C:\fakepath\york athena pp

Post on 14-Jan-2015

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Transcript of C:\fakepath\york athena pp

About ATHENA International:

Vision: Balance in the voices and faces of leadership worldwide

Mission: Support, develop and honor women leaders Inspire women to achieve their full leadership potential

About ATHENA International:

About ATHENA International:

• Non-profit Women’s Leadership Organization

• Supports, develops and honors women


• Meets mission through programs it administers in partnership with host organizations in local communities

• Established in 1982 in Lansing, Michigan

• Headquartered in Chicago

About ATHENA International:

ATHENA Leadership Model History

Nearly 6000 women leaders across professional sectors and around the globe have been honored with the ATHENA Leadership Award for what they give back to their professions, communities, and, perhaps most importantly, other women.

ATHENA Leadership Model History

In an extensive study to determine what inspires and guides ATHENA leaders and informs their individual and collective brands of leadership, hundreds of them were interviewed. Eight core principles of leadership emerged and gave rise to the ATHENA Leadership Model.

ATHENA Leadership Model


Being true to yourself. Internal harmony, clarity of purpose, trust in your core beliefs; integration of mind, body and spirit.

Authenticity is the single most important quality of leadership.

Leaders know, accept and respect themselves


Connecting genuinely with those around you. A willingness to bond with others, profoundly and productively, without regard for status.

Leaders engage, empower and trust.


Leaving a worthy legacy. Offering committed service to colleagues, community and the world. Driving toward the greater good without concern for your own success or fame.

Leaders serve.


Valuing the gifts each individual brings. Encouraging those who are frequently unheard to share their views. Deepening knowledge and awareness through diversity.

Leaders welcome others to the work of leadership.


The willingness to stand alone and speak up, to challenge the status quo, to follow your heart’s convictions. The determination to act honorably and faithfully, even in the face of fear and loss.

Leaders dare.


Life-long openness to continue learning no matter how highly placed you are. The art of listening and the ability to learn from role models, bad as well as good.

Leaders seek knowledge.


Passionate, personal Devotion to something that matters deeply. An unswerving commitment that drives your behavior. Refusing to be dissuaded or distracted from what you believe is necessary.

Leaders champion what is right.


The age-old practice of gathering to mark important times. A chance to create rituals, enjoy traditions and build a history. Setting aside time for reflection and gratitude; for sorrow and, especially, joy.

Leaders rejoice.

AWARD Criteria

ATHENA Recipients:

• Demonstrate excellence, creativity & initiative in their business or profession

• Provide valuable service by contributing time and energy to improve the quality of life for others in the community

• Actively assist women in realizing their full leadership potential

• Designed by artist Linda Ackley • Signature of ATHENA

International• Inspired by ancient Greek

goddess ATHENA’s strength, wisdom, courage & enlightenment

• Marble Base: Recipient’s solid foundation

• Outstretched Arms: Celebration of achievement , inclusivity

• Crystal Prism: Multifaceted qualities of ATHENA leaders

• Each sculpture is a numbered work of art


