CENTCOM 2 - American Civil Liberties Union · PDF fileDeceptive hiring practices and excessive...

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Transcript of CENTCOM 2 - American Civil Liberties Union · PDF fileDeceptive hiring practices and excessive...











JCC-I/A Semi-Annual Commander's Conference ·Trafficking in Persons Update

MNF-I Inspector Gen~ral

IPISPEOCTOR GEOPIEOR/\L SEONSITP/EO IMFORMATIOP! FOR OFFIC!.'\L U£EO ONLY: Tho information containcd in 'til is doctlmcnt contains Inspcctor Gcn9ral 69nsitp.'c information, '."!hici: ie i:ro:ccto-: trom mandatory -:i6~lc6tlre tlnGor the Freedom of Intornnt;ol~ 1\.0: (FOtl\l ,5 '.}SG 555:2.

DISSEOMIW\TI2[! IS :'ROI IIBITED C'tCEOPT 1\8 AUTI :Om"'TD BY ,A,R ::20 ~ and 0001 5~0€ .. ;n



Human Trafficking Defined

The United States is a signatory to the United Nations Protocol to prevent, suppress, and punish Trafficking in Persons. 000 policy is based on the UN definition, which defines human trafficking as:

"The recruitment, transportation, transfer, harboring, or receipt of persons by means of the threat or use of force or other forms of coercion, of abduction, of fraud, of deception, of the abuse of power or of a position of vulnerability or of the giving or receiving of payments or benefits to achieve the consent of a person having control over another -person, for the purpose of exploitation." .

... Treat others fairly - with dignity and respect

IP!SPECTOR GENERAL SENSITIVE IPlFORM/\TIOP! FOR OFFICIAL U£E ONLY: Tho infofl'flatioR ceRtainoe it: this documeRt cGntainc Inspector Genera' 6Jncitp.'e information, I'!hish is j~rotecte:! from mandatory di6,:lo€' 're under the Fr3edom o'lni'9rRnt:ol' .A,st (~Ol A) ,5 'dSC §55".

D!SSEM!~!/\T!G~! IS PRO: !1B1TED E.~GEPT AS /\UTIIORI7ED BY /\R:O 1 and DGD! 510S. ,;11



«I CFLCC Commander's inquiry identified illegal processing of laborers Approx 500 employees conducted work stoppage at AI Taji in protest of unreasonable living conditions and compensation

III LA Times queries MNF-I CPIC on human trafficking in .Iraq e MNF-I COS directs MNF-I IG to conduct human trafficking inspection

MNF-I Inspection Scope . .

Mosul, Kirkuk, Balad, AI Asad, Taqqadum, Speicher, Victory, Liberty,


Striker, Basrah, and International Zone - Visited 46 Companies - Inspected 60+ contractor/subcontractor life support areas - Interviewed over 850 workers (no managers/supervisors present)

from 25 nations

IPIGPECTOR CE~IERAL SBISITP.'E iPIFORMAT!OPl FOR OFFICIAL UGE OPIL¥: Tho inFormation cent::lnod i:-: 13110 documon: centains In5pccto~ G\?neral son:itr:e inforrnatio'l, ':!hiGh is i~ro':oste~ from rnandatory "is:iGsur\? Ioln(i\?r tho Fr\?\?Gorn of Inf\?rR1atlon /\et (FOIi\) , § I laC §'S§2.

DISSc.m~A:lgp~ IS PROIIiB/TED C,(CE;'T leG t.UT1IORI'ED 8Y .'R no i ::Fid 0001 .: 10:;'.1"





" ... trafficking in persons will not be facilitated by the activities of our Service members, civilian employees, indirect hires, or DoD

contract person nel. "

" ... trafficking practices will not be tolerated in DoD contractor organizations or their subcontractors supporting DoD operations."


