Ch 13 communication

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Transcript of Ch 13 communication


13 Communication

Organizational Behavior (OB)

Chheng Kimlong Chhay Pros


Chapter 13: Communication

Learning Objectives:

EXPLAIN the elements in the communication process.

COMPARE the four major directions of communication.

DESCRIBE the role played by interpersonal communication in organizations.

DISCUSS multicultural communication.

IDENTIFY significant barriers to effective communication.

DESCRIBE ways in which communication in organizations can be improved.


Communication: The transmission of information and understanding through the use of common symbols from one person to another.

Common Symbols can be:


Chapter 13: Communication

The importance of communication:

Communication promotes motivation by informing and clarifying the employees about the tasks to be done, the manner they are performing the tasks, and how to improve their performance if it is not up to the mark.

Communication is a source of information to the organizational manners for decision making processes, it helps identifying and assessing alternative course of actions.

Communication also plays a crucial role in altering individuals attitudes i.e., a well informed individual will have better attitude than a less informed individual, organizational magazines, journals, meetings, and various other forms of oral and written communication help in molding employee’s attitudes.

Chapter 13: Communication

Communication also helps in socializing. In today’s life, the only presence of another individual fosters communication. It is also said that one cannot survive without communication.

Communication also assists in Controlling Process. It helps controlling organizational member’s behavior in various ways. There are various levels of hierarchy and certain principles and guidelines that employees must follow in organization.

The importance of communication (con’t):

Chapter 13: Communication

Communication Process:


Chapter 13: Communication

Context: Communication is affected by the context in which it takes place.

Sender/Encoder: A person who sends the message. Message: a key idea that the sender wants to communicate.Medium: a means used to exchange/transmit the message.

Recipient/Decoder: a person for whom the message is intended/aimed/targeted. Feedback: is the main component of communication process as it permits the sender to analyze the efficacy of the message.

Elements of communication:

Chapter 13: Communication

1.Downward: Communication that flows from higher level/superiors in organization to lower level/subordinates. It is used by the managers at lower levels. 2.Upward:

Communication that flows from the lower levels to higher levels in an organization. It provides feedback on how well the organization is functioning.

3.Lateral/Horizontal: Communication that takes place at same levels of hierarchy in an organization, communication between managers at same levels or between any horizontally equivalent organizational members.

4.Diagonal:Communication that takes place between managers and employees of other work groups. It generally does not appear on organizational chart.

Directions of Communication

Chapter 13: Communication

Information Technology Voice mail links a telephone

system to a computer and

digitizes and store incoming messages.

Videoconferencing and Teleconferencing refer to technologies

associating with viewing and speaking

Electronic Meetings use networked computers to automate


The Internet covers a wide range

of services and information


An intranet is a private protected

electronic communication

system within an organization

E-mail is transmitting

messages through personal computers.

Chapter 13: Communication

Interpersonal Communicationflows from individual to individual in face-to-face and group settings

It can influence how people feel about the organization and its


Individuals have different interpersonal styles to describe the

way they relate to others in interpersonal communication


Chapter 13: Communication

Chapter 13: Communication

Multicultural Communicationoccurs when two or more individuals from different cultures communicate with one another.

Effective Intercultural Communication

Maintain written, verbal, and

non-verbal communication skillsRespect for differences

Tolerance for ambiguity


Suspension of assumptions

and judgmentsWillin

gness to see other

person’s point of view

Time and practices


Barriers to communication

Value judgment: Assigning overall worth prior to receiving entire message Information Overload: Causes individuals to screen out the majority of messages Inattention/Selective Listening:


Time Pressure: May result in short-circuiting Frame of reference: Interpretation differences depending on previous experiences

Chapter 13: Communication

Emotions/Filtering: Manipulation of information so the receivers perceive it as positive Status Differences: Hierarchical ranking expressed through various symbols Source of Credibility: Trust, confidence, and faith in receiver In-Group Language: Words, phrases that have meaning only to group members

Chapter 13: Communication

Barriers to communication

•Follow up•Principle of sufficiency•Empathy•Repetition

•Encouraging•Mutual trust•Effective timing•Simplifying•Language•Utilizing feedback•Using the grapevine

Improving Communication in Organization


Field of Experience


Field of Experience

Chapter 13: Communication


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