Cbse Sample English Q-paper Class x

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Cbse Sample English Q-paper Class x

Transcript of Cbse Sample English Q-paper Class x

  • 5/25/2018 Cbse Sample English Q-paper Class x


    CBSEContinuous and Comprehensive Evaluation (CCE)

    SampleQuestion Papers

    Term 2 (October to March 2014)



    English Communicative


  • 5/25/2018 Cbse Sample English Q-paper Class x



    l Solutions

    q Sample Question Paper 6 1 - 5

    q Sample Question Paper 7 6 - 10

    q Sample Question Paper 8 11 - 15

    q Sample Question Paper 9 16 - 20

    q Sample Question Paper 10 21 - 24


  • 5/25/2018 Cbse Sample English Q-paper Class x



    Sample Question Paper6(Solved)

    Time Allowed : 2.30 Hrs. Max. Marks : 90


    (READING - 15 Marks)

    1. (a) childs (b) compete 8

    (c) childs (d) boats

    (e) intention/hope (f) hope

    (g) sense feeling (h) valuable2. (a) (iii) homework 7

    (b) (iv) CBSE Chairman, Vineet Joshi

    (c) (ii) collaborating group

    (d) (ii) formative assessment

    (e) (iv) conveniently

    (f) (iv) all of the above

    (g) (iii) the siblings and parents should do the project

    SECTION - B(WRITING - 20 Marks)

    3. Friday 3

    19 December 2013

    10 : 45 p.m.

    I feel quite anguished at the thought that the girl child is still considered a curse. She

    seems to be a burden and a liability to some parents. They feel that the present day social

    evil i.e. dowry is going to play havoc with their lives. So they dont welcome the birth of a

    girl child. I am not happy with this thinking. Girls have an equal right to education as

    well as healthy environment. Rather their education should be made compulsory. Girls are

    an asset, not a burden. They are capable of multi-tasking. They shoulder more

    responsibilities. I feel greatly annoyed with the people who ill-treat a girl-child. I hope aday will come in near further when they will be looked upon with respect.

    4. Independence Day Celebration 3

    The Independence Day was celebrated on 15 August with great pomp and show in our

    school. The whole school seemed to have a patriotic spirit. The celebration was to start at 8

    am. Everything has been well organized. Major General I. P. Dutta was invited as chief

    guest to grace the occasion. He arrived punctually and the welcome song was sung in his

    honour. The chief guest hoisted our National Flag and National Anthem was sung. A

    variety of programmes depicting patriotism were performed. The theme of the items were

    based on the contribution of the martyrs. A small skit on Shaheed Bhagat Singh was

    performed by the students of class XII. There were group songs, solos, quawwalis andspeeches. Then the chief guest was invited on the stage and he highlighted the contribution

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    2 | Oswaal CBSE Sample Question Paper, English Communicative, Class X

    of our great speeches. Then the chief guest was invited on the stage and he highlighted

    the contribution of our great leaders who laid their lives for the country. He made an

    awakening call to all of us to prevent India from going into the hands of corrupt people.

    Our principal ended the programme with a note a thanks to all followed by the distribution

    of sweets. The programme was a grand success.

    5. Bihar Floods 4

    Yesterday, a new headline Flood Cause Havoc was flashing on the TV screen. They were

    screening pictures of the flooded streets of Bihar. It was terrible watching the flood-hit

    people. Actually, it rained cats and dogs which the residents of Bihar had not expected.

    The river and streams over flowed water and soon it crossed the danger mark. The low

    lying areas got flooded. The huts and houses were submerged in the rising water of the

    river. Several kids drowned. People found their cattle missing. There was a huge damage

    of life and property both. People had climbed up the roof-tops and trees to save themselves

    from the rising water. Everywhere there was hue and cry and sounds of confusion. Soon a

    rescue team reached the spot and started evacuating the people. Then the people heaved a

    sigh of relief. The Chief Minister also took a birds eye view of the devastation in his

    helicopter and announced a relief of 5 lakhs to the victims.

    6. Date : 5 Aug 2013 5

    From :

    To :

    Dear Rohit

    I was shocked when I read about your result. It must have been a blow to you to

    have come to know that youve been unsuccessful in your examination. But now is

    the time to realize that this is not the end of the world. Success lies in the hands of

    those who aspire for it. You still can work hard and get good percentage. I have full

    faith in your capabilities. Dont lose your confidence. Build it up again and start a

    fresh. Success and failure are a part of our life. We must not feel dejected or depressed

    in any way. But you have to put in more efforts from today onwards to move towards

    the path of success. If you need my help in any subject, please do not hesitate to tell

    me. I will always be there to support you.

    Pay me respects to uncle and aunty. Waiting for an early reply from your end.


    7. Benefits of Hobbies 5Respected Principal mam, worthy teachers and my dear friends. Today, I, Mridulthe

    Head Boy, am here to share my views on the benefits of hobbies. Ive noticed that many of

    us do not have a hobby. We spend our leisure time in watching T.V., surfing net or

    playing video games. We dont indulge in any constructive and useful hobby which provides

    interest and recreation. In fact hobbies are like an oasis in the drab desert of routine. They

    help us take a break from the monotonous routine. We can select any one hobby like

    reading books, gardening, stamp-collecting, coin-collecting etc. Once a person indulges

    himself in a hobby, he realises what he was missing in his life T.V. video games only make

    us lethargic and obese whereas these constructive hobbies change our life-style. We learn

    something new every other day. I hope you will all agree with me and plan to follow a

    hobby from today onwards.

    Thank you

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    Sample Question Paper (Solutions) | 3


    (GRAMMAR - 20 Marks)

    8. (a) (ii) by (b) (ii) more 3

    (c) (iii) last (d) (ii) fears

    (e) (iii) many (f) (iv) will

    9. (a) (iv) inagurated 3

    (b) (i) donated blood

    (c) (iii) were tested

    10. (a) Platinum is one of the rarest metals on the earth.

    (b) It arrived on our planet two billion years ago.

    (c) Platinum is one of the most precious metals on the earth.

    11. (a) person has. The (b) lives are splashed 3

    (c) pages of leading (d) they go when

    (e) to do things (f) watching a football

    12. (a) what had happened 3

    (b) Jimmy had broken the window

    (c) he had thrown a stone at him and he had ducked



    13. (A) (a) a broken human face lies half sunk in the sand. 3

    (b) The shattered visage looks cruel and pitiless with, wrinkled lip.

    (c) The face tells that the sculptor was a great artist who carved out the real

    expressions of the kings face in stone.

    (B) (a) Naresh Dutt, who is in the production department is the speaker. 3

    (b) Patol Babu is to play the role of short tempered pedestrian.

    (c) Speaker feels sorry that he cannot give him any big part to play.

    (C) (a) Mark Antony to Conspirators. 3

    (b) Slippery ground stands for the allegiance shown by Antony to Caesar as well as

    the conspirators.

