Celebrations - L'Arche Australia · L’Arche is new to the Bendigo community and will serve as a...

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Transcript of Celebrations - L'Arche Australia · L’Arche is new to the Bendigo community and will serve as a...

NEWSLETTER December 2015

Chairman’s Message

Thank you Bendigo Bank!

From the Community Leader

L’Arche Launched in Bendigo

L’Arche MelbourneCommunity Gatherings


Cameron Cutts, Community Leader 03 9589 6953 or melbourne@larche.org.au

We set ourselves goals this year about broadening our reach and profile – well we have definitely hit those aspirations in a larger way than we could have imagined.

The staring moment of our year was in October when after nearly twelve months of planning, we formally launched our new L’Arche Melbourne community in Bendigo. We have responded to the wish of a group of people who have had as their goal to have a L’Arche community in Bendigo – a place where supportive relationships will be grown, fostered and sustained, a place where parents will have the joy and peace of mind of seeing their children live independently and grow with the experience.

What a beautiful day we had for the launch which was at their newly renovated House of Welcome in Grandview Crescent – it was shared with about 80 people and elsewhere in this newsletter much will be said about the day. What I sensed was a spirit of adventure and determination which I am sure will underpin the growth of the community. The establishment of this community now sees our reach of supportive relationships growing from the 20 we have in our existing Bayside Community at Black Rock and Mentone by an additional 10, and provides the opportunity for people in both communities to visit, create wonderful new relationships, and the opportunity to share experiences and to have holidays they may never had the opportunity to experience in the past. The support that was received from the Maurine Considine Fund to support the renovations of the house and to underpin the initial recurrent costs of the Bendigo community was essential to making the day a reality.

Around the time of the launch we also hosted in Melbourne the L’Arche International Leadership Team and a number of the members of that executive team came to the launch. So why did they meet in Melbourne as against more established communities – the answer was that they wished to experience the innovative ways around which we have established our community. They liked what they saw – they saw a model that was not focused around accommodation needs which was the traditional L’Arche model, but one that was built around relationships. Relationships that were established pre crises, relationships that support the evolving physical, emotional, social and spiritual needs of people whether they are still living at home, independently in a place of their choice or in a L’Arche house. It was great to see about 60 members from both our Bayside and Bendigo communities come to the Aussie BBQ with our guests and give them a warm welcome.

It was fortunate just prior to their visit that we had a great article published in the Catholic Archdiocese of Melbourne’s magazine Kairos about our Patty Street house where Greg and Dominic live with David and Rena. The article provided not only an overview of this household but also of the friends they have around them and of the broader work that is undertaken in the community. We not only armed our international guests with copies but we have also used the article as part of our communications to our stakeholders of the work we are doing. For those who have not read the article it is on the L’Arche Australia web site.

Moving into the new year we have a key focus on a number of matters and they include raising funds to enable the repayment of the outstanding loan on our Patty Street property, ensuring that both communities are ready for the introduction of NDIS, growing our volunteer base and to potentially welcome some new members into our Bayside and Bendigo communities.

As I finish this overview I do so in a reflective way with the work we do to give people with an intellectual disability the opportunity to achieve in society. Michelle Payne may have given sisterhood a boost with her Melbourne Cup victory this year, but there was no one prouder of her efforts than brother and strapper Steven Payne. Steven, who has Down Syndrome, has been employed at trainer Darren Weir’s Ballarat stables for close to a decade and it was truly great to hear the recognition he was given for the part he played in the victory. His sister and trainer Darren Weir both praised him for his work ethic around the stables and the contribution he made, and as Weir stated “he’s really enjoyable to have around, and I think it’s important for those sorts of kids to get a go at something, and if they get a go they reward you”. That say’s it all.

On that note I and the L’Arche Melbourne communities would like to take this opportunity to wish you and your families a very happy Christmas and for 2016 to be a year that is full of fulfilment for all of us.

David Bristow, Chairman

L’Arche Melbourne

Chairman’s Message

L’Arche Melbourne has been fortunate to be a recipient of a grant from the Sandringham

Community Bank Branch and Community Enterprise foundation to assist with the purchase of a new car.

We are very grateful to everyone at the Sandringham branch for supporting our application.

Thank you Bendigo Bank!


As we come to the end of another year I am once again filled with deep gratitude for all that has been given in 2015. It has been a year of growth with the establishment of our presence in Bendigo as well as the small signs of growth that happens when we journey alongside each other in our day to day living together. I have been very privileged to sit at many of your kitchen tables lounge rooms, listening to your stories, hearing your hopes and being with you in your times of sorrow and grief.

I am hoping that the rollout of the National Disability Insurance Scheme will be a time of real hope and optimism for many of us as we move into a new age where people with intellectual disability and their families no longer have to fight for every dollar of support. I’m looking forward to the full implementation of the scheme where people are receiving the support they need to not only get by but to really live, actively participating and contributing to their neighbourhoods and communities. Many of us in L’Arche are asking what will this mean for our Communities? Here in Melbourne and Bendigo we are anticipating many more people with intellectual disability will want to join us and be part of our community. The reason is that we are more than a “service”, we are a community. We are a people who belong to each other, investing in each other’s lives, celebrating times of achievement and holding each other in times of struggle. We are committed to being in each other’s lives for a long time

whether we have a formal role or not. People see us together and they recognise that we have “something” and they want to share in it. But let’s be clear, we are not “special” or “extraordinary”.

