Centenary United Methodist Church 429 Main Street...

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Transcript of Centenary United Methodist Church 429 Main Street...

Centenary United Methodist Church

429 Main Street, Shelbyville, KY

Vol. 19 No. 5 502.633.4510 May 2015

May Sermon Schedule May 3, 2015 Communion Sunday

Acts 16: 1—5 (TNIV)

“To Grow Disciples of Jesus”

(Week #2 “Why Do We Need the Church?” Sermon Series)

May 10, 2015

Mother’s Day

Psalm 95: 1—7b (TNIV) "Because Corporate Worship is Important" (Week #3 “Why Do We Need the Church?” Sermon Series)

May 17, 2015

Ascension Sunday Graduating Senior’s Recognition Day Acts 3: 1—10 (TNIV) “To Bring Healing to Those Who Are Hurting” (TNIV)

(Week #4“Why Do We Need the Church?” Sermon Series)

May 24, 2015 Day of Pentecost Peace with Justice Special Sunday Offering Ephesians 4: 11—16 (TNIV) “To Equip God’s People to Serve”

(Week #5“Why Do We Need the Church?” Sermon Series)

May 31, 2015

Fifth Sunday Offering for UM Children’s Home

Promotion Sunday

Colossians 1: 3—14 (TNIV)

“To Grow the Kingdom of God”

(Week #6“Why Do We Need the Church?” Sermon Series)

Update on the Parsonage Basement

The melting snow and heavy rain of recent weeks have re-

sulted in flooding in the parsonage basement and the at-

tached garage The flooding damaged the flooring in the

basement as well as some the parsonage’s family’s furniture.

Upon further inspection, additional damage was revealed in

some of the walls and floorboards. The presence of mold

was also discovered.

At this time the full extent of the damage is being ascer-

tained , but the Trustees, working with Staff-Parish, District

Superintendent Kevin Burney, and the parsonage family

have put together a tentative plan into place. While this plan

is not finalized, it calls for:

Inspection of the mold by qualified individuals to determine if

it safe for the parsonage family to continue to reside at the

residence while clean-up and repairs take place and if it is

safe for volunteers to engage in clean-up or if mold specialists

will need to be brought in to do the clean-up.

The removal of landscaping from the front of the parsonage

(as needed), bringing in soil to redirect the water away from

the home, and the replacement of the landscaping.

Once cleared to do so, additional study of the affected areas

will determine the extent of the damage and what will need to

be done to repair it.

The redirection of water (also known as waterproofing) in the

basement and garage to channel it away from the basement

including installment of a sump pump is planned. An estimate

has been obtained and an initial deposit has been paid to B

Dry Waterproofing. Because of the backlog, it will be several

weeks before they are able to get to this project.

The removal and replacement of the shower in the downstairs

bathroom which is leaking.

The replacement of flooring in the basement.

Dependent upon what is discovered with additional inspec-

tions more work may need to be done. At this time, there are

funds from a variety of sources that will prevent this from

becoming a major financial crisis, but if anyone should de-

sire to contribute towards this effort, please earmark funds

for “Parsonage Restoration Project.”

If you have any questions regarding this project, please

contact Pastor Knipp or Vance Barnett.

Our Sunday Worship Schedule

Contemporary Worship 8:48 am

Traditional Worship 11:00 am

Sunday School 10:00 am

Join us on Wednesday Nights

Bible Study 6:30 pm

CYF—Youth 6:30 pm

Children’s Ministry 6:30 pm

Choir 7:45 pm

May Birthdays

1 Sue Covert Loux

5 John Whisman

8 Shelbi Poehlein

Phil Tripp

9 Katherine Maggard

11 James Insco Sr.

Lois Newton

13 Rev. Lowell Ogden

14 Shawn Stovall

Margo Whisman

15 Morris Bryant

William (Shug) Hickman

17 Bonnie Burks Gray

Terri Poehlein

18 Jason Oakes

20 John Gerding

21 Robert Beaton

25 Bill Decker

Bryan Hughes

Brett Reese

26 Reesa Headley

27 Andrew Aitken

Elisa Rice

28 Lindy Bush

Troy Hood

Ashton Stovall

29 Janice Riggs

30 Dr. Jim Coots

June Newsletter Items Due May 20th

The Quilter’s will meet on Wednesday,

May 27th 10:00 am to 3:00 pm

In lieu of our regular meeting, The Harriet Poynter/Lucile Smith Circle will visit and tour Wesley House