"Commanders must be alert to and address any instances of questionable conditions of employment by DoD contractors or

their subcontractors ... "

"All commands must give this challenge the priority it demands and use all available resources to combat Trafficking in Persons ... "


Past Findings

• Inspection of Contracting Activities and Contractor/Subcontractor Life Support Areas (LSAs) Revealed Evidence of:

Deceptive hiring practices and excessive recruiting fees

Illegal confiscation of worker (Third Country National) passports by contractors/subcontractors

Sub-standard worker living conditions at some sites

Circumvention of Iraqi immigration procedures by contractors/subcontractors

Lack of mandatory Trafficking in Persons awareness training

• Lack of clearly defined standards for the treatment of TCN . workers by contractors and subcontractors in Iraq

5 i~l£PEGTOR GE~jERAL SENSITI\'E ~~IFORM/\Tlml FOR OFFIG!/\L USC: O~IL¥: Tho infoFFflation :cnbinod in tllio aOGLIFflent contains Inspector

Ge:1era! sensit,,'e InkrmatioR, ':-,hiGh ie Fre':ecte'" fmm mandatory ~iG.IGsYre LInder the Fr?eGom o~ !Rfermatiol' N;t (~OI,.,) ,'? IJaC §'3::'"'. D1SS[~~q!~!/\T!~~J IS rROl !!B!TCD 5":GEP: /\S "'\UTI :ORl""7ED BY /\R ':::0 -; s::d 0001 § -:0::. ';"


Commander's Strategy MNF-I employs a three-pronged approach to deter and combat

human trafficking by 000 personnel or contractors in Iraq


Leaders must understand the dynamics and

indicators of trafficking and be vigilant in correcting or

reporting suspected violations or activities. Inspector General will

inspect trafficking within the Command.

Prevention of . Human Trafficking

---, ...

Education & Awareness

Policy & Enforcement

Contracts must incorporate appropriate language to compel the protection Of individual rights.

(at both contract and subcontract levels); to promote

rule of law in Iraq and in the labor recruiting process, and to provide a mechanism to enforce

contract compliance.

All DoD military and civilian personnel, and DoD contractors receive the mandatory TIP awareness training prior to

deployment or after arrival in the Command.

6 IPI£PECTOR CE)IERAL SEPISIT!'.'E IP1FORMAT!Or'l FOR OFFICIAL USe; OPILY: Tho informotion coAt:::ined in ti~is document contains Inspector

G8nera' ~ensitp:e ii'ferm3tien, "!r:ish I:: i~ro:8cts" 'rsm mandatory ::'icclsCIJF8 LinGer the freedom 0' I nfs rma'::o " J\:: (fOil') ,;; UI:>C 5;;':'''. DIS8Ef.7:t'lAT!GP! 1~ ~,QC;! !lOfTED C,(CEPT /\~ AUTlfOnI 'ED BY /J1 "'0 1 and DODI :: ~O::.111




Commander's Guidance

MNF-I FRAGO 06-188 [Trafficking in Persons]

Services ensure inbound military and civilian personnel receive mandatory TIP training prior to arrival in Iraq

Contracting offices notify contractors and subcontractors that worker passports must be returned. Base commanders take necessary steps to bar non-compliant contractors/subcontractors from the installation .

. Contractors and subcontractors return worker passports, and incorporate contract language to restrict the duration of time that travel documents may be controlled by employers for administrative processing.

Ensure that m! contracts include a "termination without penalty" provision as a TIP prevention measure.

I~ISPEGTOR GEP!ERAL SENSfTP/E INFORMATlm! FOR OFFfGI/\L USE O~jLY: The inrorma:ien centained in this :ectlmcnt csntains Inspector G?norol cenaiti:o infer:'flatio'l, '·.'hiGh i8 pro':oGtod from mandat~r'i dic-::locur? .meier tho Frgedom -::f Information 6~': (C'OIA) , 5 UaG 3552.

D!S8E~.~l~J/\TIGN IS PRC:l !!S!TED G'\G~PT PIS /'.UT! IOR!/ED BY ,AiR ::::0 -; and DGD! §10S. '1"

%~:r.,.J{ ~~., t:rY (('0t;;~)4KfT 4t>~%'--;1 ~?rQ:-.i;?~~r~lfb# aK~t~~ai

P,.,~. "_ ¢;~%i,.i:L~ , /a~~>... c;,;,"'''(f- 01..";" ~



Commander's Guidance

Continued ...

Contractors and subcontractors provide workers with a signed copy of their employment contract that defines the terms of their employment/compensation (e.g. salary, currency, work hours, overtime, vacation).

