Trade School Application Fo…  · Web viewApplication...

Post on 09-Jul-2020

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Transcript of Trade School Application Fo…  · Web viewApplication...

Application Form

This document should be completed electronically using Microsoft Word (or a compatible platform). All required fields are formatted as cells and can be customized to meet the needs of the applying institution.

Completed application forms with supporting documentation should be submitted via email to and or

Supporting documentation checklist Administration Contract and 1-year Plan images of fair trade signage for visibility and education purposes images of school events, including images of promotional materials

Additional attachmentsWhile there are specific requirements for Fair Trade School designation, many school activities will produce a number of additional materials and resources that will help communicate a school’s support for fair trade. If applicable, please submit the following:

school content related to fair trade images of brochures, posters, point-of-sale materials, or other print materials URLs for online videos

presentation summaries or other related media outreach letters speaking notes or handouts

press releases school publications public service announcements

policy resolutions procurement statements petitions

Application Form

School contact information

Name of school

Date of submission

Preferred date of declaration

Fair Trade Steering Committee Lead

name phone email


Application Form

Fair Trade School Steering Committee


A Fair Trade School Steering Committee must be formed to ensure continued commitment to the local Fair Trade School designation. The committee must commit to the following:

Committee must include one (1) administrator, one (1) teacher, and a student group with two or more (2+) members.

The Fair Trade Committee will be responsible for meeting the criteria for Fair Trade designation, including completing and submitting an application form.

A Fair Trade Committee must meet as a whole at least twice per year to plan and evaluate its Fair Trade designation. A smaller representation of the committee should meet more frequently to carry out committee responsibilities.

Forming a steering committee ensures that a cross-section of stakeholders have been involved in the designation process. It is important that the steering committee meet regularly to continue the ongoing development and support of fair trade on campus.

Details of committee Please include a list of members with contact details, roles, and their affiliation to the school community.

Name Affiliation Committee role Contact

How often does the committee meet?

Describe the committee’s main activities.


Application Form

Steering committee goalsPlease include a list of goals for maintaining commitments to the awareness and availability of Fairtrade certified products if awarded Fair Trade School designation.

Goal Details Timeline

To achieve designation, the school administration must agree to ongoing commitments in increasing the awareness and availability of Fairtrade certified products on campus. Please include a signed copy of the Administration Contract with your application.


Application Form

Classroom Learning


A School must demonstrate fair trade has been incorporated into its classroom learning by:

Providing the name and contact information for instructors teaching fair trade in their classroom

Including a description of learning activities Including samples of student work (can be anonymous)

Education is the primary goal of this program. Schools offer an excellent opportunity toencourage in-depth thought and critical engagement on issues related to fair trade.

Instructors Please include a list of teachers teaching fair trade in their classroom and include a description of learning activities.

Name Subject Classroom activities

Please include a scanned samples of student work (can be anonymous). If including the identity of students in work submissions, please ensure the student and his/her parents have given permission to share these documents with a public audience.


Application Form

Ensure Product Availability


At least two (2) Fairtrade certified products must be made available to both students and staff on a regular basis (approximately once per week throughout the school year).

Please include a description of how Fairtrade certified products are made available to both students and staff regularly throughout the school year.

Venue description Products offered (include brand names)



Application Form

Visibility and Engagement


A school must support ongoing communication and engagement to increase awareness of fair trade and Fairtrade certified products in its community:

Host at least one (1) education or awareness event in school or in the surrounding community.

Ensure the school’s commitment to fair trade is visible among students and staff through public signage.

Include information about fair trade on the school’s website and in a school newsletter.

Often, the best way to learn about an issue is to teach others. The Communications and Engagement requirement encourages committee groups to take on advocacy roles to ensure a school’s commitments are known among students, staff, and the broader school community.

EventsIdentify and describe at least one school event that provided information on fair trade and the availability of Fairtrade certified products.Event Description of

venue/estimated attendanceDescription of informational materials

Signage Identify and describe how public signage has been used to communicate the school’s commitment to fair trade among students and staff. Location Description of signage

News and website

Please include a hyperlink to fair trade resources or announcements included on the school’s website and provide an electronic copy of a school newsletter that discusses fair trade in the school.



Application Form

Additional questionsPlease share any valuable lessons you learned in your campaign. Information provided here will help to improve the Fair Trade School program and support other campaigns.

What strategies were most effective? What aspects were most challenging? What resources were most helpful?

Additional comments

We, the undersigned, believe the facts stated in this document are true.

This form should be signed by: two (2) members of the Fair Trade School Steering Committee, including one (1) representative from the school administration participating in the committee.

Committee member AdministrationSignature



Phone number


For Fairtrade Canada, CFTN and AQCÉ administration purposes onlyFair Trade School designation approved: Yes No

Signed (Fairtrade Canada) (Date)(CFTN) (Date)(AQCÉ) (Date)