Celador films

Post on 13-Jul-2015

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Transcript of Celador films

Celador Films Georgia cox


What is the history of Celador Films?

Celador films is part of the celador entrainment company and are involved within radio , TV and also movies.

In 1983 celador was formed as a independent production company, it was best known for who wants to be a millionaire and also within the film slumdog millionaire co-producing in it .

This film collected seven BAFTS and another awards including Oscars and golden globes.

The company Complete communications had over taken Celador, which resulted in bought out shareholders such as Paul Smith CBE and jasper Carrott.

The company celador Later on in the year complete communications were going to sell the company to Dutch group 2waytraffic, they were able to buy out the company.

Operating model

How does the company go about making the film?

Movie Companies never make movies by themselves anymore, they

work will other companies in order to make more money and to share

the jobs like camera, and set etc. This is similar with celador films who

work in a small production company and often share with other


Some example are….

Within the film the Descent celador films worked with Northmen

productions and Pathe. The company pathe don’t make any films, Pathe

Buy distribution rights from companies, like for example from Celador films.

By buying distribution rights it basically means Pathe have the legal rights to

distribute the film to cinemas.

Also with the film dirty pretty thing celador films worked with BBC films and

Jonescompany productions.


Celador films have created 6 film in total, the first created and shown was in 2002 and the last in 2010.


Dirty pretty thing (Stephen Frears 2002)

Separate Lies (Julian Fellowes 2005)

The descent (Neil Marshall 2006)

Slumdog millionaire(2009)

The descent part two(2009)

The scouting book for boys(2010)

Competitors and Market position

Overall celador films have made 6 films in total within 10 years, the

company competes with DNA films, films4 productions and Sony

pictures entertainment.

Film4 Productions and Celador Films have a similar link between

television and film. This is a big competitor to celador films.

Even though celador films have made 6 successful film I feel they are

still not well known to me like other companies such as film4 and 20th

century fox, but even though they are a small company internationally

within the UK have high standards and are quite big.