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Transcript of CC ON BUBER

  • 7/28/2019 CC ON BUBER




  • 7/28/2019 CC ON BUBER





    Cid Corman


  • 7/28/2019 CC ON BUBER


    Copyright 2013 Scott Watson/Bookgirl Press

    All rights reserved

    Copyright 2013 Bob Arnold, Executor for the

    Literary Estate of Cid Corman

    Published with permission of Bob Arnold,

    Executor of the Literary Estate of Cid Cormanby Bookgirl Press

    ISBN: 978-1-933175-07-2
  • 7/28/2019 CC ON BUBER


    Cid Corman I will not introduce because if you are reading this you likely

    already know who he is. Nor will I tell you how he and I first met because

    that is already covered in an introduction to his early letters to me that

    appear in THE TOHOKU GAKUIN REVIEW ["Love Always--Letters From

    Cid Corman to and edited by Scott Watson", Sept. 1995] (in Japanese this

    academic journal is known as .).[http://]

    Early in the 2000s when BONGOS OF THE LORD was still appearing as a

    printed mag, and after it had used a few short essays from Cid, he decided

    to hand over to me, for the purpose of future use, a thick binder notebook

    filled with essays typed on thick notebook paper. The notebook itself is

    sturdy and gray (IIH) and is made by Kokuho.

    The first essays from the notebook appeared in The TGR in 2004 not long

    after Cid died in March. That collection is called "Surviving" [http://].

    The present collection is from towards the end of the notebook and all

    focus on Cid's readings of Martin Buber. Besides Buber, in these pieces are

    remarks about other persons of note such as Freud, Jung, and Charles


    Inside the front cover of this notebook, at the top left, is Cid's name

    written in ink and a date: October, 1965. The penmanship is his inimitable

    own, but one thing unmistakable is that he uses S for Sid--not C.

    Instead of typing the entire selection I made use of scanning technology.This is easier on my neck that aches from prolonged typing and also

    shares with readers how the pages actually appear, along with his hand

    written marginalia as and where it appears.

    Scott Watson

    Sendai, Japan
  • 7/28/2019 CC ON BUBER



    from a rettdins oF Hartin 3 beris XttW&D OF= f

    Uss the], e o 3ntered ttn a ts ri y pote& iainto the Fe of o hers ttind yw4 a uc settseOf rFa tt e sell .the tthi OSOphy tts ty verbiase.Otte o o vo d ysses: o ust mb th .T rttdtte ttust CW he atDyss it ttPans. Theshortc is ttte fruit oy _Foouttdest extt oratio , or s y sutterfic attty.Since tteFe y throwi orle s wy ttnto feca o ust extel deS s pttdttty and OVe_r oarattce,the perso st RSALE t4rOu& eXper cehenrrdista ce ' eFttitS Ore Stt y & k d y his owc attacy. thout R ttZAON (w ch tteatts odimct occurre c, whettc ourfr ts ness to e r6 ht ome, IIcnter dr, o b ng d ttot sust eeCt &zat o ) Othin Ve= ps matt that y be Caed essent& uman. .. tlIIay understa&d a stttuatioll, sayt at depth attdonvincttng y exttose it tts und rstanding dettthitt conversat &bttt um ess fttlldtt it wayt6 o ettt tttter y,ithe understattd 3tlg h &o&&d, Ore thall that, oy to Cratte pomDosityand ttndue pride anS se fr6usst ttArZA?10Ncan have no time or sttch co rce of so ftlrotte 4tr d h EALttZttS that th6 httaFt Of rO t 6 F(d o)is n ttrcceSS that W o ttto .t ttust ve itsettfn trttst, nbt ony t 'Fser: ''aCh OtheF but to trust the process asa va lle bey3nd va tlef Bu or & had a s se oF OF, o&d ttavet ated s clivisive re c o th teFmfrre a ytt and hiS n eS for a r ll lf ies .For the isste is that there n sStte. Arrises ottt of need ttnt6 that sittati where needp3.:::ove a oe s otteratttve, shtesettce tr,aScontrasts the llotion of the F ndttvidu fr wttthtttat Gthe r'perso11. The _FOrr ttere itt ane oent o LteSs, wh r th Lat Fhas ose fOr &slless sofaF a t Srvesatt es6r each otherc

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    , h we es of /_3 its ttrhLlat ettse 6fwhat eF ttrStts cru6 a: the ttedd 6f o di _c. Z eoys t, but es o EArJ=E ttt, 6rder t co e to a ythi . A d the A of ttauis di& olca St aS h Ser 0&S Were, t nOoIP are f G x A Las the gracS,he power, to carry ttts c6 teXt & ottst _for tSCteX s VER 0E& S lr APttoACrinS ITThat ttea : ets t o other be. = laves t o LttZAO 'possib e to each Other he We knessof lost ar , ost poetry, ts oveF c6 txtua iztttio .Ettther att attpa_ratus or via ati b6dded. oes o RUStt wilat it is &d thus pre6 lldes theRU of olhers at any rea zttbe depth.oday & ese ttett addicts, 3 en the native ones,are each proLEd 6f htts cwn enshtOmet it. Toott by ttatta, e tose of tterF0t et a.aFe terr b ndictttents of ZeFl bllt f61Ar of thosevoved ISea e f y. Attd thc critics,ke Xoest er, dont l .ce the roott of th c o llsion.y to crttsh the Facadc oemttca y.he ab ty to pRC CT: ve the 5ther t6 sotte&uthentit ext trhich tts 0 the t & b the otP t itt hettrtty ttettts t s 'ettati6&abiity'Ior Sh erseris attt er40tSh Ore c ett thn hl its 71p6sitiv &capactttylt ot t &t a thrOWShittsf awa'1, but rather that h meets tootherin the ft osay, at ery pnttt without d hi eSSeS hse f VULlERABL so 9 th o er SEtt th i'vLl&era tytFoan be tttro to6, c& Lo d s ttroRttd, as &OY As(uber RArOu d dd, nerGus e9s) RT (F =),o t is neveF ttt be r' etteritt tha& e is at y =t e, but to tte il that O ist whatev it and b 6 ercis CSe F so, xt s o