on Tuesday, May, 12. We will travel to Louisville on the church bus, leaving the

church at 10:30. We will "brown-bag" our lunch and eat at Wesley House.

Also, Wesley House has their annual luncheon and fashion show fundraiser

on Sunday, June 7 from 2:00 until 4:00 pm. at the Hotel Louisville. Tickets

are $20. See Helena Kruer for tickets. Make checks payable to Wesley House

Community Services.

“New Circle” Meeting is May 21st at 7:00 pm, at Lynda Sanford’s home (2161 LaGrange Road).

This is an opportunity for women to serve, work and grow in Christ along with other United Methodist

Women whose daytime schedules are too busy to meet during the day.

For more information contact Linda Sanford 502.330.9524 or Bonnie Burks Gray 502.633.6941.

The Church Office will be closed on

May 25, 2015 in observance of

Memorial Day.

Join us on Thursday, May 14th for lunch

at Ramsey’s Restaurant in Lexington. We

will meet at the church and board the bus

at 10:45 am. To attend, please RSVP to

Eleanor Warford 502.633.2802.

The Memorial & Endowment fund provides a unique opportunity to

remember family and friends. These special gifts to CUMC will contin-

ue to fund and support the ministry and needs of the church far be-

yond a members lifetime.

Thank you for your thoughtfulness and generous gifts:

In Memory of Carl Hail: Catherine Hail

Join us on Wednesday Nights @ 6:30 pm

through May 20th

Meg Hughes —-“Hebrews: The Nearness of King Je-

sus (Room 206)

Pastor Knipp —-an informational class “Caring for

Our Aging Love Ones: Practical Consideration from

a Christian Perspective” (Seekers SS Room/3rd

CUMC Nursery Attendant

Please drop off or email your resume


Sarah Krauss

Director of Children’s Ministries


Our Kick-Off to Summer Event is Wednesday, May 27th 6:00 pm on the

front lawn. We will have a cook-out featuring hamburgers and hot dogs.

We ask that you bring the following to share if your last name begins with:

(A — L) Vegetable or Salad

(M—Z) Dessert

We have lots of activities planned (including a bouncy house for the

kids). Come on out and bring the whole family!

ALC Pregnancy Resource Center, in Shelbyille will be starting their annual Baby Bottle

Boomerang Fund raising campaign during the weeks between Mother’s Day & Father’s

Day. Baby bottles will be available in the basket just outside the elevator for members to

begin filling with loose change, cash, or checks.

Monies raised helps to fund the ALC Ministry which provide services free of charge to any-

one experiencing an unplanned pregnancy, parenting classes, Bible study, peer counsel-

ing, adoption referrals, pregnancy tests, baby clothes, diapers, formula, homemaking

classes, and our new service; ultrasound scans.

At the 2015 Kentucky Annual Conference we will put together Health Kits for

the United Methodist Committee on Relief (UMCOR). Our Goal is 1,500 kits.

The Frankfort District Churches are asked to donate Toothbrushes (single

brushes only in original wrapper, no child size).

