cf?'fOTJ:fldT. Marg, Chandigarh -...

Post on 15-Mar-2018

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Transcript of cf?'fOTJ:fldT. Marg, Chandigarh -...


TEllepllone No. : +91-172-2638994 Fax No. . +91-172-2638135

3nT ~ Cf>lil'I(>I'll, ?t.:;r~u 24 - 25. ~- 31 'C.'".

JlTI.O ~ cf?'fOTJ:fldT. ~ - 160030

q:l:{ld<OI, q;r vcr ;;:{MdFj q~ClA<ii ii'lli'lil Northern Regional Office Bays No. 24 - 25. Sector - 3'1 A. Dakshin Marg, Chandigarh - 160030


.1INISTRY OF ENVIRONMENT, FOREST & E-mull: chdmoefenv@gmall.comcur;1ATE CHANGE aJay.mehrotra13@gov.ln

4-1l64/2013-RO {NZ)/291-292 ~: 26.07.2017-'61

(3ijCft!WJI fu1), ~,Cf1~


'\I cwr irs, ~

~ ~ - 110003

iCi4<t:- Environmental Clearance for the IT project located at v;IIage- Maidawas &

Badshahpur, Sector-57, Distt. Gurgaon, Haryana - Certification reg.

SEIAA/HR/2013/159, Dated 28.05.7-013

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~ 'WflJ ~ ~ ~ 31jql~'i ~ certification of compliance q;- F'"1~~lIjBI{,

~!WJI SlRie)<;,; (q1f.i211'1 ft"qR) ~ &TU ~ Cf1{ ~ % I


dQUctoljfIR '---","'- c::. A.>-­


: Sh. Amar Nath Ichhpujani, Adviser, Office No. 1221 A, Devika Tower, 1ih Floor, 6 Nehru Place, New Delhi -110 019

) ~lQCfll{


Min1istry of Environment, Forest & Climate Change

Northern Regional Office,








Haryana 28°23'24" N / 7r03'26" E

5 Address for correspondence a) Address of Concerned Project Chief Sh. Amar Nath Ichhpujani, Adviser

Engineer (with Pin Code/ Tel No.1 Office No. 1221 A, Devika Tower, 1ih Floor, Telex/Fax NO./E-mail address) 6 Nehru Place, New Delhi -110 019

T: 0124-4732000

b) Address of Executive Project Sh. Satya Pal Singh, Senior Manage- Environment Engineer/Manager (with Pin Code/ Tel Office No. 1221 A, Devika Tower, 1ih Floor, No'; Telex/Fax No./E-mail address) 6 Nehru Place, New Delhi - 110 019


6. I Salient features

a) of the project Total plot area is 20,335.42 mL and total built up area will be about 82,173.42 m2 as per documents submitted.

b) of the environmental management I Total water requirement for the project will be 262 plans KLD. Total capacity of the 5TP will be 250 KLD.

Treated water will be recycled reused to achieve zero exit discharge.

7. I Break-up of the project area:

a) Submergence area: forest and non­ None. forest

b) Others Plot area is 20,335.42 m2

8. IBreak-up of project affected population NA

9. Financial details:

Original Project Cost: Rs. 205.88 crores subsequent revised estimates and the year of price reference

a) Project cost as originally planned and

b~ Allocations made for environmental Not submitted by PA. management plans with item wise and However, PA informed that adequate funds have

been prOVided for EMP.year wise break up

fYf[::J rvru,Cfor (Ju{{(1con pvt. Ltd.24.07.17

- -

- -- -- -

- -

, r-­

Yet to be submitted. cl Benefit cost ratio/internal rate of return and the year of assessment

NAd) Whether (c) includes the cost of-environmental manaeement as shown in b) above

Approx. 30 Crores (2017) e) Actual expenditure incurred on the

project so far f) Actual expenditure incurred on the Approx. 30 Lakhs (2017)

environmental management plans so far _._­:0. Forest land requirement: NA

- --­n. The status of clear felling in non-forest Nil

areas 12. Status of construction:

a) Date of commencement (actual March 2017

and/or planned)

b) Date of completion (actual and/cr March 2020 (Planned)

planned) Due to Market Recession.

to start Reasons for the delay, if the project is yet13.