    IleC e SSar yo cttts for th otheF ttBM NttS extettsi5 : F eLAr uSef what o e is Att y tlati ways frnewsttttlaton17 OeS ttev oel becone poss .So O on! eXte llls itsft I fe,for he mere y ttnd s Grth s and a sts reached reFe Se fdir cted & d h & d u OnperSO & pride. o h s att=C Vih i 6t FOVttII br all atie t t V for its ol yre evance is as a tto elt of &I1 0 sonFheo4 s c f tteetttng tthe otherack OFeeFO ty, v tes f y aid ttecottes uttfortunat ya arlq f Ot or IrfL he ttV o6 eS to gr IDSSi3us3

  • 7/28/2019 CC ON BUBER


    /e dttfficu tyconcttrtted tb be

    of ttost or cs S'lri&t'i rat r thallthat ttt st bO of use

    0 &3 9 er a ep n aC p rea &ze vnathe S a thuS m y ttove Frottore.. ayst inevit&b y ettters as the S IO

    p ty t & y dia ogue. IIe ass ss a Stttuat ooF b utter !n the rig '' fFott the start.Actua y RIn eSs he dea LAr so 604e Whos phys cay &red dne s muctt norelkey to be l'at a Fe ess:? &nd B 0 (11FttR10 )to the other or the otherrs sit aticn ttELLSdratic&, tr&gttcai the cO&sq.lttnces of


    33Sso as tc &ve bee un&b e tc wttthdra . =f theayst teaches witharara , as he is attt to, sincehis o5uat tsuayntiy tttestancefo f sus & the pattte ay we itadB&Stt at that ieve ha&ber ttcautiflre ates htts story of a tAFOttan fFttslld w o wasso savecl ror socety In short, t trtte resOmsefo_r a4a yst is key to bc ttEJ_ lhe ppOSttte fr6mthat uSLLa y Provttd dtt A4d h f d attyrOonse r &tab 3 Every ReFalbrattdt se fportr&itpttese&ts & sltF & n lle and bttV Ous y Rttmbrattdt a ways oarer eac f us as we &re hts_ma .

    Act y the dged of & iS pattt ttsar e & d 4Te ercRII Icep & it l S tttestttuat o oc OttrF _4 =f exhu d _for theSA OF ttEtt A t iS Atte 6ss, Dtta oueust comttc&ce ati nc operate ctlt oF h6vs Sitttat 6 h fu etts of rttSk, rat o. U ess tttere s huttan be , thereis essentia yothing For ttan, any ttaII

    t AS Te are thrown ac b& Ourse ve ef ctiooccurst 6s :'ntttFva s ar !itim Tr(t e out).y are vit to the F yth o u b6 a6 sattd ttett a m to c nate ssuch reF ectiventtss uttheF o sttch l OSty= oude oF stch

    e:::sittpy For f exttcer atictt that dttvttde ,Gr 64 !from a Others O es a Others si y os4ese .er is a te rea zs the vttta of r 'GOsttiZintti attd re zttntt tle thOr. t is boundiof course, i&extr cab y to s settse of bo cveatl fat&d Fatts the .

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    . BLlb _T is so lll orcttzntt Freus,s fa tr to _Wo& ze sou that the dr6attil'he int6r _retsIS lttntereto fr6 he start, o n$ssity.his e o vate rret ,s use o sul teripretation as h aS ttuber pieS, 1lowever. ut must be _fu y Fea iZed. And a so tsho d 9_Te adetuate y se Sed than Ju aws, nd scotess fo orers, that a the archetytta ittends to der e rttat tts aays stteciFttc in ya 'S ttrO Cti St Rvery drea a te cttarOttnds for be w ch tty no tteans, of GOurSe,Ca44 o dttvorced f FOtt the 6 6tional: ( 6 ore thanLl rs of the rtaFClr etvtta ! tiOn Catt be diorced frOm what he o 8 or was:) o '1co13sciollsri ca 6y be t dy funct=`o Ofitse f h hout ment& arttrees A e s6 sitcols csnessi:. (SO = d6nt have awarettess offood e ccl& bd i 1,ct, 6_T the cttrcu atioo_f bod i& y t s ttu er& yt&oush there aretes when th6se issueS do rise to ph caconsc 1tteSS t BLL here s enta thcO ls c ouSltess as suc 1.) =n dream t e bra is funtt ngo & sulD a ve . And th is' oy pFOperuse _f F,stmat orbr psyc 9$y,etc, A otiom art as sub ati oF sexua p SeSare s eaa wh6 they ttre not o ens ca .he rete& on tt vLa &ge , of extter attd th f ttenory is shoLTf rettrrls, t o sestfr, but occurs natur& y a_Pst&vty as tte. the ocono y Of a &usio&d G de eF r vattc e.A th s, attd h & b6 &s ttatttra y oo, wi oF nocessttty" istribttttt a b o: s is a Fundata F i'atLle ri. re ats p ysi6s & d sych .I s &sue or ttet r. Ache vttbr&tes ..,t t s tO ext nd he o f x aCt S0aS tO liSperse the wotL St O ttt to n ze the efFoctby ilbre g it uptt attd ttIED&rce in t ott f in asany directttotts and as far f_r Om c nter tts pOSsi ee do av to kttow the SCS Of FaS or ttV tonow th th s St e ce r to acottst la ttteory.But it tts suSt a it tl rt. A& t is oSse4 ato a rLumatt rettat Rat th s be r &itted o A 'boB4f deve_Fed ca& ot o retrac d, t htts an effect,




    )&a 8

    tt 38 &3

    gchit OCCuFs attd i8t1 04o LAFay Or attother ttradua y affect88s8the act las simttered dorn is y to be a

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    ?lA" '/, , One fo_Ttt oF ttaste g pa n to disperse ttttent of_W v pr vttd& a ore abe ach esowh re.

