Cerebral Metabolic Changes in Men After Chiro Spinal Manipulation Copy

Post on 05-Apr-2018

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Transcript of Cerebral Metabolic Changes in Men After Chiro Spinal Manipulation Copy

  • 7/31/2019 Cerebral Metabolic Changes in Men After Chiro Spinal Manipulation Copy


    Cerebral Metabolic Changes in Men AfterChiropractic Spinal Manipulation for Neck PainOgur3. DC Manahu ',ashil\l. Mil, I'h ll : Mehl'tii M:I Sll(i , \-tn. Phil: $hoirhi Wat:1I111 1..i: Katsllhiko Shibuya. \IS:

    K(.'ii(' hiro "';:I1I1 :lgllChi . M)), I'hP", Masatoshi ltoh , loll), I'hD: Hiroshi Fukll d:l, MD, PhI), Kawhiko Y'!lwi. MIl,l i l))

    Ablllract8ackground Chiropractic spinal manipulation (CSM) is antrea tment for back pain. The autono mic nervoussystem is often involved in spinal dysfunction. Ahhough slud-

    it's (m thl" effects of CSM han' brell performed. IlUchiropracticstu dy has exa mined region al cerebral llll'taboliSITI posi-Iroll em ission tomography (PET).Objective The aim of thE' prese nt study was tl l itwcst igat r th ('elTccts of CSM OIL brain respo nses in terms of cerebralmetabolic changes measured by posi-tron emiS$ion tomography (FOG-PET),Methods . Twelve male volun teers were recruiloo, Brain PETsca nning W35 performed twice 011 {,3ch participant, at Il'l'tin gand after CSM, were us ed fo r eva lua -tions. A visual an310gue scale (VAS) was rated by p.1rtidpallts

    Thkeshi Ogllra, IX, PhI>, is a research in the Dh'ision ofCytlotron Nuclear Medidnc, Cy clotron andCenter, Tohoku Uni versity, St'llclai, Japan, and II director ..t theJapall Chiropractic Ocelor College, Sendai. Manabll Tashiro,MU , I'hO, an associate professo r and a l'h ie f nuclear medid ncph)'sidan; Mehedi Masud, is a Celie:lN:h (ellm..Shoichi Walanuki is a radiological tedllloiogisl in theDh 'b iol! ofCydotron Nuclear Medicine., Cyclotron :lIldRadioisotopt Center. Masatoshi Itnh, MD, "hll, is a speciall y-approved professor in the Division ofCyclotronNuclear Medicine, C)'t:lOltOn and Radioisotope Cenler, and adirN.'lor at Selldai Medical Imagi ng Clinic, Se ndai, Japan.Keiichlro Yama!!ut."hi, MD, PhD, is a visiting professor in theDivision ofCydotron Nuriear Medicine, Cyclotron andRadioisotope (enter, and II dirC'f lor at the Advanced ImageMedical Center, Sendai Welfare Hospilal. Katsuhlko Shibuya.,MS , is a rf'Searrh (,r and Kazuhiko Ya .na i, MO , PbU, is a profes-

    in the Depart ment of Pharmaco logy, Graduate School ofMedicine, Tohoku Universily. Hiroshi Fukuda, MI), PbD, 3pmfessor at the DeparlllwlIl of Radioing)' alld NuclearMedicine, the imtitule ofDevclopmcllt, Aging and Cancer,Tuhoku Uni vrrsily.Corrc.lpolldi,lg Author: iHal!(I!1I/ "{ (/.IlIiro. ;\-1/ ). Ph!)f -mllil: wl(lshiro@qriunhokll. llcjfJ


    be fore and after chiroprarti ]flO years, chirtlpr.ll"tOf S have

    lwalth ran be imp rol'cdsjl1l1a l manrpulallvt" Ih!'fap y.'' Rese:m: h on (SM husbeen l'xlensi\'rl r l>er(orm P:O 1< A recellt ht':lrtr"le \':lliabHit)' an"lys is do("u mented ch iropractic ;,djU$llIIemaffects th e autonomic SYSh'l1l,I :' Ilow t'I'(.'l". litr Clt uT('

    no stud}' using pl)Silron emiss ion tO )l ography ( I'ET) ! ( lrxallliJle rt'giollal ('rff' \)rJI mCd lor a fUI!l1ionaineumimag ing study ["('garding Ihp

    for t!t.'{'lwr 0'_1,' '" "_" ____ ' Jw 12 AI HRNA!W[!l lrRAl ' l lS. NOV / I ) [e 201 1. VOL 17 . NO. (,

  • 7/31/2019 Cerebral Metabolic Changes in Men After Chiro Spinal Manipulation Copy


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  • 7/31/2019 Cerebral Metabolic Changes in Men After Chiro Spinal Manipulation Copy





    HG UR R2Ik giunal (Irli) ami dtadiv:Jli o]) (Iif!;hl) ;.lil'r l'himpr:lall d 7 ;4X.'S) in till' normaliled imag\'o Till' lI ormaliud \\'

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    (such as l'araFIIl' \Mapping) the stand:m l tou! for df tl'l" ling regional rh angrsfad ioal'livi ty levels in fl'rtain hraill rrgi(l iis. 11,(> mosl popular ({

    UI these hl'"('lI 10 con trast "ilhsl im ulus." for st:lI istiral aUVtlxc! wert' normalbto 311 arbilr.lry global mean vallll' of !"()IIIg/100 ml /mill b)' allalyof to Ihr efTerb of in t( l"suhj rr l variahili tyglohal glut"OS

  • 7/31/2019 Cerebral Metabolic Changes in Men After Chiro Spinal Manipulation Copy







    neUfil1 substructure h; IS II certain volume, a wry dus ter with l TAHI,t:: I Mtil'arion/l.wa

  • 7/31/2019 Cerebral Metabolic Changes in Men After Chiro Spinal Manipulation Copy


    tllUS!'S symp'!IIW'lif a rlivalion. "'l< Theft- fore. il is 10 rom-P."IT(, autollomic function ill lhe trl'arm('ul ('ondil ions ill

    wll() ha\'l: rr rYkalpain. 1I0\\,('\,er, !Irr UM'fuint'SS ofCS.'1 forct:rvir.lI1Jauloliomic dfl'rls Ilf('SM illh'CI'l'ntiOl I, ('ardiova."\l'ular ti.J!l('tiou and

    fl'I;ling had hrt'll th r maiu ou tClJfJH' measurrs. l!>.12-"Iluw(,v('r, il would ])(' u.\('rulto rX3] uiJl( ' til(' St,ltus of region'll brain:lctivil), immrdiatl'ly alier the (SM ilHcHenlioll. We first applirtithe 1'1)(; te('hniqul' till'

  • 7/31/2019 Cerebral Metabolic Changes in Men After Chiro Spinal Manipulation Copy



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