Dates of site visits

a) Date of previous site visit:


-24.07.2017b) Date of present site visit:

15. List of participants:

a) From M/s Martial Buildcon Pvt. Ltd. Sh. Satya Pal Singh (Senior Manager - Environment)

Dr. Vimal Kumar Hatwal, Joint Director (5)b) From NRO, MoEF'::Ci Chandigarh:

As below

Authorities for obtaining act on plans/information on status of compliance to safeguards other than the routine letters for logistic support for site visits). (The first

monitoring report may contain the details of all the letters issued so far, but the later

reports may cover only the letter issued


Date letter from RO

1E.. Details of correspondence with project

Date Reply from PA

04.07.13 Details of the PA, \"lork status, details of forests land, advert., data sheet & reports, coordinates, EIAjEMP, Copy of Advertisements, CTE/CTO etc. req.

26.05.14 Camp. with analytical data submitted.

08.12.14 Camp. with analytical data submitted.

22.05.15 Camp. with analytical data submitted.

17.06.15 Status, Consent to Operate, details of greenbelt development req.

- - 18.11.15 Camp. with analytical data submitted.

05.01.16 Status, revised budget estimate, No. of DG 30.05.16 Camp. with analytical data submitted. sets etc. req.

- - 02.05.17 Camp. with analytical data submitted.

Mis Martial Buila'con Pvt. Ltd.24.07.17 2



DETAallED MONITORING REPORT SEIAA/H3./2013/159, Dated 28.05.2013

(A) Specific Conditions: Constrwaion Phase

11) "Consent For Establishment" shall ce

obtained from Haryana::tate Pollution Control Board under Air and Water Act and a copy shall be submitted Ito the SEIAA, Haryana before start of 2fJy wnstruction

work at site.

[2) A First aid room as proposed in the project

report "'Jill be provided ~I'" both during

construction and operation ~r-ase of project.

Being Complied. A first aid room has been provided at the construction site (Photo 1). It

was submitted that the first aid room will also

be made available during operation phase.

[3] Adequate drinking water and sanitary Being Complied. It was observed that adequate

facilities should be provided "Dr construction drinking water and sanitary facilities (mobile

workers at the site. Provision should be made toilets) has been provided for the construction

for mobile toilets. Open def2cation by.the workers at the site (Photo 2). Thus condition is

laborers is strictly prohitrlled. The safe considered as complied for the present visited. disposal of waste I,.vater aM solid wastes

generated during the cons-:ruction phase should be ensured.

(4] All the top soil excavated dUrlilg Construction Being Complied. PA submitted that 1875 MT of

activities should be store,] for use in top soil has been excavated and stored at

horticulture/landscape development within nursery site. PA further informed that

project site. approximately 85% of the soil will be sent to

other projects of the Group for filling and

la ndsca ping purposes.

(5] The project proponent shol!J d ensure that Agreed to Comply as submitted by PA.

the building material used in -:'be construction

phase should be stored witiJin the project area and disposal of construction waste

should not create any adverse effect on the neighboring and should be dJ:posed of after taking necessary precaution.:; for general safety and health aspects of the people .only in the approved sites with r.he approval nf competent authority.

(6) Construction spoils including bituminous Agreed to Comply as submitted by PA. materials and other hazar::Dus materials

must not be allowed to contamination

watercourses and the dump site for such

materials must be secured so that they should not leak into grouncpl'later and an\,

hazardous \vaste generated during

construction phase should be disposed off as

Mis Martial Suildean Pvt Lto'.24.07.17 3

I I i

per applicable rules and norms with necessary approval of Haryana State

pollution control Board.

The diesel generator sets to be used during Being Com::>lieal. One acoustic t~/pe DG sets (63PI construction phase should be of low sulphur KVA) Is in use currently (Photo 3). Low sulr::hur diesel type and should confirm to diesel is being us,ed. DG stack; emission 3nd Enviro.nment (Protection) Rules prescribed noise mor itor ng reports shc,w parame :ers for air and noise emission standard. within the I'mit.,;. The diesel required for operating DG sets Being Com~lied. tt was submit1ed that aoout shall be stored in underground tank if 200 L Die5el is stored at si-:e as per the required clearance from chief controller of requiremert whicr does not require NOC flom explosive shall be taken. CCE.