    I tt e, rbvttdes tstt for the 6 6 be deuat y swa Gwed, d ed, cttted. T e Firstbor of &h& er on stotte ttatt seem 6t to h&ve AFYsffect yet tt A Decottd attd t ItS hav6 &ot d e t hlbre ctt occttrS f & OnttFf: the &Ve reased apressure & rSy inf ctedt So pa bu dupon tta destr ctttve y. t occll s the sattepoe, re &ve y t un ke raitt d 4ops wettringa oe itt roc over 6g pe_Tttods of 6,etl. o

    tr:::s::::::And it tts vita to REALttZtt tl is. he d66 or confrO tle paranoiac fOr the first ti 1s sceinssomeo e vF has underttOne tttc batt g at thesatte po& t, Ie ttus , it seetts to _rl , iF grasp

    where antt what t4at pO `& s, hb c ciS SO th tt6 batter e ettents ttay tterhaps ettthe_r be reOVed OF SO_ft eS otte LAray sI & Other, and tOheLp aoorb th at,erittg or llfr ttt adtuatescoe for dcPs cattlt ratiOna z6 th att r ! LlsttoFl 6r iFde uSio 'r and beof &y he e nttst e the ont OF ache ina s IArays su ested Or is it, a ogeFst6nds to put it a tter of 'acctin !i tolhe FFt(wl 6f tpttd te_rance)or faR_se doctora her csi tht4 & never eqLlestiGd, he ache st be rtet as ach . utcrity LS rettu red= B_are h a you& delltistextr& t t Rf_Tolatt tOOth fror l m 6 c d,I that t e doctbr cttnt SE c 6ftett an ,ote4 _40utth too)ne heF eXaCt y can t patttent.

    . Bubea u&dttr&s the need of rfobed ollt stem sfi,gh&eaand ttut& Ossty. It &ot a ttr OfO 0 of o ers wa tO 1:a we ness OfOneFs Ow the ther s r4d as a s6 rr orirdev oFbut e must & t ho d back un ess thatits s rettuired o e'S V era ity 4austsh6 ts f nev rthe ess sccure .e.. ffic &t yS . ust as a stLld t ot Fee ess cOnfid ce 4 a teacher tto c say f!F dont ttl1614rrr th h 0 e Who a wayS the SrF ht 4SVeri!(C . Frost'slS O&'S tRettse of Ltts Father o he efe oF sLliCttde). & who tteeps say& fFr dOnt k lrJ:' to ttost

  • 7/28/2019 CC ON BUBER



    _Ts & ate y put t6 i So 0&s tOS i s h h i s o e 6 o d o F s e y _ _ _ _ _ _ re ation ffFttth ttyone e so.

    . ea is pOSSib e so o& s the phys ca &c nehas t proceeded beyond a cc_rta n ttbttnt Of o rettu_r .v There s pottnt say: L JIOttter cou d have overe Or Cancer wIl phFsictt and tte & ittatio

    were suffi ent to ttaintattn a bttLttn tt nt depresstto Wttth a its co otants r6 her ottof teF and recOFery has s ce bee poss .CattCeF Se S as yet ttot to be rd ersib . hereis, I f a p6 erftl psych stteCt t it i6ushCOaF y ctto here is a prld osio it aswe eFh S ost of us.

    If yOtt can save , save illet OthttrrttsS, equick. The ttee S oF aFtt is Sttm y that of &4 ettduring fOrtS dttao"_f3rithe person of uOst dtta cacttpacity tts rarett is precise y the aFtist, ancl hes thtls sharedt av ab 1 n thC fu os 6 httsdia o6a se F, for s &erttt os of others.. hat is actu& s onttta .. The ct r ( theatre) ust hear thrOt h 6tio &nd ords the other ctors attd th6 di sech oF si ettce vFhiCh a s gestures address.. eF iS ttb ettcape Fr F6 6re t theFA frott deat . ut th s of being tta& s

    iVe hrtt ex&cer ated oo ls o LOeSS lo ct r &rettess, w ers w & ese, ust e ttet utter y. ,

    t ror xytt who nvarttab y he &tict h eStence is trea d tts a aborat6ry. oth g c6u db6 ore extract or d vlivett de et3 britt .

    . e vG atty f ShttSsttcareFs aastt is t24ehaar o_f t& t tittc and ace: ts FLdex ofvita tytt A p66m that stays a ield r =freshes ttust fttnd the tteall of ettch ttorS anewe6nd ttG& S and revent de_fintttic .SaFtretS e sa rat iS that he s ySi ayusy and h 4S e ca o ho e to hitt t/fll h rz6Sit. But a]_so seetts t6 have effectiv haered

    ltt fro &ut ntic d &e e F i tepary GVe h oSl e te_41 & p Stur s,. Ce must so out of cr_es _f

    feeng ttrhere otheFS ttay oas d into opee. vyl day ttust t .

  • 7/28/2019 CC ON BUBER



    3 76 ttp_3 O ti 6 thtt ne ativ '1 o rlaYl ia samcl u Littse ffF ttuS e th rea zAtioas ttos ive thFtSt th&t a is &nd &re ttrashedby se o & sdes, d recs ve l ht _fabove o FnS onese f as a Larbor ror otherswhsIL tthey e Sh re ed here is ttea 6ra sand. o rov de ettch a ter a ofcett but R equir 8tltt httm to o ab o atte as Crusoe d out o_f s pLtt capac ty the st of ttat rimorer' s ttrovideS even fr the brG ber. e c ffttP_ that routtht uslshtta 's niF ot ta eIia that wa eFtto toF = ut every tids f shOre.Y aFe attytt yu a_Te w ng to t b& Ilotto ses t&t your 9uttht ttay fittd stlciespeech to s.Christ was latuFe and his sco e .Rd quat .he attthor of , Fr &stattce, u61oeaturen Such a wortt was &ot I rrtte y a4S_er age 50. C istis histto_Ty, e o uch asIAre httve ttttt rev s a lot d nct haveexceeded & e f th . ust as S6cr at age uld ttOt ha accep d th he 6ck:h6 w ud e def rd to e e tt ApaFt fr6&yth & else er cs attd eave usttte s&yi s of battd.A sctte nce tract d tteta yca o h Fu icatio o etaphysics thatBttpe.The dttff 1ty of story is t & it lrre_ra. ah Fe lcurs in tt r, Fe ti 3And eVe t tts not a oraty. t tts onyth_P6 art that ay d6ve o halbei

    frott rea z&tion to rca zat o_fOr art epste dl0ue ave at ttts ttaXa tch septhe e Firos bLlr& & t prodes t fuestoof departuFett Stays AS A 0yAS SUCtt does it have tteanttn .be wrtttes: f'AFt tts nettt 3r the ro ofnatuFatt ObttectiVttty &oF th oXgFettS 6 oFsprit su_bty, ut is the wortt andtetttattent of tll dtion tt6 the Stb a &d the sub t 0u tlle rea of tttte betwe9 ? whttc has beco e & formti'It tts, atl sLLthe substantia F ationtts sfa WayS iotettti '1 h& oc cttrS, COmes to e hett the ot r Fee s ftly attdFeSSed y . It s,