    (c) Antonys shaking hands with the conspirators may prove that he is either a

    coward or a flatterer. So he says so.

    14. (a) It deals with a number of great themes, such as the arrogance and transcience of

    power, the performance of real art and emotional truth, and relationship between

    artist and subject.

    (b) The three elements are : The Supernatural Element, Love for Nature and The poetic

    form i.e. the use of quatrain which rhymes a b c d and variation in the number of the

    lines in some of the stanzas and also the rhyme scheme.

    (c) The ghost lady asked him to exert his influence in getting all his friends and

    acqaintances to stop using the Ouija board because she was continuously disturbedby them.

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    4 | Oswaal CBSE Sample Question Paper, English Communicative, Class X

    15. Julius Caesar, a great general of Rome, died a tragic death and that too by his friends on

    whom he had built a complete faith. Brutus was a true friend of Caesar. Caesar regarded

    him as his angel. He trusted him completely. When Metellus Cimber presented a petition

    to free his brother, Caesar refused it. His rejections sparked the fire of fury and Casca

    stabbed him. All the others followed, Casca by stabbing Caesar. Caesar fell on the ground

    following Brutus assault. He expressed shock that Brutus could betray him. His dying

    words were Et tu Brute. It was the unkindest cut of all. He had never expected Brutus to

    be one of the conspirators. His faith on friendship was shattered to pieces.

    Friendship means to be a friend in good as well as bad times. But one most not put entire

    faith in someone blindly as Caesar had done. The conspirator could never have succeeded

    in killing Caesar if Brutus had not joined them. It is rightly said a friend in need is a

    friend indeed which Brutus never understood. Friends should never deceive each other.

    The plant of friendship should be nurtured. 5


    The Ancient Mariner saw the three guests going to attend a wedding. He stopped one ofthem by holding his hand. The guest protested that he wanted to attend the wedding but

    the mariner held him captive with his glittering eyes. The guest was spell bound. He was

    powerless. He could not resist so he sat on a stone to listen to the story of the Ancient

    Mariner. He finally got involved in the story and even asked the mariner some questions

    at a later stage. 5

    Novel/Long Reading Text (10 Marks)

    16. The conditions in the outside world were terrible. Burglaries, break ins and thefts were

    very common. People were falling ill but the doctors could not attend on them because

    their vehicles used to got stolen the moment they turned their backs. Scarcity of food made

    people stand in queue for vegetables and other kinds of goods. Little children used to breakthe windows and steal anything they could lay their hands on. As far as clothing was

    concerned, people were wearing torn and worn out clothes. They didnt have proper

    clothes. The men were being shipped off to Germany and the children were undernourished

    or sick as they didnt get proper food. There was an increase in the acts of sabotage against

    the authorities. 5

    17. Peter van Daan : Peter van Daan was the teenage son of the Van Daans, whose real

    name was Peter Van Pels. Anne first saw Peter as obnoxious, lazy, and hypersensitive, but

    later they both became close friends. Peter was a quiet, timid and honest boy who was

    sweet to Anne. During their time in the Annexe, Anne and Peter developed a romantic

    attraction, but he failed to express his love openly. He liked reading books and especially if

    they were meant for adult reading. Once he hid in the loft to read one such book and got

    so engrossed in reading that he forgot to come down for dinner. His father came up to call

    him and hit him hard when he found him reading the book. He was refused dinner that

    night which he resented. He didnt like his parents authoritative nature, but being shy,

    he never told them about it. He got emotionally alievated from them.

    At a later stage, he expressed his desire to become a criminal. Anne disapproved of it. She

    realized that he wanted to be successful but did not want to work hard for it. He was

    forced to take part in the death march and died on 5 May 1945. 5


    16. Helen came to know of Shakespeare and his plays through her reading of Lambs Talesfrom Shakespeare. She was much impressed with his great tragedies such as Macbeth

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    Sample Question Paper (Solutions) | 5

    and King Lear. She could never forget the dagger scene, Lady Macbeths little white

    hand and then disturbance of her mind. In King Lear when she read the scene in which

    Gloster eyes were put out, she was filled with horror which stuck to her memory. She was

    surprised to read the characters of Shylock, Saten and Judas. She began to wonder to

    what extent man can degrade himself if he is drifted away from the path of good. She

    continued reading Shakespeares play, though she did not favour the critical analysis and

    commentary written about them. 5

    17. Miss Anne Sullivan was Helens instructors as well as a guide. Without her help and

    guidance, Helen would never have progressed so much in her life. Mis Sullivan taught her

    all the subjects starting with the spellings with great patience. It helped Helen in

    communicating with others. Both of them had a good time with each other throughout

    their lives. Miss Sullivan was always by her side, teaching her through examples of

    nature. Her interpretations were vivid and clear. Helen never had any problem in

    understanding whatever she taught her. Miss Sullivan stood by Helen in every thick and

    thin. When Helen was charged with plagiarism, she investigated into the matter and

    brought out the truth in front of the world that it was only an unknowing error on part of

    Helen and that she had not done anything intentionally. Helens life had changed after

    her arrival and she enjoyed each and every moment spent with Miss Sullivan. 5

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    Sample Question Paper7

    (Solved)Time Allowed : 2.30 Hrs. Max. Marks : 90


    (READING - 15 Marks)

    1. (a) was (b) were standing 8

    (c) decided (d) thought

    (e) warning (f) foolishly

    (g) caution (h) wishing

    2. (a) (iii) standing on a chair 7

    (b) (ii) the peak casts a shadow over ones face

    (c) (i) not returned as promised

    (d) (iv) happened to him this time

    (e) (iii) walking carefully

    (f) (iii) keeper

    (g) (iv) his friend had not returned

    SECTION - B(WRITING - 15 Marks)

    3. Springdale Public School, Noida 3


    30 Nov. 2013

    Screeing of Documentary Film

    All the students of the institution are hereby invited to watch a documentary film on

    the preservation and protection of trees, birds and beasts as a part of Go Green week

    being celebrated in the school. The film will be screened at 11 a.m. in the school

    auditorium tomorrow. For more details contact the undersigned.

    Kanchi Shah

    (President Interact Club)

    4. Bomb Explosion in Kamla Market 3

    New Delhi : 15th March 2012

    There was a bomb blast yesterday at about 11.20 am in the kamla Market building. The

    entire building shook after a very powerful explosion. People ran for safety. But those

    caught in the explosion were blown to bits. 35 people are said to have been killed in this

    act of violence.

    It is alleged that a handicapped person was seen placing a sack in a new Bajaj scooter. He

    was not seen again. The scooter remained there for fifteen minutes just near the main

    entrance of the building. Police claim RDX (Research Developed Explosive), the most

    powerful explosive, was used in the bomb. Three persons have so far been arrested.

    The Prime Minister and the Chief Minister of New Delhi have called upon the people to

    maintain communal peace and harmony in this hour of tragedy.