Prohibit contractors and subcontractors from utilizing unlicensed recruiting firms, or firrns that charge' illegal recruiting feels, and include appropriate penalties for non-compliance.

Require contracts to have measurable,enforceable standards for living conditions (e.g. sanitation, health, safety), and establish 50 feet as the minimum acceptable square footage of personal living space per worker. Allow contracting officers to grant a waiver where the existing square footage is within 200/0 of the minimum and overall conditions are determined to be acceptable.

~'0)'" f) ~ ",­

\ "(~]4ET-;q):: ~<. "ffl.,f~~·) ?'

lP1SPECTO~ :ca;.;~~!'.~, :EN,:ITIV:, IHrORP,1.":TlmJ FOR OFFICIAL '~SE ONLY: The information contained in :hie aCGume:it Gontaine Inepecto~ }~)i'l;:i' Gilnera. __ Ro!,P. _ ,!of ~r;:~~I;:p;:~~:~ i~e;~~~;I~':"~~"~'~~~;~ :1~S~g~~::~~~::~h~,~r:=g~Qm; C~~~f~~~;;:.::;t.~.FOII\) , § \,ISC §~~'1. ~~~."

w ___ "- Qii.J4 ............ II II ........ < ....... ,;,O)i Ii , ..... Fl ..... ''''''U ::; .0. -.4 6/' v 01.::;- -.:~


Commander's Guidance

. Continued ...


It Contractors and subcontractors comply with international laws regarding transiUexiUentry procedures, and the requirements for work visas, and incorporate contractual provisions for addressing non-compliance. Contractors follow all Host Country entry and exit requirements.'

It CORs/QA personnel conduct random checks of the areas to ensure contractors and subcontractors are adhering to the legal and ethical standards expected across MNF-I, and aggressively address areas of non-compliance.

It Inform Army Material Command - Forward (AMC FWD), Defense LogistiCS Agency (DLA) - DLAContingency Support Team (DCST), and other theater contracting agencies of the new requirements so they can align with this initiative, and enforce the poliCies in their contracts.

!~ISPECTOR GEHERAL SEI>ISITI'fE INFORMATlml FOR OFFICIAL USE O~ILY: The inf9rma:i~n containes in tIlls sOGbiment GGn:ains Inspector G09norai Gem;itP/e infofl'Flotion, \'!hisl' Ie pfetgck~ frol'Fl mangatory ~i£-::lo6!~re binger the Froedo''R o~ Infomntion ''oct ("'01/\) , § 'J\OG §':'§".

8JS£r:i\';I~!/\T!Or'~ I~ PRO: 11BfTED C,,(CEP; /\S /\UTI :ORl""ED BY j:\R ~O ~ 3nd 0001 5 ;06. '111

8;».. 1('i..UI.~ i{ I'. '~ii7 ,/f'E~ t"fif "'="Ab~" At; -.<'Y· ,,- l'o.-/./.d' ";'~.' .:'" ,_.,

flo. ~~.J r. '~n/ ,j' Ji/ ~ ~.,::);-I;. =---"'" "~l,',\.g--?'.Y.'''! >0.'~ C/o' ..;::: ~ e.~:- ..:~::'.



We Have Made A Difference

e JCC-IIA Cease and Desist Letters and willingness to enforce the


standards: "Termination without penalty" provision

Provides workers a signed copy of their contract defining terms of employment and compensation

Prohibits utilizing unlicensed recruiting firms/firms that charge illegal recruiti ng fees

Establishes 50 feet as minimum acceptable square footage

Requires compliance with international and host nation laws regardi ng transit/exitlentry/visas

Passports returned by 1 May 2006

Direct involvement of LOGCAP, JCC-IIA and GRD pOints of contact in addressing worker treatment issues and problems

KBR designation of a TIP Coordinator - KBR initiatives

!~jSPECTOR GEHER/\L SE~ISITI'/E I~IFORM/\T!OPI FOR OFF1C!.'\L USE OP!LY: T!le iRFe~matieR coRt:::inoEl in tl,is document contains Inspecte~ General sonsi:p'e ir,formation, "-'hiGh is protC?~teA From ll1an'Glotory ::'i5,:106' '~? lInQer tho Fr2edom cf Informoti .. " D~': (~OI.A) ,5 "aC §552 ,

8J£SEf.~It'!/\Tl'2!·1 I~ PROfllB1TED 5,(C~PT /c~ t,UT! IORI 7 ED 8Y /\R :0 ; ::::nd DOD! 51C~.11l



• 8adging and Force Protection

• Termination of Employment - Involuntary

-Contract jumpers .

