C&C Final Project (Report)

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Transcript of C&C Final Project (Report)

School of Architecture, Building and Design

Foundation In Natural and Built Environments

Culture and Civilization [FDES 0815]

Final Project – Postcards


Name : Tan Chiew Nee

Student ID : 0303531

Intake : FNBE July 2013

Tutor : Ms. Delliya

Theme : Architecture – Spaces and People


Research Unit for Modern Architecture Studies in Southeast Asia Foundation of Natural and Built Environments CULTURE & CIVILIZATION (FDES 0815) Prerequisite: None Lecturer : Normah Sulaiman . Delliya Mohd.Zain __________________________________________________________________________________

Project 3 (Individual Assignment) : Art + Architecture + Culture 40 % marks Submission date: 3rd June 2014 (Week 17) Introduction

"What travel teaches us is that we are all essentially the same. There is not a 'them' and an 'us'; there is really only 'us.'" The stunning photographs capture the theme of places of visit. A good coffee table books serve a number of purposes: they're decorative, informative, and attractive.

Objectives of Project

1. To introduce the Western and Eastern culture and civilization through an overview of archeological discoveries, ancient monuments, artworks, philosophy and achievement of great leaders from prehistoric to present.

2. To show basic skills on enquiry, investigation, application and presentation of relevant information.

Learning Outcome

1. Able to describe the historical development of human civilization. 2. Able to recall the development of Eastern and Western human civilizations in the

past as well as present. 3. Able to demonstrate good documentation and presentation skills.

Tasks Part I: You are required to do a literature research on places of interest of your site visit. From the literature review, you are to study the theme given and its connection between the historical, architectural and social aspects of the place. Documenting



the right building, spaces and places with the right content is important in this project. You are advised to work closely with your tutor to ensure you are on the right track.


1. Food Culture

Kopitiam Street Food Coffee Culture 2. Architecture Malaysian Architecture Fusion Religious Places Spaces and People

Part II: You are to design a graphical expression of your findings in a postcard series with a proper packaging that complement the final postcard design. The postcard series will create awareness and educate your audience on the subject matter or focus of the study. This includes design & layout, purpose, content, writing style, colours and etc. You are strongly encouraged to meet with us regularly for further assistance.

Submission Requirement Part I: Compilation of literature review in A4 and comb bound format. (Guidelines of content will be provided during class) Part II: Coffee Table Book – A5 format size Part III : PDF compilation of individual work in a CD* with proper cover and information.


Assessment Criteria – Individual

General Understanding Quality of form and level of execution of understanding the project brief.

Describes introduction leads to excellent justification and execution of the project

Describes thoroughly with a good justification and execution of the project

Fair introduction and execution of the project with acceptable facts being discussed

Minimal discussion on the important facts

No basic facts were discussed

8.0 - 10 6.5 – 7.9 5.0 – 6.4 2.5 – 4.9 0 – 2.5 √ X 10

Content Thorough research, study, depth and the effectiveness way to communicate findings

Evidence of extensive research and study translated into the postcard

Evidence of very good research and study translated into postcard

Evidence of good research and study translated into postcard

Evidence of minimal research and study translated into postcard

Evidence of lack of research and study translated into postcard

8.0 - 10 6.5 – 7.9 5.0 – 6.4 2.5 – 4.9 0 – 2.5 √ X 10 Creativity Creativity in preparation, photos, layout composition and compilation of content.

The works presented with a strong quality of preparation, photos, layout composition and compilation of content.

The works presented with a good quality of preparation, photos, layout composition and compilation of content.

The works presented a fair creativity of preparation, photos, layout composition and compilation of content.

The works presented with minimal creativity of preparation, photos, layout composition and compilation of content.

No evidence of creativity in preparation, photos, layout composition and compilation of content.

8.0 - 10 6.5 – 7.9 5.0 – 6.4 2.5 – 4.9 0 – 2.5 √ X 10 Originality Demonstrated critical thinking through the theme/concept and appropriateness of the theme/concept intended.

Portray excellent critical thinking through the theme and appropriateness of the theme intended.

Portray very good critical thinking through the theme and appropriateness of the theme intended.

Portray good critical thinking through the theme and appropriateness of the theme intended.

Moderate critical thinking through the theme and appropriateness of the theme intended.