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    Sample Question Paper (Solutions) | 7

    5. Amitabh Bachchan 4

    Theres hardly anyone in India who has not heard the name of Amitabh Bachchan, well

    known as Big B. Amitabh was born in Allahabad. His father Harivansh Rai Bachchan

    was a renowned Hindi poet. Amitabh passed his Bachelors degree in Science from Delhi

    University. He has a small family comprising of wife-Jaya Bachchan, son-Abhishek

    Bachchan and a daughter. His wife and son are also good actors and have worked in

    many films. At present, hes working in film as well as T.V. He has bagged several awards.

    He was the winner of National Award for best actor for four times and Filmfare award for

    maximum five times. A distinguished panel of BBC declared him as the Star of the

    Millennium. He received the Padma Vibhushan award also. Recently, he acted in a film

    Paa and got appreciation from everyone for his wonderful acting. May he live long.

    6. 46, Kaveri Vihar, 5


    14 Aug. 2013

    The President

    Resident Welfare Association

    Kaveri Vihar


    Subject :Security Threat to our Colony


    Through this letter I wish to draw your attention towards the park in front of my house

    which has been illegally occupied by some people. The children feel afraid and do not go to

    the park to play. The number of thefts has also increased in our colony. These slum

    dwellers lack civic sense and thus are making our colony an unhygienic place to live in.Sometimes they come down to violent behaviour also. There is an atmosphere of terror in

    our colony.

    It is my humble request to you to look into the matter and take a strict action against these

    people. We can overcome this problem by appointing colony security guards also. I hope

    you will take quick action on this.

    Thanking you

    Yours sincerely

    Love Kalra

    7. Female Infanticide 5

    Respected Principal mam, worthy teachers and my dear friends. Today I Tanya Bajaj of X A,stands in front of you to express my views on the topic Female Infanticide. We all are aware

    that ours is a male dominated society. Females are not given much importance in this society.

    They are considered a responsibility. With the result many of the females are killed in the

    womb of their mother i.e. before they are born. It is strange that we pray to goddess Durga

    for strength, goddess Laxmi for wealth and goddess Saraswati for wisdom and knowledge

    but when this goddess of love and affection tries to take an entry into our home, we either

    ban her entry or shed tears at it. The birth of a female child is considered a burden on the

    parents. Now is the time to realize that females are not liabilities. They are assets. In modern

    times theyre marching ahead in all walks of life. The scenario has changed a bit. Even

    government is paying attention to safeguard the females and their rights. A ban has been

    imposed on female foeticide. Given an opportunity, females can bring a drastic change in ourfamily as well as society. A voice should be raised against female infanticide as well as their

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    8 | Oswaal CBSE Sample Question Paper, English Communicative, Class X

    exploitation if we want our society and nation to progress. The time has come to pay respect

    to the females and give them their due importance.

    Thank you.


    (GRAMMAR - 15 Marks)

    8. (a) (ii) in (b) (iii) are 3

    (c) (i) the (d) (iv) as

    (e) (iii) to (f) (iv) their

    9. (a) (iii) donated (b) (iv) has qualified 3

    (c) (iii) was blamed

    10. (a) The doctor was a part of the patients family. 3

    (b) Nowadays appointments are made and patients wait for the doctor.

    (c) Even today patients build a rapport with their doctors.

    11. (a) a the (b) lay laid 3(c) or and (d) in on

    (e) these this (f) conecting connected

    12. (a) if he ever worked out 3

    (b) he ever lifted weights

    (c) when one was as heavy as he was then walking was lifting weights



    13. (A) (a) We refers to the ancient Mariner and other sailors. 3

    (b) The journey began on a happy note.

    (c) The poetic device repetition is used in the above lines.

    (B) (a) Sosanko 3

    (b) Patol Babu

    (c) So that he knows what he has to speak

    (C) (a) Calpurnia to Caesar. 3

    (b) that he would be murdered.

    (c) Caesar is overconfident therefore his wisdom is destroyed.

    14. (a) First they blamed him. Then they praised him. They thought that the killing ofAlbatross brought them great woe. When the sun rose they felt he had done the right

    thing. They did not judge the killing of Albatross by any standard of reasoning but by

    the change in the weather. (The Rime of the Ancient Mariner)

    (b) He despised himself for throwing the log of wood on the snake. He felt hurt inwardly

    for his action and called it paltry, vulgar and mean. He hated himself and his human

    education. He felt that he had missed an opportunity to honour a king. He regretted

    for his pettiness. (Snake)

    (c) He enjoyed it because the big screen with the loud volume makes him feel like he was

    inside the game, battling it out. They are games played with a virtual reality visor

    and glove, which have the ability to change what person can see. They control the

    action in the game by their thoughts.

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    Sample Question Paper (Solutions) | 9

    15. Life really is strange as it offers joys as well as sorrows. It is only a practical man who can

    came to terms with whatever life offers. A handful of joys and success should not let a man

    go as high as sixth sky nor should the sorrows make him feel distressed, depressed and


    Patol Babu is one such film star who is a very practical man. He takes the ups and downsof his life in a positive day. During his youth, he was a popular stage actor. People used to

    buy tickets seeing Patol Babus picture on the advertising hand bill. He was in great

    demand. But success did not go into his head. Despite all the popularity he remained a

    simple and respectful person. Then a time came when there was a change in his life. He

    changed his line from theatre to various office jobs but still enjoyed his life. He was

    satisfied with his life though the struggling period of his life had started. He took a

    practical step, left the stage life and joined a company which offered him higher salary. He

    had again a smooth sailing for nine years but then there was retrenchment after World

    War II. The long period of struggle in his life started. He didnt give up and tried his hand

    in many jobs, opened stores but all in vain. Look at the courage of this man, he did not

    give up. He kept trying something or the other to earn his living. He really was practical.Then the offer of a film role fell in his lap which he accepted immediately. Though it was

    only a monosyllable yet he worked hard to rehearse his part so that he could do justice to

    it. Thus it is true than one must accept life as it comes and not grumble about it. One

    should be practical enough to move ahead in life despite the struggles. 5


    In order to turn the crowd to his side. Antony uses rhetorical questions, appeals, and irony

    in his speech to the people. Without breaking his word, not to wrong the conspirators.

    Antony indirectly persuades the crowd that the conspirators were wrong in killing Caesar

    and that Caesars death should be avenged.

    The use of rhetorical questions in Antonys speech causes the crowd to question whether or

    not what the conspirators claimed to be true. For example, when Antony asked the crowd,

    I thrice presented him a kingly crown, which he did thrice refuse. Was this ambition ?

    This reminds the crowd that Brutus said that Caesar was ambitious. In effect, they

    wonder if Brutus was actually right or not.