• Availability of medical care/food service

• Voluntary relinquishment of passports

• . Access to PX and personal comfort items

• Worker return home conditions


I~~~~;.f( .- E~" ~.\X .. 4 "-~/.6\-<'~~~~>1 '" . ~.:'-'<l i7i:::lf ""

INSPECTOR GE~IERAL SEP1SITIVE 1~IFORMl\Tlm! FOR OFFICIAL '.!SE mIL¥: The infermatien containod in this doc:Jme:1t centains. Inepcctor .l+~Ji{f;;: ~ G ?noral E:on~itP:o information, ':!hish is l~rs:oGte~ freR'l R1::nGaicry ~;6~!osu;e llAGer the freedom of 'nfcr113tG n /\c: (COli)') , 5 ' '2'C 3':'::2· ;g;.; .\~"#.f-' .

DI<"SEP,/!!I\, 1\,1( .... "",1 1("" nRr"\1 JlBITED eV"-'EOT A r- ,,11"11 fI"""\Rl"'7'ED g'" T'R "('1 -i -"'6 r" .... 'If-"'l\ C -If"Ir:' JIll r' ........ >%,Y .. .;t,::;..- ",:, o 'J"I.;.,jC::l~,O' :::::.,1 • • C.,{{bl.cY •• O Fl,0, ........... 0010,0..,.9 .....,.-.~


Where We Are Today

o Improved accountability & tracking of camps & workers at some FOBs

o Documentation and enforceable standards o Active involvement of Force Protection,Mayoral,

C'ontracting Officials o Increased spot checks of contractor/sub-contractor life

support areas o Greater awareness of standards by camp managers o Trafficking in Persons reinspection

- Ongoing - broader - more bases


- Commander's perspectives and issues - Refine Standards

IPISPECTOR GENC:R/\L SENS!TI'.JE IPIFORp.?,'\TIOPJ FOR OFFICIAL b'SC: ONLY: The inf.erffiatien containad in this deCUffient contains Inspector Genepl ssnsi:i'.'e infefffiatiG'l, '.'}hich !s i'rs:e~tg-:! freffi ffiangatofY ~iG,:Jge'dro (mger the cf)ggeA'l of Inio,A'lat!el' /'.st (FOlD,) ,'5 USC §':'5",

DISSE~,~~~!.\T~Or'~ !2 rRGI tlB1TED Cv..CEPT /\':. /\UTI10R!7ED BY /\R::::O -; ::.nd DGD! :; ~05.4U


Where To Go From Here

o Seek uniform standards and enforce them o Keep checking - CORs/QA personnel continue spot

checks of contractors and sub-contractors o Resolve issues through contracting oversight 41 . Further clarify and educate in procedures for workers

changing employers " Dialogue between Force Protection, Mayoral,

Contracting & IGs " Emphasize and train the standards e Educate employers and workers; encourage both to

address contractual matters and obligations in a professional and amiable fashion

1~!sPECTOR GEPIER.'\L SEPISITPfE !NFORMATIOP! FOR OFFIC!/\L USE OPIL;r: Tho inrorma:ion cont::inod in this dOGtlmont cantains Inspcctar

13 ~I~:::::-[r.~!p!/'::!Gr·~ I~ Pn.Ol !~BITrD C":CEPT /\::. /\UT1IOR!'7EO g'{ /\R::::~ ::r:d 8801 5 ~O€. '111




BAGHDAD, IRAQ APO AE 09342-1400 s: 17 March 2006

MEMORANDUM FOR Commanding General, Multi-National Corps-Iraq, Camp Victory APO AE 09342-1400 .