  • 7/28/2019 CC ON BUBER



    iladeed, s if o ch 6f us Fe s eepttHtt be ut esthat re31 ired u_st s&ch ttr na o arm

    aw n lts, ot to lettove us fFO C ta ttty"but t6 open ts f y to t a d a that pesEssettti& y Bttberts works are lte&ch ss:r andtttey est sh the f eSt approal o eda osyo ur t e as k w ,! d sttre to encethe cther CS ttOt tteap_ the ,ffort to ChaIItte theother, to ttEISeCt One's ow 'rishtnesst into h 3]: e:::::roush otte s fettce t e seed nd ttrow inw&tever y educes the ttlldivttdu .

    BB_ber has the ttrace a so to re that he pthers i 1t SO fu a ray is o the mOstsecure ttd furx ta y to be onfttrned onese f ttn a olle rs authentttcitytronica tty, theni those whott we ca tt s:are often those who &ve th rttatest hea thypotent. [o14er has read ore thsLast yeari o heF Fe ttrr the throe of 6 Crtha & th reSt f r f nd is 5_re g 7e&to thatt She tta 6v r be . 11y fbF therd s tr Ook at the S 6 f6Sh, anl&edFth6 dis& ettrntt fr i b = e6 6 yeye & d tt vo t isstsS forth my motherd 6re bea lf th ever ib forO S wa artter 6F s r d more ttrao fllrtha6er. She did ttot ttee o se e cottG, &brven wattt tO sSe tte 0 And o e veryhareo ts of ort visittr aSwttat oart wasat Fo1e&'eedth mensch saysf rattd it is ttr tedth 3 t C fttrtt Gne a 6ther i r ttndiv dtlab _4 b eans of tte C4 3Set sst But beyo&dthtts ttced&d is sra_4ted t heL4, tO See 'the tr , rch t e 6 as by ts strug eo t utt thc thers the br rs, adfF rent way & d eVttn so be cottFirmed.

    &t P ttt

    &instantr a at eF a trtSlfu estt that iS theca w&th the cran e F tt stor .


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    rCif 1 _t.AI!]i EIS IFS 0 ' r i 1

    Btti3& this n t u ke De ouve Re ea izes thatthe d e_r & thtt cottn &=st state is th abandottRe 8s

    3] &&





    Bu eF p ut that ttatt shou d ever rega a nanmeFO y aS ObtteCtti, foF t &t ttre entS & rrdia ethttt rttt agSoe th ost oF us exist For othe_Tsi The uninvo ve& this ittp es tts, for ot, a necess ty the face of what se3 s to be cottti& ilgeettt fttw rea ze is that y 60 f_Totttationcan tten tru y & ve to theF

    But the ssue s 4otse & &ts difFutttymsr6ug to theSpttGifiC. heFl lhO Aussie tenn s ayttr (DavttdsOn)le o her day de berate y ttaSe tto at pt to sma actt weak serves byhis hobbed opont (Cras)=t g&ve tho ere ttatte a uit fvor otherwise ra tty abs$ . Attd there tts eWidcP_ce t atsuc res onses aF NOT Com ace`OftC e attttiC is hard for peop o re zllss tiley are tl ease 7eS ven to : There sno ttuarantes that ttt ytr e arttcttated & d that4 the cotttraFytt the chOhed" p a se respottsewi t rec ve mor or eQua honoF. As ttubersa : re are tttmes whett a ttan, to satisIFysotte sta e co nc t, fOrfe ts th great chance ofa trus occirellce betttee d ou occ&sion).'ras re es the v ous deceptS_o s thttt otte ilacatt em yy t lthttdel e Flearing ex osure.Yet there o Freedo wse. Roo or o o shcpo eS sta a. h Other ttust a ttrays be ttcco od&ted. 4ere tts a p t where o e bocottes stlddyth_ro hetttio beha 6thS e ssary,s ttt w rthe h bF othersi or a cause whOseoy &ture is auth ity.It is sht t be collFirmed i onets bettngy 6 e_Tsr and seeEl decs tive y offer tse f asa he t6 thisi yttea to sse iS man's essen_t& co dice, t r6sttst it itt hi sse cPur,se.:One t at tittss pay deartty for & feved frott be n b lt it tts tteveF tSC dOar. att asar. can be redeetted.r

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    Frott a seasof Sartr 's Fata3 ope6ssness o r! e w o ea y kIIoFS hOW far our hertttic4 has ost

    the y of true freedo of f tween =& d st h se f y v e of the dettandin, icttt in every sreat k_r.ow edtte oF this k a,pttctise dttrccttessi ov he WeFe tte O y earth w did it and 4ot dettart fr6 t unti

    scoffers ar, st ar, tl heaIB _4 iSvo o the voice of their ow suttpressed L ing.. ubeF Shares C ar's aotio 0 he rioy& adversaryil.. e r6a es that o4e ttust f nd otheFS in thettr who 3-

    neS , Wttthitt event, a d 6t abstract d frro . eSeeS the fa rtt a&d dap. cF Of the ana vtica as o&e se sectts to ow.