    He also asked, You loved him once, without cause; what cause withholds you then to

    mourn for him ? This question reminds the crowd of how their lives were before Caesar

    was killed. Then, the crowd questions Brutus tricked them. 5

    Novel/Long Reading Text (10 Marks)

    16. D-Day or the Dooms Day arrived on 6 June 1944. On this day the British startedinvading by bombing. Calais, Le havre, Cherbourg, Boulogne and Pas de Calais. Warnings

    of bombardments were given beforehand. So that people could make preparations

    accordingly. The German news broadcast that the British paratroopers had landed on the

    French coast. Eleven thousand planes, four thousand landing crafts and small boats were

    put into action. The annexe residents were happy and could visualise the liberation which

    was much awaited. They felt that 1944 would bring victory as well as liberation for them

    as they might come out of their hiding after the victory to inhale fresh air. 5

    17. Margot was Annes elder sister. She was born in Frankfurt in 1926. She was a pretty and

    smart girl. Annes parent, according to Anne, loved Margot more than Anne as she was

    well-mannered, studious and reserved in contrast to Anne who was outspoken. Margot

    had her schooling from a public school. She was good at Arithmetic and was a brilliant

    student. Anne was jealous of her as her mother always favoured Margot. Like Anne,

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    10 | Oswaal CBSE Sample Question Paper, English Communicative, Class X

    Margot also loved to read books. Mr. Frank Wanted that both Anne and Margot should

    read the Bible the New Testament. Margot learn shorthand during her stay at the Annexe

    and learnt Latin also. She even translated Mr. Dussels letters in Latin before sending

    them which Mr. Frank disliked. He forbade her from doing it. Mr. Alfred Dussel also liked

    her and made it clear to Anne by saying that he would have shared the table with Margot

    if she had asked for it but definitely not Anne. At one stage, Margot felt herself attracted

    towards Peter but when she discovered that Anne was emotionally attached to him, she

    gracefully withdrew herself and told Anne so that she was not happy about it. But

    unfortunately, Margot too died at a young age in the camp a few days before Anne died. 5


    16. Life is not a bed of roses. Everyone has to face some problems in his life. The person who

    overcomes all the obstacles in his path with determination turns out to be a successful

    person. This is the main theme that underlines the novel. The Story of my Life.

    Helen, a deaf and a blind girl faced problems right from her childhood. She wanted to be

    like other children who could see, hear and speak. Sometimes her friends discouraged her

    but this did not deter her from her efforts. She worked hard and gained knowledge in allsubjects with the help of Miss Anne Sullivan. Miss Sullivan was one person on whom she

    relied on and emerged as a successful personality. 5

    17. Helen was greatly fascinated by ancient Greece. The stories of Greek Gods, Goddesses and

    their mysterious world had a mysterious fascinations over Helen. In her fancy the pagan

    Gods and Goddesses still walked on the earth and talked face to face with men. She read

    with utmost interest Homers Iliad. Ilaid made Greece Helens paradise. She formed good

    impression of it. It made her conscious of a soul sense that lifted her above the narrow,

    circumstances of her life. 5

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    Sample Question Paper8

    (Solved)Time Allowed : 2.30 Hrs. Max. Marks : 90


    (READING - 15 Marks)

    1. (a) lost (b) eyes 8

    (c) try/toil (c) life

    (e) chide (f) preventing/denying

    (g) chided/stopped (h) served

    2. (a) (iii) the Nawab 7

    (b) (iv) the kite looked like a dragon

    (c) (ii) flew away into the sky

    (d) (iii) with a kite that made a sound like veena

    (e) (ii) Cumbersome

    (f) (iii) a sprig of grass

    (g) (iii) the twine had snapped


    (WRITING - 15 Marks)

    3. Modern Public School, Chandigarh 3


    20 October 2013

    Match Postponed

    All the members of the school cricket team are hereby informed that the friendly

    match with Astha School Cricket Team scheduled for October 26, 2013 has been

    postponed due to unavoidable circumstances. The next date will be announced soon.

    Till then lets keep our practice on.


    (Captain, School Cricket Team)

    4. A Broad Daylight Bank Robbery in Kirtipur 3

    Kirtipur City : 3 April, 2012

    Yesterday a daring bank robbery took place at 11.20 am in the Citizens Bank in Kirtipur


    The business was at peak. Around 11.10 am five clean-shaven youngmen entered the

    Managers cabin. Two led the Manager to the banks chest. Meanwhile, all the bank

    employees were herded together in the locker room. The tallest among them took the keys

    of the chest and put the entire money of 5 lack in a sack. The customers were asked to

    keep their faces downwards. They threatened if any one looked upwards or moved even a

    little he will be killed at once. The telephone wires had been cut off. After looting the bank,

    they escaped in a Maruti car parked in the bye-lane with the engine running.

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    12 | Oswaal CBSE Sample Question Paper, English Communicative, Class X

    The police arrived soon but failed to arrest the dacoits. However, some vital clues and

    finger-prints have been lifted. The policeman are enquiring into the robbers and are sure

    to catch them.

    5. Annual sports Meet 4

    The Annual Sports Meet of our school was held on 15th and 16th February this year. Weall participated in it. The playground was cleaned and a big canopy was set on one side for

    visitors and on the other for the participants, who were further divided into four groups

    according to the four houses. All the participants were very excited and exhibited their

    zeal and zest in many events like races shot-put throws, javelin throw, long jump, slow

    cycling, gymnastics especially the pyramids. There were some mock events like the sack

    race, spoon and lemon race, frog jump etc. The function was presided over by the Additional

    District Magistrate who watched the events with keen interest. In the end, he gave away

    prizes to the winners of different sports. The titles of best boy and best girl were also given.

    The sports meet ended with a note of thanks from our principal who, to the extreme joy of

    the students, declared the next day a holiday.6. 115 Ashoka Road 5


    7 August 2013

    Respected Uncle,

    I was elated when I came to know that you have received an honour from the government

    in recognition of your research on micro-organisms. Congratulation! It was great on your

    part. I know youve persevered a lot for this research and you really deserved this honour.

    You worked round the clock to get success in this field I still remember the way you had

    been working in the laboratory, forgetting, even the passing of time. Im so happy for you.

    Your hard work, patience and perseverance have paid you well in the form of this

    recognition. I congratulate you once again and am dying to meet you so as to get a treat

    from you on this wonderful occasion.

    Pay my regards to aunty and love to Rishika

    Yours affectionately


    7. A Daring Robbery : Robbery Nabbed 5

    A daring robbery took place on Sunday, 1 Dec. 2011 in a big jewellery shop in Chandni

    Chowk, Delhi. It was 8 pm. The shutters were down. The shop was closed and the doors

    were bolted from inside. Lights were on, and the assistants were putting away the jewellery

    into iron safes inside the shop. Two brothersowners of the shop were busy counting the

    cash. They had nothing to fear because the doors were bolted and locked. They little knew

    that the danger was coming from the back lane. Suddenly, six robbers allegedly broke into

    the shop from the back door. They were armed with pistols and knives. They overpowered

    the jewellers first. The jewellers resisted but they were tied with a rope and gagged. The

    assistants could not move at all from their places because two pistols were pointed at them.

