f llfollowsa

  • Byte Order (example)Byte Order (example)

    aAddress Value (1) Value(2)a184 12 78a185 34 56a186 56 34a186 78 12

    a i.e. read top down or bottom up?

  • Byte Order NamesByte Order Names

    aThe problem is called EndianaThe system on the left has the least significant

    byte in the lowest addressaThis is called big-endianaThe system on the right has the least

    significant byte in the highest addressaThis is called little-endian

  • Standard What Standard?StandardWhat Standard?

    aPentium (80x86), VAX are little-endianaIBM 370, Moterola 680x0 (Mac), and most RISC

    are big-endianaInternet is big-endian`Makes writing Internet programs on PC more

    awkward!`WinSock provides htoi and itoh (Host to Internet &`WinSock provides htoi and itoh (Host to Internet &

    Internet to Host) functions to convert