SUBJECT: Inspector General Action Request - MND-N, Trafficking in Persons, Theft and Robbery of Third Country Nationals

1. The Office of the Inspector General has received allegations against EODT; a Supervisor of EODT, known to his employees by the name If~)1~,t1q';·.land the EODT subcontractor known as "Vi ctorys."

2. Request Commander, MNC-I order an investigation into the below allegations. Further request that the MNC-I SJA provide a complete copy of the investigationlinquiry to this office when comp,leted. The results of the. investigation' will ~e used. as the basis.forour re 3:. ;.C ..

the complainants and may be used In further legal action against EODT, Victory, and 1~~(8),ibi(6)::· •.••..

3. Request the Investigating Officer contact this office prior to beginning the investigation/ inquiry to exchange relevant information and discuss/clarify the matters of concem.

4. Recommend the investigationlinquiiyaddress, at a minimum, the following allegations:

a. That during January and February, 2006 at Camp Buckmasterl~~i§;13o·donfiscated TCN passports, personal belongings, and US Common Access Cards (CAC). It is alleged that the personal belongings, to include their linens and identification cards were taken against their will and that at least one CACwas taken forcibly by ripping it from the employee's neck, thereby causing minor injuries.

b. That during the past 3 months, several TeNs were denied their appropriate pay, and were required to continue working'~~TdC:~3(r as refused to surrender their passports and denied their retum to Sri Lanka. (~).(bj(6)

:' ..... ,1:.' .. ·1:····

c. That EODT, in violation of General Order #1, is conducting armed security operations without the appropriate COCOM approval.

d. Witnesses include Victory employees at Camp Buckmaster and at Victory Base Complex:

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ (pJ(fj) ..

~L USE .0l!J:L¥.

~-i-E..a.:t-i on is -:I?cFe-l'l.-:b-J&.it,.eEl.-~!;Ge-l&-t-a-s­

Atl-t;-l'l.e-l::.:i:£-eEl.-l9y-AP~ .

.!l!Jais. dOG1:Utl.~~~

.EXEMP~M-MAl:>IDP.TORY DISC LoaYRE­tJ:Fl.ele-J2-t-fle-F-G±A-.- ·Mc-enl}7-t-i-e-Fl.-s---6-&-€i·



5. As a reminder, Trafficking in Persons is defined by the United Nations as:

"Trafficking in persons" shall mean the recruitment, transportation, transfer, harboring or receipt of persons, by means of the threat or use of force or other forms of coercion, of abduction, of fraud, of deception, of the abuse of power or of a position of vulnerability or of the giving or receiving of payments or benefits to achieve the consent of a person having control over another person, for the purpose of exploitation. Exploitation shall include, at a minimum, the exploitation of the prostitution of others or other forms of sexual exploitation, forced labor or services, slavery or practices similar to slavery, servitude or the removal of organs.

·ll'GP..-G-F-H-G-I-A±.-1Jfl·E--G·W-:b-Y'­Disseminatien is Prehibited mwopt as A1d-t-J::J..g.E-i-;;od-J~y-AR---2-Q -1-

MNF-Ilnspector General

.!;i;'.l'l.,i-s-d.gGtl·me-fl-t=-GG-&t.-a-i-n~-ma~ EX]~~4PT FROH ~Wmn,TORY DISCLOSURE under the FOIl\, Elwmptiens 5 &: 6 ap@-l-y.



Human Trafficking in Iraq Inspection - Summary of Findings

LtCol ! -.- ", .'., ,_. , -~ . - .-': ".,,,. - " I

MNF-I Deputy Inspector General

!PISPECTOR GEPlERAL SE~lgITI'/E !NFORP.1/\TlmJ FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY: The inforfRation contained in ll~is decufRcnt contains Inspccto; G9neraJ e:9n~iti.'9 infcrfR3~ion, '.'!hkr :s pO~9'2te:' kom mandatory diss!OSt!F9 under the Freedom o~ Infcrm3tiot' .D.s~ ("'01/\) , '5 USC 55'5:::.