    The watchman, however, saw the high drama going on inside the shop. He at once raised

    an alarm. The neighbours and passersby locked the doors at once from outside. They

    telephoned the police. A PCR van arrived at the place within no time and the robbers werearrested.

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    Sample Question Paper (Solutions) | 13


    (GRAMMAR - 15 Marks)

    8. (a) (iii) biggest (b) (iii) with 3

    (c) (ii) was (d) (iv) which

    (e) (ii) made (f) (iii) shaking

    9. (a) (i) What are you doing 3

    (b) (ii) Ive joined dance class

    (c) (i) Ive enrolled for music class

    10. (a) Indian dance interprets legends that grew out of nature worship. 3

    (b) Earlier Indian dance was a form of worship in the temples.

    (c) Dance is not only an art but also a therapy.

    11. (a) she asked him (b) taking place. If 6 = 3

    (c) he had seen (d) that he had

    (e) very high speed (f) him if the

    12. (a) (i) were drowned 3

    (b) (ii) and damaged

    (c) (iii) were delayed


    13. (A) (a) He is referring to a snake 1 3 = 3

    (b) The snake had come to drink water.

    (c) It had taught him that snakes are poisonous.

    (B) (a) Mother of Sebastian Shultz. 1 3 = 3

    (b) Miracle to bring him out of coma as doctors had lost hope of his recovery.

    (c) Yes, Sebastian came out of coma.

    (C) (a) Brutus. 1 3 = 3

    (b) Antony.

    (c) That Antony shall speak no ill of the conspirators.

    14. (a) Lavinia faced the ghost bravely. She thought that Hallock was hiding some woman inthe room. On realizing that it was only the ghost of a woman, she felt great relief. She

    gave a broad satisfied smile. She fell forgivingly into Hallocks arm. (A Shady Plot)

    3 2 = 6(b) The aim of the Dragonquest was to rescue the fair princess Aurora from the wicked

    dragon who was imprisoned at the top of a tall tower and to collect the wicked

    creatures treasure along the way.

    (c) Brutus loved his country and countrymen more than anything else in the world. He

    was a true patriot. When the consipirators convinced him that Caesar was

    overambitious, he betrayed him and killed him.

    15. The supernatural element is filled throughout in The Rime of the Ancient Mariner. In thebeginning : 5

    l The mariners set out on a bright, sunny day on a cheerful optimistic note.

    l The weather undergoes an unexpected change; the ship is overtaken by a terriblestorm and is forced to change direction.

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    14 | Oswaal CBSE Sample Question Paper, English Communicative, Class X

    l The mariners find themselves in an icy cold region; they feel trapped; the ship is


    l An Albatross appears from nowwhere and alights on the ship.

    l The arrival of the Albatross is followed by a south wind; the ship starts moving; the

    mariners have a sigh of relief.

    l The Albatross is considered a bird of good omen and is fed by the sailors.

    l All of a sudden, without any rhyme or reason the mariner kills the Albatross with his

    cross bow.


    Marcus Brutus was a good friend of Julius Caesar and had an inspiring personality. He

    was political idealist and was highly patriotic. He was among the conspirators but was the

    only conspirator who was acting without any selfish purpose. He was more of a philosopher

    than a statesman. Unlike Mark Antony, he was not a good orator and so was unsuccessful

    in instigating the mob. He killed Caessar because he thought that it was for the bettermentof his country thus he was great patriot who sacrificed his friendship for the sake of his

    country. 5

    Novel/Long Reading Text (10 Marks)

    16. Mr. van Hoevan used to supply potatoes to the Annexe residents. One day he was arrested

    on the charge of hiding two Jews in his house. Arrests were quite common during those

    days but it changed the life of the annexe residents. The food shortage was already

    prevailing in the Annexe and Bep also couldnt cope up with such situation. Mrs. Frank,

    Annes mother thought of skipping breakfast and eating porridge and bread. Anne thought

    Were going to be hungry but nothings worse than being caught. Without potatoes,

    their menu was definitely going to change and they might have to switch over to squeezingthe consumption of other vegetables. 5

    17. Otto Frank : Annes father Otto was a practical and kind man. Anne had a particular

    kinship to him. He was born on May 12, 1889, in a wealthy Frankfurt family. He was a

    loving caring father whom everyone respected. He made a living selling chemical products

    and provisions until the family was forced into hiding in 1942. The moment he received a

    call-up notice, he started making preparation for a secret hiding after discussing it with a few

    people. He always planned well before jumping into a situation. Shifting to the secret

    Annexe is a good example of his plan. He took a quick action and promptly followed it. He is

    an optimist who believed that they would soon he liberated after the invasion of the allies.

    Like any other father, he loved his daughters. He wanted to give them good education. Hemanaged to get books for them to read even when they were in hiding. But he couldnt

    understand the emotional desires of Anne. He told Anne not to have serious relationship

    with Peter as he was not strong in character. When Anne refused to do so, he felt hurt,

    showing that he was a sensitive man. When they were in hiding. Otto was the sole member

    of the family who survived the war and lived until 1980 and devoted his life to promote

    Annes diary. 5


    16. Helen was against examinations. They frightened her the most though she had passed

    several examinations and yet the fear was still there in her mind. At the thought of

    examination, she felt her courage oozing out at her fingers end. She spent the day before

    the examinations in cramming her mind with mystic formulas and indigestible dates. And

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    Sample Question Paper (Solutions) | 15

    yet it so happened that the right answer did not strike her mind at the right moment. In

    her opinion examinations hang upon students like a sword of Damocles.

    According to Helen, there were disadvantages in going to college. In college, too much

    emphasis was laid on learning and little importance was given to thinking. Helen was

    much interested in thinking and imagining. It was natural for her. Being a blind and deafchild, it was difficult for her to learn, while she could think and imagine a lot easily. In

    college, there was no time to communicate with her thoughts. She had to part with her

    dearest pleasure-solitude, books and imagination. 5

    17. Helen was much benefitted by her visit to Boston. It developed in her the love for books

    and she began to read seriously. In Boston she was permitted to a few hours at the

    institution library. There she read many books. Though she did not understand much of

    what she read. But her mind retained many words and whole sentences. When she began

    to talk and write, these sentences would flash out quite naturally so that her friends

    wondered at the richness of her vocabulary. 5

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    Sample Question Paper9

    (Solved)Time Allowed : 2.30 Hrs. Max. Marks : 90


    (READING - 15 Marks)

    1. (a) homes (b) lutes 8

    (c) cities (c) dead

    (e) songs (f) wind

    (g) dreams (h) world

    2. (a) (ii) one already knows the story 7

    (b) (iii) children

    (c) (iii) the story has been told in different forms by different people

    (d) (i) emotions of characters

    (e) (ii) picturesque

    (f) (iv) she knows how children would react to the story and the pictures

    (g) (ii) elaborate


    (WRITING - 15 Marks)

    3. S.N. Senior Secondary School, Jhansi 3


    1 August 2013

    Rally for Conservation of Nature

    This is to inform all the students that the school is organizing a rally with other

    exciting activities for the conservation of nature as part of The International Year of

    Forests. Students who are interested to participate should collect near the school

    library on 3 August at 8 a.m. Every students will bring impressive slogans or flash-

    cards to make others aware of the importance of nature. For further details, pleasecontact the undersigned.