    . h& s eded tt s&ys): s ot a ong at theotther ut a bo d sw ing dandi o osttettSttve stirng O Or.e,S be&o the _feof the er. ( a, oy reverse this andittvttte a ot ers to beco herAseVes to eStwtrra6wttd by stlrusoced) is is thturo f , 6& y here'theFea tt of tty actttott is r40t the a pos be3 bttttl eci c aotta ersoFl tthO faces lrlet W o =a y tO re 3 n t o tttrety, unttty, nues, and wttth his dy &mic cs er rea izs a 6s thi &&ys anew.

    es, =14at ttys a 1'etlnSWered aFld ithe d o6 ca ed.llt ttf tua ty stttrs heIL e interltLu &b ossoE14s to tten e dia ostte.T'

    sees that he is &o !ltea6hbut r:Oet

    itsees t at i, S ttOt a natter of prop and ; LAFhiChiS C04G6Fned with protta &Att a dea,et .l q tspart fro he ttpecific p rs ntroed "ThOrepersllasttGtt iS rey try o cttpture the arttest&o F adher nt , and the ttro m tts ction s y statttstic& . As St ett r i c& aittnSare everttw&ere.) IPo ca eth S at theireig 9& thtt eFfectiv abo o& F the huttafact9_F.

    exte&ds tta G! what hutta ty tts c e prOpeF y ttras c y Vttta rec prooityti . He se&sets that 6 e st not OS o ers W

    settso others= et each unf S h sf iWthin Fe at IL.

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    and Pe atts, ll htts c ar y, than any,O SpEAK IS BO NAtt Rtt AR , SO liEI]rG 1:ATG AND SOH NG TttAtt FiD ]1 D, AND W R FA DIAL GIC LLy, IF A OF GRttAT. FAI LNESS, I O FULF W ANttV TEEEN 70F .

    c adds as & coro ary (as a caveat), 3tit8scarrisd what tt hadfto sa t enterS the aottu6 as a Fa ure, alld the dtta oe s aFaol ,

    (A artt as tt re os of COursetiS eSSe ay dtta oca )Attd he ttotes that s ce tts o a fOFe _4 t ttte d osttca t Whats t9 btt s d Cam _4eVer be ttredeter nedand oB_y Occur, it is et.

    . &t Fe ber rhat r sa dt Why shou d need o _Tettettber what is tto:_ o ?

    . 0 e aceds o detttity Ch, Wtten otte d into Fe atio . he 3in s ttn thebe tatt otty as tt a stracts S6es ttt resu re

    a gro tFld fOr H an attays divor edo vent: 6r wttat ttrttcise mufOd i4 g


    eters t sOe w that pro e t pr t theF&yt yet e 612ues are ofFeFeS tO attyone rasto sce.

    338 :ity8a838.lt8utein era an ttnaS ssi e Ficti6 e 6d ern' varittty of ittd=v ua is lo tFast3 S i i4edto llttderstattd he ndttvttdua sG fi FhttCh the I

    f Ss tt its de th, S the s si nd asthc abso ute (cf C, 00,etc). Despite a stressoA _71tOre & e 'outer 14For at or e ren a of cosEIttc s attty, sest a refrettc e 'to the a sou &s the one that is rea y mea,w&at ustaby _r3s hre s the t ndency

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    N9 D3E OF 1NIF

    eFaC eitus a ways remattned i_4 acco_rd h thetllloro&y settsuous ving sPeech o is tittet...oos. Oes not ceas o oe For thes su us ttea fu WOrdt the hu a w cLcont& S the anintt of tl e trilet tted canbe & th6 1FJFd beCattse t is be II.. t growsII( e sou )attd d ve o19s out of ttt to a voicewhich stte to fe ow so s..F .A setry that endl res nduFeS aS ivttIIg peech,hearrSt of s ec , as lhe poGt hinse f itt rROstsuscept G to t o ving r 6f ttO_Tds and thatis the rrtrtteiF RfOrds, & speec , attd tts Ofcottrse, the ''meattittffr, the p wer that rettetfscont ance.

    No ttatter hor ttucL tAre s ic t,however, the G y uttusua ower oF ttrt is tsenllanced bity to carry r_aII coAf dence andfe, ar exc sttce, to others Oycnd aer's fetttme. hese extensiotts oF humae g re a 1 p ay so & tO provttde ttroundfOF 0 r lh yett tthe ric ess 6f b oetts wder or shou dat each rea ttzattton.uber caref y sco_Tes xer's LAreak-4esses & 'his arts faoRP 6f lntesca4Ot rirst,rs e 'etr at_eaCh ttatt tO ne:the o her co os tOO nttch to l e with and str y a uts o et Su ucaryd GO fuSi . & ort, a co u soSt and the aut ear fg6F yprs_EtttOtriS st tcot ber 6asstlch esapes 6r eva o'stuatibsnsss'1It ttaS rl at=on 6 h bei s Su_c , blltit tts e cli n c &in is w& dy as para_dise, t is tture mas rbatiO . Che aSturbatio

    ur a so seeS how o bttitetO arl th S3 oF ar S trtther ar t_Tttriss&terfeFeS, rt becotte ate.F, (This,of c6uF et wo &d be disp ted tty oll_T CurreLlh OttS OF itchancef !or t a ory. BIP_t thiSp=osLi irfredd6 rF stt OF coursO o fr ed6ra ata is ttere se fndugencer r ating to&O Ctte e Se exo t as fec us acttton perhapO.t Fef& GtS F_3 Care =or others, te the o o8.::ti

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    h se f intO the cond 6tta ttII lht rOm titte

    ic3w; 11ot take tttettses out of the coty, theyc t& l out A d they st de ver up ss t n thettso ves, the wh6 e vttntt pFSO&nd oe ttersorL fe, n order t withstand w & has t possessiott of t .Buber tts quttte accurate httre, he artttstw rs t ar ttis etttrl ei, sOFaras he cant n te occllrrenCe of tth toverf'CO S tO h tries to re e the eve tso substantttve y as 10 rettd r ttt aVai toers.. tr's ttrottth ttay bs,cret ande4t re St its act o wttth ut tttsfr is 3fLttab ap_d ttts ttea& yottd thebear& Pc Gf tt rt ihe 6nsn iniOlrOFe e ll, cotttttnuintt possy.

    s tS attd e tts the on y o 9 1 Ow todo th s on inos o_f tty o G44S Gf it that nen 4a6 0esttierth oosFttwith the wordj that they attays.ket in th r o..I SeOs th t those' th ne aiother ltrttc)eey ta with one a other. 1

    . e a frO ece: r ecl w c Skr d l rkOr =t y ke,IAror&s t the Wei do 6 Ow l otattityof th _4t tO to ft 'c osttOS, Porthett lhre ttxper 6 with o attOth ri h3 O tteattother xtter6nce, and sttplD ot 6 e r406r xper e&o6t t W6r g t Gtherwth the r ivd a the iv Ifra the tlead '1