Insufficient critical thinking through the theme and appropriateness of the theme intended

8.0 - 10 6.5 – 7.9 5.0 – 6.4 2.5 – 4.9 0 – 2.5 √ X 10



Research – Concept and Theme

Theme : Architecture – Spaces and People

I have chosen spaces and people for the theme of my postcards. Space which means an expanse of area of empty region or surface. For the spaces, I will be focusing on the back alleys and streets of the location, to bring out the feeling of how spaces relate to human life by forming a perfect closure with their daily activities.

And for people, I will be looking at the life of the elderly or those shops owners who still work in the most traditional way without any affections by the modernization in this era.

I will be looking at the close relationship between spaces and people, of how these two factors create harmony out of ordinary things. The impacts they give to the livelihood.

Concept : Nostalgia

Nostalgia which means a thought, longing or yearning of the return of the past. I had decided to pick this concept for my postcards series as the location I had chosen is a place which is filled strongly by the passing of time and history. A place which brought back the memories and reminiscence by all the historical and vintage elements in that area.





First step

The first thing I did was choosing the right theme I want. Then I did some research about the theme spaces and people to have a better understanding of everything. I also attended the tutorial to discuss the concept chose with my tutor, Ms. Delliya and she suggested a few concepts to me and we had finalized on choosing Nostalgia as the concept of my postcard series.

Second step

After choosing a concept for my work, I went to the location I had chosen which is Jonker Street, Melaka to take the photos for my postcards. I went around the streets around that area for example back and small alleys where people seldom walk by and even small, old vintage shops which are still operating by the elderly to support their own livings. I actually went back twice to and took more than 500 photos to get the best results I could.

Third step

I started choosing around 100 photos out of 500 and showed to Ms. Dee to get approved before I moved on to editing those photos. In the end, I had gotten around 20 photos approved and next step was to pick the final 10 photos that will be printed into postcard form. Lastly, I chose around 12 photos and edited them into black and white form to create a stronger feel of nostalgia. It took me around few days to get all the photos edited.

Fourth step

After choosing the final photos I wanted, I started working on the back template that suits my photos and concept. I had used a very light tone for the color of the black template and added a few elements that helped to relate my postcard to time and memories that had already passed. After getting the template done, I continued to work on the packaging template. I did some research on the template of postcard and also postcard packaging. I had lastly decided to do a slot in kind of packaging.

Fifth step

After getting everything designed and done, I went on to printing out them into postcards form. I had chosen Artcard, gloss kind as the material of my postcard and matt paper for the packaging.


1. Mapping

Location : Jonker Street, Melaka

The location I had chosen is Jonker Street, Melaka which is now known as Jalan Hang Jebat. It is also known as Melaka’s Chinatown with all the small shops selling traditional antiques stuffs, local food and desserts. Along the street, there are many shops which are still kept in their original building style and design without any big renovation. There is a night market every Friday and weekend which attract the eyes of the overseas tourists and visitors. Besides, the strong history behind it had successfully make it the best tourist spot in Melaka.

Rationale :

The reason why I chose Jonker Street, firstly was because it’s a place filled with historical elements and the stories behind each of the buildings and shops match the theme of nostalgia as there are still many old shops operating in the most traditional way. Besides, the quiet and peaceful back alleys which very seldom to have people passing by. All these that make a strong contrast between the modern and the old school living style at the same location interest me a lot to bring the other side of Jonker Street which is not fully discovered by people yet. The building and people match perfectly with my concept nostalgia from the sense of old and vintage design and ways of livings.


2. Draft photos and Layout Planning



3. Final Photos selection




Back Template and Packaging


Final Outcome



For this assignment, I had chosen Spaces and People as the theme of my postcard series and the concept for it is Nostalgia. The location of these photos being taken was at Jonker Street, Melaka which is also my hometown. Throughout the days doing this assignment, I went back twice to the same place and took around 500 photos in total.

I had picked out the final 10 photos and printed out onto Artcard (gloss). I had also designed the back template that suits my concept well with the figure of clock that indicates the passing of time or in another way indicates the past which created a feeling of nostalgic.

I had also designed my own template for the packaging, for the cover which is a hand holding a clock which there is a path leading ahead at the centre of the clock. It shows how human life is driven by time. As time passes, everything left behind has become a feeling of nostalgia.

After completing this assignment, I had known more about the real meaning behind spaces and people. Besides, I have a better understanding of what nostalgia really means now. The process of designing the back template and packaging and also boosted up my creativity.