Cezanne's apples

Post on 19-Jun-2015

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Transcript of Cezanne's apples

Cezanne’s Apples

“I will astonish Paris with an apple!”

-Paul Cezanne

Paul Cezanne (1829-1906)lived in France. From the time he was little, he wanted to be a painter, but his father insisted that he become a lawyer instead. So he tried. But it didn’t stick. He was an artist – and good thing he kept at it, because some people (like Picasso!) have called him the father of modern art.

He painted lots of paintings of mountains and people and … hundreds of apples! He looked at the fruit in new ways, and tried to paint them as shapes (circles, squares, spheres, rectangles) – instead of just tasty treats. Notice how his fruit isn’t just all one color…