Cell Organelles Analogies & Color Coding. Welcome to the World of Cells! Cells make up all living...

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Transcript of Cell Organelles Analogies & Color Coding. Welcome to the World of Cells! Cells make up all living...

Cell OrganellesAnalogies & Color Coding

Welcome to the World of Cells!Welcome to the World of Cells!Cells make up all living things!

They come in many shapes and sizes!

They are the world of life science! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ow0jH2E


What is a Cell? A cell is the smallest unit of life.

Your body is made up of trillions of cells with each one working hard to produce proteins. (Cell’s Main Job!)

These proteins are used as building blocks for many different things. For example, your hair and nails are made up of a special protein made by cells.

However, in order to carry out this important task, cells are made of tiny structures that work together. These tiny structures are called organelles. They work together just like a factory!



Animal, or Both?

Structure and FunctionThis cell part is just like…

Cell Membrane

▪ Both Surrounds the outside of the cell.

▪Controls what substances can enter and exit the cell

▪Security Guard



Animal, or Both?

Structure and FunctionThis cell part is just like…

Cell Wall Plant ▪ Surrounds the cell membrane ;It is a tough and rigid covering made of cellulose

▪ Gives a plant shape, support, and protection

Cement between the bricks in a Brick Wall



Animal, or Both?

Structure and FunctionThis cell part is just like…

Cytoplasm (cytosol)

▪Both ▪ Jelly-like fluid in cell

▪Holds all other organelles in place

▪ Jell-O

Animal Plant

Cell Membrane (9) = Medium BlueCytoplasm (2) = Light Blue

Cell Membrane (7) = Medium BlueCytoplasm (2) = Light BlueCell Wall (5) = Gold



Animal, or Both?

Structure and FunctionThis cell

part is just like…

Nucleus Both ▪ Nucleus controls and directs all of the cell’s activities

▪ The nucleus also protects a cell’s genetic material called chromatin. Another word for chromatin is DNA. DNA contains all the instructions for what proteins it should make.

▪ Check out glowing mice and transparent frogs: Mice - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n0UzdYRnMtY

▪ Frogs - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YZ4JmG-D9DM

▪ The nucleus is protected by a nuclear membrane. This membrane protects the nucleus allowing certain materials to enter and exit through pores.

▪ Brain



Animal, or Both?

Structure and FunctionThis cell part is

just like…

Nucleolus ▪ Both ▪ Dark region inside the nucleus

▪ The site where ribosomes are made

▪ Center of tootsie roll pop

Animal Plant

Nuclear Membrane (6) = PinkChromatin (12) = BlackNucleolus (13) = Purple

Nucleus is the entire circular structure

Nuclear Membrane (8) = PinkChromatin (12) = BlackNucleolus (9) = Purple

Nucleus is the entire circular structure



Animal, or Both?

Structure and FunctionThis cell part is just like…

Ribosome ▪ Both ▪Small, grain-like bodies floating in the cytoplasm or attached to the Endoplasmic Reticulum

▪Responsible for making proteins

▪ Factory Worker

Endoplasmic ReticulumEndoplasmic Reticulum


Animal, or Both?

Structure and FunctionThis cell part is

just like…

ER ▪ Both ▪ A maze of tube-like membranes.

▪ Rough ER▪ studded with ribosomes▪ Acts as a passageway for protein

material sending it to the Golgi body

▪ Smooth ER▪ does not have ribosomes▪ Acts as a passageway for non-protein

material (fats and carbohydrates)

Assembly Line

Subway Tunnel

Animal Plant

Rough ER (7) = YellowSmooth ER (11) = Medium OrangeRibsomes (8) = Leave as Black Dots

Rough ER (10) = YellowSmooth ER (11) = Medium OrangeRibsomes (13) = Leave as Black Dots



Animal, or Both?

Structure and FunctionThis cell

part is just like…

Golgi body

▪Both ▪Flattened stacks of membrane (looks like pita bread)

▪Works to package, tag, and ship a protein to its destination inside or outside of the cell.

▪ Mailroom



Animal, or Both?

Structure and FunctionThis cell part is

just like…

Vesicle Both ▪ Small membrane sacs

▪ Transports proteins from one part of the cell to another

▪ Factory Car

▪ Vesicle sounds like “Vehicle”

Animal Plant

Golgi Body (14) = BrownVesicles (3) = Dark Orange

Golgi Body (6) = BrownVesicles (15) = Dark Orange



Plant, Animal,

or Both?

Structure and FunctionThis cell part is just


Vacuole ▪Both ▪Plants –Have 1 large vacuole filled with mostly water

▪Animals – Have many smaller vacuoles filled with food

▪Plant = Swimming Pool


▪Vacuole sounds like “Vaccuum”



Animal, or Both?

Structure and FunctionThis cell part is just like…

Lysosomes ▪ Both ▪ Small membrane sacs

▪ Contains special chemicals to digest food, old cell parts, or waste

▪ Garbage Disposal

Animal Plant

Vacuole (4) = Dark BlueLysosome (10) = Light Red

Vacuole (4) = Dark Blue



Animal, or Both?

Structure and FunctionThis cell

part is just like…

Mitochondria ▪ Both ▪ A jelly-bean shaped structure with an outer membrane and inner membrane which is folded.

▪ Produces usable energy for the cell by breaking down sugar called glucose (powerhouse of the cell)

▪ Battery



Animal, or Both?

Structure and FunctionThis cell

part is just like…

Chloroplast ▪ Plant Only

▪ A green, jelly-bean shaped structure with an outer and inner membrane

▪ Captures sunlight and uses it to produce food (glucose) for a plant cell

▪ Solar panel

Animal Plant

Mitochondria (1) = Dark Red Mitochondria (1) = Dark RedChloroplasts (3) = Green

The Inner Life of a Cell is Spectacular! Now that you know a cell’s job is to

make proteins, watch these proteins in action as they work to make the inner life of a cell come alive.

Harvard University selected XVIVO to develop an animation that would take their biology students on a journey through the microscopic world of a cell http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Mszlckmc4Hw