    (Convenor, ECO Club)

    4. St. Joseph School Centenary 3

    July 06, New Delhi

    Recently St. Joseph School has celebrated its 100 years of existence. A lot of cultural

    programmes and events were conducted throughout the city. We at St. Joseph School,

    New Delhi also conducted programmes to mark the event. As a part of the annual day

    celebration, the entire school got together and presented the life of the school in the past

    100 years. It was conducted at Sri Fort Auditorium. The programme was a huge success.


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    Sample Question Paper (Solutions) | 17

    5. An Unforgettable Journey 4

    I still remember the excitement with which I was packing my belongings as we were

    planning to go to Punjab during the summer vacations. Finally the day arrived and I

    reached the railway station along with my family members to catch the train. The train

    was half an hour behind its schedule. There was a great hustle and bustle at the station.

    Exactly after half an hour the train arrived and we boarded our compartment. We adjusted

    our luggage and sat down. Then I looked around and saw a family sitting opposite our

    seat. There were two boys of my age and we started talking. The boys had brought a pack

    of cards and Ludo. We all played a game of cards and enjoyed playing Ludo. The train was

    moving at a fast speed. I looked out of the window and saw the field of rice, corn etc. The

    crop was in full bloom. I could see some farmers tilling their land despite the heat. I

    saluted their spirit of hard work. It was really hot outside. The June sun was showing its

    extreme heat but still I felt happy. As the train left Jalandhar, I felt an excitment and

    thrill grow inside me as I was about to reach Amritsar, my destination. I was wondering

    who would be there to receive us at the station. After a long one hour, the train entered

    the railway station of Amritsar and stopped at platform number one. After getting down

    the train I rushed towards my grandfather who had been waiting for me at the station.His eyes were full of affection. We all moved with him towards our paternal home.

    6. 36 Gomti Nagar 5


    21 December 2013

    Dear Nikhil,

    I am greatly excited as India has attained a good position in the recent Asian Games. Our

    sports persons have shown good results. The credit goes to their hard work and coaching. I

    think more people should come forward and join the field of games and sports. This can be

    possible if more importance is given to sports in schools whereas the trend these days is toprovide the facilities only to the chosen ones. Public should be made aware of the importance

    of sports so that they can come forward to join this field. If students are selected and

    trained at an earlier stage they can show better results and can come out in flying colours

    in international events.

    Hows everyone at home ? Pay my regards to all.

    Yours truly


    7. The Dependence of Youth on Gadgets 5

    Modern times are best known for the modern gadgets. These electronic gadgets hae become

    an integral part of the life of todays youth. They have brought a vast change in the lifestyle of a man especially youth who are over using and misusing them. Today, the

    youngsters can be seen busy with sending e-mail, chatting on internet, playing games on

    lap-tops, listening to music on FM radio or i-pods. They hardly have time to study or play

    outdoor games. They depend on these gadgets, using them as a symbol of superiority and

    fashion statement. The most popoular gadget is the cell phone which can be seen in each

    and every hand. No doubt, the cell-phone is a boon in case of emergencies and has

    narrowed the distances but the youth is busy talking on these phones thus wasting their

    precious time. Sometimes, under peer pressure, some clippings become means of black

    mailing. Taking at all these pros and cons, one can easily make out that these electronic

    gadgets are not of much use. Rather over dependence on them is making our youngsters

    lazy, unorganised and careless. They should be made to understand that modern gadgetsshould be used but judiciously.

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    18 | Oswaal CBSE Sample Question Paper, English Communicative, Class X


    (GRAMMAR - 15 Marks)

    8. (a) (i) at (b) (iv) like 6 = 3

    (c) (ii) was (d) (iii) to

    (e) (ii) had (f) (iv) taking

    9. (a) (iii) Where are you girls going ? 1 3 = 3

    (b) (i) What are your names ?

    (c) (iii) my elder sister, and I am Deepa.

    10. (a) The doctor was part of the patients family. 1 3 = 3

    (b) Nowadays appointments are made and patients wait for the doctor.

    (c) Even today, patients build a rapport with their doctors.

    11. (a) in of (b) are was 6 = 3

    (c) to of (d) A The(e) clear cleared (f) is was

    12. (a) what he needed that/it for. 1 3 = 3

    (b) he wanted to buy a hot cup of coffee on that

    (c) he had lost all his money



    13. (A) (a) The two speakers are the Ancient Mariner and the Wedding Guest. 3

    (b) The mariner does not want the wedding guest to leave.(c) The mariner is very old and looks and behaves like a crazy person.

    (B) (a) Helen 3

    (b) Taking through the Ouija board.

    (c) She had materialized to ask John when his wife was going to get rid of the Oujja


    (C) (a) Brutus 3

    (b) Antony

    (c) That Antony shall speak no ill of the conspirators

    14. (a) The ancient mariner is the central figure in the poem. He looked tormented as he heldhimself responsible for albatross killing. He repented his sin of killing the albatross by

    undergoing the punishment given by other sailors. All this shows that he was an

    emotional but disturbed man.

    (b) The poem conveys the transitoriness of human life. Rich or poor, mighty or weak

    everyone has to leave this world. Time does not spare even the King of Kings. The

    statues carved in stone, marble etc. do remind the world about them but with the

    passage of time, these statues also get shattered and the world gradually forgets


    (c) Patol Babu was pleased with his performance and he had got a lot of satisfaction from

    the labour and imagination put into it. Money could never measure up to the intense

    satisfaction of a small job done with perfection and dedication. 3 2 = 6

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    Sample Question Paper (Solutions) | 19

    15. Friday 10 p.m. 5

    15 October 2013

    Dear Diary,

    I feel quite embarrassed when I think about the party that I had arranged last night. It

    was an Ouija Board party in which all the guests had to work their Ouija board with a

    partner. My friend Laura Hinkle partner did not turn up and I suggested John to be her

    partner. While they were working their board, a strange thing happened. The board

    started throwing the message T-R-A-I-T-O-R and then A-s-k-h-i-m. Laura Hinkle, who

    is also known as fliratious crocodile, immediately spread the message in the party that

    someone by the name of Helen was calling John a traitor and almost hinted that John had

    an affair with that lady. I bubbled with anger and decided to go to my parents house after

    the party. I was in a fit of rage. I went to Johns room to inform him about my departure

    but somehow felt something fishy in his behaviour. I felt as if he was trying to hide

    something from me. When I forced him to tell me I realised there was a ghost named.

    Helen who had appeared before him and had asked him to exert his influence to makepeople stop using Ouija Boards. On hearing this I felt awfully guilty and distressed. I

    should have listened to John beforehand. How could I behave in such a way ? But now

    Ive realised that the bond of love and understanding between me and John is very strong.

