CCPS event Edinburgh Thursday 26 th March 2009 Getting it Right for Carers.

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Transcript of CCPS event Edinburgh Thursday 26 th March 2009 Getting it Right for Carers.

CCPS eventEdinburghThursday 26th March 2009

Getting it Right for Carers

Getting it Right for CarersHeadlinesPolicy ContextDevelopments on Short Breaks/Respite CareDiscussion

Carers as Key Partners

2007 Scotland’s Carers Manifesto Right to good health Right to regular breaks from caring Right to advice and support

Right to training to support the caring


Right to live free of poverty with

opportunities to work and take part in

lifelong learning and leisure.

Every child and young person with

caring responsibilities deserves the right

to be a child first

670,000 carers in Scotland1 in 8 of the population115,000 caring 50+ hours a weekContribution estimated at £7 billion5/100 £280 million30 years = 1 million carers +

Milestones for carers policy

2005: Care 21 ‘The future of unpaid care in Scotland

2005: Kerr report – future of NHS Scotland

2007: UK Government – New Deal for Carers

2006: Changing Lives:21st Century Review of Social Work

2006: Work & Families Act

2002: Community Care and Health Act

1999: Scotland Carers Strategy

2008: Short Break Guidance

Government prioritiesShift the balance of care away from acute and

institutional settings to community and home based settings;

Focus on more on preventative and anticipatory care that reinforces wellbeing and health improvement

Improved, personalised services tailored to individual needs;

Move to outcome focused performance frameworks

Shift the balance of care away from acute and institutional settings to community and home based settings;

Focus on more on preventative and anticipatory care that reinforces wellbeing and health improvement

Improved, personalised services tailored to individual needs;

Move to outcome focused performance frameworks

…put aside political differences to work together to ‘improve the position of carers in Scotland, who play a significant and often underappreciated role in health terms’.

‘rapid, significant and sustainable improvements in support for carers, including in respite care’

Nicola Sturgeon, Cabinet Secretary for Health and Wellbeing,

June 2007

DevelopmentsNHS Carer Information Strategies (£9M) + 10,000 weeks of respite (£4M +)New guidance on planning short break

services Respite and support for an additional 1,000

young carers (£?) Additional resources for local carer centres

(£?)A new Carers Strategy for Scotland (2009 >)Statutory minimum entitlement to respite for

those in greatest need (2011 >)

NHS Carer Information Strategies (£9M) + 10,000 weeks of respite (£4M +)New guidance on planning short break

services Respite and support for an additional 1,000

young carers (£?) Additional resources for local carer centres

(£?)A new Carers Strategy for Scotland (2009 >)Statutory minimum entitlement to respite for

those in greatest need (2011 >)




Community Care Outcomes FrameworkPositive Outcomes for Carers FrameworkNational Minimum Information Standards for

AssessmentsTalking Points (User/Carer Defined Service

Evaluation Toolkit)

“This is a down-payment for carers and I want to make clear that we are

determined to continue towards better support.”

Shona Robison, Minister for Public Health

July/December 2008

"Short breaks are most effective for both the carer and the person being cared for, when they match individual needs. One size does not fit all - this is why local authorities will be working closely with service users and carers to deliver personalised respite packages and also help those in the greatest need."

Short Breaks+ 10,000 weeks of respite (£4M)

2008-09 = 2000 weeks2009-10 = 6000 weeks2010-11 = 2000 weeks

New Short Breaks (Respite) GuidanceBetter planningPersonalisation and choiceFocus on prevention

A guaranteed entitlement for those in greatest need (from 2011)

+ 10,000 weeks of respite (£4M)2008-09 = 2000 weeks2009-10 = 6000 weeks2010-11 = 2000 weeks

New Short Breaks (Respite) GuidanceBetter planningPersonalisation and choiceFocus on prevention

A guaranteed entitlement for those in greatest need (from 2011)

75% of carers have not had a regular break in the last 12 months

39% of carers have not had a break lasting 2 days or more in the last 2-years

Audit Scotland PI’s 2007-08Day services

Older Adults - 0.8%


Children -10%

Older Adults+7%



Overnight services

“However beautiful the strategy, you should occasionally look at the results.”

CCPS eventEdinburghThursday 26th March 2009

Getting it Right for Carers

“CCPS organisations, through policy and practice, facilitate carers and supporters to express their values and views and to have those values and views taken into account.”

CCPS Statement of Values

“The role and contribution of all carers is recognised, with their rights to equal treatment enshrined in policy and in the way services are delivered.”

Care 21: The Future of Unpaid Care in Scotland

What do carers want…To be valued and respected as an individualTo have their needs and expertise recognised A say in service provision To feel informed, prepared/confident,

skilled/equipped To have support which responds to changing

needs A positive relationship with practitioners A sense of shared responsibility with services

Talking Points There has been an increase in carer involvement

in decisions about the care and support we provide

We have effective ‘systems’ in place to review the level and quality of our carer involvement

Carer defined outcomes are more likely to be identified than in the past

Staff are clear about what constitutes a good outcome for carers

Services and support are more person-centred than previously

CCPS eventEdinburghThursday 26th March 2009

Getting it Right for Carers

“We expect services to make a positive difference to our lives. The outcomes we want include having power and control; being able to take risks and contribute to society. This means that there needs to be a shift in power away from people who commission and provide services to user and carers.”

CCPS eventEdinburghThursday 26th March 2009

Getting it Right for Carers