D:SSE~Q7n~/\T!C;['! IS :'n81I!B!TED C'-CCEPT AS /\UTI rO.Q~FE9 BY AR"'S' Sud 0001 510S. ,;11



1& Human Trafficking Defined

.1& Policy

• Situation 1& Summary of Findings •. Recommendations

• Questions

GOI''iO I .,. " .. 4 , OR OFFICI' b IIC'C , _Fa Gen~l.P:e illi'9n:natic'l "!h;cl' io; 'VC+M'~" f; ,04 -- ONb¥: Tho infOFR'1oti~n c~nt~jIlOE! in 'h. d , " _ ,_, _____ ~R'I R'lORcfatgp{ Mic I 0 c u, "IS eC['!R'lont ~~ •.


OISGc,::n\T:O:.! :~ :'flOI IIfll:"ro ~vC;~;:r ;,;:..c~CG'Jro ['!nGier tho Freedom of Inf0rR13t;6T A;' ;;Ol~;- ~o,nl~~c Inspocto; I " , ) t::> , ,UTIIORI7 ED BY /\R :2:; ~ :lnti 0801 5 ~;5.~-~~' .': - 0 §S:-:2.



uman Trafficking Defined

The United States is a signatory to the United Nations Protocol to Prevent, Suppress and Punish Trafficking in Persons. DoD policy is based on the UN definition, vvhich defines human trafficking as:

"The recruitment, transportation, transfer, harboring or receipt of persons, by means of the threat or use of force or other forms of coercion, of abduction, of fraud, of deception, of the abuse of power or of a position of vulnerability or of the giving or receiving of payments or benefits to achieve the consent of a person havi ng control over another person, for the purpose of exploitation."

"Exploitation shall include, at a minimum, the exploitation of the prostitution of others or other forms of sexual exploitation, forced labor or services, slavery or practices similar to slavery, servitude ·or the removal . f " o organs ...





" ... trafficking in persons will not be facilitated by the activities of our Service members, civilian employees, indirect hires, or 000

contract personnel."

" ... trafficking practices will not be tolerated in DoD contractor organizations or their subcontractors supporting DoD operations."


"Commanders must be alert to and address any instances of questionable conditions of employment by DoD contractors or

their subcontractors ... "

"All commands must give this challenge the priority it demands and use all available resources to combat Trafficking in Persons ... "

,%~S: .. ~ ,1 h /v7 (\ ~·'Ij::Q.r:hff!fc TA~·',- ~ :~PY ~«i~~~ ~;;).1

I~ISPEGTOR GE~IER/\L SEP1S!T!VC: IPIFORf,1.'\T!ml FOR OFFICIAL USE! OP1L\,: The iAferma:ien oent::ined i:; mis comment contains InsjJec:o~ A4~<:s~r.~~i G8~- r~1 cel"'i+p'e il'ferm~tisn ""'i-', ,- '''oto-to'' from meR<;htsPi ''is-'-g''"8 b'nder the croedsm Of 'nfer-pHs" 0-+ (COl A \ '" 'S"-' §SS'"> yt,<:J:;,iL dlt1[:;·: • - _.~. , . _~ ," o ...... t~ __ - •. - ;: •• 0 -, •• I - • , •• _ •• -- i .-~ \' ) : _... c - - . /;.. ... l::"~ ..... \~~:::- .~.

D1SGE;.~;r!ATI::;;·! :~ :'R::;IIlBITE8 c,{CEPT ,'\: /\UT! IOR!7ED BY /\R "0 ~ cr.e S'GDI :: ~QS. ,~" 1.//1-:;" ,;J \.:.. .,-\



• CFLCC Commander's inquiry identified illegal processing of laborers (2004)

8 Approx 500 employees conducted work stoppage at AI Taji in protest of unreasonable living conditions and compensation (Jun 05)

" LA Times queries MNF-I CPIC on human trafficking in Iraq (Sep 05)

Q fVlNF-1 COS directs fVlNF-1 IGto conduct hUrl1an traffic~(ing inspection (Oct 05)

MNF-I Inspection Plan

Mosul, Kirkuk, Balad, AI Asad, Taqqadum, Speicher, Victory, Liberty, Striker, Basrah, and International Zone

- Senior Leader In-Briefs (Cmdr/COS,Mayor Cell, SJA, Contracting, etc)

- Inspected contractor I subcontractor life support areas

- Interviewed over 850 international workers (no managers or supervisors present)