    No one can break it. 5



    The funeral speech is a master piece of orator and very persuasive. Antony gains his

    objective as he convinces every member of the mob of Caesars innocence and the brutality

    of the conspirators. He enters with Caesars body to win sympathies of the crowd and

    addresses them as Friend. He repeatedly called Brutus noble and honourable to convey asense of sarcasm. Antony praises Caesar in his speech and highlights his refusal to accept

    the crown. (Shows and tells that he was not greedy/ambitious). He refers to Caesars will

    and tells them Caesar had left money to each one of them. He makes the crowd believe

    that Brutus was telling lies and whatever he has said may be questionable. Brutus

    convinces the people that Caesar was killed/assassinated in the interest of the Romans but

    Antony plays upon the emotions of the crowd who rise in revolt against Brutus, Cassius

    and others. The Mob gets very angry. Their anger causes widespread death and destruction.

    Antony was an emotional and sincere speaker who avenges Caesars death through his

    skills of oratory. 5

    Novel/Long Reading Text (10 Marks)

    16. On 11 April 1944, a burglary was attempted in the warehouse. Mr. van Daan, Pim, Peter

    and Mr. Dussel went downstairs when they heard a bang. After that it was quiet. The

    police was expected to reach there any time. So Mr. Van Daan and Annes father announced

    them to put out the lights. When Peter went downstairs, he saw the door of the warehouse

    missing. The men entered the warehouse and Mr. Vana Daan shouted Police. The burglars

    immediately fled away. Suddently there was a kick from the outside and they were

    shocked. Then they noticed a man and a woman entering with a torch in their hands.

    They fled away from that place and came. up. The whole night was spent in tension. 5

    17. During her hiding at the annexe, Anne had forgotten almost everything about nature.

    She now felt a sort of madness for nature. The blue sky, the chirping birds, budding

    blossoms, moonlight etc. never had any effect on her when she was not in hiding but nowshe waited to have just one look at the moon. Sometimes she used to look at the sky

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    20 | Oswaal CBSE Sample Question Paper, English Communicative, Class X

    through the curtain. Once, the dark and rainy evening, the wind, the clouds all had a

    mysterious effect on her and she felt mesmerished by its beauty. 5


    16. One day Helens teacher found her in the library turning the pages of The Scarlet

    Latter. The teacher told her that it had a beautiful story about a little which she was sureshe would like most. The name of the story was Little Lord Fauntleroy. She was greatly

    fascinated by the story and read it again and again until she almost knew it by heart and

    all through by childhood Little For Fauntleroy was her sweat and gentle companion.

    Helen was greatly influenced and interested by the Little Lord Fautleroy. It aroused in

    her keen interest of books. Each books opened to her a treasure of knowledge and she

    became an avid reader of books. There after she read Greeks Heroes. La Fontaines

    Fables, Hawthornes Wonder Book, Bible Stories, Lambs Tales from Shakespeare, Achilats

    History of England, The Pilgrim Progress, Robinson Crusoe, Little women, {The Arabian

    Nights. The Swiss Family Robinson and many other books. 5

    17. Helen visited big crowded streets of cities. She had also visited the dirty streets and slumareas where the poor lived in most unhygienic surroundings. There lived hungry children

    with their parents too poor to provide them with the basic necessities of life. One the other

    hand the rich lived in their big beautiful houses and enjoyed most pleasant life. Helen

    was pained to note this big gap between the rich and the poor. She wanted that the poor

    should also be provided with basic necessities of life. She was really a socialist. 5

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    Sample Question Paper10

    (Solved)Time Allowed : 2.30 Hrs. Max. Marks : 90


    (READING - 15 Marks)

    1. 1.1. (a) with (b) unsolicited/unasked 8

    (c) career (d) doctorate

    1.2 (a) Chandran received unsolicited suggestions from relatives and friends as to whathe should do after graduation.

    (b) there was plenty of independence and leisure in lectureship.

    1.3 (a) pestered

    (b) persecution

    2. (a) (i) to defy/break the laws of gravity 7

    (b) (iii) froze in wonder on seeing him

    (c) (i) to take pictures of Lorbeer

    (d) (iv) physically impossible actions

    (e) (ii) time passed quickly

    (f) (iii) Frankfurt

    (g) (ii) German street performer

    SECTION - B(WRITING - 15 Marks)

    3. Message 3

    2 August 2013

    8 a.m.

    Dear Akshat,

    I need your help today to do some laundry. Actually I am getting late. So I cant do it

    myself, please set up the laundry and run the washing machine taking care of dark

    shaded shirts as their colours bleed. Put them separately in the wash tub for washing.You will have to finish this work before 1 o clock as there will be load-shedding in the

    afternoon. Hope you would not mind doing this bit of favour for me.


    4. Grow More Trees 3

    18 August 20

    Recently our school has organised a poster making contest. The topic was Grow More

    Trees and the Venue was our school, XYZ school. About 20 schools participated and there

    were 100 students as each school sent a team of 5 students. The children made beautiful

    posters to spread the message of protecting the environment. All the children were given a

    certificate and the winners were given a medal too. The initiative of the school was greatly

    approached by all.


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    22 | Oswaal CBSE Sample Question Paper, English Communicative, Class X

    5. Increasing Crime Rate 4

    It can be seen from the given figures that the crime rate is increasing day by day. In 2007,

    500 cases were reported. The number rose a little higher (around 800 cases) in 2008.

    There was a sharp rise in the year 2009 when as many as 1,500 cases were reported and

    in 2,010 the number was 2,500. The reasons for this increase can be many but the major

    reasons might be social unrest, inflation and unempolyment. The government should take

    strict actions against criminals. They should be severely punished so that no one else can

    think of committing a crime. Children committing crimes should be sent to Bal Sudhar

    Grah so that they can be put back on the right path of life.

    6. 19 Mayur Vihar 5


    24 August 2013

    The Editor

    The Hindustan Times

    New Delhi

    Subject :Increasing Chain-Snatching Incidents


    Through the columns of your esteemed newspaper, I wish to draw your attention towards

    the increase in the chain snatching incidents in our city. Scores of such incidents are

    reported everyday. Women folks are an easy prey for these out laws. They threaten the

    women and decamp with their chains in broad day light.

    Through this letter you are requested to the some strict measures against these anti-social

    elements. Round the clock police patrolling will be welcome by all the citizens. One caught,

    these out laws should be severely penalisedThanking you.

    Yours sincerely


    7. A Brave Girls 5

    Meena was a twelve year old girl who used to stay with her mother. Her father had gone

    to another city to earn money. One day a stranger came to Meenas house. Her mother

    was not in the house at that moment. The man caught hold of Meena. She began to cry

    loudly but no one was there to hear her. Suddenly Meena was reminded of her mothers

    teaching of not losing the wits and alertness mind when in hour of need. She built up her

    confidence and looked around. She could not see anything with which to hit the stranger.Suddenly she bit the stranger on his arm. The stranger cried with pain and let go of her.