Aml:>ient noise levels should conform to Being Complied. Ambient noise level standards both during day and night. monitoring is t:eing carried out at project .3ite Incremental pollution loads on the ambient near the main g:cte. Copy of report sh'::Jws air and noise quality should be closely parameters withir limits. However, in caSE of monitored during construction phase. ambient air qU3litr data submitted with JLne, Adequate measures should be taken to 2017 compiance r?port, PM2.5 3nd PM10 lJ\~re

reduce ambient air and noise level during found marg-inally higher than he CPCB Iirrits. construction phase, so as to confirm PA was dir2cted ill take corre:tive action to stipulated commercial standard. bring the Ie-lei telow the prescri::led standar:l.


[10) Fly ash should be used as building materials Being Complied!. Tre constructic n work is ir its in the construction as per the provision of fly initial phase-. Ph submitted that around 15:on ash notification of September 1999 and of fly ash rave been used so 'far for PCC .. nd amendment as on 27th August 2003. foundation ·Nor~.

[11] Storm water contr.ol and its use as per CGWB IAgreed to Comply as submitted -::>y PA. and BIS standard for various applications should be ensured.

(12] ater demand during construction phase Agreed to CDmplly as submitted-::>y PA. should be reduced by uses of premix concrete, curing agent and other best practices.

[13] In view of severe constrains in water supply Being Complied. P'; has submid:ed assuracce augmentation in the region and sustainability from HUOA for in;:ended use 0": portable cnd of v./ater resources, the developers will non-portabl~ water for both cOlstruction c:nd submit the NOC from CGWA specifying water operation stages. Thus conditior is considered extraction quantities and assurance from as complied for the Jresent visit. HUOA/ utility provider indicating source of water supply and quantity of water with details of intended use of water -potable and non potable. Assurance is required for both construction and operation stages separately. It shall be submitted to the SEfAAjR.O. MoEF, Chandigarh before start of construction.

[14] Roof should meet prescribed requirements as Agreed to CClmply as submitted by PA. per energy conservation building code by using appropriate thermal insulation materials to fulfill requirements.

[15) Opaque wall should meet prescribed Agreed to Ccmp~ as submitted I::ry PA. requirements as per energy conservation

lA./.c 1~arl';o) &h,,;ldcon Pvc. Lcd.Z4.0T. .l7 4

building code which is proposed to be mandatory for all air conditioned spaces.

hUe it is inspirational for non air

condltloned spaces by use of appropriate thermal insulation to fulfill the requirements.

16) The approval of competent authority shall be obtained for structural safety of the building dL:e to earthquake, adequacy in firefighting

Being Complied. P.~, had submittl?d that thi's

condition has been COlT plied with the design of the building. Certificate issued fron; tr.: Civtech

equipment etc as per national building code Consultants Pvt. Ltd. for the scm:> has been

inclL:ding protection measures for light etc. If submitted. Further, it 'Ji'Ias submi:t::d ':hat FC is

any forest land is involved in the proposed not required for this Jrcject.

site, clearance under Forest conservation act

shall be taken from competent authority.

[17) Overexploited ground water and impending Being Complied. Rer;ort has been sJbTritted to

severe shortage of water supply in the region RO on 05.07.2017.

requires the developers to redraw the water and energy conservation plan. Developer shall submit details of good practices that

have been included in the project to reduce the overall footprint of the proposed development including a detail water balance

along with source and quantity of the potable

and non potable water requirements

(Including water requirements during

construction phase) incorporating water

efficiency Isaving measures as well Cl5 water

reuse/recycling within three mont~l to the

SEIAA, Haryana and R.O. MoEF, GOI,


pal The project proponent shall construct 2 nos. Agreed to Comply as submitted by PA.

rainwater harvesting pits for recharging the

ground v,,'ater \vith in project premises. Rain water harvesting pits shall be designed to make provision for silting chamber and

removal of floating matter before entering harvesting pit maintenance budget and

person responsible for maintenance must be

provided. Care shall also be taken that

contaminated \:vater do not enter any RHW


[19~ The project proponent shall provide Agreed to Comply as submitted bY( PA.

minimum one hydraulic ladder of sufficient

length for scape of people in case of fire.