- Senior Leader Out-Briefs i~~~ (( I( ~,;.$f) ~ ,.~ ~-1' ~"Y.Y6~/;~fY ~ ~O:~'~'-':V\M ,_~1

5 !NSPEOGTOR GE!'IEOR,A,L SEOrlSIT~,/C; INFORW\Tlm! FOR OFr;:IG!AL USc; ONLY: The infermation contained :n this documont contains Inspector

G,merat sonsiti"9 inFOrm3ticn, ':!hioh i::: F"oteote" from mOIlGotory disolos:Jre Idnder tho Ff)o"om e tnFo:Rn:;o:' -'\et (FOtAl , § 'J.,C §'5'52. DI2SE~.~IP~/\TIO;·.' IS PRC;: HBITED 5~GEPT /\~ /'.UTIIORI'7ED 8'( tin ~g 1 ::nd DOC: :: 105. ,~n

}~t'fuJ b;- ::iii&Y cg~+'Ji~~f{)!

,>2} *''!l:),...(fl~J:/; c>/ "?;.v~~r--::. -...... o,!)\!r "'-~



Findings Issue # 1: Passport Control

Issue # 3: Living Conditions

Issue # 4: Entry Procedures

Issue # 5: Trainina . . ......... _---_. .. .............. . ....... _--- .. ...... -

6 IPISPE:CTOR CE:P1CR.'.L SBISITIVE: INFORMP,TIOPl FOR OFFICI/\L USE: OPILY: Tho :r.i'ormation eon£::ined ir. B~is document contains Inspector

Ger.era! sellsitr.T infurmatien, '·.chich is Fro':%te~ frsm R1allgatery :iis-:les'Jre under tile Freedom of I nfe rnn':ie " /\s: ~!"O!i\) ,§ IJaC §5~? D1S8ErJ~lT ~/\Tl::-r'~ ~S PR91IlB:TED C~GEPT /\::- /\U;! IOR:-;-ED BY /\R :0 1 and DGDI 5106. -1 11


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Summary of Findings ... cont'd

Issue # 2: Fraudulent Hiring Practices & Debt Bondage

!~lePE:CTOR GEI'ICRAL SE:PISIT!'!E: 1~IFOR'.L'\TIOr'l FOR OFF!C!AL USe OPIL¥: The ir:fe:."ation :ent::ined in t~is Elccumcnt GGn~Gins Inspeete.F· Genera' scnsitP.'o infor!'R3':i::-r, '-,!I:ish is j?rete'C~e~ froRl M1an<iatM ry "'iscl9sure under the FFJedem of !nfermabw A.~: (~O!,'\) ,5 'JaG 55,,::.

81~G[~.~lr!/\T:Gr·J :S :ORO! USITED £":.CEPT /\~ /\UTIIOR!"7ED 8y,'\n :0 ; Jr;6 DGS'I 5 ;06. fl


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Summary of Findings ... cont'd

Issue # 5: Training



Issue # 6:' Other Criminal Activity


11 !P1SpCGTOR CE;PIER/\L SE;HSITI'.'E iPIFORMATIOPI FOR OFFIGI.".L USE OPILY: Tho information cent:ined in this dCGumen: contains Inspecto~

G9neral s9nsith:; ;"'i'srm~t:sn, ,,!hisr ie i'~ot~G:o:! frcm Rial'gator,' dicclosC!r? IoiR"or t!'o Fr.octom of IR:Gr~n:jGn /\6: (,=O!,A,) , § 'JSG 3:':'''. 9ISS~~/lI~1/\::c;r'! !S rn.91 "SITED C,,(CEP: /\::; l'.U-;! !9R~'EO BY /\R :0 1 and DS-DI 5105. :~I!


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Recommend tions


Training is available at: (http://www.ikddcjmo.orq/portal.html)

3. Proactive Media Posture (STRA TEFF Lead)

Evaluate inspection results for effective media strategy

Articulate the findings and proactive measures taken to prevent human trafficking activities within the command

4. Follow Up Inspection - 6 months (MNF-I IG)

Ensure approved taskers have been implemented


Re-inspect worker living conditions and employment practices

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Recommendation for Commander

Approve published findings and implement the recommended·

corrective actions through FRAGO.

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