    . ber's t&rtt t der 3tX SOr assttstance ttsnatttra _ tOol Bttt we are s 34 so . Authettticttty ut hott to ead Oac a to tlte trucness of s bettn herl th

    e rttChes oF hu are d ope&to a& widest, ,3 beF SeeS l and poetryt as & :s

    stpre &vettt attd 6o u Obyas ttanl e sees the peri of det oh WOrdsfrom contexts of fa to asp the 8essoF s eechtt A d can s too that it: re tthere o s8rdiasue, theFWO be no

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    F/Buber a so rea zes that a matt GAN spedk toh t F a l t h A n t f c a l l _ v 1 s n f a T a noes s 0 to others sohe ttdea of lisur rttser LHr ch resu tsVtab y from authentic con_frotttat oll sVt& fOr eatr attd a s s someth oa had seYlsed &d rea zed o that ited ttpon llthe otherlt. he a he c meet &.Br ttushes oyond W _ttttenstettnts llWOrd ttarlesFr rasp & tilat r,deF it nf' is fttr &ess itatha& s &attinea tOda e reazes that thevery difFere es of ttea Ow ttore sco e tand Pic ess tO dia oueso tha 6verto 6siotc,,occur And one leattzes ttore than one, asense= ' nolArs o r zes ttnat S A ttreto && c t statte ofansttatte tts think es latt did ttot exttstefore hav ntt a fe ow be efore he vedover a &&st him, oward & d that tteansbefore he dea &gs ttith hi . heFe WaS a ways another. Attd aS tt rea izes very Osue every sO o uytt iS tteattt tOe overhttard soo&er o_T aterte sees that ti o ystery oF the co t6beof atttiuase d ttta t of the comi & tObe ofmatt are o&e.fl,the oe s spOtte& eSs, sttOttenness to theo, wtterever this ttartner htt b6r, Ad itFows, as st&tes, that po try tts that&&uatte so trued as tO a tF tto oth6r f61rn utGrahce t3 rBtlrlttt welof seherefore, cvery paratthr e of a ttoett r s itof ttts trttht.3 &S PO speatts: o may a sosay: he po t seattsif otte d6es not ttea bythctt the s&b 6 f tt b6sratthy alld tae uthOrof & y wOrl s sust thl iV sp er oftttis v ry ttOe h stte is as ttoet thespcakt3r of a trtth

    t's too &d berfa b&ctt t e=_d & a o ttte woFd rttth& rea tttyl for thett are futtdamettta ytrF vt t t he gets ati pea e Frof s be Povtttby:t s beyond c ice s s 6f LlrSe:=qy tru6 6f ttcttec 0'ltrh6 tua y 6sietc. he poet oerri SO vers suage t3c

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    lletou accuracy co_8uttcto. But the e so fu y so ed y his so e of Roettngich reOuttres a f& ness oF fet a urity,that th cccasion stttys a ttve at depth.(:38::S::authentttc y of a ch His fttta tolArards thedeetter poss ty t provide taim as aature pttrso, t such ahentiy tts Ofttie 3 nduriVIs nerit othe_7 wiso. SO Cost extrttoFdinary work of art, say, by a boyOF &t ever st911d up o a ttattare worby & & _f 50. Oycets PO &A= s a rema e WOr f art and few at anv age coll produce such a tfo , ut U 7SSES, Say, s Fttrore ttature, One provided rollnd for thecth r. uttt as FW "n t atttre of the ttarL had t o ore rlatLre atta _p4I y a so cutbactt a & t itse f in erb& enties but ts ttov fOPce of t is f a naturitythat no y9 rtlj tto matter how briantcod accomttodate s eextterttnce arldpossttb rzato8tl WOd be ttecessary&osuatee

    Or a OhIIo says: I kno 1y wOrk Oud ook atnd be_f ttt is to llloAature ibttt l canttot t ato attlrity ust ttel tttere TttUG tttIF, w ch meansthro h e eFy d y attd , thr6 o co IIswo_Ttts,etc. There are no short cuts.A says h sf c 3 &o more. Buthe ttst e to t that t 6 sG F to be sa d isworth b theri others abo that it hacan ven &ore for then tha Gr tSe f.Pssy.ubeFi etr 6 ' ( revF i' r ) aittsti:de er'S ? thei Ff(8 o rtruth ): fattth4_71st reve atlo (diSCOVe y) s lfrtile.e e & nes th tter deta d 6oracudes:e h & truth of whic I s &he truthvoucLsaFed 3iS o p_4eu la that pours itse fOttt 0 abOVO ( Ff uvttae ott a band of ttenOW SU_pertterso a : 6 S itSe = to e 6nets own oxist cet T s slnciv persOIl,n the fe & owed , aIIsorS W his fattthlltess for tlle wora that is sPo 0 y V'1() .tf

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    Bl se t ep F th S his trtlth ut s &ot tr h that infortts fait , but ts trtteness, its tesse ia coherttnce to wh 66 LLle S wltlat is an.As srace, As ned ces tye WheF che and oy aresettaFab e attd the dist ct o II oses scIIse: it isP .ess an ana yst's fe ts ear y at alo anytr tenter, o deve oG huttatt r &tion l nffective y tdke r aco. 06cttr ber ees suchre atiOtt as litrattscending his task as it trttnscendhis ttethotl_.i UT, oth trttns6end 6n fe, un&ess fe ty 30 ed be so conctti d anS so PrOV de a pretty tauto osy. t is c ear & most,an S ttive n F4uua servicet , .