[20 The project proponent shall submit Not Complied. PA ass;vred that t~ prcoject will

assurance from the DHBVN for supply of operate only after ],bt:aining connection of

6000 KVA of power supply before the start of DHBVN power supply. However.. Clpy' of the construction. In no case project will be assurance for supply of 6000 KVA fr:::>m DHBVN operational solely on generators without any has not been submitted yet, as f:e- stir;ulated pOIf.1er supply from any external power condition. Thus, condition is consiK:lere.j as not utility. complied for the presEnt visit.

[21j Detail calculation of power load and ultimate Being Complied. PJl, a~gued th3t they are

I/S Martial Bui/dean Pvt. Ltd.24.07.17 5


r---,.-------------------.'------------- _._-­power load of the projecl shall be. submitted submitting the detailed calculations of power to DHBVN under intimation to SEIAA Haryana load regularly on timely basis to DHBVN under before the start of the construction. intimation to SEIAA Chandigarh. Provisions shall be made for electrical infrastructure in the project area.

122) I The project proponent shall obtair NOC from Not Complied. Copy of NOC from nearest fire nearest fire station before the start of station has not been submitted yet. However, construction. PA submitted that it is under process. Thus,

condition is considered as not complied for the

~esent visit. 123J The project proponent shall not raise any I Agreed to Comply as submitted by PA.

construction activity in the naltural land depression/ Nallah/ water course and shall ensure that the natural flow from from the Nallah/ watercourse is not obstructed.

[24J I The project proponent shall keep the plinth I Agreed to Comply as submitted by PA. level of the building blocks sufficier.ltly above the level of the approach road to the group' housing project as per prescribed by law. Level of the other areas in the group housing projects shall also be kept suitabl~i so as to avoid flooding.

[2S} I Construction shall be carried out so that the Agreed to Comply as submitted by PA. PA density of population does not exce,ed norms further assured that Density of population will approved by the Director General Town and never exceed due to development of ongoing Country Department Haryana. project.

[26] I The project proponent shall s'j.bmit an Being Complied. Copy of affidavit has been affidavit with the declaration that ground submitted to this office. water wil' not be used for constn,..::ction and only the treated water should be used for construction.

[27) IThe project proponent shall not cut any IAgreed to Comply as submitted by PA. existing tree in the project area and project landscaping plan shall be modified to include the tree in the green area.

28J I The Project Proponent shall provide helipad !"Jot Complied. Copy of the permission from AAI facility as required under NBC nNms and to provide helipad facility has not been shall seek permission of helipad trom AAI s,ubmitted yet. Thus, condition is considered as Authority. not complied for the present visit.

(29) I The project proponent shall ensure :hat ECBC IA.greed to Comply as submitted by PA. norms for composite climate zone 2-<2 met. In particular building envelope. HVAC service, water heating, pumping, lightng and electrical infrastructure must mEet ECBC norms.

[30j I The Project proponent shall providE 3 meter Being Complied. 3 m high barricades are being high barricade around the project cirea dust provided around the project site. PA has been screen for every floor above the ground directed to complete the work immediately. proper sprinkling and covering cf stored Therefore, condition is considered as complied material to restrict dust and air Jollution for the present visited. during construction.

6 r/~ Mr:·n-;DJ J;;lt.n"Jn"r-n" P~. L~d.24.0?.27


(31) The project proponent shall obtain the Being

permission of airport authority regarding permission

- height dearance before the start of regarding height c earance.


132} The project proponent shall construct a

sedimentation basin in the lower I@vel of the

project site to trap pollutant and other

wastes during rains.

(33] The project proponent shall provide Rasta of proper width and proper strength for each project before the start of construction.

[34] The window to wall ratio of the construction project should not exceed 40%.

[35} The project proponent shall seek NOC from Tov'ln and Country Department Regarding height of the building allowed in the skyline of that city. not been



[36J The project Proponent shall provide all the safety measure for the workers during

construction phase of high rise building.