    The moment was important for her. She took her mothers Saree and tied it around the

    strangers neck. Now it was time for the stranger to cry for help. She tied him and then

    used her mobile phone to call the police as well as her neighbours. The police reached with

    in no time and arrested the man. The neighbours had also arrived. They all patted Meena

    on her back for fighting bravely with the man.


    (GRAMMAR - 15 Marks)

    8. (a) (i) would (b) (iii) at 6 = 3

    (c) (i) her (d) (ii) heavy

    (e) (i) with (f) (iii) about

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    Sample Question Paper (Solutions) | 23

    9. (a) (i) always been regarded as nature worshippers 1 3 = 3

    (b) (iv) men came to

    (c) (iii) hugged a tree

    10. (a) It enables man to record his thoughts and deeds 1 3 = 3

    (b) However, there were a great many writing tools before a real pen was first made.(c) For instance early man used pointed stones to scratch records and pictures on cave


    11. (a) has have (b) introduction introducing 6 = 3

    (c) for since (d) quiet quite

    (e) of from (f) are is

    12. (a) had invited Rajiv and wife for lunch 1 3 = 3

    (b) they should also invite the Kapoors

    (c) which restaurant they should take them to


    13. (A) (a) A broken human face lies half sunk in the sand 1 3 = 3

    (b) The shattered visage looks cruel and pitiless with, wrinkled lip.

    (c) The face tells that the sculpture was a great artist who carved out the real

    expressions of the kings face in stone.

    (B) (a) At Faraday House during shooting. 1 3 = 3

    (b) People associated with making and shooting of film

    (c) Making fool of him by giving just one word oh ! to be spoken in the whole film.

    (C) (a) Antony 1 3 = 3

    (b) Brutus.

    (c) He has our permission to speak; we have everything under control. We are the

    leaders now.

    14. (a) Julius Caesar had banished Publius Cimber. Metellus, Cimber pleaded humbly torepeal his brothers banishment. Caesar didnt like it and spurned him like a dog out

    of his way. He declared himself Constant as North Stay clearly telling him that he

    would not change the decision. Hearing this, Casca stabbed Caesar followed by other

    conspirators and Brutus.

    (b) It was summer season and the day was hot. A snake came to his water through the

    drining water beside the big dark carob-tree, which was strange and scented. The

    poet had to wait there with his pitcher until the snake left.

    (c) According to Michael, Sebastian was playing a psycho-drive game on his laptop when

    he met with an accident. His head banged against the computer and went into coma.

    The computer saved his memory and kept on sending message to save him through

    different game like Wild West, Dragon Quest, Jail Break and Warzone. 3 2 = 6

    15. Julius Caesar, a great general of Rome, died a tragic death and that too by his friends onwhom he had built a complete faith. Brutus was a true friend of Caesar. Caesar regarded

    him as his angel. He trusted him completely. When Metellus Climber presented a petition

    to free his brother, Caesar refused it. His rejection sparked the fire of fury and Casca

    stabbed him. All the others followed Cascal by stabbing Caesar. Caesar fell on the ground

    following Brutus assault. He expressed shock that Brutus could betray him. His dying

    words were Et tu Brute. It was the unkindest cut of all. He had never expected Brutus tobe one of the conspirators. His faith on friendship was shattered to pieces.

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    24 | Oswaal CBSE Sample Question Paper, English Communicative, Class X

    Friendship means to be a friend in good as well as bad times. But one must not put entire

    faith in someone blindly as Caesar had done. The conspirator could never have succeeded

    in killing Caesar if Brutus had not joined them. It is rightly saida friend in need is a

    friend indeed which Brutus never understood. Friends should never deceive each other.

    The plant of friendship should be natured. 5


    When the Albatross arrived on the ship the mariners felt happy and thought they were

    blessed by a Christian soul because its arrival helped the sailors favourably when they

    were in trouble. Just because of the storm their ship faced difficulties. It was caught in the

    ice everywhere. All the mariners were scared of the bad weather for a long time. But Lord

    Christ had sent them a help in the form of Albatross. The ice split with a crackling and

    howling sound and made the breeze blow. The ship sailed freely and Albatross came to the

    ship for food and play everyday. It seemed to enjoy the company of the sailors and

    responded to their call. 5

    Novel/Long Reading Text (10 Marks)

    16.Anne called 6th June as D-Day. The British had involved the war and the British

    paratrooper landed on the coast of France. The news filled them with great courage and

    hope. The BBC broadcast reported that 11,000 planes were ready for action and small

    boats as well as landing crafts were ready to arrive. About 20,000 aeroplanes were being

    used to bomb the French cost with 5,500 tons of bombs. Dummies wee dropped behind

    German lines which exploded the minute they touched the ground. All these news had a

    pleasant effect on the annexe residents as they could see the ray of hope of liberation. 5

    17. Mrs. van Daan : Mrs. van Daan was a friendly and teasing woman. She was fatalist,egotistical, flirtatious, and disagreeable woman. She quarreled over petty issues and no

    body in the annexe got along well with her. Mrs. van Daan frequently complained that

    Anne didnt admire or respect her. She was timid lady who got frightened at the slightest

    noise. She didnt behave well with Mrs. Frank, Mr. Dussel and even Peter. She was

    always ready to pick up a fight. On Sept 2, 1942 she had a quarrel with Mrs. Frank as shehad found out that the Franks were using her China bow instead of their own. She got

    annoyed with Anne when she broke one of her soup bowls. All these incidents point

    towards Mr. van Daan being short-tempered whenever, she picked up a row with anyone

    it was only Mrs. van Daan who came out as a winner because she seemed a born debater

    to annexe. In the later stage of her hiding, she became uncomfortable during her hiding

    and gave vent to her feeling by frequently hitting others with her speech. Mrs. van Daan

    had a timid nature. She jumped with fright at the slightest noise after the break in. She

    took the longest time to relax and feel comfortable after the burglaries despite her critical

    nature. She did not survive the war like all others. 5


    16. In the summer of 1894, Helen was advised to go to the Wright-Humasen School for thedeaf New York City. The school was chose especially for the purpose of obtaining the

    highest and voltage in vocal culture and training in lip service. Helen joined the school

    with the hope that she would speak like other people. Her teacher believed that this could

    be accomplished but although they (Helen and her teacher) worked hard and faithfully

    yet they did not quite reach their goal. Then Helen thought, I suppose we aimed too high,

    and disappointment was therefore inevitable. The proverb Too hopefully travel is better

    than to arrive came true to her. 5

    17. Inspite of being blind, Helen was a great lover of great works of art. She could not seem tobe empty but her sense of feeling was so intense that she derived genuine pleasure from

    touching works of art. As soon as her fingers touched lightly traced line and curve, she

    would become aware of the thought and the emotion that the artist had displayed in his

    masterpiece. It was really a great quality with which divinity had compensated for loss of

    eye sight and hearing. 5