A donation box is located in the hallway just outside the elevators. (All dona-

tions must be received by June 7th)

Volunteers are needed to help with the Youth Ministry

Community Garden, The Youth have planted and are

maintaining and, Lord willing, harvesting a community gar-

den this spring/summer. We will donate 100% of the vegeta-

bles to anyone and everyone who may need them. We will

need lots of help though. Any parent with a passion for gar-

dening is more than welcome to join us. If you would like to

help defray the cost of purchasing seeds/plants, please anno-

tate “Youth Garden” in the memo section of your check/

envelope. We also need your help to identify folks in our

community that might be blessed by receiving fresh vegeta-

bles this summer. If you know of anyone please email their

name and address to the church office or if you can help in

the garden, please contact Matt Bell 502.655.3009 or email:


Church Council Meeting Minutes

March 16, 2015

- Kim Aitken * - Matt Bell * - Tracy Bertram

* - Mark Burks * - Vance Burnett * - Kay Burney

* - Larry Crouch * - Glen Dreher * - Donald Durden

* - Jeff Gaither * - Emily Henderson * - Trisha Hobbs

* - Meg Hughes * - Holly Husband * - Willard Knipp

* - Sarah Krauss

- Connect/Evangelism chair (vacant)

- Send/Missions chair (vacant)

* - Denotes those in attendance

Larry Crouch called the meeting to order at 6:34 since Holly was delayed and asked that we share blessings and prayer concerns around the room. Holly Husband arrived and passed out the meeting agendas and a handout for the for-mation time.

Holly Husband stated that she had heard a sermon while traveling this week. The subject of this sermon was “How the Holy Spirit blesses churches when they are in harmony”. The handout was entitled, “The tenth Beatitude: Blessed are the flexible, for they shall not be bent out of shape” and was from a book by Bob Russell. The handout listed principles

for growing a dynamic church. The other side of the handout depicted tools for building a strong culture within an or-ganization. One tool is the mood elevator and reminds us that when we are in discussion with other people we general-ly have a negative or positive response to a new topic. When this happens, the key is to stay curious (second tool) so that you are open to the new idea. Then you look down at the shadow you cast (third tool) and finally use the account-ability ladder as the tool to detail when you will get things done.

Holly then asked for a time of sharing blessings around the room. Prayer concerns included upcoming surgery and res-ignation of three of our nursery staff. Shared praises were numerous and included number of volunteers and the work

completed on the ramp at the Rice’s home, an especially good Children’s Sermon yesterday during the second service, college students home for Spring Break, our Children’s Ministries programming is moving forward, the 5th grade/Big Sister retreat went well on Saturday, and continued health and a safe delivery for Sarah Bell and the baby. Willard Knipp closed the time with prayer.

Holly then asked that the minutes of the January 19, 2015 meeting be approved. Larry Crouch made a motion that the minutes be accepted as submitted. Mark Burks seconded the motion and the minutes were approved by consensus.

Holly next asked that we address the Consent Agenda Reports. A report from Trustees was available in the room as

this was not in the original sent report. Larry Crouch made a motion that the Consent Agenda Reports be accepted with the additional report. Glen Dreher seconded the motion and the Consent Agenda Reports were accepted.

Holly next moved to Discussion Items.

Holly Husband asked for the finance report. Donald Durden spoke first for the Finance Committee. He re-

minded the council that the budget plans for a $ 54,869 loss on the year. The Combs trust now has

enough ($ 100,601) in the endowment to do something with it. The weather in February was awful and

receipts were down. The utilities are misrepresented in that the gas bill for the church was shown in the

Church Council Minutes Cont. Page 2

the youth budget line, but this has been corrected.

Holly Husband then asked Tracy Bertram to speak from Finance on the One-Call System. Tracy stated

that they have investigated using an automated call or text system. The system is One-Call Now. We can notify 250 numbers for a cost of $900 each year. Tracy stated that it is the recommendation of the Finance Committee to authorize implementation of One-Call Now to be purchased through contingency funding and giving members the option to contribute toward the cost of the system. Kay Burney asked if the system would call or send text messages. Willard Knipp stated that the system will do either noti-fication method and you can set up sub-groups within the larger notification base. Larry Crouch se-conded the recommendation and this was approved.

