C:\fakepath\the wild pancakes!

Post on 27-Jun-2015

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Transcript of C:\fakepath\the wild pancakes!

1. 2 ½ Self raising flour (gluten free)2. Milk 2 ½ cups 3. 3 eggs 4. 1 lolly snake5. Kiwi fruit6. Bananas 7. Whipped cream 8. Golden syrup 9. Lolly bananas 10. butter

• 1 bowl1 bowl• beaterbeater• spatulaspatula• spoonspoon• wooden spoonwooden spoon• measuring cupmeasuring cup• Frying panFrying pan• Knife Knife • NapkinsNapkins• Food trayFood tray

put dry ingredients into the bowlput dry ingredients into the bowl

make a well in the middlemake a well in the middle

Add eggs and some milk and stir.

3. keep adding milk until mixture is thin enough

6. Put enough batter to make a pancake

decorate as you wishdecorate as you wish

tadaa you have made a wild pancake.