    A co_rO ary, ore vers r uttred he face of evbe se fILtisre are sitttationtt where o&e ttust it6Fy Ottt'I, v ores ervttc e s o mutua y rea zed, w re otte ttere ydr aor for h sbOd, b nd t any other.rd FFre ato s cut off frott the ste_rt. Attd o_4 yacA e ttFctecl pe&elrate , oF s ence. Or sOttet esoth n: 3 quiet aff ction wi al.4yS prOve efficac oushe doctorts FEE: &aysist diSturlDS re attto& so.It iS by _46 s ttFrngs p_ow stanaAttd tG ocastton mttst b otrred frio. ABs Buber 'says t tt a Who rea y tts Onehat iswho do nt st CttFry on th6 ob Of aitts bttt enters 6 t at tittes as a ttarttter s pttec sey otte lAF&od&res.11

    rnhe ttdoctor of ttou sF, s a t po der6usbut heFs s. y a ne c.Btter is keett in setti the fa Fe Of b th Ftteud( t ria y)attd Syc ca y) ttin &the ic character of r' uti e e t th 6_Tuxis 'tthe ttrrev ry Of ved ti 3, a f Ct thathows ,tseista by the starkest of & L perSttectiVes, th c ottc er&46&0 cl& dettth f., he entiftted wih the erab6die Gf, theeSCattab e tr ness f e g attd Fr whttch atrleness as st IL Fattth is e cited re 11Fed.FPi s at o&st a reco o f rs sp sib= ly.As suc , t is a & ever a d perLaps s theFr611ttdtt to lArh_ich ust co stant y _Fetttr 0wtever everatte we may attair2, ut it ttl ou d _Tlotosd SCttSO f it artia ity & d tttat an y res oIIse

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    to lteett reSponsibi ty a 0 y heFe does a:,A_9enSe OF ' tt& a positivS thrttst for its e a ated in h f of th deSt V ew ofG6Se f _48 ot eS, = =' ithtt that be t_rtle,ca t, u &ot, cttrcuttv or cuse nOrta tyst &s abiSe & d draw f teven asa p &&t 66s tF t e b ess of sht, tojothe fiery center as ro. e at7raySketic and rta ffect, o c S CIISe, sttort t is ttte fire th t vew6_re air tO .4ritt rt is & nati e, positive nettativ d ttOracetus r tttr&s.

    ucr pro3 ts Fts stttu o pe_rf y when herites: fExtea gut occttrifhett sottebuF S an Order of the ha4 wclr d whose foundat os he olrrs and reco 26s &s those of sOWn _Stettce & d cl_f a i co o& hu ex st ce. octor (`hd is is 6=e thatt aneredoctora atter))wtto c8 frOnts stl h a sRli t th v 81tL04 S ttatttent ttu t ettterinto tthttt situatio , he St y s h& d into LArou of the order a& ear : Ltts concernsy6tit A a friettlt ttHS that other for who 6'S OW& fe ist. OF hOW eVttryorl sca s. &tterSt J te s holtr L in s ovftt htrt ca ote on th resp6 of his fatlleF itt the faceO a her's deatttj Attd r es to try ev3o p yon6 eses a8Pfdi tts he foP mseift tthe pttthoS ltsh OurSe lle c10estttkttw ittt that that refus br Osr to& blledoLn than attTthing eise ght ao For6 es it lo ay ard r fbr hittse f to with hi f ttnd it F Pcds tt sl r60rdttr lvettts he divOrc6s _4o r yfTO iS fa ytt btt F_Tott a li GcrSi! s isliOT Sprotect o fact sfdestrtlc toantrl lAFhOut any p6s tive Facttor to redec .

    IS I wttre thore Jatts l cbdefFectttvo e tl rdO& f r a _s y3888:i:.d

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    /e a sirab eto 0 eros r cr tttca&OLkt their havttor y t h thecaty to respOttd fu y y neve ha e ha And so things st set Worse for them sttde.Ony presettce catt evoke ttresettceso poetrycall otty b effe6tive where it is odio fo3rth.t ttust be a e to e met,Buber, & L sto_ry oF ttG ane, denonstrateshow ana ysis etc., tend to te diff16 tieof re atFather than to e nd e ntopos Te issues o that tholigh Frarranseethat viab o s eff tld, the fu nessoF a tterso&ts be s tttartsd.

    Or thr terms, attyone syCcy (distraht)has the c city, as he wttrydttffic ty uatesi, find a arserFespon o 6s thatt is usua y t eCa ifhe& a llCr oytes tecr sitt attd tte tes the occas &, 6 14ree ttsth erso & pOssttb ty vedpresutta yto ttsave the fellblP_t it s ttuch ke th0rttsearc rs who pre o elistettces tos thett meFe y aS nett ps, or who fa a+ttth1sitto Gtoze a ttersO oy a CrtteyAcy way o_F sostroyg ters6 Whlepretens tO save the fe attd t46 1ty.1 ore aid r vttta t n ex 611ons 6rittfrttSo ent. A fsyfi lfays h1 are ev &y vas 6s oF the issu_esoed, wich have et tO be fy facedi)Bu er stresses the lleed For 'tobedtto4 iSten t'=bttt it is i dettuate es there tts a so conco&ty, cattacio lS respo&se lnFltever fbray be rettu_hed of ttt nd the for uSt ttellel sitatodl) Se iss os Of h & Fe ationare no ess attetttaocessar y, to art.So ttaray scho aFS theSe days'are G ttraSstri ersat a cettete_ry: on y t vuttsi nottto of thedeaS d they t d to _4wo ere yCttV8 the ttFttlnd St theretFO Otte ot r thatt he who tttl teS t wouttd6att he&. etP ttpt, nt ilit ttuso.

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    0 uy

    BttlDer WOu d t ti4o competence of th ana f roser for the spec&& st the poLrrer ofthe dtta otticeatttG3 SOttet & icortradttctory here.And it settms to me that Ro ers is, at FOOttt try togP the unfragttented ro 6, the Lartter p8Ssibi ity:hat tho m dosy vvcllitt pay situattton,cuts aga st th c attc; ur is apt in pottnting outanS upt Ferhatts, ndeed, t is on ythe artist o&r ti le wtto can atte t LhO eSSS a tegr ty,f ration and whose tas , OrCOVer, be16 6s oreexcity st that, or the arser ro es tllat oncebe catts dic ttatt the prst, the tthiSOpher,o er obta lt Ad the word ttartist'1 tse F te dsto s lttgest its tll t are y ad insofar as t eyCOnVeFse O & 6n 6F i cttrefF attd Fiauthenticity attd 'lconfront ont'