Tracy Bertam next spoke about the purchase of an AED (automated external defibrillator). Tracy stated that it is the recommendation of the Finance Committee to purchase an AED for the safety of our mem-bers, at an approximate cost of $ 1,500 and to be placed in the Sanctuary. Meg Hughes asked if people need to be trained to use the AED. Holly Husband stated that Rick Frank recommended we buy a spe-cific brand of AED so that EMS can hook their leads up to our AED directly. Glen Dreher seconded the recommendation and it was approved. Willard Knipp suggested that we could ask if members want to

contribute toward the purchase of the AED device. Tracy stated that it would be funded from contin-

gency funds. The recommendation was amended to state that contingency funds would be initially used for purchasing the AED; this was also approved.

Vance Burnett next spoke from the Trustees Committee. There is a water problem at the parsonage for which they will be getting a company in to look at; there may be more work needed to replace carpet and walls. This issue just happened after the Finance Committee meeting last week.

Holly Husband next asked if there was any other business. Sarah Krauss stated that three of our nurse-

ry staff members have resigned. She has spoken with some of the parents and they are willing to vol-unteer in the nursery while our Staff-Parish Relations Committee works to hire a new staff member in the nursery. Larry Crouch made a recommendation to accept the three resignations of the nursery workers and release them immediately from duty. Mark Burks seconded the recommendation. Larry Crouch called for the question and the recommendation was approved. Sarah will work on getting vol-unteers signed up to work in the nursery with Da Da on Sunday mornings and Wednesday evenings.

Holly Husband next asked for the Pastor’s Report. Willard Knipp informed the council that he had just

decided yesterday to submit his clergy profile to be a delegate to either the 2016 General Conference or Judicial Conference. He had felt convicted reflecting on the 2012 conference debacle by the statement

that “somebody should do something” and felt that he can not lead us if he himself is not willing to put up or shut up.

Holly Husband asked if Larry Crouch had a report as Lay Delegate. Larry reminded the council to bring single-wrapped toothbrushes for the hygiene kits for Annual Conference. We have two months to col-

lect these toothbrushes.

There was no Lay Leadership Report from Mark Burks yet.

Willard Knipp stated that Sunday, May 24th will be the closing meeting of the Frankfort District. This will include a time of nostalgia, a time of financial discussions and decisions, and decisions on who gets what when churches move to a new district. He does not yet know the location of the meeting but be-lieves the time will be 3:00 p.m.

There was no other new business.

The next meeting is April 20th.

Willard Knipp then closed the meeting in prayer and Holly Husband adjourned the meeting at 7:33 p.m.

Respectfully Submitted,

Trisha Hobbs

Kids Korner


May 16th

10:00 am to Noon

Upcoming Youth Events:

2015 Mission Trip to the Dominican Republic

June 9—16

Jr. High Youth Week June 22—25

CYF Trip to Cedar Point August 1—3

We have been super busy getting the children’s

area cleaned, organized and ready so that we can

get started with renovation project. We are in the

process of getting bids for new lighting and ceiling


We have planned to “Kick-Off to Summer” church-

wide event for Wednesday, May 27th at 6:00 pm

with games, foods, and course a bouncy house for

the kids.

We are working on VBS (June 22-25) the theme is

“SonSparks Lab” which will be a hands on learning

experience for the kids to teach about God’s love.

We are also in the midst of planning for the Sum-

mer and one of our plans is to have 3 nights that

will be open to the public to invite families to watch

movies on the front lawn.

Also, volunteers are needed to help make our VBS

program a success. Sign-up sheets are posted out-

side Room 206 and in the Fellowship Hall. We will

begin accepting VBS registration forms on May 4th.

Remember, church policy requires that everyone who works with children complete the Safe Sanctuary Training Course –Online at: http://kyumc.org/pages/detail/1899 and a criminal background check. Once you have completed your Safe Sanctuary Training online, please provide a copy of your confirmation certificate to the church office so that we may place it in our church records. If you have questions regarding this policy, or if you need to check the status of your class certification (which is good for 3 years) or need to obtain a criminal background check. please contact the church office 502.633.4510 or centenaryumc@twc.com


Sarah Krauss

Director of Children’s Ministries

May 17th is Sr. Recognition Celebration Sunday.