We are simply people who are trying to find a way through this life together. In the face of the attacks in Paris, the violence in Syria or the increasing divisiveness here in our own country we want to be a sign that difference, weakness and vulnerability are not something to be feared, but can be in fact a source of life and of hope.

So this Christmas I invite you to look to the future with hope. Hope that arrives not accompanied by great fanfare and media announcements but in the very very ordinary things of everyday life. So then as we gather together this Christmas season let us remember the way that hope arrived in our world two thousand years ago. It arrived in the form of a little baby born in a smelly stable, in an outback town to two very ordinary people. It was a very ordinary event that meant the world would never be the same again. My prayer is that each of us sharing this journey may continue to find hope in all of those ordinary places in our lives. We look forward to continuing to share the journey with each of you in 2016.

Christmas Peace and Blessings for the New Year

Cameron Cutts, Community Leader

From the Community Leader ...

More than 100 community members attended the official launch and blessing of L’Arche Melbourne Bendigo Community on Sunday October 11. The Welcome Home in Grandview Crescent was brimming with energy and joy as L’Arche community members from Bendigo, Melbourne, the Australian L’Arche national body and international members gathered.

L’Arche is new to the Bendigo community and will serve as a witness to inclusive communities. Founded in 1964 by Jean Vanier, L’Arche is an organisation dedicated to the creation of family style homes, programs, and support networks for people with an intellectual disability where community members are encouraged to build their living skills in areas such group living, work, recreation, spirituality and health. L’Arche is built around the philosophy of community, faith, dignity and spirituality. This is our aspiration as the Bendigo Community, loved and supported by the L’Arche Melbourne community without whom none of this would have been possible!

The official launch was compered by former Director of Catholic Education Sandhurst Ms Phil Billington who was instrumental in helping establish the L’Arche Community in Bendigo together with Mr Daniel Giles, Graphic Designer, 2008 City of Greater Bendigo Young Citizen of the year and young man living with Autism. Guest speakers included Mr David Bristow, Chairperson of L’Arche Melbourne, Ms Chris Fishley, Chairperson of L’Arche Bendigo Community, Ms Bernadette Ransom from the Maureen Considine Fund and Bendigo L’Arche Community Coordinator Ms Michele Brett.

“Today we want to bless our community – our Bendigo L’Arche Community, the Melbourne L’Arche community and all our friends who gather with us regularly and who we work together with and have fun with in our happy new home here in Grandview Crescent,” said Daniel Giles. Indeed that s what was celebrated with Fr Andrew Fewings blessing the community ably assisted by Andrew Ransom and Matt Rodda and Damien Haggarty who carried the cross for the House.

Although the official launch and blessing of the L’Arche Bendigo Community has only just taken place, community activities are well established and the L’Arche Bendigo Community is looking forward to many happy years at their home in Kennington. Community Coordinator Michele Brett is committed to developing friendship networks for people with intellectual disabilities and their families as well as recruiting volunteers, organising gatherings and gaining an understanding of the individual support needs of people with intellectual disability and their families. L’Arche is about everyone living together in harmony honouring and celebrating our gifts – what a joy for the Bendigo community!

For more information about L’Arche Bendigo Community contact Michele Brett on (03) 5444 3956 or visit the L’Arche Australia website at www.larche.org.au

L’Arche Launched in Bendigo

L’Arche MelbourneABN 42 754 718 086

PO Box 107Black RockVictoria 3193

Email: melbourne@larche.org.auTelephone: 03 9589 6953

Saturday 30th of January from 5-8pm Community BBQ by the BeachBlack Rock Foreshore park, opposite the Clock tower. Bring Salad and Drinks and we’ll supply the sausages and bread rolls

Saturday 20th of February from 2-8pm (please note the extended time) Community Listening DayJoin us at St Andrew’s by the Sea Uniting Church Hall on the corner of Balcombe Road and Central Ave Black Rock. This will be a time to gather as a community and think about what is important for us in the next few years. Please bring a plate of food to share.

Saturday 5th of March from 10-2pm Garden Working Bee Come and join in the fun of making the garden at 542 Balcombe Road look beautiful! We will feed all the willing workers who turn up.

Friday 18th-20th of March Surrender ConferenceL’Arche Melbourne will be presenting at the “Surrender Conference” check out surrender.org.au or call the office for more information

Tuesday 22nd of March 6:30-8:30pmCommunity Washing of the Feet and shared simple mealJoin us at 542 Balcombe Road for our annual Washing of the feet liturgy/remembering meal. Our time of prayer will be followed by a simple meal of lamb, salad and flat bread.

Saturday 16th of April 5-8pmCommunity GatheringAt St Andrews by the Sea Church Uniting Church Hall Corner of Balcombe Road and Central Avenue Black Rock. Please bring some food to share

Saturday 21st May 5-8pm Community GatheringAt St Andrews by the Sea Church Uniting Church Hall Corner of Balcombe Road and Central Avenue Black Rock. Please bring some food to share

Saturday 18th of June 5-8pmCommunity GatheringAt St Andrews by the Sea Church Uniting Church Hall Corner of Balcombe Road and Central Avenue Black Rock. Please bring some food to share

Saturday 16th of JulyChristmas in July Meal 5-8pm At St Andrews by the Sea Church Uniting Church Hall Corner of Balcombe Road and Central Avenue Black Rock. This is a fully catered event so please ring the office to book your place!

For more information please call the L’Arche Melbourne Office on 95896953.

L’Arche Melbourne Community Events January - June 2016

Cameron Cutts, Community Leader 03 9589 6953 or melbourne@larche.org.au