    For the artist's woritt is a& ortt e r edi tha &t of any si_4 e Fetho h ttts tteattintt is strict y coherent 6Yl y rcati & to s e ves, ut is cf fe ttust avethe cattacity ev kttd cont ua f the arsestre at oa FeaC , openttess, order t at the workse f may hatre depth and rantte of earttns, A_71dOy co ete re o 6an a& artttst fttnd ttteFu nestt of ressiottj For s wor ust IEE heives of others opertttivo y4ffective re ati _TeOn that pri s rea zatiGtt ttt bsar wttsther c y br ttot. Oo vration that f s t eaFe F Zation o_fothers vo vcd isttchatter ol y, per fage ofor &ssi =i f at' what one ttattts, butit abr tes c Datttty r otte rtta 611 0r another, attdcurr es se fote ce accordi y. iJo otte vezH earttt w& kv o t wa I4 , attd 43 0&eL eVeF b G a _fitte Fider W hout Ott & o ahoFse. practisc s ttever exttrce mere, thOu_V.ercise iS i 6Od o 6o at it that warhere s no 4HOttthtut exttens on and one nttsFL t e extens 9.Buber r verts to &n o d adatte of htts 6w -1 isaccurate e o 4, bu &eeds exa e: ?ione caIInct dO

    83iterairis re=ots CettteF vos on the I10ed or s

    pr ncip e that r3sists m _rtay & d that stays p lt.

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    2/ Recottc ato , foF catt on y ccctr be_fore axI

    abs ute reso LrC e_re o rse._ ribu _ _____ where xatio_L ttay be abso ute y de Vered,Fhe Fe a bSO tio ay be giVe

    ey6nd theswer of y tto o her tO resc d Or nesate.e does lte& oeVer! that r 6 o ttsSettuttIIG tteither etta su nor erat o9 oFrgous ccllfess o (nes t re treS thrusfunation), serves. he in er fe re s bondase. (Ofe& Ost6_r d attrettara, whosettes liOus te theiF stoieS.And wttt a tness in the llatte Spec .)Bor ttrasps h w c ever mod rll ttan s hiS invo o ard evasio of authttnti y, he OWSa the alllswers and & often in ted cltrtt twistsas wo to var he forttue. Bttb6r uses DOstOevskd ttafka to u tIPat s ttoi IS, 4 d B lk ttso s ttrv y ttGtte ettFe S y 6LAr. A fF 8e satteF?evo vese SO that ttte Ffher '1(now ttor6 art ise c3_ eda_4t"oF )can stattd eyo&S tlle fray nd b ttteVery ttage o the oRe o spy tpys athab rclity diS in u y btt With 4o ore chottOe thanstticttde t a qua abst_rdity.Ber t es u F s ttU_ttttntt the wOrds to X'south of f a 0 p et u si a !! rettu tuo sriattd ro r to atty ttuttattrf be . F6r= or thsprOfOuttd 6 FeSS o of t is 6rucia . Bttt hise&Se f ttt tts ifferettt fFO C fo eidtta o t bet_rttys the dttr in e o of&. Ad ttvery ttuty th s & d06s 6an befreFerred ettact y tO tttupttdity. Attd 6f cburse oan n occur with6 d o 6xa 6F ttRtL t that.B1 u 1 s ttOt be t itt or tl On e adunghi (e a by that oaytt Wttth s excremt) to tte fre6d fro, itt ratheo be reazed3e.brOuttht Posvey =o ihe t6 ope g andtc sense how deep y our cOndito are sh9_red,etc.A &fka say ina y is what 6 ous to fr6the sta_rtthat each oF ls is FicOttaettined tO di?. s thtt o y ea& II o e call dra vita it frorl FeSS cOttDAl' (so tttat evett at th s escatteinto a darit b 6& stFedt rrovttdes a tr6 ndotaS feO go ''fro o) l doo e ra itte us.But th$ Ot on that it is tiCOttdettnatiO ` (da atiOn)is a an ettendttt o . Fbr it ot o y poss t Satte tO r ard this ird o Pr & & pos Tre t

  • 7/28/2019 CC ON BUBER


    Indec d, tho h We ca &t, the ttre oF thttnis

    r6hins urpOseSr(which wot d e & 6iCa y beredundant attd tatto osica ) c o6 that wit the sitttat on death s the 3er a that we&Fe and ttay be, 4_nhat the fe= v is a f oweri&s.iro ttay f d ca er the d a the Festerir_y y ve the nose pause, etc. ut is h3__Tdttstttnctive y 0 o ad re the co rat o re& ed ttnd to keep it rith utt f r aS ng as weca&. L /d is tt rttyth. f ttctte &nd re ose`As breath as p se s, as earth revo ves a sungetc.he horrortt then, or the ttettatiStS is the neosary cor6 ary: cOnd eS to veF,. Antl thisis ttecketts espec& bay. uber c10o settse thecrux of Llatintt ha ro_fouestreatting Se sees that irre &_ratlo C& Onl voccur th 16st aCtive and te ifay ot as& Or & dob bu_t as a oFFerttng to a tttosewho cottt

    The weattness oF Fevevl lrith thesrace of her ack&ow edGnent oF ttkltis that shedoesIIt ttFaStt the ex stetttia root of it and as restl&6t i&ove beyo d her unittue= Ss tO Whereshe can oin Others. She wants to he p othttrs, ul a way tliat 66me t her owtt r SGtte pri 1lary.She ist ts, 6srlsta&ty g the ground froLlnder own f et.r ais s$ la2ed as to beosveS of a re_onsibity as sO tOc OF a clr satttsfact

    So th w6 css ttf a ttecltetr a Br kr 0 s fi y_ is th Wssto t 3 on t e res onsi ty for thOse to w 1o neis r ated or sho d . f either Becttett or BrO sgi8_ 8 &8rhav p ayed E a & a yo an attd been &f r ttt3 is se _fFi teo o ess wou dve lDe CuFbed.Beri CO 1ry O ture o art aFe asbasic and far It enS as atty = have e. heartis is t a S ave to n&turet b lt frec &s y ho se _ftof it alld far as he may rettovehse fFOtt it, he nay found httS ttsr y Viawhat occu_Ts to hi e s here of the bO d ff his sett es th fda ta evellts of percepti , which is & eetitts wttth the wo_F d & eveF

  • 7/28/2019 CC ON BUBER


    7 II a etttng ttit4 the wOr t il

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