Cellular apoptosis and disease Zhao Mingyao BMC.ZZU.

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Transcript of Cellular apoptosis and disease Zhao Mingyao BMC.ZZU.

Cellular apoptosis and disease

Zhao Mingyao


Background knowlege

Concept of apoptosis

autonomic and ordered cell death controlled by gene or called as programmed cell death (PCD)

• Nematode : total 1090 cells in young, 959 cells in adult, 131 cells lost ?

• Time : 1 h r • Gene : 14 gene known

Classical Apoptosis model

1.Differences between necrosis and apoptosis

Apoptotic bodies溶酶释出,




Active new protein

Strong stimulation

Weak ~


Comparison between apoptosis & necrosis

2.The biological meanings of apoptosis

By the time I was born, more of me had died than survived. It was no wonder I cannot remember; during that time I went through brain after brain for nine months, finally contriving the one model that could be human, equipped for language.

In humans, as many as 1011 cells die in each adult each day and are replaced by other cells. The mass of cells we lose each year is close to our entire body weight!

①Maintain normal development and growth:remove excess cell

② Maintain homeostasis : remove damaged, mutant , senile cell

③Active defense function: block replication of cells infected by virus

Apoptosis importance

3. apoptosis process (period)

Course of cellular apoptosis

1.Transduction of apoptosis signal

starting signal Ca2+ 、 cAMP 、 ceramide

2. Activation of apoptosis gene

express enzymes and other substance

3. Execution of cellular apoptosis

DNase and Caspases

4. Removal of apoptotic cell engulfed by near cell ( Mφor other cell )


TSP: thrombospondin

4.The two major biochemical changes in the courses of apoptosis

(1)Endogenous Dnase activation and its effect

• A series cellular ST activation

• Execution of chromosome DNA cleavage

Fragment of DNA : classic ladder pattern ?

300 kb pieces


180~200bp or its

whole folds fragment



Endonucleases first cleave

chromosome caspase-activated deoxyribonucleaus

poly (ADP-ribose)polymerase

+necrosis apoptosis

famous nucleosomal ladder

DNA electrophoresis

(2) Caspases activation and its effect

A group of protease ( 13 members )cysteine-containing aspartate-spicific protease


note:Cysteine 半胱 aa Aspartate 天冬 aa

Structure and classification of procapases

Caspases function

① Deactivating inhibitor of apoptosis: as Bcl-2

② Hydrolyzing proteoin structure, cellular decomposing, apoptotic body

③ Hydrolyzing the related active proteins : make them to gain or lose function

Apoptosis signal pathway

1. Death receptor pathway

Inducing factor →ΔΨm↓


permeability↑→apoptosis starting factor ( Cyt. C , Apaf , AIF ) released

Abbreviation note:

•PTP----permeability transition pore

•Apaf----apoptosis protease activated factor

•Cyt.C----cytochrome C

•AIF---- apoptosis inducement factor

2. Mitochondrial pathway

3. 3. Endoplasmic reticulumial pathway

Regulators of apoptosis

1. Bcl-2 family pro in apoptosis

• Bcl-2, Bcl-XL, Mcl-1 promote survival

(anti-apoptotic pro)

• Bax, Bad, Bak, Bid induce death

(pro-apoptotic pro)


bcl-2 function

• Binding Apaf-1

• Prevent release of Cyto C

• Regulator of Ca2+ homeostasis

• Antioxidant

2. IAP in apoptosis

• (IAP)/BIRP gene family: XIAP, c-IAP-1, c-IAP-2, ILP-2, NAIP, Livin and Apollon

• Block apoptosis

inhibit initiator and effector caspases

( proteolytic processing and enzymatic activity)

BIRC # for "baculoviral IAP repeat-containing".

IAP: inhibitor of apoptosis protein

The "Inhibitor of Apoptosis Proteins" family

Characterization of IAP family members

• BIRC1 (Neuronal apoptosis inhibitory protein; NAIP)




• BIRC5 (Survivin; API4; TLAP)

• BIRC6 (Apollon; BRUCE)

• BIRC7 (MLIAP; KIAP; Livin)

• BIRC8: (ILP-2; TIAP)

3. Apoptosis Inhibitory factor cytokine— IL-2 , NGF

hormone— ACTH 、 testosterone , estrogen other— Zn2+(zinc), phenobarbital , Cysteine

protease inhibitor, EB virus, neutroamino acid

4. Inducers of apoptosis

Apoptosis induced by death signal:

hormone, GF↑↑, GC

physic and chemic factor



TNFa, Fas

Adaptor (FADD,TRADD)

Caspase 8

NGF NGF+Ceramide 24h

PC12 cell

Condensed and fragmented nuclei of dead cells

5. Oxidative stress induce apoptosis

• P53 gene activation

• activating Ca2+/Mg2+ -dependent Dnase

• Ca2+ influx↑

• activating NF-κB and Ap-1 ( Fas)





Cyclin A+CDK

Cyclin A+CDK1

Cyclin B

Cyclin D


Bax+ Bcl-2↓

molecular policeman?

Blocking IGF+R

6. P53 in apoptosis

7. [Ca2+] dyshomeostasis

• activating Ca2+/Mg 2+ -dependent Dnase

• activating nuclear transcription factor related to apoptosis

• Ca 2+ promoting to exposing enzymolytic sites between nuclear nuleosomes

Some diseases related to apoptosis

1. Tumor and apoptosis

insufficiency of apoptosis• Bcl-2 express↑• P53 mutation or loss

2. Immune diseases and apoptosis

(1) Autoimmune diseases

• Hashimoto’s thyroiditis (HT, chronic lymphocytic thyroiditis ) : Fas/FasL mediated apoptosis

• SLE (Systemic lupus erythematosus)

•SLE (Systemic

• lupus erythematosus)


HIV CD4+ cell damaged selectively

3. Heart failure and apoptosisapoptosis

myocyte hypertrophy and widening of interstitial spaces due to deposition of collagen, inflammatory cells and amyloid.

4. Atherosclerosis and in apoptosis

Insufficiency and excess of apoptosis exist together

oxLDL ↑

activated plt ↑



Endothelia barrier↓

Endothelia ~↑

Smooth ~ insufficiency

(proliferation↑>apoptosis↑ )

Neuron retrogression—— loss of neuron in

hippocampus and  basal nuclei

• Loss of Cholinergic neurons reachs 30%~50% , involved cortex

5. Alzheimer disease and apoptosis

AD mechanism

disease cause such as OFR

Ca2+ inward flowing↑

activating related genes


promoting β- amyloid content ↑

Tan pro overphosphorylation

Regulating apoptosis in treating diseases

Regulating apoptosis in treating diseases

• Interfere or promote apoptosis

• Molecular targets




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