[37J The Project Proponent shall use better U-

Value glass.

[38J The Project Proponent shall ensure structural integrity of high rise buildinl~ during any seismic activity.

(39) The Project Proponent shall not raise any Not Complied.. construction activity in the ROW tension reserved/acquired for High Tension Wire project site (P'tlJto 4).

passing through the project area and shall said maintain horizontal and vertical ROW as underground required under Indian Electricity Rules, 1956/DHBVN latest Instructions.

(40J Approval for IT project shall be taken from Not Complied the DGTP Haryana and GOI before start of projects construction.

present visit.

-Compliie:l. PA has submitted the

oJ] Airport Authority of India

Agreed to Co~iy as submitted by PA.

Agreed to Col'lil]Jlv as submitted by PA.

Agreed to Conmpll'y as submitted by PA.

Not Complied. Go;:>y of the NOC from Town and Country Deparrrtrrnent Regarding height of the building allowF-d in the skyline of that city has

sutrnitted yet. Thus, condition is as Dot complied for the present

Agreed to Conqlly as submitted by PA.

Agreed to ConrPJy as submitted by PA.

Agreed to Corrply as submitted by PA.

I": was observed that a high powe- I~ne is passing through the

PA submitted that the

overheac power lines will be placed

in due course of time as proposed. PA '.Jas directed to clarify the matter before EAC dU!lJil1lg presentation.

Copy of the approval for IT has mmt been submitted yet. Thus,

condition is w1s,idered as not complied for the

Specific Conditions: Operational Phase Since the con:lt:-uction work of the project is stated in Mc'ch 2017 and currently under process, condtKlns pertaining to operational phase will be re\"iewed later.

(B) General Conditions

[iJ The project proponent shall ensure the commitments made in Form-l, Form-lA, EIA/EMP and other documents submitted to the SEIAA for the protection of environment and proposed environmental safeguards are

Noted and Ag~ed by the PA as submitted.

7 I/S Martial Suildean Pvt. Ltd.24.07.17

iii ---- ._'-........-...-,

compiled with in letter and spirit. In case of contradiction between two or more

documents or any point, the most

environmentally friendly commitment shall be taken as commitment by the project

ro onent. _,

Iii J SIx monthly compliance reports should be Being Complied. PA is regularly submitting six submitted to the HSPCB and regional office. monthly reporrts to the regional office as MoEF, GOI, Northern region, Chandigarh and evident hom pc,int 16 of Data sheet.

Iii i)I a copy to regulatory authority of Haryana.IThe SEIAA, Haryana and reserve the right to INoted aind Agreed by the PA as submitted. - ­

add additional safeguards measures subsequently, if found necessary.

Environmental clearance granted will be revoked if it is found that false information has been given for getting approval of this project. SEIAA reserves the right to revoke the clearance if conditions stipulated are not implemented to the 10 satisfaction of SEIAA / MoH.

{iv] The Project proponent will not violate any Noted and Agreed by the PA as submitted. judicial orders /pronouncements issued by Hon'ble Supreme court/High court.

[v] All other statutory clearance such as approval Being Complied NOC from Airport Authority of

for storage of diesel from Chief Controller of India has been extended and is valid upto

Explosives, Fire Department, Civil Aviation 12.07.2020. It v.-as submitted that about 200 L

Department, Forest Conservation Act, 1980, Diesel is stored at site as per the requirement

and Wildlife (Protection) Act, 1972 etc. shall which does rot require NOC from CCE. be obtained, as applicable by project However, :0P"!l of the fire NOC has not been proponent from the respective authorities submitted yet :>A has been directed to submit prior to construction of project. the same iml1"le'jiately.

(vi] The project proponent should inform the Not Ccmp"ied.. The copy of the first page of the public that the project has been in accorded environmental clearance has been uploaded on Environmental clearance by SEIAA and copies the PAlS we I::s iJt:e. of the clearance letter are available with the downloads/Erv.ronment%20Clearance%20(%2 State Pollution Control Board & SEIAA. This OIT%20Prcjec:)1tfo20Letter%20dated%2028.05.2. should be advertised within 7 days from date OB.pdf. Ho....,~ver, copy of advertisement of issue of clearance letter at least in two published in the newspaper has not been

local newspapers that are vv'idely circulated in submitted tc this office. Thus, condition is the region and copy of the same should be considered a3 not complied for the present forvv'arded to SEIAA Haryana. A copy of visit. environmental clearance conditions shall also

be put on the project proponent's v"ebsite for public awareness.