We will congratulate and recognize our 2015 Graduat-

ing seniors. Graduation is an important milestone for

our students, and our church family. Please join us as

we celebrate their accomplishments and support their

future endeavors.

Congratulations and Best Wishes

to our 2015 Graduates

Lindy Bush

Katie Hisle

Jordan Knipp

Shelbi Poehlein

Sabrina Pratt

Ashton Stovall

Autumn Wall

Promotion Sunday is May 31, 2015

(following our fellowship time

10:45 am) in the fellowship hall for

certificates, awards and cake!

Mother’s—-A child’s perspective A group of second-graders was quizzed about what ingredients their mothers are made of. One child said, “God makes mothers out of clouds and angel hair and everything

nice in the world, and one dab of mean.”

To the question "What does your mom do in her spare time?" one youngster said, "Mothers don't do spare time."

When the children were asked “Why did God give you your mother and not some other mom?” one child replied, “God knew she likes me a lot more than other people's moms

like me.”

Happy Mother’s Day —- Sunday, May 10th

Remember in Prayer

Your help is greatly needed to provide comfort meals to our church

family members following their hospitalization and recuperation. If you

do not feel that you can provide a full meal alone, you can still help;

get together with a few friends or with your Sunday School Class to

provide a meal. Be creative! To sign-up go to:


For additional information on how you can help, contact Lori Gruelich

eyari_eq@yahoo.com or 502.437.5345

To My Church Family,

Thanks so much for the food, cards, visits to the hospital,

messages, and checking on me during my recent illness.

I have never known the love and care from any church as I

have felt here at CUMC. All I can say —God Bless One and


Love you,

Marcella Myatt

With our PRAYER…

Diana Beaton Mark Burks Kyress Cardwell

Chuck & Geri Cicchella Renee Clark Joe Cleveland

Cinda Compton Melvin Cook Terry Coots

Glenn & Renee Dreher John Gerlach Shelley Goodwin

Dan Hardesty Jeremiah Jobe Dottie Miller

Roger & Bernice Nichols Wanda Pendleton Robert Raisor

Faye Rice Bill Schooley Meghan Stucker

Eloise Terhune Judith Waddell Ron Worley

Rodney Abbott (Friend of Garry & Lula Polston) Ron & Hazel Benzing (Friends of Carla Gerding)

Christy Bitzer (Friend of Sarah Bell) D.O. Burden (Friend of Joyce Cassin)

Serena Callier (Friend of Kathy Taylor) B.J. Campbell (Friend of Tom & Jane Nelson)

Greg Carroll (Pastor Knipp’s Step-Father) Frank Curry (Friend of Marilyn Macfarlane)

Dr. Bill Dew (Friend of Sydney Lawson) Fran Ernspiker (Renee Clark’s Mother)

Christy Feeney (Friend of Kim Aitken) Family of Alan Hall (Friends of Kate Raisor)

Marcia James (Duanne Puckett’s Sister) Walter Jennings (Andrew Prescott’s Uncle)

Anna Jones (Barbara Scott’s Cousin) Tracy Logan (Friend of Renee Clark)

Robin Marling (Friend of Conway Witten) Robin Millard (Friend of Bill & Margaret Tuttle)

Linda Parson (Friend of Don Ernst) Dylan Phillips (Friend of Judy Knowles)

Anita Raush (Kathy Taylor’s Aunt) Jennifer Settle Reese (Daughter-in-law of Jon & Janice Riggs)

Kellie Jo Shepherd & Son Alex Wente Blake Sullivan (Friend of Eileen Smith)

Kristie Tolson (Kate Raisor’s Cousin) Randall Webb (Friend of Jim Benton/Julie Gantt)

Rita Wilkins (Karen Whittle’s Mother) Nancy Williamson’s Family

Christians in the Middle East Our Military & Our Leaders

Our Sympathy & Condolences to Faye Rice & Family at the passing of Caroll Rice on April 29, 2015