(vi~] Under the prOVISion of Environment Noted and Agr:!ed by the PA as submitted. (Protection) Act, 1986, Legal action shall be initiated against the project proponents if it was found that construction of the projects has been started before obtaining environmental clearance.

[Viii] Any appeal against this Environmental' Agreed by th:= PA as submitted.

8 's Martial Bui/dean Pvt. Ltd.24.07.17

Clearance shall lie with the National Green Tribunal, [f preferred with in a period of 30 days as prescribed under section 16 of the National Green Tribunal Act, 2010.

[ix] I The project proponent shall put in place INot Complied. No such report was submitted corporate environment policy as mentioned to RO with three months time.

in MoEF, Gol OM No. J-11013/41/2006-IA II (I) dated 26.4.2012 within 3 months period. Latest Corporate environment policy should be submitted to SEIAA within 3 months of issuance of this letter.

[xl I The fund ear-marked for environment I Noted and Agreed by the PA as submitted. protection measures should be kept in separate account and should not be diverted for other purposes and year wise expenditure report shall be submitted to the SEIAA/RO

oEF, Gol under rules prescribed for environmental audit.

(xi] I The project proponent shall obtain NOC IBeing Complied. Copy of NOC for Aravalli under Aravali Notification from CEC OF Notification has been submitted.

Hon'ble Supreme Court regarding coverage under Aravali Notification I \

Concluding Remarks:

1. Project Status:

I/S Martial Buildcon Pvt. Ltd. is developing an IT Park at Sector 67, Village Maidawas and Badshapur, Gurgaon. There have been certain changes in the total build up area of the project. Total built-up area is proposed to be increased from 82,173.266 to 94,423.26 m2

, as per the details submitted by the PA. It was also noted that two towers (3B+G+19F; 4B+G+10F) have been proposed instead of one commercial building (3B+S+GF+21F) mentioned in EC. Further, the maximum height of the building has been reduced to 85.98 mts. from 99 mts. It was observed and learnt during the visit that the construction work has just started in March 2017.

2. Chronology of events:

Letter Dated Action

14.06.2017 PA has requested Regional Office of the Ministry for issuance of certification without supportive documents.

30.06.2017 : PA has requested Regional Office of the Ministry for issuance of certification.

04.07.2017 : Regional Office requested for additional information w.r.t. issuance of certification.

07.07.2017 : Requisite information was submitted by PA. 24.07.2017 : Site Visit for the certified report of the status of the compliance of

environmental safeguards in view of further expansion proposed by the PA.

3. Implementation of Conditions: It is evident from the above review that:

• Majority of conditions of construction phase was complied whereas a few need attention.

• Consent to Establish has been obtained and copy of the same has been submitted.

• Monitoring data of noise, air and water quality are being submitted with the six monthly reports.

• Green belt development at the project site requires attention and this can be started simultaneously.

1/5 Martial Buildcon Pvt. Ltd.24.07.17 9

• Copy of the assurance for supply of 6000 KVA from DHBVN has not been submitted yet.

• Copy of the permission to provide helipad facility from AAI has not been submitted yet.

• Copy of the NOC from Town and Country Department Regarding height of the building allowed in the skyline of that city has not been submitted yet.

• It was observed that a high tension power line is passing throueh the project site. 4. Housekeeping: Overall it was found satisfactory. 5. Review w.r.f. to MOEFs letter dated 30.5.2012: The report was prepared after site visit on 24.07.17. 6. With regards to issuance of show cause/closure notices: None, as submitted.

~J;'\l\\) Joint Director (S)

Photo 1: First aid room at site. Photo 2: Mobile toilets for labours.

Photo 3: OG Set at Construction site. Photo 4: High tension power line at Project site

10t.'l/s Martial Buildcon Pvr. Ltd.:U.O?.2?